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And now you all should understand why Trump was elected. Crazy identity politics sponsored by Democrats got out of control and turned Democratic party into a clusterfuck of whatever the hell crap it is today.
Maybe laws equal justice but maybe not because of tradition and that is still worth looking at because there won't be any peace until the INSTITUTIONALIZED identity discrimination stops; laws or no laws.
So if the desired effect doesn't happen, we should discount the equal opportunity laws? We should actively encourage discrimination based on things that can't be changed like gender and race? You do realize that if people can't count on equal protection of the law, because that law codifies their oppression, they won't deem the law to be valid! When the law is shucked off by a large group, even a minority group, society crumbles almost immediately into tribalism.
So you're calling for anarchy. Let the fittest survive?
It doesn't take a majority to oppress a minority. Sometimes a vastly more competent minority will dominate the shit out of a grand majority. Such as in apartheid South Africa. Or Saddam's Iraq. Or many other examples. So don't count on a minority white population being easily held down to be trampled upon.
I prefer that the laws continue to be applied equally, civilization continues, and people of all distinctions have a chance to get to know each other and appreciate their individual strengths and differences.
But hey, maybe you enjoy you some good old thunderdome style anarchy? Old music teachers don't factor well for survival in that situation.
Old music teachers don't factor well for survival in that situation.
Gender studies brainwashes kids into joining anarchist antifa, while at the same time ensuring their uselessness in the event of any hardship whatsoever.
This must be how the universe rids itself of a virus.
-your local neo Malthusian
Marcus promised me that the school systems don't encourage SJW-think.
" Duurrrrrrrrr, it happun it mus be dey lurnt it in skool, grunt"
I guess schools are the ones indoctrinating kids to hip hop, and all the dimbulb kids to like Brietbart and voting for Trump.
It's so feared in fact that most corporations overcompensate and promote more women and minorities than white males to ensure there are no allegations
True. The Prison Corporations promote the hell out of minorities. They give them the extended stay
I fixed your typo.
It's SJW's shouting racist accusations that is creating racism.
Teachers are incredibly indoctrinated with anti-reason PoMo Social Justice.
I had an ed major in college where half her courses were all kinds of race-gender study crap, and very little about how kids learn math or reading and shit.
I remember reading one of her books where everybody (white gal became single mom, black unfairly accused, etc.) was an oppressed victim except the white kid who was an evil bully.
Why because it is so thick headed?
That's how I like my brews, but it's not so attractive in discussion partners. I know you've banned me from the posts you control, so go back to your safe space, snowflake!
There is zero institutionalized racism in the United States now. (Except against whites and Asians.)
To prove Patricks point:
In LA County if your school has too many white kids, they cut your funding. I actually know several folks (friends of ours) who are upset about it. Identity politics of today, if you are white than screw you kind of deal because you are white that's why.
In LA County if your school has too many white kids, they cut your funding. I actually know several folks (friends of ours) who are upset about it. Identity politics of today, if you are white than screw you kind of deal because you are white that's why.
Say you are trans black. problem solved. Is there a questionnaire? do they do slow drive-by's and count kids at recess? how would they know?
Indeed CBO, this is the sort of thinking that follows from unjust law practices. First it was the black slaves who gamed their masters in a constant attempt to make their service worth less than it was worth to feed them. That was the blacks responding to injustice with passive resistance.
Now we will see white parents listing their kids as Latino or Asian to game the bean counters in California. Also there is zero penalty for this action, so it is a law without teeth once people decide to thwart it.
I don't have any carefully thought out suggestions on this except that I know from experience that in circles of power you still can expect discrimination and also in the Los Angeles area there are people abusing Affirmative Action's benefits and other benefits.
Nonsense. My grandparents were born/raised on the Ogalala reservation in south dakota. I am a registered minority... but its irrelevant to me because Im basically white as can be.
