The Montana special election just got interesting

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2017 May 24, 6:15pm   7,744 views  25 comments

by joeyjojojunior   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


Carrie Wong and Sam LevinWednesday 24 May 2017 21.13EDTFirst published on Wednesday 24 May 2017 20.11EDTThe Republican candidate for Montanas congressional seat slammed a Guardian reporter to the floor on the eve of the states special election, breaking his glasses and shouting, Get the hell out of here.Ben Jacobs, a Guardian political reporter, was asking Greg Gianforte, a tech millionaire running for the seat vacated by Ryan Zinke, about the Republican healthcare plan when the candidate allegedly

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1   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 May 24, 6:16pm  

I just listened to the audio. Fucking hilarious. Can you imagine the town halls if this guy wins?

2   HEY YOU   2017 May 24, 6:43pm  

Reporters should carry & stand their ground.
New Journalist motto: Touch me & DIE!

“First off, we have to stop taking new federal money,” he told the questioner. “We have commitments, we have to stop taking new money.”

How much SOCIALIST old money are Montana Republicans sticking in their pockets?

3   HEY YOU   2017 May 24, 7:27pm  

Democrats could kick Conservative journalists in the genitalia.

4   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 May 25, 7:14am  

I don't know if I should root for this idiot to lose (Dems claw back a seat in the house) or win (Be a shining example of a corrupt Repuglican criminal). J/k, I want him to lose.


5   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 25, 9:40pm  

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd another special election lost by the Dems. Quist felt he coulda won if it was resourced.

By 6 pts right now.

7   joshuatrio   2017 May 26, 3:40am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd another special election lost by the Dems. Quist felt he coulda won if it was resourced.

By 6 pts right now

Funny reading the liberal comments on the wapo article about this election. Bunch of sore losers.

8   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 May 26, 3:50am  

lol at Montanans. Physically assaulting a reporter a day before the election is a little like shooting someone on 5th avenue. On the other hand, the Dems ran a folk singer from the 70s who has back taxes to pay against a guy who sold his company for $1.5 billion in a country that idolizes wealth. That's a hard sell.

9   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 May 26, 4:18am  

anonymous says

70% or so of the votes had already been cast

I was wondering about that.

10   lostand confused   2017 May 26, 5:39am  

DEms, dems-if you can't beat a guy who choked a reporter-maybe something wrong with your message. Strange not a peep on the elftwing sites-just imagine if he had won. All the negative coverage on the Trump didn't stop him did it.

Mayeb care about the middle class -you know outsourced people, people with no hope-that used to be the demwits message that trump stole and the demwits have instead gone to supporting the SJWs.

11   Goran_K   2017 May 26, 9:01am  

The MSM can't even help curious2 says

Democratic Representative John Murtha (D-PA) died from a gallbladder "surgical error", after voting to impose Obamneycare upon everyone.

One way and another, that legislation has really devastated the House Democrats, who used to have a majority until they enacted it.

Obama, ObamaCare, hate against white people = 1,000+ legislative seats lost by Democrats since 2010.

12   Shaman   2017 May 26, 9:05am  

Nobody likes reporters these days, especially in Red states. They're tired of being lied to and having the real news spun on the Loom of Lies into fake news. 50% of them thought he had it coming!

13   Goran_K   2017 May 26, 9:09am  

Quigley says

Nobody likes reporters these days, especially in Red states. They're tired of being lied to and having the real news spun on the Loom of Lies into fake news. 50% of them thought he had it coming!

I despise violence, but if you put your camera phone, aggressively, centimeters from their face when they aren't giving you the response you want, I would expect a physical response in return.

14   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 26, 9:23am  

Wow-Goran_K that is unbelievable. Are you sure that's what you want to say?

15   HardSock   2017 May 26, 9:49am  

Reporters are bunch of idiots and always think are are of privileged breed. They always trespass and misuse press.

16   Goran_K   2017 May 26, 9:55am  

joeyjojojunior says

Wow-Goran_K that is unbelievable. Are you sure that's what you want to say?

I wouldn't have said it if I didn't believe it. If someone puts their camera phone a few centimeters from my face trying to goad me into answering a question I've already given an answer to or made clear that I won't answer, then that person is not only being an asshole, but also invading my personal space.

Now I'm not saying I would start wrestling with them, but I would at least have pushed their arm out of my face very firmly, and if that didn't dissuade them from invading my personal space, I'd escalate it until they stopped.

17   Goran_K   2017 May 26, 10:34am  

anonymous says

I guess to prove you can do anything as a GOP candidate and still get elected.

Then what does it say about DNC candidates who still can't get elected despite the GOP candidate "doing anything"?

Also Gianforte won by 6 points, the incident happened when over 30% of the vote was still outstanding. There was plenty of vote "left" to swing over to Quist. But those votes never swung over despite the incident.

Seems like Montana voters didn't really agree with the MSM version of what happened.

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 26, 10:46am  

Just FYI Ben Jacobs was a Dem Leader before he went to work for the Globalist Guardian, which has completely fallen from reality after it put two SJW Women in charge.

