Brave engineer at Google states biological facts

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2017 Aug 7, 9:04am   32,160 views  297 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Woohoo! There is a small break in the dam holding back scientific truth about gender.


A software engineer’s 10-page screed (sic) against Google’s diversity initiatives is going viral inside the company, being shared on an internal meme network and Google+. The document’s existence was first reported by Motherboard, and Gizmodo has obtained it in full.

In the memo, which is the personal opinion of a male Google employee and is titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,” the author argues that women are underrepresented in tech not because they face bias and discrimination in the workplace, but because of inherent psychological differences between men and women. “We need to stop assuming that gender gaps imply sexism,” he writes, going on to argue that Google’s educational programs for young women may be misguided.

And some delightful nuggets of truth which have so far been repressed by shaming, straw-man exaggerations, and even firing of anyone with the balls to speak:


Google’s political bias has equated the freedom from offense with psychological safety, but shaming into silence is the antithesis of psychological safety.
This silencing has created an ideological echo chamber where some ideas are too sacred to be honestly discussed.
The lack of discussion fosters the most extreme and authoritarian elements of this ideology.
Extreme: all disparities in representation are due to oppression
Authoritarian: we should discriminate to correct for this oppression
Differences in distributions of traits between men and women may in part explain why we don’t have 50% representation of women in tech and leadership. Discrimination to reach equal representation is unfair, divisive, and bad for business.

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120   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 7:45pm  

errc says

Coming from you, that's a compliment.

In your Bizarro world, it probably is.

errc says

You're still butt hurt over me pointing out that your jokes suck!!

Sorry honey, but I never gave a damn about your opinion.

errc says

Get over yourself, honey!

Don't be jealous of my confidence simply because you are an insecure beta male cuck.

errc says

You rail on and on about conservatives and tribalism like it's sooo bad, yet you try really hard to participate! However, your words reek of someone that was never invited into many groups. Sad to be so lonely, honey

You are projecting.

However, your post does show that you really care and think a lot about me. I can't say I return the favor.

121   PeopleUnited   2017 Aug 8, 7:51pm  

rando says

TwoScoopsMcGee says

One of the best ways to mess with this is to rename popular subjects with "keywords". We could maybe call Diversity "Electronics".

Yes, such coding is already being used to make it difficult to censor speech about race: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3821215/Googles-Skypes-Yahoos-Racist-trolls-slang-make-vile-slurs-online-without-caught-automatic-filters.html

We need a few more terms for sure, preferably the brand names of companies that censor politically incorrect speech.

Maybe women = Pinterest, and men = Facebook?

Heraclitusstudent says

Women need to man up


Pinterest has little interest in coding, while Facebook seems to be drawn to this type of work.

123   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 7:57pm  

There is nothing remotely liberal about Google's actions. Liberalism is exactly the solution to this problem.

124   FortWayne   2017 Aug 8, 7:59pm  

Dan8267 says

There is nothing remotely liberal about Google's actions. Liberalism is exactly the solution to this problem.

Not googles verison of liberalism

125   curious2   2017 Aug 8, 8:01pm  

rando says

We need a few more terms for sure, preferably the brand names of companies that censor politically incorrect speech.

Maybe women = Pinterest, and men = Facebook?

That's brilliant, and you thought of it only 43 years after Gore Vidal did that in his 1974 novel Myron.

BTW, Gore Vidal was gay, and the title character Myron was a transsexual in the novel and the movie.

126   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 8:18pm  

FortWayne says

Not googles verison of liberalism

There is only one version of liberalism. Mislabeling something just to poison the well is not valid.

Would you accept defining conservationism as the belief in molesting children? Well, then you don't get to attack liberalism by associating it with a conservative tribe.

Liberalism is about liberty, hence the very name. It's the liberty to do whatever you want as long as you aren't infringing upon the rights of others. Just because you cannot make any convincing argument against this does not mean we will accept your lies that the exact opposite of this is connected to this.

127   anonymous   2017 Aug 8, 8:19pm  

Dan8267 says

errc says

Coming from you, that's a compliment.

In your Bizarro world, it probably is.

errc says

You're still butt hurt over me pointing out that your jokes suck!!

