Roy Moore - Sexual deviance or natural and biblical?

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2017 Nov 10, 9:14am   9,442 views  34 comments

by FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

With the long post on Kevin Spacey the Patnet right wingers jumped for joy as they took down a liberal hollywood homo. I have been waiting to see a similar post and unrestrained enthusiasm at the take down of Roy Moore. So far, there has been nothing. So, here's your chance folks.

Don't forget a couple of liberals warned you guys not to get too overjoyed stringing up a guy to score some quick political points.

Moore's case parallels Spacey's quite well. When he was 32, he seduced a 14 yr old. Where Spacey drunkenly tried to get with a minor, Moore took a more deliberate approach, cultivating a relationship and sneaking her off to his cabin.

Somehow, a fellow AL Republican is defending Moore's actions as consistent with the Bible's teaching.


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10   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 10, 11:45am  

justme says
How about a link to a good reference on Roy Moore's actions.

On 30-40 year old ALLEGATIONS, based solely on one person's word, you mean.

Stop reading Oligarch Propaganda.
11   MrMagic   2017 Nov 10, 11:51am  

justme says
How about a link to a good reference on Roy Moore's alleged actions.

OK, here it is:

Roy Moore’s Accuser Worked for Democratic Leaders and Is Actively Campaigning for Moore’s Opponent.

We have just received information that one of the women accusing Alabama senatorial candidate Roy Moore of soliciting dates from her when she was a teenager and he was in his 30’s is not only a passionate progressive, but she has actually worked for the DNC and is actively campaigning for Moore’s opponent, Doug Jones.

Deborah Wesson Gibson, aka Debbie Gibson, was named in the Washington Post article accusing Moore, and social media evidence makes clear that she is a fervent supporter of Jones and Democrats in general, and has even worked for the DNC.

Wesson Gibson is a sign language interpreter, who has interpreted at rallies for both Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.

She has also vocalized fervent support for Jones.

Also, of course, she is a vocal opponent of Roy Moore and is clearly dedicated to him losing.

Consider how suspicious this is – a woman comes forward 39 years later with a vicious never-before-made accusation – and how is one suppose to defend oneself and prove it is a lie 39 years later? Welcome to politics in America.

The establishment doesn’t want Roy Moore, a man who can’t be bought or bribed, to pull up their political skirts and overturn their tables of corruption and greed!

12   zzyzzx   2017 Nov 10, 12:14pm  

Sniper says
Why is it the Liberals always resort to dirty, scummy tricks to win elections?

Because they are desperate!
13   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 10, 1:36pm  

It's based on direct testimony from 3 people and corroborating testimony from several others. It's most likely true, and Roy Moore likes young girls. It's another case of the Democrat must be a pedophile. The Republican must be falsely accused. This is so transparent.
14   anonymous   2017 Nov 10, 1:45pm  

YesYNot says
With the long post on Kevin Spacey the Patnet right wingers jumped for joy as they took down a liberal hollywood homo. I have been waiting to see a similar post and unrestrained enthusiasm at the take down of Roy Moore. So far, there has been nothing. So, here's your chance folks.

The hypocrisy of the right knows no bounds. A single gay Hollywood actor, who is not a politician and does not pass any laws, does a bad thing and the right claims all liberals are evil through guilt by association. Meanwhile nearly every conservative politician campaigning on family values does shit that would make Harvey Weinstein blush, and not a single peep from the right. I guess all conservatives are sick perverts through guilt by association.

Kevin Spacey is a liberal with faults that have nothing to do with liberalism. Conservatives have disgusting faults that have everything to do with conservatism like lack of respect for human life, apathy to pollution and climate change, and war mongering.

Don't hold your breath for the alt-right posters here to admit their team is full of perverts and cheaters. No wonder everyone sane is leaving patnet. It's become the toilet of the internet.
15   MrMagic   2017 Nov 10, 2:25pm  

YesYNot says
It's most likely true,

That WaPo paid to get her to make a false allegation? Yep, sure looks like it's true.
16   anonymous   2017 Nov 10, 2:57pm  

Sniper - regarding the content of a few of your posts do you have a source more credible than some website called "ACTIVIST MOMMY"?
17   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Nov 10, 2:58pm  

anon_670d2 says
YesYNot says
With the long post on Kevin Spacey the Patnet right wingers jumped for joy as they took down a liberal hollywood homo. I have been waiting to see a similar post and unrestrained enthusiasm at the take down of Roy Moore. So far, there has been nothing. So, here's your chance folks.

The hypocrisy of the right knows no bounds. A single gay Hollywood actor, who is not a politician and does not pass any laws, does a bad thing and the right claims all liberals are evil through guilt by association. Meanwhile nearly every conservative politician campaigning on family values does shit that would make Harvey Weinstein blush, and not a single peep from the right. I guess all conservatives are sick perverts through guilt by association.

Kevin Spacey is a liberal with faults that have nothing to do with liberalism. Conservatives have disgusting faults that have everything to do with conservatism like lack of resp...

#1. Mitch McConnel and other prominent republicans have already said if its true, Moore must resign.

#2. How does one deviant Senator whose action occurred decades ago come anywhere close to the current Hollywood scandals?

