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3   NewOldUser   2017 Nov 8, 10:35pm  

Speed of transfer from component to component far exceeded network exfiltration. This went down much like Snowden. And then Hillary and Pedo-sta had Seth RIch murdered.
4   anonymous   2017 Nov 9, 6:26am  

PCGyver says
RT... lol

I know. Makes you wonder about some of the posters on here...
5   MrMagic   2017 Nov 9, 7:45am  

NewOldUser says
Speed of transfer from component to component far exceeded network exfiltration.

Yep, transfer rates, one of those pesky facts that blow the Russian hack narrative to bits.
6   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 9, 8:16am  

Why the fuck are people so gullible to believe the straw man about data speeds. If a computer is hacked, then the hacker (in Russia) can generate a file on the local machine where the original data resided (in the USA) using commands from Russia.

It's like looking at a car with 100 miles on the odometer that got from CA to VA somehow. Then, arguing for months that the car is not really from CA, because the distance is greater than 100 miles and the odometer would be higher if it was driven from CA. No shit, asshole. It was taken on the back of a truck.

It's like getting fucked in the ass by a guy with a condom, and claiming you are not gay, because there's no actual contact with a dude. Jesus, stop it. Just bite the fucking pillow and realize what you are. I'm talking to you tweeter in chief!
7   RWSGFY   2017 Nov 9, 8:20am  

Somebody still watching that green shit?
8   Shaman   2017 Nov 9, 8:42am  

YesYNot says
like looking at a car with 100 miles on the odometer that got from CA to VA somehow. Then, arguing for months that the car is not really from CA, because the distance is greater than 100 miles and the odometer would be higher if it was driven from CA. No shit, asshole. It was taken on the back of a truck.

It’s more like claiming a man who went from LA to NYC in five hours must have driven there in a stolen car. That’s a fair and equal analogy.
9   Ceffer   2017 Nov 9, 8:49am  

Zero evidence is a good beginning.
10   anonymous   2017 Nov 9, 10:43am  

anon_7a66f says
PCGyver says
RT... lol

I know. Makes you wonder about some of the posters on here...

Their prime time programming is not bad at all - they have liberal leaning shows that go way beyond where CNN is able/willing and don't talk usual partisan americana nonesense that one is used to on major networks. They are now on uverse channel 370.
11   anonymous   2017 Nov 9, 10:44am  

KimJongUn says
Somebody still watching that green shit?

Better than fox news, one america and whatever propagandist populates KSFO.
12   RWSGFY   2017 Nov 9, 10:52am  

anon_7ebb1 says
KimJongUn says
Somebody still watching that green shit?

Better than fox news, one america and whatever propagandist populates KSFO.

Only if you like Putin's dick up your ass.
13   Shaman   2017 Nov 9, 11:16am  

PCGyver says
If you divide 1976MB by 87 seconds that would be 22.7 MBps.

@pcgyver. Your posts left me scratching my head a bit. This one made sense though, and 22.7MBps is blazing fast for any sort of connection. A high transfer rate USB3 flash drive should be able to get there, but not any open internet source I’m aware of. Meaning that these speeds are too high for anything but a direct HD to flash drive transfer. Oh and yes they make these with much more than 15GB of space on them.

YesYnot seems to think the data obtained about the “hack” was itself hacked and the details “planted.” But that seems overly Byzantine to me. If it was Russians, they wouldn’t fear being caught, certainly not enough to take a lot of extra time planting fake data transfer records.

So yah, how else could you explain the high transfer speeds? Someone hacking in from Eastern Europe wouldn’t get that speed, not even close.
14   Shaman   2017 Nov 9, 11:21am  

Not to mention that if the data used to determine the origin of the hack was planted by the hackers, why would we rely on it for analysis? If you can’t trust that, then any analysis based on it is also untrustworthy. So you’re making political pronouncements about Russians hacking our election while discounting the very data used to arrive at that conclusion? You can’t have your fake and edict too!
15   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 9, 11:30am  

Quigley says
YesYnot seems to think the data obtained about the “hack” was itself hacked and the details “planted.”

I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that the file was zipped from source files to a zip file on the local machine. The zip file could then be transferred over the internet at a slower rate. One of my backup routines does exactly this. I would even expect someone to do this. It's really not complicated, and every time I've seen this argument, I've never seen anybody get into the details. This always seems like a bogus argument meant to fool people with no imagination and / or very limited (in scope) computer experience.
16   Shaman   2017 Nov 9, 11:39am  

Wouldn’t there be evidence of that then? So far all I’ve seen was a direct transfer. So was this evidence of a created zip file also erased? Also, what’s the compression rate for such a file? If it was only half the size, it’ll be still really fast transfer.
17   anonymous   2017 Nov 9, 12:14pm  

KimJongUn says
anon_7ebb1 says
KimJongUn says
Somebody still watching that green shit?

Better than fox news, one america and whatever propagandist populates KSFO.

Only if you like Putin's dick up your ass.