EVERY SINGLE TIME ive mentioned my indian tribe registration to a client, they get pissed at me for not telling them earlier, suggesting they are desperate to find enough blacks/women/hispanics/american indians to satisfy crazy quotas. When I point out that over half my team is asian, they tell me asians dont count.
^^this is nothing short of INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM. Funny story, as a high school kid my father was desperate to hire any blacks/women he could to satisfy similar quotas. He ended up hiring 2 blacks who he felt were almost qualified, as they were the only ones he could find. One stole from a client and was escorted away in handcuffs, the other was thrown off a project for being terrible at his job.
A lot of research has been done on how affirmative action both hurts the people it is supposed to help AND it creates MORE racism.
Nobody should be hired for their race. Fuck quotas. Skill and ability and socially compatible(not a super asshole) should be the factors considered for employment, and that's fucking it. Also, relation to current employees or managers shouldn't be a consideration because nepotism gives us a lot of bad apples.
If that's a black guy, then great! However, in all the time I've been with my company only one black guy has interviewed. He was hired, but turned out to be a liability. Fortunately he left before he could be fired, and is on to causing trouble for other people. Why is that? How does a sample size of approx 500 guys only include a single black guy in LA?
Might be related to local culture.
Nobody should be hired for their race. Fuck quotas. Skill and ability and socially compatible(not a super asshole) should be the factors considered for employment, and that's fucking it. Also, relation to current employees or managers shouldn't be a consideration because nepotism gives us a lot of bad apples.
If that's a black guy, then great! However, in all the time I've been with my company only one black guy has interviewed. He was hired, but turned out to be a liability. Fortunately he left before he could be fired, and is on to causing trouble for other people. Why is that? How does a sample size of approx 500 guys only include a single black guy in LA?
Might be related to local culture.
In tech, women are also EXTREMELY rare. This forced my father to hire all women for admin and HR positions. This is exactly why the black woman at your local DMV is a lazy, fat stereotype. She cant be fired. Ever.
Asians must blow the collective SJW mind.
Asians are paid more and arrested less than any other group. According to feminist logic, they should be considered our overlords. #ASIANPAYGAP
OTOH, Asians are people of color, are forced to score 180 (?) points higher on their SAT's than a black person to receive equal consideration for college, they are considered white people in workplace quotas, and they have almost zero representation in congress. Therefore also according feminist logic, Asians are the most discriminated against group. #SAVETHEASIANS
This thread is proof of the hysteria of the left.
The pink panther is emblemic of the left where "exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement, especially among a group of people."
Its funny that these dingbats, including Jazz, YesYNot and others were busy last year accusing the Republicans on the board of the "feels" when its their #1 tactic.
So much lulz to be had....
Marcus promised me that the school systems don't encourage SJW-think.
" Duurrrrrrrrr, it happun it mus be dey lurnt it in skool, grunt"
I guess schools are the ones indoctrinating kids to hip hop, and all the dimbulb kids to like Brietbart and voting for Trump.
Another example of the hysteric left
There may be racist individuals, but individuals are not institutiona.
Oh yeah they are. They are most management chains. Yes in STEM too. And they are sexist too.
President Obama was Black. Jazz, you see racism the moment you open your eyes. Get over it.
Jazz, you see racism the moment you open your eyes.
Hey you said you were going to stop obsessing on me.
Does not mean i have to agree with everything you say.
Trump has a history of selling properties to Russian billionaires for far, far above their actual value. For instance, when Trump bought Florida estate for $40 million and two years later, Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev bought it for $95 million.
Damn Trump, I wish i was as smart as him.
Do you not see the possibility of money-laundering or buying influence or payment for some illicit services?
Does not mean i have to agree with everything you say.
Does not mean you made any contribution to the subject matter either.
Does men you consider contribution only if someone agrees with you.
The same guy is a special Counsel to the law firm currently representing Donald Trump.
You said this before. LINK?
