Time is running out, preorder Hillary Clintons excuse laden book "What Haapened", before 9/12/17 and copies run out.

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2017 Sep 6, 12:33pm   17,138 views  58 comments

by georgeliberte   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Make sure to get the Audiobook version read in her own screechy irritating voice.
“In the past, for reasons I try to explain, I’ve often felt I had to be careful in public, like I was up on a wire without a net. Now I’m letting my guard down.” —Hillary Rodham Clinton, from the introduction of What Happened

For the first time, Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals what she was thinking and feeling during one of the most controversial and unpredictable presidential elections in history. Now free from the constraints of running, Hillary takes you inside the intense personal experience of becoming the first woman nominated for president by a major party in an election marked by rage, sexism, exhilarating highs and infuriating lows, stranger-than-fiction twists, Russian interference, and an opponent who broke all the rules. This is her most personal memoir yet.

In these pages, she describes what it was like to run against Donald Trump, the mistakes she made, how she has coped with a shocking and devastating loss, and how she found the strength to pick herself back up afterward. With humor and candor, she tells readers what it took to get back on her feet—the rituals, relationships, and reading that got her through, and what the experience has taught her about life. She speaks about the challenges of being a strong woman in the public eye, the criticism over her voice, age, and appearance, and the double standard confronting women in politics.

She lays out how the 2016 election was marked by an unprecedented assault on our democracy by a foreign adversary. By analyzing the evidence and connecting the dots, Hillary shows just how dangerous the forces are that shaped the outcome, and why Americans need to understand them to protect our values and our democracy in the future.

The election of 2016 was unprecedented and historic. What Happened is the story of that campaign and its aftermath—both a deeply intimate account and a cautionary tale for the nation.


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1   komputodo   2017 Sep 6, 3:03pm  

How many copies does she have to buy to get her book on the NY times bestseller list?
2   georgeliberte   2017 Sep 6, 3:51pm  

The Clinton 'Charitable' Foundation will do that for her.
I liked the description because it is so hyped that it sounds like a cheap dime store novel. 'Exhilarating highs and infuriating lows, stranger-than-fiction twists, Russian interference, and an opponent who broke all the rules' -Pulp fiction.
3   Blurtman   2017 Sep 6, 4:43pm  

She needs to cut a marketing deal with Depends diapers for adults
4   lostand confused   2017 Sep 6, 4:55pm  

I hear she even visited WI and MI on her book tour?
5   HEY YOU   2017 Sep 6, 5:44pm  

Politicians! - It's all about the money.
Buy my book!

Breaking News: Hillary Clinton is not President!
It's all on Republicans.
6   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Sep 6, 6:44pm  

Around Black Friday, they'll be stacked 6 feet high and marked 50% off. "Special Door Buster!"
7   PeopleUnited   2017 Sep 6, 6:55pm  

Well America, you chose not to let Bill and I to bring rapists back to the White House so I wrote this book to profit from all the idiots who worship us. My goal is to outsell that guy who stole the election from me. No, I don't mean Donald, I mean the election in 2008.
8   steverbeaver   2017 Sep 6, 8:39pm  

LOL I love it.
9   komputodo   2017 Sep 6, 11:42pm  

Any guesses as to which PATNET users will be standing in line to get the first copies?
10   georgeliberte   2017 Sep 7, 5:41am  

I wonder if we will get a rational explanation for using a private (and unauthorized illegal) server for her emails, deleting emails, waffling all over the place when confronted with her offenses, etc. No of course not and probably not a chapter, "Bill brings Loretta Lynch to Jesus", nor one on, "I am too big to prosecute." Clearly it is nothing more than whining and blame shifting.
11   georgeliberte   2017 Sep 7, 9:59am  

Remember to say your Hail Hillary's.
Hail Hillary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Hillary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
13   Dan8267   2017 Sep 8, 10:25pm  

georgeliberte says
Time is running out, preorder Hillary Clintons excuse laden book "What Haapened", before 9/12/17 and copies run out.

