Why ain't whitey protest'n

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2017 Sep 26, 5:22am   9,773 views  37 comments

by WineHorror   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Young black men make up about 3% of the population. So understand clearly that only 3% of the US population is primarily responsible for:

53% of all the murders in the US
55% of all the robberies in the US
29% of all the rapes in the US
33% of all the aggravated assaults in the US
28% of all the larceny thefts in the US
31% of all the motor vehicle thefts in the US
23% of all the arson’s in the US


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7   Strategist   2017 Sep 26, 9:56am  

WineHorror says
lostand confused says
Wow, assuming those stats are correct-has there ever been any studies done as to why and how to correct??

Fuck no...that would be raciss.

Just ask Dan. It's the cops, it's the cops.
8   HEY YOU   2017 Sep 26, 11:02am  

It's great that the data makes it OK for Whites to kill other whites
Where's the white Rep/Con/Nazi outrage for white killing whites.

This whitey protests the damage white Republicans are doing to my country.
They don't police their own so they must suffer the consequences.
Boycott all Republicans whenever possible.
Fuck 'em!

Dems,Progressives,Independents have you boycotted the enemy lately?
Do nothing & get you what you deserve.
9   Dan8267   2017 Sep 26, 5:07pm  

me123 says
Why do you have such hard on for cops?

I don't piggy. Unlike you, I don't support terrorists. Criminal cops are terrorists, not respectable law enforcement officers. As I stated many times, America is the only western nation that has this problem. The police forces in all other western nations are respectable and do not commit murder, rape, or terrorism.

Why do you fuck goats, piggy? Answer that.
10   Dan8267   2017 Sep 26, 5:08pm  

Strategist says
Just ask Dan. It's the cops, it's the cops.

Are you denying that any of the examples of crimes committed by cops that I gave are incorrect? Go on, show some balls. The video and court evidence is all over the Internet.
11   Dan8267   2017 Sep 26, 5:18pm  

WineHorror says
Young black men make up about 3% of the population. So understand clearly that only 3% of the US population is primarily responsible for:

53% of all the murders in the US

Just because a statement is true, does not mean it's converse is true. All cats have tails. Not everything with a tail is a cat.

99.075% of rapists are men according to the FBI, 2012 figures. Does that mean that 99% of men are rapists? Does it mean that even a majority of men are rapists? Does it even fucking mean that 1% of men are rapists?

Is it valid to judge men based on the fact that 99% of rapists are men? Clearly no. Doing so would be outright deception. The exact same thing applies to what you are doing and for the exact same reason.

The converse of a true statement may damn well be false. Logic matters.
12   anonymous   2017 Sep 26, 5:25pm  

liberals ignore statistics when it doesn't prove their agenda of hating on whites.
13   Dan8267   2017 Sep 26, 5:31pm  

anonymous says
liberals ignore statistics when it doesn't prove their agenda of hating on whites.

Bullshit, piggy. You are a pathological liar.
14   MrMagic   2017 Sep 26, 7:02pm  

Dan8267 says
Criminal cops are terrorists, not respectable law enforcement officers

Cops have 44 MILLION encounters with people every year. How many end up as murders or rapes?
15   NoYes   2017 Sep 26, 7:13pm  

We need to shut down the white fake news reporters and put em in jail with those big bad black guys.......problem solved....then jail the Clintons, etc,etc also...they can hash out the 'racist' problems together.....jail film at 11 and 60 minutes.....should be fun
16   Dan8267   2017 Sep 26, 10:06pm  

me123 says
Cops have 44 MILLION encounters with people every year. How many end up as murders or rapes?

How many are acceptable to you, piggy?

And all criminals have countless non-criminal interactions with other people. That doesn't mean we don't prosecute murderers and rapists. You have no point.
17   WineHorror   2017 Sep 27, 5:50am  

Dan8267 says
me123 says
Cops have 44 MILLION encounters with people every year. How many end up as murders or rapes?

How many are acceptable to you, piggy?

And all criminals have countless non-criminal interactions with other people. That doesn't mean we don't prosecute murderers and rapists. You have no point.

Pretty good comment.
18   anonymous   2017 Sep 27, 5:53am  

Whitey is busy whacking off to internet porn and wishing he had a big black cock.....and fingers that weren't so short.
19   Dan8267   2017 Sep 27, 8:02am  

me123 says
How many of these black dudes "murdered" by cops are repeat offenders.

The take a knee protests have NOTHING to do with black men who are attacking anyone being shot. It has to do with unarmed, law-abiding, non-threatening blacks being shot and the courts refusing to prosecute criminal and terrorist cops. Do you not remember the sleeping 9-year-old girl who was shot point blank in the head by a cop who lied about it and then tried to frame the dead girl's grieving grandmother? Are you saying that murder constitutes absolutely no just cause for outrage? How much of a monster are you?