Today Trump put his Caribbean estate, Le Chateau des Palmiers, up for sale for $28MM, eye-popping amount more than it is worth, when the better mansions all around his sell for much less. If he sells that mansion to a Russian front or to a shell corporation that would be a likely violation of the Emoluments Clause.
Obama must have better Russian connections than Trump.
Oh yeah its definitely time to investigate Obama LOL
Im glad you see the error of your logic.
Jazz there is plenty of proof about anti white racism being acceptable, but all your examples of anti minority are not provable. You are emotional mess like all other SJW kids.
Jazz there is plenty of proof about anti white racism being acceptable, but all your examples of anti minority are not provable. You are emotional mess like all other SJW kids.
Cherry picked statistics without explanation for why they are that way, just attribute everything to racism. Your life fucked up? Well, its not your fault, its because of racism. Pure liberal self excusing BS.
Yet here:
Clear explanation of anti-white government policy, if your school gets too many white kids... you lose funding.
Liberals are the biggest racists these days.
And now a word from AIDS Skrillex
I did, you just ignored it. Liberals are known for ignoring reality, I see that a lot in you and Dan.
Liberals are the biggest racists these days.
No back up.
Another day dawns: FortWayne straw mans "Liberals" by talking out his ass again.
I did, you just ignored it. Liberals are known for ignoring reality, I see that a lot in you and Dan.
And by ignore reality, you mean ignore your delusions of what reality is.
Anyone who thinks climate change is a hoax does not have a grasp on reality.
Do you not see the possibility of money-laundering or buying influence or payment for some illicit services?
OK, it's possible. Lots of things are possible.
What is missing is some evidence of a benefit received by the other side during Trump's time in office. Can you provide that?
"How much cash does it take to bribe a billionaire, who risks losing everything and going to prison for the rest of his life"
It would be an awful lot, methinks. Too much to move in cash or avoid the banking system entirely. Remember, those transatlantic cables are tapped and the entire US Intel Community has warrantless access anytime at 33 Thomas Street. In addition, they have backdoors not only to AT&T stuff but also into the SWIFT and other networks.
This also makes you wonder how the IC could NOT know about HSBC and other banks laundering drugs. Drug Cartels are tolerated for some reason, probably to launder money for Intel Operations worldwide as well as prop up banks. They don't see it because they deliberately go out of their way not to.
After his fourth bankruptcy there is plenty of reason to doubt that Trump even is a billionaire at all unless Russian lenders,
There's no reason to doubt it. Even the lowest estimate has his net worth approaching $2B.
Obviously if he's being bribed, banks are involved and are not operating within the laws, however, you can't move a billion in cash surreptiously with a snap of the fingers, either physically or electronically.
There's absolutely NO, zip zero, evidence Trump is being bribed. There was a FISA warrant executed that involved wiretapping both the Trump and Russia Bank cables, absolutely nothing was found. Even emails going to Russia were examined and were proven to be Marketing Spam for Golf Vacations.
Stop repeating Fake News.
Never felt better
Liberals are known for ignoring reality, I see that a lot in you and Dan.
Ohh another little turd and so soon too.
You must not feel any better.
The one personal thing I always did publish here is my age.
Really? I've never seen it.
Did I guess correctly that you are a teenage girl?
Did I guess correctly that you are a teenage girl?
No I have nothing in common with you.
Hahaha, you are so easy to tease (a teenage girl?) that it's hard to resist.
You actually have many political views in common with me (not on the subject of this particular post; I have suffered and observed anti-male discrimination in academia first hand). However, my little tease offended you and you can't overcome yourself to openly agree with me on anything. That's fine; I enjoy observing people.
In case you guys didn't know. This 'white male privledge' is the frankfurt school of communism.
Instead of focusing on the wealthy as privledged, they focus on racial privledge.
Its divise on purpose, to take over, so that the leaders can be in charge of government funds (they then become the new wealthy).
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Whether or not they are qualified, producing valuable work, or supporting a family.
She also complains that Married White Women are not the answer because many voted Trump