Forget the book. Here's what happened. The DNC decided that they wanted Hillary to be the next president and they didn't give a fuck what the American people wanted. The DNC was damn afraid of Bernie Sanders because he's one of the damn few uncorrupted politicians and he would end their exploitation and fleecing of America. So the DNC gave a big fuck you to the American voters and expected the sheep to fall in line and vote for Hillary because the alternative, Trump, was unthinkable. They played chicken with the Bernie or Bust people and lost, because the vast majority of Bernie supporters voted against Hillary by either voting for Trump or for Jill Stein. That is why Hillary lost. The entire DNC strategy was to rely on people being so fucking scared of a Trump presidency that they would vote for anyone the DNC mandated even the most hated politician in the country. They were wrong.

Had the DNC not sabotaged Bernie and pulled media strings to support Hillary and placed the super delegates in the hands of Hillary from day one, Bernie would have outright won the nomination and the general election and Trump would not be president. Hopefully, the DNC learned the lesson. If not, four more years of Trump. It would be damn foolish to run Hillary again.

I've proved this in the thread It's official, the DNC lost the election because they screwed over Bernie supporters.

Now you don't have to buy her book and give her even more money than she already has. Personally, I've always wondered who the fucking idiots are that buy books written by ex-presidents. As if there has been a good president in the past 50 years.
14   georgeliberte   2017 Sep 9, 6:48am  

Dan8267 says, 'Now you don't have to buy her book and give her even more money.'
Correct and I have no intention of buying it (well maybe as a curiosity when it finally appears in the 99¢ for 99¢). My post is sarcastic, would I really have suggested the audio book version because anyone wants to hear her screechy voice? Anyway, it is sad to see her continue to pick at the scab. I want to say to her, "Have a little dignity woman!"
15   georgeliberte   2017 Sep 9, 6:50am  

I like rpanic01 'I was a Shitty-Ass Candidate.' This book cover deserves to become a meme.
16   georgeliberte   2017 Sep 9, 10:36am  

In the Dr. Who episode 'Th End of the World', when the earth i consumed by the sun, we meet 'the Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen, a piece of stretched-out skin with eyes and a mouth, mounted on a frame and connected to a brain jar. The skin needs to be constantly moisturised by her attendants.'I now realize that is Hillary publishing her 2,324,987,248,960th account of the 2016 election and why she was screwed and not to blame.
17   komputodo   2017 Sep 9, 11:12am  

Dan8267 says
Forget the book. Here's what happened. The DNC decided that they wanted Hillary to be the next president and they didn't give a fuck what the American people wanted. The DNC was damn afraid of Bernie Sanders because he's one of the damn few uncorrupted politicians and he would end their exploitation and fleecing of America. So the DNC gave a big fuck you to the American voters and expected the sheep to fall in line and vote for Hillary because the alternative, Trump, was unthinkable.

Forget the book. Here's what happened. The DNC decided that they wanted Hillary to be the next president and they didn't give a fuck what the American people wanted. The DNC was damn afraid of HILLARY because of all the dirt she has on them. So the DNC gave a big fuck you to the American voters and expected the sheep to fall in line and vote for Hillary because the alternative, Trump, was unthinkable.
19   Dan8267   2017 Sep 9, 2:06pm  

zzyzzx says

Cute, but wrong. Trump was a joke candidate. The fact that Hillary Clinton couldn't win against him is proof that she is unelectable. The DNC thought that because Trump was the nominee, they could put whoever they wanted on the ballot and she would win. They were wrong. Hillary was completely unelectable. She would have done worse if put up against a real candidate.
20   WatermelonUniversity   2017 Sep 9, 7:57pm  

georgeliberte says
Now I’m letting my guard down

she's got me hooked with this sentence. i am going to spend my hard earned cash on her book NOW!
21   georgeliberte   2017 Sep 10, 6:51am  

Just out of curiosity, has anyone here ever bought a politician's book? At full-price? And why?
22   komputodo   2017 Sep 10, 7:35am  

Dan8267 says
The DNC thought that because Trump was the nominee, they could put whoever they wanted on the ballot and she would win. They were wrong. Hillary was completely unelectable.

But, but, she won the popular vote even with the russian interference.
23   Patrick   2017 Sep 10, 7:44am  

georgeliberte says
Just out of curiosity, has anyone here ever bought a politician's book? At full-price? And why?

Never. Never even read one from the library.