Sorry honey, but I never gave a damn about your opinion.

errc says

Get over yourself, honey!

Don't be jealous of my confidence simply because you are an insecure beta male cuck.

errc says

You rail on and on about conservatives and tribalism like it's sooo bad, yet you try really hard to participate! However, your words reek of someone that was never invited into many groups. Sad to be so lonely, honey

You are...

Lol. Look, dan finally made a funny. Congrats!

128   FortWayne   2017 Aug 8, 8:22pm  

Dan8267 says

Would you accept defining conservationism as the belief in molesting children? Well, then you don't get to attack liberalism by associating it with a conservative tribe.

I'm not comparing it, I'm just seeing what liberalism got perverted into by modern society of SJW culture.

129   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 8:32pm  

FortWayne says

Would you accept defining conservationism as the belief in molesting children? Well, then you don't get to attack liberalism by associating it with a conservative tribe.

I'm not comparing it, I'm just seeing what liberalism got perverted into by modern society of SJW culture.

That is the closest thing to the truth you have ever written, but it's still wrong. The left only perverts the label of liberalism, not what liberalism really is. The left tried to ride the coattails of liberalism just like the alt+right does with so-called neo-liberalism, which has nothing to do with liberalism either.

Nonetheless, you still can't make an argument against real liberalism even though you despise it.

130   FortWayne   2017 Aug 8, 8:33pm  

Dan8267 says

That is the closest thing to the truth you have ever written, but it's still wrong. The left only perverts the label of liberalism, not what liberalism really is. The left tried to ride the coattails of liberalism just like the alt+right does with so-called neo-liberalism, which has nothing to do with liberalism either.

Nonetheless, you still can't make an argument against real liberalism even though you despise it.

All right mr. smarty pants what's the difference between left and liberalism?

131   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 8:42pm  

FortWayne says

All right mr. smarty pants what's the difference between left and liberalism?

The question you should be asking is what's the difference between the left and the right. The two conservative tribes are nearly identical. Their differences are only arbitrary preferences like red vs blue.

Seriously, have you still not read the thread I've referred you to a dozen times by now? Read Leftists and Social Justice Warriors are Conservatives. It explains everything clearly.

132   anonymous   2017 Aug 8, 10:10pm  

landtof says

Dan8267 says

However, your post does show that you really care and think a lot about me. I can't say I return the favor.

you look just like a guy, a guy who's just walking down the street... that puts a lot of dick in his mouth.

Consider yourself banned!

133   Dan8267   2017 Aug 8, 11:42pm  

Homophobia is a sign of a weak, petty mind.

134   anonymous   2017 Aug 9, 12:15am  

errc says

Consider yourself banned!

anything to do with faggotry pulls a lot of triggers around here. we have the most sensitive gays here, folks. the most sensitive.

135   bob2356   2017 Aug 9, 12:55am  

rando says

Note that that book and movie is as much propaganda as history, with fiction deliberately created to fill in where reality did not conform well enough to the narrative:

Is Jim Parsons' character, NASA engineer Paul Stafford, based on a real person?

No. In fact-checking the Hidden Figures movie, we learned that white collar statistician Paul Stafford, portrayed by Jim Parsons, is a fictional character. He was created to represent certain racist and sexist attitudes that existed during the 1950s.

You obviously didn't read the book you are making comments on. That's too bad, it's an excellent book. There is nothing fictionalized in it. Give it a read then come back and comment from a basis of knowing what you are talking about.

The movie is "based on" the book. There are a number of scenes, story lines, and people in the movie that didn't exist in the book. The movie makes no claim it follows the book faithfully or to be a documentary. You read that in for your own propaganda. Movies are entertainment. I have yet to see a movie that faithfully follows a non fiction book. Are they all propaganda?

rando says

It also exaggerates racism for propaganda purposes:

Why didn't you bold the part that said "I knew it was there". She said it existed but she personally didn't feel it. I guess you aren't above a little propaganda yourself either. Again, you need to read the book to know what you are talking about. Read the rocket girls while you are at it. Another good book about women's contribution to the space program.

138   Dan8267   2017 Aug 9, 7:49am  

Dan8267 says

Homophobia is a sign of a weak, petty mind.

