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How about a link to a good reference on Roy Moore's actions.
How about a link to a good reference on Roy Moore's alleged actions.
Why is it the Liberals always resort to dirty, scummy tricks to win elections?
With the long post on Kevin Spacey the Patnet right wingers jumped for joy as they took down a liberal hollywood homo. I have been waiting to see a similar post and unrestrained enthusiasm at the take down of Roy Moore. So far, there has been nothing. So, here's your chance folks.
It's most likely true,
YesYNot saysWith the long post on Kevin Spacey the Patnet right wingers jumped for joy as they took down a liberal hollywood homo. I have been waiting to see a similar post and unrestrained enthusiasm at the take down of Roy Moore. So far, there has been nothing. So, here's your chance folks.
The hypocrisy of the right knows no bounds. A single gay Hollywood actor, who is not a politician and does not pass any laws, does a bad thing and the right claims all liberals are evil through guilt by association. Meanwhile nearly every conservative politician campaigning on family values does shit that would make Harvey Weinstein blush, and not a single peep from the right. I guess all conservatives are sick perverts through guilt by association.
Kevin Spacey is a liberal with faults that have nothing to do with liberalism. Conservatives have disgusting faults that have everything to do with conservatism like lack of resp...
anon_7e263 saysdo you have a source more credible
What would YOU consider credible, Mother Jones, Salon, or Think Progress?
one of Moore's accusers hastily deletes anti moore postings from facebookShe was one of the teenagers who he legally creeped on, right? Moore has already admitted to dating teenagers in his early 30s. He only denies knowing the one that was slightly under the age cutoff. So, if you want to attack the presumed victim, you will have to go after the accuser who was 14. You will have to also take out her mother who corroborates her story of how Roy introduced himself and convinced the mom to leave her daughter alone with him. You will also have to take out the girls friends, because the 14 yr old told her friends about the incident when it happened. Those friends corroborated the story as well. Also, the 14 yr old is now a Republican. You will have to convince yourself that she was making this up and that Roy would never have moved on a 14 yr old even though he admittedly liked to date teens.
You will have to convince yourself that she was making this up
he was one of the teenagers who he legally creeped on, right? Moore has already admitted to dating teenagers in his early 30s. He only denies knowing the one that was slightly under the age cutoff. So, if you want to attack the presumed victim, you will have to go after the accuser who was 14. You will have to also take out her mother who corroborates her story of how Roy introduced himself and convinced the mom to leave her daughter alone with him. You will also have to take out the girls friends, because the 14 yr old told her friends about the incident when it happened. Those friends corroborated the story as well. Also, the 14 yr old is now a Republican. You will have to convince yourself that she was making this up and that Roy would never have moved on a 14 yr old even though he admittedly liked to date teens.
came out right before election time. how convenient.
i'm still waiting to hear from those Trump accusers.
This is why leftism is terrible to me. It’s so inconsistent.
Don't forget a couple of liberals warned you guys not to get too overjoyed stringing up a guy to score some quick political points.
Moore's case parallels Spacey's quite well. When he was 32, he seduced a 14 yr old. Where Spacey drunkenly tried to get with a minor, Moore took a more deliberate approach, cultivating a relationship and sneaking her off to his cabin.
Somehow, a fellow AL Republican is defending Moore's actions as consistent with the Bible's teaching.