Patnet Tribalists Livid They Cannot Place Paddock

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2017 Oct 2, 8:32pm   11,815 views  43 comments

by somecrappynumber   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Despite the initial claims from some overzealous patnetters, its now 24 hours and we still have no idea what was Paddock's motivation for the shooting. This is mindblowing in the patnet universe where everyone has a tribe and its just a matter of labeling what tribe the person belonged to. Consider:

Little evidence he was violent
Little evidence he was a criminal
Little evidence he was ex military
Little evidence he was a liberal
Little evidence he was a conservative
Little evidence he was political
Little evidence he was a bear
Little evidence he was a bull
Little evidence he used social media
Little evidence he was religious
Little evidence he was atheist
Little evidence he was a communist
Little evidence he was a Trump Supporter
Little evidence he was a Hillary Supporter
Little evidence he was a Muslim
Little evidence he was a SJW
Little evidence he was a Skinhead
Little evidence he was ANTIFA
Little evidence he was STEM
Little evidence he was Red Pill
Little evidence he was MGTOW
Little evidence he was a renter
Little evidence he was an underwater homeowner
Little evidence he had Ebola
Little evidence he was a globalist
Little evidence he was a conspiracy theorist
Little evidence he was influenced by ISIS
Little evidence he tried to trap men
Little evidence he made up fake rape claims
Little evidence he was an illegal immigrant
Little evidence he was a terrorist
Little evidence he was a climate denialist
Little evidence he was a special snowflake
Little evidence he had a cockeyed arm
Little evidence he was a realtor

What other tribes are there which I am missing?

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2   anonymous   2017 Oct 2, 9:39pm  

He was a white gun nut with short fingers and thin skin. He was connected to casinos and probably used lawyers a lot to fuck over little players and hide his tax returns. Sound familiar?
3   HEY YOU   2017 Oct 2, 10:07pm  

Evidence that he is a White Male.
The thugs that have brought America to the gutter.
4   Ceffer   2017 Oct 2, 11:25pm  

lostand confused says
But was there evidence he was a wannabe immense hirsute lesbian??

Yes, there is almost always a IHL link in these cases.
5   anonymous   2017 Oct 3, 6:01am  

lostand confused says
But was there evidence he was a wannabe immense hirsute lesbian??

Do you ever stop salivating over trans people? Go find one that will let you suck on their genitalia and get it over with already, Jesus Christ. Watching you suffer for want is beyond painful.
6   BayArea   2017 Oct 3, 6:47am  

somecrappynumber says
its now 24 hours and we still have no idea what was Paddock's motivation

Ya only 24hrs, you said it.

Let's wait to see what his hard drives show, search histories, social media posts, interview the GF who is in Tokyo etc.

7   lostand confused   2017 Oct 3, 7:14am  

errc says
Do you ever stop salivating over trans people? Go find one that will let you suck on their genitalia and get it over with already, Jesus Christ. Watching you suffer for want is beyond painful.

See shows your warped mind. I posted pics of women. Your warped mind only sees trans. It is 2017 -come out of the closet-it is ok to be trans or like them.
8   NDrLoR   2017 Oct 3, 8:55am  

somecrappynumber says
What other tribes are there which I am missing?
No evidence he was a Christian.
9   Ceffer   2017 Oct 3, 10:58am  

Libbys are going schizoid over the shooting. They can't decide whether to blame it on Trump or Global Warming.
10   joeyjojojunior   2017 Oct 3, 11:03am  

Ceffer says
Libbys are going schizoid over the shooting. They can't decide whether to blame it on Trump or Global Warming.

Uh, every thread about the shooter on pat.net has been started by a Trumpcuck.
11   HEY YOU   2017 Oct 3, 11:11am  

As long as White Trash Rep/Con/Nazis are injured/handicapped for life or die,as collateral damage,what's the problem?
The 2nd Amendment gives anyone the ability to take out any American,including children.
U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
Even Country music artist can be targets.
12   Ceffer   2017 Oct 3, 1:32pm  

The American Bar Association has convened an impromptu Ambulance Chaser's Convention in the lobby of the Mandalay, with much merriment and ropey strings of saliva dripping on 5000 dollar suits.

In true Las Vegas spirit, they will be holding a lottery to see which firm gets first crack at the victims and their families.