19   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 26, 10:53am  

Goran_K says

I wouldn't have said it if I didn't believe it. If someone puts their camera phone a few centimeters from my face trying to goad me into answering a question I've already given an answer to or made clear that I won't answer, then that person is not only being an asshole, but also invading my personal space.

Well, first of all, by all accounts (save the lie from the Gianforte campaign) that's not what happened.

But, regardless, you are advocating for a fundamental difference in the US law. Just curious--where do you draw the line then. Where does your "personal space" begin? If it's a crowded subway, am I allowed to sucker punch you? Or is it the repeated questions? So, 2 times asking a questions is OK, but the 3rd time gives me the right to deck someone?

20   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 26, 10:56am  

The truth is that the US electorate is so divided and uninformed that in many districts the Republican party could run a pile of dog crap for Congress and win. Whatever name has the R after it will win no matter what. Montana is a perfect example of this, but there are many others. The gerrymandered districts made it much worse.

21   Goran_K   2017 May 26, 11:12am  

joeyjojojunior says

Well, first of all, by all accounts (save the lie from the Gianforte campaign) that's not what happened.

But, regardless, you are advocating for a fundamental difference in the US law. Just curious--where do you draw the line then. Where does your "personal space" begin? If it's a crowded subway, am I allowed to sucker punch you? Or is it the repeated questions? So, 2 times asking a questions is OK, but the 3rd time gives me the right to deck someone?

So you believe that he blew a gasket simply because of a question? That seems like fake news to me. I do believe that the reporter invaded his personal space, and while I don't agree with the physical response (wrestling), I do agree there should have been a response.

Your subway example is a total strawman. The reporter was not invading Gianforte's personal space out of circumstance, he did it by choice.

22   Goran_K   2017 May 26, 11:15am  

joeyjojojunior says

The truth is that the US electorate is so divided and uninformed that in many districts the Republican party could run a pile of dog crap for Congress and win.

Uh, 200+ of those districts voted for Obama for 8 years straight. Then they flipped red in 2016.

The reason the Democrats lost in 2016 is because of what you're doing right now, calling them "uninformed", even "deplorable" without even knowing or understanding their circumstances or why they voted Republican instead of Democrat after giving Democrats 8 years of support.

Maybe, and this is just a big maybe given how badly Democrats have eroded their own party since 2010, you should look at the failures of your political party and its ideology. Hint: You can only call working class white people "racist rich privileged assholes" for so long before they turn on you.

23   joeyjojojunior   2017 May 26, 11:21am  

Goran_K says

So you believe that he blew a gasket simply because of a question?

I believe what the eyewitnesses said. You don't believe them? Because why exactly?

Goran_K says

Your subway example is a total strawman. The reporter was not invading Gianforte's personal space out of circumstance, he did it by choice.

Ah, the intent matters then? Great--so if I get too close to you ON PURPOSE, then all bets are off?

24   Goran_K   2017 May 26, 11:21am  

anonymous says

Goran - the Dems need to get as far away as possible, as quickly as possible from anything that can be associated with Hillary and then try to stay focused on upcoming blowback as more of the GOP agenda gets revealed to the rank and file that put Trump in office. Then go about actually offering something reasonable, doable and has appeal to both sides of the aisle. So much for wishful thinking today...

The only good thing I saw in the last 24-36 hours out of this was no one really was jumping into the fray outside of the media and if I am correct the DEM candidate deferred comment saying the voters have to make up their minds.

Would being able to have the votes rescinded matter - who knows? If this had happened 45-60 days out - who knows? The DEMS need a better playbook and plan.

Cooperation would be the best result, this is scientifically proven, spiritually proven, "any metric you want to use" proven.

It's the basic prisoner's dilemma.

Instead of years in prison, replace those with "detriments to society".

Instead of prisoner 1 and 2, replace those with "Democrat and Republican".

If D and R actually did agree to cooperate, you would get the best outcome. But because both sides do not trust each other, we end up with the worst "benefit to society" because we end up with these extremist from both sides, the worst the parties have to offer.

In all honesty, I didn't think Quist was a bad candidate, he was a moderate IMO and would be considered a right wing Republican had he been running in California. But because of the political distrust between R and D, there's no cooperation, there's no balance. The last time that happened or came close to happening was when Reagan was elected in 1980 and it lead to the highest GDP growth the country has seen in the past 40 years.

See the area under Reagan's curve? That represents trillions of dollars of economic output, jobs, and companies being created. That's the benefit of a government that isn't trying to tear itself apart on partisan lines.

25   Goran_K   2017 May 26, 11:23am  

joeyjojojunior says

Ah, the intent matters then? Great--so if I get too close to you ON PURPOSE, then all bets are off?

If you get too close to my face with your hand against my wishes, you will get a response.

If you're at dinner, at a classy restaurant in New York City, San Francisco, etc. Imagine you're there, eating under a nice umbrella, outdoor seating, enjoying the breeze and your meal with your wife/gf/husband/boyfriend. Then some bum pulls out his salty smelling erect dick and puts it 2 inches from the side of your wife's face.

According to you, that doesn't require a physical response? Ooookay.

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