Middle Class tax bill to go up under Trump's plan

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2017 Sep 28, 7:53am   7,057 views  28 comments

by joeyjojojunior   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

His top economic advisor admits:

"President Donald Trump's top economic adviser, Gary Cohn, said today that he can't guarantee that taxes won't go up for some middle-class families under the administration's sweeping tax overhaul."

You can't blame Trump though--when you can put through a tax plan that increases the deficit hugely AND doesn't help 99% of the US. You HAVE to do it!!

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1   anonymous   2017 Sep 28, 8:22am  

Deficits? Stop spending so much, it's not hard.
2   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 28, 8:24am  

anonymous says
Deficits? Stop spending so much, it's not hard.

lol--Republicans don't ever stop spending on the military. How can we protect the homeland if we don't spend more than the rest of the world combined???
3   HEY YOU   2017 Sep 28, 8:28am  

anonymous says
Deficits? Stop spending so much, it's not hard.

No social benefits or subsidies to any Rep/Con/Nazi.
Retard Failures deserve nothing!
Cut them off & watch them flip to the Left.
They will probably go Left Wingnut Extremist when they can't get something for nothing.
4   MrMagic   2017 Sep 28, 8:31am  

joeyjojojunior says
won't go up for some

what's the definition of "some"? Got a number?
5   anonymous   2017 Sep 28, 8:40am  

That's fine Joey Democrat, because the DNC's official newspaper The Washington Post claims that the Middle Class don't want tax cuts. Therefore, shouldn't parts of this tax plan be in line with your party's best interests?
6   anonymous   2017 Sep 28, 8:47am  

The "plan" I've seen for a while now did include an increase in bracket for those earners at the very top of the "middle class" scale i.e. those who make $250k to $500k per year. However, those earners usually have deductions that allow them to move down in bracket anyway such as mortgage interest, property taxes, and state taxes. This is certainly true if AMT is eliminated.
7   Strategist   2017 Sep 28, 9:24am  

joeyjojojunior says
His top economic advisor admits:

"President Donald Trump's top economic adviser, Gary Cohn, said today that he can't guarantee that taxes won't go up for some middle-class families under the administration's sweeping tax overhaul."

joeyjojojunior says
Middle Class tax bill to go up under Trump's plan

Joey Joey Joey....Stop spreading rumors.
8   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 28, 9:46am  

Strategist says
Joey Joey Joey....Stop spreading rumors.

Talk to Gary Cohn. He obviously didn't the party line (party lie I mean)
9   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 28, 9:47am  

So CIC--

Where is all your outrage about deficits now? This plan will probably cost more than Bernie's health care.

You don't care now?
10   zzyzzx   2017 Sep 28, 9:48am  

I really don't expect this to pass in it's current form. It's a starting point for negotiations. I do expect the state income tax deduction to be kept, and more than three tax brackets.

States that have high income taxes often also have high property taxes, so why not remove the deduction for both?
11   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 28, 9:50am  

zzyzzx says
I really don't expect this to pass in it's current form. It's a starting point for negotiations. I do expect the state income tax deduction to be kept, and more than three tax brackets.

States that have high income taxes often also have high property taxes, so why not remove the deduction for both?

Who is Trump negotiating with? Republicans control the whole government.

Although you may be right--this may not add enough to the deficit so they probably will make it worse.
13   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 28, 10:42am  

So, how do you feel about your taxes going to pay rich people zzyyxx?

How do you feel about the deficit increasing bigly?
14   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 28, 11:29am  

me123 says
Has this new tax proposal been passed by the House and Senate?

Can you please post that link, i must have missed it.

Do you only get outraged after it passes? Trump is 100% behind this tax plan. Where are all your deficit and debt calculators now? Where is all your concern about the debt now?
15   joeyjojojunior   2017 Sep 28, 12:02pm  

me123 says
If you think the deficit and debt will go down with either party i have some nice oceanfront land in Chicago I want to sell you.

But you posted meme after meme when Bernie was running in the primary about debt and deficits. Where are all your memes now??
16   anonymous   2017 Oct 30, 5:55pm  

The average family pays more in taxes than it spends on food, clothing, and shelter combined.
17   Tenpoundbass   2017 Oct 30, 6:02pm  

You guys are Mental Masterbating along with Congress?