One homophobe disliked the above comment. So sad.

139   anonymous   2017 Aug 9, 6:32pm  

Dan8267 says

One homophobe disliked the above comment. So sad.

wasn't me dan, i thought it was pretty fucking hilarious that you and CiC wanted to meet up and make out.

140   Dan8267   2017 Aug 9, 7:17pm  

CIC was a major homophobe. I thought it would be funny to have him come to a restaurant full of gay men who would beat the crap out of him when he started his gay bashing rant, which you know he would have. Unfortunately, the coward didn't show up. I was planning on posting the video on YouTube and linking to it on PatNet. Now that would have been funny, seeing a gay bashing troll getting beat up in real life by pissed off gay men, or better yet, pissed off lesbians.

141   FortWayne   2017 Aug 9, 7:34pm  

It's sad how authoritarian liberals get.

142   Dan8267   2017 Aug 9, 8:24pm  

FortWayne says

It's sad how authoritarian liberals get.

Again, you're thinking of conservatives. They are the ones that tell you that you can't
- be nude in public
- say hateful things
- swear on television and radio
- burn a flag
- fly the KKK Confederate battle flag
- marry someone of the same sex or of a different race
- blasphemy
- buy alcohol on Sundays
- watch porn
- engage in witchcraft
- like an ISIS video on Facebook
- smoke pot
- tell a cop to fuck off
- tell a judge to fuck off
- have a truly private conversation with someone

Yep, that's all conservatives. They suck.

143   centipede   2017 Aug 9, 9:14pm  

SJW and the left are not conservatives. They want change. They are progressives. It may not be change for the better. But unlike conservatives, they do not want status quo.

144   Dan8267   2017 Aug 9, 10:05pm  

Conservatives demand change all the time when the status quo doesn't conserve their culture. Conservatives demanded changes like
- outlawing alcohol
- outlawing various drugs including weed
- banning transgenders from serving in the military
- banning flag burning
- deregulating industry
- ending anti-trust enforcement

Conservatism is about conserving a tribe's arbitrary culture.

145   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Aug 9, 10:37pm  

Dan8267 says

Again, you're thinking of conservatives. They are the ones that tell you that you can't

- be nude in public

- say hateful things

- swear on television and radio

- burn a flag

- fly the KKK Confederate battle flag

- marry someone of the same sex or of a different race

- blasphemy

- buy alcohol on Sundays

- watch porn

- engage in witchcraft

- like an ISIS video on Facebook

- smoke pot

- tell a cop to fuck off

- tell a judge to fuck off

- have a truly private conversation with someone

Yep, that's all conservatives. They suck.

Conservatives suck is a tautology, however every society has norms. Enforcing them is not a negative thing.
Here we some illiberal leftists trying to force their ideal (not a norm). It doesn't matter if they want to do good. They shouldn't force it on other people.

As a comparison, communists also initially started with some very generous ideas: making people more equal. They tried to impose it. When that didn't work they started killing anyone suspected of opposing them. In several countries, this led to a massacre of millions. All this because of trying to force an ideal on the world. The world doesn't respect ideals. There is no equality in life. This is just a fact. You have to appreciate the world the way it is.

146   PeopleUnited   2017 Aug 10, 4:57am  

Dan8267 says

Mislabeling something just to poison the well is not valid.

Tell that to Jesus when you meet Him.

147   Y   2017 Aug 10, 5:19am  

What if the elevators on it's way down when he steps on?

PeopleUnited says

Dan8267 says

Mislabeling something just to poison the well is not valid.

Tell that to Jesus when you meet Him.

148   Patrick   2017 Aug 10, 7:36am  

Buddhists think heaven and hell are here and now, and you can simply choose to live in one or the other:

A soldier comes to visit a famous zen master Hakuin. And the soldier asks, “Is there really a heaven and a hell?” The zen master replies, “Who are you?” The soldier says, “I am a samurai.” Hakuin replies, “You? A samurai? What kind of lord would have you as his guard? You look like a beggar.” The soldier starts to get angry and becomes so enraged that he’s about to draw his sword. The zen master continues and he says, “Oh, so you have a sword. It’s probably even too dull to cut off my head.” At this point, the soldier is indignant and he brandishes his sword. The zen master says, “Now you are in hell.” And the soldier immediately recognizes the wisdom in those words and he puts his sword away. The zen master says, “Now you are in heaven.”