"In a coupla years, this will all be ours! Hooray, Saint Paddock!"
13   Dan8267   2017 Oct 3, 2:38pm  

somecrappynumber says
What other tribes are there which I am missing?

Yes, you missed the one that actually matters. He was a gun nut. He had an extensive gun collection. This is the one thing the FBI has confirmed. So we have a tribe to blame.
14   anonymous   2017 Oct 3, 7:48pm  

Dan8267 says
He was a gun nut.

No, he wasn't. He had a fishing license in Alaska.

This is ISIS folks.
15   Dan8267   2017 Oct 3, 11:10pm  

anonymous says

This is ISIS folks.

Another stupid statement from piggy. There's like zero chance this had anything to do with ISIS. More likely he blew his money in the casino and wanted revenge.
16   komputodo   2017 Oct 3, 11:15pm  

Maybe he didn't do it? Or is that out of the realm of possibilities? It was his room and he was found dead in the room...CASE CLOSED.
17   Rew   2017 Oct 3, 11:23pm  

komputodo says
Maybe he didn't do it? Or is that out of the realm of possibilities? It was his room and he was found dead in the room...CASE CLOSED.

A second shooter on the grassy knoll you say?
18   CBOEtrader   2017 Oct 4, 4:48am  

Dan8267 says
anonymous says

This is ISIS folks.

Another stupid statement from piggy. There's like zero chance this had anything to do with ISIS. More likely he blew his money in the casino and wanted revenge.

Dis you forget that ISIS claimed responsibility? Perhaps you didn't hear that he sent $100k to the phillipines where ISIS is currently exploding in popularity (see what I did there:)). Or perhaps you didn't see the sheriffs recent statement. that he may have been radicalized.

ISIS is a likely theory.

You probably want to rethink your statement. OR will you admit your tribalism blinded you from the truth right in front of your eyes when its proven he had connected to radicals?
19   anonymous   2017 Oct 4, 5:27am  

jazz_music says
Dan8267 says
he blew his money in the casino and wanted revenge.

A reasonable guess. Possibly side effects from SSRI prescription but hushed because of impact to equity markets.

Additionally I suspected a conspiracy of silence to that effect in the case of Robin Williams' death.

My first question is which (prescription) Drugs was he on? Not so easily answered.

Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half take two, Mayo Clinic and Olmsted Medical Center researchers say. Antibiotics, antidepressants and painkilling opioids are most commonly prescribed, their study found.

Failed Losers!
20   joeyjojojunior   2017 Oct 4, 6:49am  

CBOEtrader says
Dis you forget that ISIS claimed responsibility? Perhaps you didn't hear that he sent $100k to the phillipines where ISIS is currently exploding in popularity (see what I did there:)). Or perhaps you didn't see the sheriffs recent statement. that he may have been radicalized.

ISIS is a likely theory.

You probably want to rethink your statement. OR will you admit your tribalism blinded you from the truth right in front of your eyes when its proven he had connected to radicals?

Wait a second. I thought he was a leftist?
21   komputodo   2017 Oct 4, 6:50am  

Rew says
komputodo says
Maybe he didn't do it? Or is that out of the realm of possibilities? It was his room and he was found dead in the room...CASE CLOSED.

A second shooter on the grassy knoll you say?

Ytou are probably right. Where are those warren report investigators when we need them? They would get to the bottom of this.
22   CBOEtrader   2017 Oct 4, 7:38am  

joeyjojojunior says
CBOEtrader says
Dis you forget that ISIS claimed responsibility? Perhaps you didn't hear that he sent $100k to the phillipines where ISIS is currently exploding in popularity (see what I did there:)). Or perhaps you didn't see the sheriffs recent statement. that he may have been radicalized.

ISIS is a likely theory.

You probably want to rethink your statement. OR will you admit your tribalism blinded you from the truth right in front of your eyes when its proven he had connected to radicals?

Wait a second. I thought he was a leftist?

Leftists and ISIS are partners in hating of the US and the west. A whack job being first an Anti-trumper, then Antifa supporter, and eventually ISIS is possible.

