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lostand confused saysleading S Africa's politician
That's about like calling david duke one of america's leading politicians. This was the black guy that managed to get booted out of the ANC for being such a whack job. .
I'm all for a Global "Put that thing back where you found it" day.
The Dutch that have made oppressive land grabs and imposed their will on the land, go back to the Netherlands.
And so on and so on.
America would be emptied in no time. No thanks. I'm staying.
The world is full of crazy wack jobs. We need to change our laws to prevent them from spreading their filth.
Strategist says
The world is full of crazy wack jobs. We need to change our laws to prevent them from spreading their filth.
What american laws would you suggest changing to prevent politicians in south africa from speaking?
The world is full of crazy wack jobs. We need to change our laws to prevent them from spreading their filth.
Now it’s happening again in slow motion to the Bo’ers. They really fucked up when they did away with apartheid.
The ancient Phoenicians settled first in South Africa after Rome burnt them out of Carthage (Libya). They sailed South and found a fat land with lots of resources, with some troublesome black tribes scattered here and there. So they sailed up a river and set down roots for a new Phoenician civilization. Unfortunately they became complacent to the threat the tribes could be, and lacking the human resources to fight the horde, were wiped out and their budding civilization erased from history.
... it must be the case that whites have some deviate, structural and hidden ways to ensure their superior wealth.
willingness to oppress people of color, and, yes, at some point in the future it may justify a slaughter.
Ever wonder what pre-colonial African society was like? Wonder no more.
Africans under colonialism fared objectively much better. They had more more to eat, better order, and the whites killed enough Zulus to keep them in line.
which the latter is now known as the failed state of Zimbabwe.
If people of different ethnicity are equal in intellectual capacity, but widespread social inequalities endure, it must be the case that whites have some deviate, structural and hidden ways to ensure their superior wealth.
In this context, it makes sense that they should donate most of what they have as a way to right a wrong and atone for their past crimes.
Any attempt for them to resist this is tantamount to white nationalism. It can only be justified by the deliberate racism and willingness to oppress people of color, and, yes, at some point in the future it may justify a slaughter.
The Zulu caste controlled its own population with a rigid code. The chief decided who would marry and when. If you pleased the chief with your exploits as a warrior, you would be allowed to take one or more wives. If not, you were prohibited from impregnating any woman on pain of death for you both!
And once their own white compatriots have been slaughtered they will rely on outside whites to constantly bail them out of various shitty situation they find themselves in. Case in point - Haiti.
See any worthy anarcho-primitivism critique of why human genetics or racial differences are bogus with regards to cultural dominance of a race.
The entire continent would have been better if Europeans never set a foot on the soil.
The world is full of crazy wack jobs. We need to change our laws to prevent them from spreading their filth
I'm all for a Global "Put that thing back where you found it" day.
Ever wonder what pre-colonial African society was like? Wonder no more.
The tribes were split into a two part caste system. Zulus
... were going nowhere as far as civilization is concerned and hadn’t in millennia.
The worst that could happen in the US would be for the Democrats to become THE party representing people of color, and the republicans representing whites only.
Alien invaders, essentially, robbed them of ever being able to rise to anything else, and still do to this day. The only defense of that is (shrug), it's tribal human nature.
Liberal logic as usual. Arabs invaded and occupied Spain for four centuries. Then theyw ere kicked out and Spain colonized alrge swaths of the world. A small country like Portugal colonied amny parts of the world.
India and China were huge powers for long, they fell and now are rising again.
teaches you nothing is every your fault.
Japan was bombed
When your culture is made to fail by external oppression, it takes a little bit of time to "get back on your feet" once that oppression is removed. The longer the oppression lasted, and the more brutal it was, the harder it is to recover.
I'd argue today that most African nations still have quite a ways to go in both removal of foreign interest, and their timelines of 'development' essentially being reset.
Why did the US and allies put reconstruction of Germany and Japan as a primary goal post WWII? Why didn't we treat them like Germany post WWI?
What did we do to rebuild them? And how is their WWII occupation and reconstruction different from the dawn of post-colonial African nations from the 40s to 60s?
If you can answer those questions, you can understand how asinine it is to compare Japan's post WWII state, with African post colonial states.
Europeans are not some gift to humanity or the world. We got lucky.
Liberal logic as usual. Arabs invaded and occupied Spain for four centuries. Then theyw ere kicked out and Spain colonized alrge swaths of the world. A small country like Portugal colonied amny parts of the world.
Have you even been to any big African city like Nairobi or Durban or Cape Town or Cairo??
I'd argue today that most African nations still have quite a ways to go in both removal of foreign interest, and their timelines of 'development' essentially being reset.
Something that always gets totally ignored. A fortunate combination of domesticable crops, domesticable animals, temperate climate, vast mineral resources, fertile land, and deciduous forests. that didn't exist anywhere except Europe until the discovery of America
And America was already inhabited! Millions of American Indians lived here and had their own civilization. They didn’t progress despite having ridiculous amounts of resources. Once again, you are wrong. CULTURE is the reason! It’s always the reason!
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Julius Malema, the leader of South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters (Communist and very anti-White), literally says that they won’t slaughter Whites — yet — as long as they give them what they want.
“The land must be expropriated without compensation.”
“We are not calling for the slaughter of White people, at least for now.”
“The rightful owners of the land are Black people. No White person is a rightful owner of the land here in SA and the whole of the African Continent.