150   Dan8267   2017 Aug 10, 8:05am  

PeopleUnited says

Tell that to Jesus when you meet Him.

Your Jesus is dead, if he ever existed. He's not immortal. Neither are you. Deal with it.

153   Dan8267   2017 Aug 10, 8:10am  

rando says

The zen master says, “Now you are in hell.” And the soldier immediately recognizes the wisdom in those words and he puts his sword away. The zen master says, “Now you are in heaven.”

The zen master is an idiot. His survival depended on the irrational soldier suddenly becoming rational. In real life, any soldier that would have drawn his sword would have proceeded to kill the zen master.

Also the zen master is wrong. It would not be the soldier in hell. It would be his victim. People who do evil deeds most often enjoy life. To deny this is to underestimate evil and to invite defeat at its hands.

Stories that sound like nice parables are often wrought with bad advice and logic. In contrast, math may be boring to the vast majority of dumb humans, but it is far more beautiful, useful, and insightful than parables.

154   Patrick   2017 Aug 10, 10:43am  

Don't take it all that literally. The point is that anger is its own punishment.

155   Heraclitusstudent   2017 Aug 10, 11:05am  

It's not logical enough for Dan.

156   Dan8267   2017 Aug 10, 11:11am  

rando says

Don't take it all that literally. The point is that anger is its own punishment.

Yes, and that point is wrong. Anger itself does not necessarily result in a decrease in the quality of life, prosperity, or access to mates of the angry and violent. In fact, quite often the exact opposite happens. Understanding this is critical to disincentivizing people from acting in anger.

Pretending that there are no advantages and are always disadvantages to evil is a sure way to be defeated by evil. Understanding evil's strengths is key to undermining those strengths. Some evils are self-destructive. Others are very stable and prosperous to those who gain power. Knowing this is essential to stopping the later.

157   Shaman   2017 Aug 10, 11:12am  

Dan8267 says

rando says

The zen master says, “Now you are in hell.” And the soldier immediately recognizes the wisdom in those words and he puts his sword away. The zen master says, “Now you are in heaven.”

The zen master is an idiot. His survival depended on the irrational soldier suddenly becoming rational. In real life, any soldier that would have drawn his sword would have proceeded to kill the zen master.

Also the zen master is wrong. It would not be the soldier in hell. It would be his victim. People who do evil deeds most often enjoy life. To deny this is to underestimate evil and to invite defeat at its hands.

Stories that sound like nice parables are often wrought with bad advice and logic. In contrast, math may be boring to the vast majority of dumb humans, but it is far more beautiful, useful, and insightful than parables.

And you wonder why people mistrust atheists even more than child molesters...

158   Dan8267   2017 Aug 10, 11:14am  

Heraclitusstudent says

It's not logical enough for Dan.

It's not correct enough for me. History disproves this hypothesis repeatedly. History is full of stable systems based on violence and oppression, often enforced with anger. Propaganda uses anger extensively to accomplish its goal. How do you think Trump was elected? Don't underestimate how successful anger-based manipulation and anger-based actions can be, whether those actions are for good or evil.

It is far more important to acknowledge the uncomfortable aspects of reality than the comfortable ones.

159   Shaman   2017 Aug 10, 11:19am  

Dan8267 says

Stories that sound like nice parables are often wrought with bad advice and logic. In contrast, math may be boring to the vast majority of dumb humans, but it is far more beautiful, useful, and insightful than parables.

Math is the study of what is or is not possible. Just because something is possible, doesn't mean it is beautiful or desirable. Nuking the planet is possible with a thermonuclear war, but it's not a desirable option. Eliminating a population of Jews might be a possible Final Solution, but it's also a monstrous one. Killing or enslaving millions who dissent with your politics is one way to keep power if your name is Stalin or Pol Pot or Idi Amin, but it's a pretty shitty way to treat your fellow human beings.

Those who worship possibility and disdain morality are just psychopaths masquerading as idealists. The world has had enough experience with your kind to know better than cede power to such.

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