Is this what passes for "reasoning" in ukraine?
18   zzyzzx   2017 Nov 9, 12:15pm  

It wasn't a hack, it was a leak. Seth Rich was murdered over this.
19   MrMagic   2017 Nov 9, 12:27pm  

Quigley says
Wouldn’t there be evidence of that then?

The metadata on the files showed the transfer speeds, which only could be obtained by direct access through a flash drive.

But since the FBI examined the server, they concluded...

Oh wait, the FBI NEVER did examine the server, everyone was going on information provided by Crowdstrike, a contractor PAID by the DNC.
20   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 9, 1:20pm  

Quigley says
Also, what’s the compression rate for such a file? If it was only half the size, it’ll be still really fast transfer.

Maybe they erased the zip file. Maybe what people are referring to as a 'transfer rate' had nothing to do with the time it took to move the file, but everything to do with when it was created (zipped).

Why bother with getting bogged down into the details when there has not been a rational argument indicating it was not a hack.
21   MrMagic   2017 Nov 9, 1:33pm  

YesYNot says
Maybe they

YesYNot says
Maybe what

That's not very definitive.

YesYNot says
Why bother with getting bogged down into the details when there has not been a rational argument indicating it was not a hack.

If the DNC had an independent examination of the server, instead of having their paid contractor look at it, we would have details, and not speculation. There has been nothing official that proves it WAS a hack either. Just hearsay.
22   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 9, 1:55pm  

Sniper says
If the DNC had an independent examination of the server, instead of having their paid contractor look at it, we would have details, and not speculation. There has been nothing official that proves it WAS a hack either. Just hearsay.

I think the House Committee should demand it and hand it to the FBI.

Sniper says
Oh wait, the FBI NEVER did examine the server, everyone was going on information provided by Crowdstrike, a contractor PAID by the DNC.

The DNC is so concerned and so sure it was the Russians, they aren't BEGGING Security Agencies to look at it.
23   Shaman   2017 Nov 9, 2:02pm  

YesYNot says
Why bother with getting bogged down into the details when there has not been a rational argument indicating it was not a hack

Um, we’ve just made a very rational argument that it was NOT a hack due to transfer speeds! You’ve countered this with hand waving and misdirection. Got anything better? Didn’t think so.

Why is it so hard to believe that a DNC employee and Bernie fan got mad about the VERIFIED swindling of the Democrat nomination from Bernie and decided to grab the data to expose it?

Hillary killed him too late though, damage was already done.
24   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 9, 2:06pm  

Quigley says
Why is it so hard to believe that a DNC employee and Bernie fan got mad about the VERIFIED swindling of the Democrat nomination from Bernie and decided to grab the data to expose it?

We even have the a multiple time (interim) DNC Chair not only confirming the DNC was totally in the pocket of Clinton, but saying that she feared getting Rich'd.
25   lostand confused   2017 Nov 9, 3:45pm  

At this point Trump and the repubs have control of all arms of the gubmnt. He should not be in this position with regards to Russia- especially after revelations of Clinton collusion and DNC collusion-including cash payments to Russians via intermediary. If he can't fix this-I am losing in confidence.
26   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 9, 3:47pm  

Quigley says
due to transfer speeds! You’ve countered this with hand waving and misdirection.

I believe that the hand waiving was in the forensicator's analysis, and he never showed a good argument to establish the 'transfer' speeds. Even if the argument were good, I'd say it was just as likely that the hackers took steps to make it look like an inside job. It's in Putin's interest to have this look like a Hillary hit job rather than a Russian plot to meddle in our elections. If you want to dream up people killing Rich, there's as much evidence that it was Putin as there is that it was Hillary.
27   lostand confused   2017 Nov 9, 3:53pm  

YesYNot says
t's in Putin's interest to have this look like a Hillary hit job rather than a Russian plot to meddle in our elections.

Hillary got 145 million from the Russians and gave tehm 20% of our uranium and a reset button-Please.
She and the DNC paid them 9 million plus . Then she destroyed evidence after a subpeona from congress-what will happen if you or me do that???
I am losing confidence in Trump over this. If Sessions is incompetent-fire him-he fired Comey .
28   RWSGFY   2017 Nov 9, 4:30pm  

anon_7ebb1 says
KimJongUn says
anon_7ebb1 says
KimJongUn says
Somebody still watching that green shit?

Better than fox news, one america and whatever propagandist populates KSFO.

Only if you like Putin's dick up your ass.

Is this what passes for "reasoning" in ukraine?

29   Goran_K   2017 Nov 9, 4:33pm  

Sniper says
If Rich's killing was just your every day robbery, why was he found with his cash, wallet, expensive watch and cell phone on his body. You want to tell us a neighborhood thug shot him in the back but didn't take anything from him?

Also why would his death scare Donna Brazile so much that she claimed to have closed her blinds at all hours of the day to avoid snipers?
30   Goran_K   2017 Nov 9, 4:51pm  

PCGyver says
How do we know it wasn't Russians who killed him. I think that is the more logical explanation. If Rich is dead he can't tell who he gave the information to and they don't have to pay him.