Are you OK with cops literally committing violent rape? Literally putting a woman's legs behind her ears and penetrating her with their whole fists? Don't give me any shit that the protests aren't damn well justified. If a cop did anything like that to someone you love, you'd probably murder him.
20   Dan8267   2017 Sep 28, 6:09pm  

me123 says
And you would be wrong again. In every case, the black that was shot by a cop was a former convicted felony

I'm pretty damn sure that 9-year-old girl wasn't a former convicted felon. Nor was Charles Kinsey.

You're not just wrong. You are lying.
21   CBOEtrader   2017 Sep 28, 6:49pm  

Dan8267 says
unarmed, law-abiding, non-threatening blacks being shot and the courts refusing to prosecute criminal and terrorist cops.

How many times/year does this happen? Once maybe?
22   MrMagic   2017 Sep 28, 7:49pm  

CBOEtrader says
Dan8267 says
unarmed, law-abiding, non-threatening blacks being shot and the courts refusing to prosecute criminal and terrorist cops.

How many times/year does this happen? Once maybe?

Yep, out of 44 million encounters police have with the general public a year, but Dan thinks it's a epidemic.
23   Dan8267   2017 Sep 28, 11:39pm  

CBOEtrader says

How many times/year does this happen? Once maybe?

If it happened only a few times a year, the blue wall of silence wouldn't exist. You are simply wrong.
24   Strategist   2017 Sep 29, 8:33am  

Dan8267 says
CBOEtrader says

How many times/year does this happen? Once maybe?

If it happened only a few times a year, the blue wall of silence wouldn't exist. You are simply wrong.

As was pointed by on this site, all occupations and groups have some kind of Blue Wall of Silence. Gang members are notorious for defending their own.
I asked you before, and I ask you again, assuming you are right about most cops being bad cops, what would be your solution?
25   Dan8267   2017 Sep 29, 9:22am  

Strategist says
As was pointed by on this site, all occupations and groups have some kind of Blue Wall of Silence. Gang members are notorious for defending their own.

Gang members don't have the power of the state. Do you think that obstruction of justice, conspiracy, perjury, and tampering with evidence by government employees are acceptable? Would not gang members be prosecuted for all those things?

Your argument is essentially "this evil is not the only evil in the world so this evil should be ignored". That's a shitty argument. No one is saying that gang members should not be prosecuted for crimes. No one at all. The courts are not protecting criminal gang members either. That is why no one is protesting that gang members get away with murder. They don't.

Strategist says
I asked you before, and I ask you again, assuming you are right about most cops being bad cops, what would be your solution?

How many times do I have to answer that question before you acknowledge that I have answered it?

Dan8267 says
There is no single magic bullet. There are a number of reforms that I propose.

1. Cease all use of military equipment by the police.
2. End the war on drugs. Decriminalize drugs and treat addiction as a medical problem. This works in every country it has been tried in.
3. End all prohibitions on U.S. citizens over 18 from voting. This includes denying the freedom to vote to felons. A right, by definition, cannot be taken away. Voting should be a right, not a privilege, and making it a privilege gives the state a perverse incentive to criminalize people and creates corruption.
4. All cops should be monitored with body cameras. The same goes for every state-issued gun.
5. The video feed should be stored and accessible to the public.
6. Prisoners should have access to review the video and flag crimes. Who's better to police the police than prisoners? They have the time and motivation.
7. Cops should be tried in a separate court system ran by judges and prosecutors who do not work with cops in trying civilians. This avoids the conflict of interest in our current court system.
8. When a cop is found guilty of a crime, that cop's entire department pays a large civil penalty that is taken from their paychecks and retirement accounts unless that department arrested the cop guilty of the crime. This gives motivation for cops to not tolerate criminal behavior from fellow cops.
9. Don't use prisons as mental illness institutions. Instead use real mental illness institutions to treat the mentally ill.
10. Repeal all victimless crime laws.
11. Use the European prison model. I've posted videos of it on other threads. It works. It's proven.
12. Ban plea bargains. 90% of cases never go to trial because the accused simply cannot risk getting a much longer sentence by exercising his right to trial.

Those twelve reforms are a damn good place to start.
26   Dan8267   2017 Sep 29, 9:27am  

The blue wall of silence proves that police corruption and crime is rampant, not the exception. However, even if were the exception, it would still be a terrible problem. Remember the argument against Islamic immigration?

Now apply that to the terrorists in police departments who are far more dangerous because they have the power of the state and access to military weapons.