We all know this Congress aint going to do fuck all but pander to the media and their corporate masters. Nothing will be sent to Trump to sign.
That's why they are all getting voted out. How can you have an Obama repeal after you've done the Tax overhaul?
The Obama repeal is what would then spur the appropriate tax plan. That's if you had a congress that's on the same page as Trump and the Patriots, which these bastards are not!
But don't fret we're voting in a better one next year. Hold my beer while I vote for better Congress than these Idiots.
18   anonymous   2017 Oct 30, 6:09pm  

Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
19   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Oct 30, 6:22pm  

This is ridiculous. Most tax paying families will pay less under Trumps tax plan.
20   FortWayne   2017 Oct 30, 6:27pm  

this sounds like some random sentence taken out of context, and joey is grabbing empty air around him hoping to catch something that is not there.
21   joeyjojojunior   2017 Oct 30, 6:35pm  

FortWayne says
this sounds like some random sentence taken out of context, and joey is grabbing empty air around him hoping to catch something that is not there.

Nope--FWM is likely correct that most tax bills will go down (or at least stay the same), but the middle and upper middle class are going to get hit. Especially those families that live in higher tax states.

It's hard to imagine that middle class families will see a bigger tax bill so that the 1% can get a HUGE tax cut. All the while increasing the deficit hugely.
22   anonymous   2017 Oct 30, 8:04pm  

Once upon a time, government budgets were balanced, our money was sound, the streets were safe, and taxes imposed by all levels of government took less than 10% of our income.
23   Strategist   2017 Oct 30, 8:40pm  

anon_121ac says
Once upon a time, government budgets were balanced, our money was sound, the streets were safe, and taxes imposed by all levels of government took less than 10% of our income.

That was when we rode on donkeys and hardly ever showered. Now we have iPhones and fly on airplanes.
24   anonymous   2017 Oct 30, 8:48pm  

Maybe we should have a 100% tax rate then.

No doubt we could not have cars, airplanes, showers, shoes,
or iPhones without the government, right?
25   Strategist   2017 Oct 30, 8:52pm  

anon_121ac says
No doubt we could not have cars, airplanes, showers, shoes,
or iPhones without the government, right?

No. We would not have those things without capitalism.
26   anonymous   2017 Oct 30, 9:05pm  

If we can have nice things without high taxes, why have high taxes?
27   anonymous   2017 Oct 30, 9:48pm  

anon_121ac says
Once upon a time, government budgets were balanced, our money was sound, the streets were safe, and taxes imposed by all levels of government took less than 10% of our income.

That was when we rode on donkeys and hardly ever showered. Now we have iPhones and fly on planes.
28   anonymous   2017 Oct 30, 9:55pm  

Americans are so fearful, brainwashed, dependent, or ignorant that they think like children and justify every law and overlook every abuse carried out by the government. They believe government workers are kind gods who can do no wrong. Americans feel that the government can run their lives better they can.

Americans are so fat, degraded, and drugged up that they eagerly allow themselves to be molested to ride a bus, offer their fingerprints to get a driver license, and open their bags to be searched so they can ride a subway.

If Americans are asked about the US debt, they respond that it doesn't matter because it is not real money and doesn't need to be paid back. Americans think that they live in a free country if they can get away with breaking laws. Americans say the police should be allowed to shoot unarmed people in the back. Americans believe people should be jailed for filming public buildings. Americans think endless wars are fine because US bombs are just gathering dust. Americans support government secrecy because the USA has enemies. Americans think taxes create more jobs than the free market can. Americans think government workers deserve high wages because they work hard. Americans think the economy should be destroyed to save the environment. Americans say that regulations encourage people to start companies. Americans think everyone accused of crimes are guilty. Americans say people should be in prison to keep the unemployment rate down. Americans would rather increase punishments for victimless nanny state laws instead of repealing them. Americans think the desires of neighbors are more important than the rights of property owners. Americans believe the government owns everything because the government is the people. Americans think billboards should be banned to protect the scenery. Americans want protesting to be outlawed because protesters might break windows. Americans think forcing people to stand for the national anthem means freedom. Americans think people are helpless so they need the government to force them to do everything.
When asked about gun control, Americans say it's needed for safety. If asked about free speech, Americans respond that no one should be offended. Americans think Muslims don't have religious rights because Islam is not a religion. Americans say asset forfeiture is fine because the police have been doing it for years. Americans defend NSA wiretapping because it's just metadata. Americans believe TSA groping is good since they have nothing to hide. Americans say torture is okay because other countries do it. Americans even say the Bill of Rights should be abolished because George Washington owned slaves!

The US is so degraded now that any Americans who oppose wars, debt, and tyranny will be called traitors, nutjobs, racists, Communists, or Fascists.

The collapse of the USA is disgusting and shameful.

Those who still support the government are just tools for the elites.

The US deserves everything coming to it.

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