Either way, the information he had directly implicated Hillary as rigging the primary which lead to the head of the DNC resigning. Something leftist media tried to bury for months. The Russians may have shot him in the head, but Hillary and her DNC allies had far more motive to do so. Donna Brazile apparently was shaken by the killing and hid in her home for weeks because of it. Why?
31   anonymous   2017 Nov 10, 5:55am  

BorderPatrol says
Zero evidence' for claims Russia hacked DNC – NSA whistleblower

Maybe you guys should look up the track record of other claims by the guys saying the data was downloaded to a thumb drive before you get tied up in what they say about data speeds. Credibility? jI think not.

But hey after all everyone knows if someone says it on the internet then it must be true.
32   lostand confused   2017 Nov 10, 6:03am  

PCGyver says
How do you know they didn't take anything from Rich? If all the Russian wanted was a thumb drive then why would they take anything else beside the thumb drive they were after in the first place. Right?

Then you agree Hillary was a russian agent and Russians were protecting their investment?
33   Goran_K   2017 Nov 10, 6:45am  

lostand confused says
PCGyver says
How do you know they didn't take anything from Rich? If all the Russian wanted was a thumb drive then why would they take anything else beside the thumb drive they were after in the first place. Right?

Then you agree Hillary was a russian agent and Russians were protecting their investment?

Exactly. Why would the Russians care about Seth Rich leaking DNC emails unless they were in cahoots with Hillary?
34   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 10, 6:54am  

Goran_K says

Exactly. Why would the Russians care about Seth Rich leaking DNC emails unless they were in cahoots with Hillary?

To frame Hillary in the court of public opinion and hide Russia's actions. There are reports that the justice department is likely to indict several Russians in the hack. In other words, not only do they know it was Russia, they know who the individual actors are. More reason to fire Sessions, I guess. I wonder how that will play out.
35   MrMagic   2017 Nov 10, 7:03am  

YesYNot says
There are reports that the justice department is likely to indict several Russians in the hack.

From where are these reports coming from? WaPo?
36   Goran_K   2017 Nov 10, 7:27am  

YesYNot says
To frame Hillary in the court of public opinion and hide Russia's actions.

That still doesn't make any sense. Hillary has so many more obvious things that they could have leveraged in the court of "public opinion". From Haiti to Benghazi to Uranium One. There's literally a list of things Hillary has done that destroyed her image in public, which is why she lost a presidential election despite spending $1.2 billion (most by a presidential candidate in US history).

Why kill a guy who was going to expose Hillary anyway? If Russia's true aim was to "hurt her in the court of public opinion", why not just let Seth Rich do his thing and do public interviews about all the DNC corruption? Silencing him seems to do the exact opposite of what your theory suggest was the motive.
37   MrMagic   2017 Nov 10, 7:51am  

PCGyver says
What other motive would Rich have for obtaining DNC dirt aside from being paid for it?

Because he was a Bernie Bot and didn't want to see Hillary being favored.
38   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 10, 8:02am  

Goran_K says
That still doesn't make any sense. Hillary has so many more obvious things that they could have leveraged in the court of "public opinion". From Haiti to Benghazi to Uranium One.

None of those things would have given Russia cover for the DNC hack, which was brazen, and is coming back to bite them in the ass. As it is, 1/3 of our country blames our own government and Hillary for these things. What could be better than that. I'm not arguing that Putin had Rich killed. I'm just arguing that they have more motive and more power to orchestrate such a hit as Hillary had.
The whole Uranium One thing is so misreported, it's comical. I keep reading that Hillary sold 20% of our uranium to Russia. That's just not what happened. Benghazi was in the news forever. The rest of the ClintonCash and Killary conspiracy theories were and all of that was being used to drum up support in the segment of the population that was interested in it. I saw it on facebook and it was all over various sources as posed at Patnet. It wouldn't play well with the mainstream, so it wasn't used there.
39   Goran_K   2017 Nov 10, 12:34pm  

PCGyver says
Goran_K says
Why kill a guy who was going to expose Hillary anyway?

You don't have to pay a dead guy. Did they find his payment for releasing this information? No they didn't so the killer would be the one who didn't pay him for the information. What other motive would Rich have for obtaining DNC dirt aside from being paid for it?

Uh because he was a big Bernie supporter and saw the primary being rigged against him which ultimately was what was exposed in the emails Julian Assange obtained?

Your theory reads like a comic book, Seth Rich being a Bernie supporter disillusioned by the DNC is just common sense.
40   Goran_K   2017 Nov 11, 7:57am  

PCGyver says
Goran_K says
Seth Rich being a Bernie supporter disillusioned by the DNC is just common sense.

Common sense? How about some proof? Why would a Bernie Supporter be working at the DNC?
Uh what’s so unexpected about that? Half the party voted for Bernie.
41   Onvacation   2017 Nov 11, 8:12am  

Goran_K says
Uh what’s so unexpected about that? Half the party voted for Bernie.

Bernie won the popular vote, but thats not how elections are decided.
42   Goran_K   2017 Nov 11, 9:31am  

Pcgyver, keep the personal insults out. Even saying “Many people have been calling you liar/moron/idiot” is just another way of tossing insults.

Thanks man.

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