The poison from the few poisonous M&Ms gets all over all the other M&Ms making them all deadly.
27   Strategist   2017 Sep 29, 9:30am  

Dan8267 says
Strategist says
As was pointed by on this site, all occupations and groups have some kind of Blue Wall of Silence. Gang members are notorious for defending their own.

Gang members don't have the power of the state. Do you think that obstruction of justice, conspiracy, perjury, and tampering with evidence by government employees are acceptable? Would not gang members be prosecuted for all those things?

Your argument is essentially "this evil is not the only evil in the world so this evil should be ignored". That's a shitty argument. No one is saying that gang members should not be prosecuted for crimes. No one at all. The courts are not protecting criminal gang members either. That is why no one is protesting that gang members get away with murder. They don't.

Look, cops obstructing justice or committing crimes should receive twice the punishment that an average citizen should receive. I have already stated that multiple times. We just have to prove it in a court of law first.

Dan8267 says
There is no single magic bullet. There are a number of reforms that I propose.

1. Cease all use of military equipment by the police.
2. End the war on drugs. Decriminalize drugs and treat addiction as a medical problem. This works in every country it has been tried in.
3. End all prohibitions on U.S. citizens over 18 from voting. This includes denying the freedom to vote to felons. A right, by definition, cannot be taken away. Voting should be a right, not a privilege, and making it a privilege gives the state a perverse incentive to criminalize people and creates corruption.
4. All cops should be monitored with body cameras. The same goes for every state-issued gun.
5. The video feed should be stored and accessible to the public.
6. Prisoners should have access to review the video and flag crimes. Who's better to police the police than prisoners? They have the time and motivation.
7. Cops should be tried in a separate court system ran by judges and prosecutors...

There goes the country.
28   MrMagic   2017 Sep 29, 9:34am  

Dan8267 says
The poison from the few poisonous M&Ms

LOL.Nice job on the example, it equals .001

Cherry pick much, without supplying any data or facts?
29   Dan8267   2017 Sep 29, 11:14am  

Strategist says
We just have to prove it in a court of law first.

Which is why we need fair courts and prosecutors willing to prosecute cops. See point 7. You know, one of the reforms you said would destroy the country. Think, man, think.
30   Dan8267   2017 Sep 29, 11:16am  

me123 says
Dan8267 says
The poison from the few poisonous M&Ms

LOL.Nice job on the example, it equals .001

Cherry pick much, without supplying any data or facts?

Piggy, once more you demonstrate that you are an idiot. First you pull a random number out of your ass, then you entirely miss the point of the image.

The same argument for keeping out Islamic immigrants and refugees applies to the police for the exact same reason regardless of how many poisonous M&Ms there are. The whole argument is that number does not matter if a single one can kill you. It's hypocritical to apply this principle to Islamic immigration and not the police or vice-versa because it's the same damn thing.
31   Dan8267   2017 Sep 29, 11:55am  

me123 says
here are one MILLION law enforcement officers in the country and you want to hide under you bed worried that a single one is going shoot you.

Another straw man argument and bullshit made up statistics from piggy, an asshole who thinks climate change is a hoax. 'Nuff said.

me123 says
Once again, worried about the needle and not the haystack.

That's the exact argument the left makes against the "hysteria" regarding Muslim immigrants and refugees. Welcome to the left, piggy.
32   anonymous   2017 Sep 29, 12:01pm  

Dan and his liberalism
- hates cops, hates America, hates republicans, hates free markets or anyone making any wealth, hates Christianity, hates Islam.
- loves communism, loves equality of outcomes, loves homosexuality and transgender crap, supports bringing more Islamic terrorists into the nation.

Dan you are one confused moron.
33   Dan8267   2017 Sep 29, 12:09pm  

To of piggy's alts making up more shit. Nothing shows more hatred of America than apathy to the rape and murders of your fellow Americans. Piggy is no patriot.
34   Dan8267   2017 Sep 29, 3:36pm  

me123 says
You hate both political parties, you hate capitalism, you hate cops, you hate women, you hate laws, you hate successfu people , you hate home owners, you hate landlords, you hate business owners, you hate the flag, you hate religion, the list goes on and one.

No, the only thing I hate is waste of life like you. The world would have been far better had your mother simply swallowed.
36   Ceffer   2017 Oct 3, 5:47pm  

Site for BLM Monument to Black on Black Murder.

It'll be built as soon as the lawsuit money comes in (from B on B murder, that is).
37   Strategist   2017 Oct 3, 6:10pm  

Ceffer says

Site for BLM Monument to Black on Black Murder.

It'll be built as soon as the lawsuit money comes in.

Or as soon as Jackson and Sharpton extract funds from corporations. i.e. if there is any left after they siphon off what they want for their themselves.

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