This guy certainly was not trying to MAGA
23   anonymous   2017 Oct 4, 8:11am  

Either way your prior assertion that he was a "well known leftist " was as zizzyx likes to say "Galactically Wrong"
24   FortWayne   2017 Oct 4, 8:17am  

Us sane people cannot comprehend crazy minds. That's all it is, only insane truly comprehend the other insane.
25   komputodo   2017 Oct 4, 8:19am  

Hey, what happened to the NFL narrative, or the hurricane disasters, the russians, north korea, global warming crisis looming?
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Oct 4, 8:19am  

I don't see any ISIS. When we find the Filipina 'roommate' we'll know more.

I do see genetic psychopathy and/or a desire to 'get revenge' and 'go out in a blaze of glory'.

Funny thing is, he may have botched his suicide and flopped like a fish, drowning in his own blood for a good 20 minutes.
27   Dan8267   2017 Oct 4, 8:39am  

CBOEtrader says

Dis you forget that ISIS claimed responsibility?

No, I didn't. I also didn't forget that
1. There is zero evidence that he's associated with ISIS.
2. No intelligence agency believes there is a link.
3. He does not remotely fit the profile of an ISIS recruit. He's too old. He's not a Muslim. He's white. He's not from the Middle East.
4. ISIS isn't known for its honesty.
5. False information about the shooting spread immediately and quickly.

Do you really trust ISIS? Are you really so foolish as to state on the record you believe that ISIS is responsible for this shooting? Will you be man enough to admit you were wrong when the evidence proves otherwise?

The problem with taking a stand without evidence to support it is that you have to eat crow when the evidence comes out contradicting what you claimed.

But hey, double down on this bet if you like.

CBOEtrader says
Perhaps you didn't hear that he sent $100k to the phillipines where ISIS is currently exploding in popularity

Once more conservatives demonstrate their mathematical illiteracy. The converse of a true statement is not necessarily a true statement. All cats have tails does not imply everything with a tail is a cat. ISIS is popular in the Philippians does not imply that most Philippians are associated or sympathetic to ISIS. You are jumping to a conclusion based on pure speculation. You don't even have circumstantial evidence.

It's far more likely that the shooter simply wanted to get what money he had left out of the country so that it would not be seized by the government after his crime was committed. So he sent what he had to his lover and then went on a rampage to pay the casino back for taking his money. The most reasonable guess -- and this is still a guess at this point -- is that the shooter was trying to financially harm the casino by making people scared to go to it and he did so for petty revenge. There is little evidence that has come out so far, but what evidence there is supports only this conjecture. The FBI has stated that he spent a lot of money at the casino, but did not say how much he lost or won.

The problem with your entire line of thinking is that you want ISIS to be blamed so your looking for and only for evidence that supports that preference. This is not how an investigation of anything should be done. You need to learn to be objective and dispassionate.

CBOEtrader says

You probably want to rethink your statement. OR will you admit your tribalism blinded you from the truth right in front of your eyes when its proven he had connected to radicals?

Oh honey, it is you who are being tribal. I don't give a shit what the underlying motive of the shooting is. It changes absolutely nothing. We still won't get gun control. We still need to address terrorism and religion. We still need to reverse Republican policies that gutted mental health care. We still need to deal with domestic terrorism. Gambling still causes problems for individuals and society. This crime changes absolutely nothing no matter the cause. It's just one more of countless mass shootings. The next mass shooting won't change anything either. America never fucking learns from these tragedies.

But it's evidently damn important to you that ISIS gets blamed for this shooting regardless of whether or not that's true. And that makes you tribal.
28   Dan8267   2017 Oct 4, 8:48am  

CBOEtrader says
Leftists and ISIS are partners in hating of the US and the west.

All conservatives hate American and their fellow Americans. This includes the left, the right, and Islamists. Those three tribes are all essentially the same. The only differences are arbitrary and unimportant cultural preferences. Their tactics and values are the same. They are all deplorable for the exact same reasons.

Only liberals are good people.

CBOEtrader says
This guy certainly was not trying to MAGA

Given that he had a huge stockpile of guns and ammo, he's far more likely to have supported or voted for Trump than Hillary and there's no chance he's a Bernie supporter.

