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And the reason we need diversity of thought in Congress.
Diversity of thought is what gave us 96% of Rs voting for and 100% of Ds voting against
I really think you don’t understand the meaning of the word “diversity.”
I really think you don’t understand the meaning of the word “diversity.” Otherwise you wouldn’t have made such a patently false statement.
Anyone left who thinks this President represents the people or is the least bit Populist?
Are the democrats even saying they will drain the swamp?
Democrats = business unfriendly
Businesses are not your friend. Their entire goal is to take your money.
Businesses are not your friend. Their entire goal is to take your money.
Nope! The purpose of a business is to provide a service to the public and thus be rewarded for that service
Not true. I'll enjoy a kick ass restaurant and know their margins are way higher then a shittier restaurant any day of the week. No problem paying that place more
It's not just a binary A or B choice with regards to businesses and how you feel about them. Most businesses I support are my friend. I have no problem with them making money off my dollars. Not sure what other way you would have it.
Because the rampant non-meritorious nature of class actions
by PCGyver in #misc 8 comments, latest 2 minutes ago
Tip for the brainwashed leftoids: consumers can still lawyer up and pursue claims for damages,
How does that contradict my statement?
But to say they're not my friend or friendly is just a bit harsh in my opinion and that was the point I was trying to make however awkwardly I did in the previous comment.
frivolous, multi-million dollar, "i want to retire" lawsuits are anti-business.
And yes, I've personally gone through this process a number of times (dollar amounts of damages were about $12k per claim) and each of the occasions required that I coherently PROVED my claim to the consultants and representatives who were assigned to investigate. It takes MONTHS to go through. No lawyers were even necessary on my end. I got most of the money back.
I don't care what you believe, Bullshit Bobby.
And are they really "victims" if they can't read their contracts before signing for the money?
Patrick - Comments 33-37 are hard to follow who is who. Well, not really. But it would make it a whole hell of a lot easier if they had anonymous_1,3,54,520 etc. at the end of anonymous or something along those lines. I know it essentially doesn't make you fully anonymous anymore in a sense. But outside of anyone that has been doxxed or doxxed themselves, we're all pretty much anonymous here. So I don't see who it would be hurting. I know IP addresses will change, but just a thought and a suggestion I've made before. Plus allows you to ignore a specific anon (not saying I would do that to you anon's here in this thread).
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"Tuesday night, as many Americans were preparing to go to bed, an evenly divided Senate voted to give broad lawsuit immunity to credit card companies, auto lenders, credit reporting companies like Equifax, and many other financial firms. The 50-50 tie in the Senate was broken by Vice President Mike Pence (R), and the House approved the lawsuit immunity measure. President Trump is expected to sign it.
The resolution passed by the Senate overrides a rule created by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which prevents many financial firms from engaging in two abusive practices. The rule prohibited much of the financial industry from using “forced arbitration” agreements — a common tactic where a company refuses to do business with consumers who will not sign away their right to sue the company in a real court."
Anyone left who thinks this President represents the people or is the least bit Populist?