Unless you count Mein Kampf, lol.
24   georgeliberte   2017 Sep 10, 7:53am  

I am also puzzled by her claim of sexism and misogyny when her campaign at least implicitly carried the message of, 'if you have a vagina, you must vote for her or you are sexist.' My wife, whom I helped gin citizenship, did vote for her. However, she had a different reason, believing Hillary would be better for Viet Nam in terms of trade and defense.While I do not and do not support Trump, I pointed out that with his anti-China rhetoric, he might be better for Viet Nam seeing it as a substitute trade partner and counter force in Asia against Chinese expansionism. In the end she went, as she always will, with the collective 'wisdom' of Vietnamese women v. her husband.
25   georgeliberte   2017 Sep 11, 10:22am  

SO even Salon has issues with her book coming out. http://www.salon.com/2017/09/09/6-harshest-reactions-to-hillary-clintons-new-book-by-democrats_partner/ I guess she believes that of she writes enough books the nation will collectively rise up, march on Washington, and demand Trump be impeached and she installed as president,
26   Dan8267   2017 Sep 11, 10:39am  

komputodo says
But, but, she won the popular vote even with the russian interference.

So what? The popular vote means nothing.

Sure we should get rid of the electoral college, use the popular vote, and completely redesign our elections, but the electoral vote is all that counts.

Furthermore, the assumption that Hillary would have won the election if we did use the popular vote is also DEAD WRONG. If the election were based on the popular vote, both candidates would have run different campaigns strategically targeting different areas. There is absolutely NO reason to believe Hillary would have won the popular vote if the past election was based on the popular vote. It's a pure guess as to who would have won.

What we do know is that Bernie would have won hands down in both the popular and electoral votes in the past election. The DNC fucked up big time. The DNC didn't want Bernie president and they thought Hillary would beat Trump. They were wrong and now the Democratic Party is paying big time because it lost all three branches of government and the Republicans are running wild with their agenda.

It's unlikely that the Democrats will retake either chamber of Congress in the midterms. So it's at least 4 years of anal penetration for the party. Hopefully this lesson will be painful enough to be learned and the DNC will be reformed before the next election.
27   Ernie   2017 Sep 11, 3:00pm  

georgeliberte says
Just out of curiosity, has anyone here ever bought a politician's book? At full-price? And why?

Not at full price, but yes. Kuan Yew Lee - he took Singapore from poor country with ethnic disturbances and made it into one of the richest countries in the world. Politicians usually take a rich country and turn into 3rd world.
29   komputodo   2017 Sep 12, 6:53am  

Dan8267 says
komputodo says
But, but, she won the popular vote even with the russian interference.

So what? The popular vote means nothing.

Sure we should get rid of the electoral college, use the popular vote, and completely redesign our elections, but the electoral vote is all that counts

Where were you when the clinton worshippers were telling us that the loser "deserves" to be president because she won the popular vote?
30   Shaman   2017 Sep 12, 8:03am  

Article on NPR today.
She's just so totally self-absorbed! Her words convey this breathtaking level of arrogance, lack of introspection, and anger that she wasn't given what she is convinced she deserved! She blames Bernie bros, blames Russia, blames Trump (duh?), blames young men, blames misogynistic voters, blames everyone she can think of! The only one she never blames is herself! The closest she comes to that is acknowledging the private email server was "a dumb mistake and a dumber scandal," but reserves her vitriol for James Comey and internet memes painting her as corrupt.

Her biggest regret: losing.

All things considered, I still think America dodged a bullet. By now, She'd be well on her way to rendering anti-POTUS speech a criminal offense, and tearing up the Constitution to paper her wide ass.
31   georgeliberte   2017 Sep 12, 10:08am  

Given her flip flopping on issues the only thing she seemed to consistently believe is that she should be president. In fact, it was owed to her. She decries sexism and misogyny, but the reality is she rode to political fame on the coattails of her husband and she had no problem slut shaming women who leveled accusations at him- to protect her own legacy to power.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Sep 12, 10:51am  

Hillary Clinton says Bernie Sanders’s reluctance to concede the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination before the party’s convention was disrespectful, hurtful and stood in stark contrast to the way she handled her primary loss to Barack Obama in 2008.

“I had such a different experience in ’08,” Clinton said in an interview with the “Pod Save America” podcast that was posted on Tuesday. “Once it was over, it was over. And I quickly endorsed President Obama. I worked really hard to get him elected. I was still arguing with my supporters at the Denver convention, telling people, ‘Don’t be ridiculous. You’ve got to vote for Senator Obama, at the time.’ And I was thrilled when he got elected.”