When it comes out he supported Trump and wore a MAGA hat, will you be man enough to admit you were wrong? Will you then condemn your tribe for the same guilt by association or will you demonstrate pure hypocrisy and say he's not representative of your tribe? We all know the answer is the later, but hey, prove me wrong.
29   Dan8267   2017 Oct 4, 8:48am  

FortWayne says
Us sane people cannot comprehend crazy minds. That's all it is, only insane truly comprehend the other insane.

I don't know how, but FortWayne is going to blame this shooting on the gays.
30   MrMagic   2017 Oct 4, 8:53am  

Dan8267 says
When it comes out he supported Trump and wore a MAGA hat,

How about he supported Hillary and was spotted wearing a pink pussy hat at a anti Trump rally in Reno during the summer.
31   CBOEtrader   2017 Oct 4, 8:54am  

Dan8267 says

But it's evidently damn important to you that ISIS gets blamed for this shooting regardless of whether or not that's true. And that makes you tribal.

You: there is zero evidence and zero % chance of Isis affiliation.

Me: there is more than zero evidence and a greater than zero % chance. offers evidence proving Dan wrong*

You: this isn't proof ISIS was involved.

Me: no shit. *facepalm

Just pathetic logical thinking skills yet again Dan. Your zero % chance and zero evidence statement is obviously untrue.

You can choose to ignore the evidence or suggest it isn't a likely theory. You can NOT however suggest there is zero evidence.

Somehow your black/white mind misses the concept of nuance. Its sad to watch
32   Dan8267   2017 Oct 4, 8:56am  

me123 says

How about he supported Hillary and was spotted wearing a pink pussy hat at a anti Trump rally in Reno during the summer.

If the evidence support that, then the claim will be accepted. However, like everything you claim, there is no supporting evidence and plenty of contradicting evidence.

But hey, go showing off your identity politics again, piggy.
33   CBOEtrader   2017 Oct 4, 8:57am  

me123 says
Dan8267 says
When it comes out he supported Trump and wore a MAGA hat,

How about he supported Hillary and was spotted wearing a pink pussy hat at a anti Trump rally in Reno during the summer.

All evidence against their narrative will be dismissed as fake. Meanwhile they will continue to believe their narrative based purely on ident politics. Old white man = trump supporter, amirite? Its pathetic
34   Dan8267   2017 Oct 4, 8:59am  

CBOEtrader says
Me: there is more than zero evidence and a greater than zero % chance. offers evidence proving Dan wrong*

Really, you offered evidence? Where? Show me the evidence right now. Go on.

Everything I presented comes from the FBI's official statement. What evidence have you shown that the shooter was an ISIS operative?

CBOEtrader says

Somehow your black/white mind misses the concept of nuance.

Baseless conjectures that are contradicted by the FBI's investigation are not nuance. They are the epitome of fake news and misinformation. You are part of the problem, not the solution.
35   MrMagic   2017 Oct 4, 9:16am  

Dan8267 says
If the evidence support that, then the claim will be accepted.

Ever hear of Google? It's pretty amazing.
36   Dan8267   2017 Oct 4, 9:18am  

me123 says
Dan8267 says
If the evidence support that, then the claim will be accepted.

Ever hear of Google? It's pretty amazing.

Saying that there are links to evidence somewhere in Google isn't evidence. If you have any evidence present it now. You don't because you're just a petty goat-fucking moron who engages in nothing but identity politics.
37   Dan8267   2017 Oct 4, 9:29am  

Piggy, the only thing you have won is

38   FortWayne   2017 Oct 4, 10:01am  

Dan thinks giving away his own prized award means something to others...

Dan8267 says
Piggy, the only thing you have won is

39   Dan8267   2017 Oct 4, 1:05pm  

FortWayne says
Dan thinks giving away his own prized award means something to others...

Once again, the conservative right demonstrates their incompetence in humor and crafting jokes.
40   anonymous   2017 Oct 4, 2:28pm  

The fact that this forum’s leftie loopies are all very quick to dismiss anything counter to a right wing gun nut is extremely telling.

Calling people conspiracy theorists for pointing out facts - ISIS Claim and Sherrif statement, foreign ties - speaks volumes.
41   Shaman   2017 Oct 4, 3:23pm  

He was a psychopath, fathered by a known psychopath, whose pride caused him to set up a situation where he would live forever in infamy. That's his tribe.

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