Your posting is over the top hyperbole.
18   anonymous   2017 Nov 10, 7:26pm  

I'm happy it was a girl. Much better than average for a republican politician.
19   lostand confused   2017 Nov 10, 7:35pm  

Spacey never denied it. Moore has outright denied the 14 yr old accustaions. Lets see-if it is true-toss him off.
20   lostand confused   2017 Nov 10, 8:26pm  

Well, well , well-one of Moore's accusers hastily deletes anti moore postings from facebook, called for Trump removal and is an ardent fan of Moore's opponent.

21   anonymous   2017 Nov 11, 12:37am  

Sniper says
anon_7e263 says
do you have a source more credible

What would YOU consider credible, Mother Jones, Salon, or Think Progress?

I have never read 2 of your 3 but I would say that any group that pays a journalist to write for them is more credible than a mom blogger who calls her site ACTIVIST MOMMY.

So again regarding the content of your posts 12 and 14 do you have any source more credible than Activist Mommy?
22   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 11, 3:51am  

lostand confused says
one of Moore's accusers hastily deletes anti moore postings from facebook
She was one of the teenagers who he legally creeped on, right? Moore has already admitted to dating teenagers in his early 30s. He only denies knowing the one that was slightly under the age cutoff. So, if you want to attack the presumed victim, you will have to go after the accuser who was 14. You will have to also take out her mother who corroborates her story of how Roy introduced himself and convinced the mom to leave her daughter alone with him. You will also have to take out the girls friends, because the 14 yr old told her friends about the incident when it happened. Those friends corroborated the story as well. Also, the 14 yr old is now a Republican. You will have to convince yourself that she was making this up and that Roy would never have moved on a 14 yr old even though he admittedly liked to date teens.
23   anotheraccount   2017 Nov 11, 7:42am  

YesYNot says
You will have to convince yourself that she was making this up

Fpr Republicans, convincing themselves is not a problem
24   Goran_K   2017 Nov 11, 7:59am  

Accuser worked for Hillary.

Accuser worked for Biden.

Accuser seems fake as fuuuuuck.
25   WatermelonUniversity   2017 Nov 11, 8:09am  

came out right before election time. how convenient.
27   lostand confused   2017 Nov 11, 8:43am  

YesYNot says
he was one of the teenagers who he legally creeped on, right? Moore has already admitted to dating teenagers in his early 30s. He only denies knowing the one that was slightly under the age cutoff. So, if you want to attack the presumed victim, you will have to go after the accuser who was 14. You will have to also take out her mother who corroborates her story of how Roy introduced himself and convinced the mom to leave her daughter alone with him. You will also have to take out the girls friends, because the 14 yr old told her friends about the incident when it happened. Those friends corroborated the story as well. Also, the 14 yr old is now a Republican. You will have to convince yourself that she was making this up and that Roy would never have moved on a 14 yr old even though he admittedly liked to date teens.

YOu liberals are the fakest of the fake. There is nothing wrong in dating someone who is legal. Especially when mommy agrees on it . I wouldn't date someone with that age gap, but that is because I find teenagers immature and can't stand them past a few minutes. I wouldn't date anyone without the sufficient life experience and amturity. But those were different days-the other persons he dated only said it got so far as kissing-unlike alleged rapist Bill Clinton.
But back then in AL or many parts of the world, it was perfectly legal This person worked for Bidena nd Hilalry, the WAPO did not divulge that and is a rabid supporter of Moore's opponent-Gee why would the WAPO not disclose that and why she is scrubbing her anti Moore messages on FACEBOOK.

On the 14 year old who has alleged multiple incidents againsty multiple pastors from multiple church-oh well -you democrats-can't even build up believable fake news.

Unlike kevin Spacey, Moore has denied those
28   Goran_K   2017 Nov 11, 9:08am  

Moore: Blame Moore support the accuser.

Takei: Blame the victim support Takei!

This is why leftism is terrible to me. It’s so inconsistent.
29   HEY YOU   2017 Nov 11, 9:34am  

"Revenge is a dish best served cold."
One just never knows when they will be served.
30   MrMagic   2017 Nov 11, 9:50am  

BorderPatrol says
came out right before election time. how convenient.

Moore has been in public service for over 30 years, but non of these allegations ever surfaced before?

Sure, we'll believe them NOW.
31   WatermelonUniversity   2017 Nov 11, 11:43am  

i'm still waiting to hear from those Trump accusers.
32   MrMagic   2017 Nov 11, 1:44pm  

BorderPatrol says
i'm still waiting to hear from those Trump accusers.

Good point. When this Moore crap came out, I wondered where those half a dozen accusers went. Did they climb back under their rocks, never to be heard from again?
33   anonymous   2017 Nov 11, 2:29pm  

Goran_K says

This is why leftism is terrible to me. It’s so inconsistent.

Seriously? Check out the outrage in the Spacey thread. Here, we have a pretty similar issue, and we have crickets, defense of Moore, and attack the libruls. You see all of that and complain about libruls being inconsistent. The main difference is that Spacey is a liberal hollywood homo, and Moore is on your team.
34   Booger   2017 Nov 11, 3:05pm  

Alabama ABC Affiliate Can’t Find One Voter Who Believes WaPo Report About Roy Moore in Man-on-the-Street Segment

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