“I didn’t get anything like that respect from Sanders and his supporters,” Clinton said. “And it hurt. You know, to have basically captured the nomination, ending up with more than 4 million votes than he had. And he dragged it out.”

“I won, really, by March and April, but he just kept going,” Clinton told NPR’s “Morning Edition.” “And he and his followers’ attacks on me kept getting more and more personal, despite him asking me not to attack him personally. And, you know, I really regret that. But now he’s got a chance to prove he’s something other than a spoiler. And that is, to help Democrats. And I don’t know if he will or not, but I’m hoping he will.”

Total Bullshit, and in 2007 Hillary stayed in the race until just prior to the Convention, when she squeezed Obama for all kinds of concessions, including the Sec of State Slot. And she of course is referring to anti-democratic superdelegates of big donors and mostly Clinton-era democratic VIPs, not the 'ordinary' delegates primary/caucus participants elect.

In fact in April 2007, not only wasn't she withdrawing (even though her campaign was deep in the red), she picked a new strategist to continue the fight. Hillary didn't concede until June 6th

And her 2008 Nomination Campaign produced a vast amount of campaign financing irregularities with the main stories involving the Chinese and Pakistanis as usual. And the Columbians, because of yet another Clinton "Free Trade" (one-way) deal.

Notice she does not mention DWS' skulldruggery on her behalf, including scheduling a handful of debates for the lowest traffic television times in the fall of 2016, and only adding more "Townhalls" AFTER Hillary lost primaries and her polls took a shellacking in early 2017.
33   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Sep 12, 10:58am  

God did we dodge a bullet by not electing Corrupt Corporate Clinton.
34   Ceffer   2017 Sep 12, 11:52am  

This book is a blame shifting, self pitying masterpiece. IHhilary is going to retire writing lesbian bodice rippers for Penguin.
35   MAGA   2017 Sep 13, 6:32pm  

Get a free copy of illary's book when you purchase Patrick's book on housing!
37   Dan8267   2017 Sep 14, 9:48am  

komputodo says

Where were you when the clinton worshippers were telling us that the loser "deserves" to be president because she won the popular vote?

Provide the reference that supports this assertion.

There is no reason to believe that Hillary would have won the popular vote if the popular vote had been the criteria for winning the election.

That said, there is and has never been an honest justification for the electoral college. The very institute is a manifestation of corruption and subverting the will of the people. The popular vote should determine the election and the electoral college should be completely and unconditionally disbanded before the next election starts. However, it would be unjust and disenfranchising to change election laws for an election during that election, so the laws must be changed for the next election.
38   Dan8267   2017 Sep 14, 9:52am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
Hillary Clinton says Bernie Sanders’s reluctance to concede the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination before the party’s convention was disrespectful, hurtful and stood in stark contrast to the way she handled her primary loss to Barack Obama in 2008.

Fuck Hillary. It's disrespectful to force one candidate onto the voters while subatoging the other, and preferred, candidate, and that's exactly what Hillary, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and the DNC did last election. That's why they lost.

They thought they could force the Bernie or Bust voters to vote Hillary. They were wrong. There is a lesson to be learned and it's not to continue saying fuck you to the general election voters.
39   Shaman   2017 Sep 14, 10:01am  

Dan8267 says
TwoScoopsMcGee says
Hillary Clinton says Bernie Sanders’s reluctance to concede the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination before the party’s convention was disrespectful, hurtful and stood in stark contrast to the way she handled her primary loss to Barack Obama in 2008.

Fuck Hillary. It's disrespectful to force one candidate onto the voters while subatoging the other, and preferred, candidate, and that's exactly what Hillary, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and the DNC did last election. That's why they lost.

They thought they could force the Bernie or Bust voters to vote Hillary. They were wrong. There is a lesson to be learned and it's not to continue saying fuck you to the general election voters.

You got that one exactly right! Bernie was my first choice, Trump the last best choice to say fuck you to the elitist oligarchy!
40   Dan8267   2017 Sep 14, 10:02am  

Quigley says
You got that one exactly right! Bernie was my first choice, Trump the last best choice to say fuck you to the elitist oligarchy!

True, but that has nothing to do with the fact that Trump obstructed justice.

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