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64   bob2356   2017 Jun 21, 8:04pm  

Quigley says

bob2356 says

It's true because I believe it should be true.

That may be what you believe, but it's not how those of us with a functioning cortex do our reasoning!

Those of us with a functioning cortex go and look up sweden's crime statistics instead of taking whatever the right wing echo chamber puts out as reasoning.

65   Dan8267   2017 Jun 21, 9:46pm  

curious2 says

It DOES have a basis in reality: NATO countries are paying to import and support Muslim immigrants, and paying for the crimes they commit

I would call that a different story. It's dishonest to make up a story about a specific event that never happened and to claim that it is reality. There are more than enough real stories about Muslims committing horrible violence in Europe and the governments doing nothing to stop it. We don't need people to make shit up. This fake story was not presented as a parable or as a fictional example of real life events, but as an actual real life event. Details are important, and the details are false.

Truth comes first. Politics second.

66   curious2   2017 Jun 22, 12:10pm  

Dan8267 says

It's dishonest to make up a story about a specific event that never happened and to claim that it is reality.

Your link says, "The closest we came was a March 2015 report about a veteran who froze to death in an Iowa woods shortly after visiting a VA hospital."

In a few minutes, I found a guy that age did freeze to death outside a hospital in Nynäshamn in 2016. The Swedish news site Avpixlat adds some of the background details described in the article (veteran, evicted from government housing to make way for migrants), possibly drawn from social media comments. Some call that site partisan and I can't verify those details, so they might be true or the sort of "color" that some less credible outlets add to sell a story. Sweden does have evictions and homeless, and Sweden is going out of its way to import migrants and give them housing.

You have created a whole thread for a video that uses a stock photo to illustrate an unrelated story, so it seems hypocritical of you to blame others for using a stock photo.

You might be right that they might have embellished their story with unverified color, but you have exaggerated by claiming it had no basis in reality.

67   zzyzzx   2017 Sep 1, 9:05am  


Swedish Man Charged With Eating Bacon In Front of Muslim Women
68   HEY YOU   2017 Sep 1, 10:10am  

What about so many Americans that are being anally penetrated by Republican & Democrat voters?
It's OK, Rs & Ds are screwing themselves in the process.
69   mell   2017 Sep 1, 10:16am  

someone else says

A friend from Pakistan told me I had no idea what the Muslim world actually thought of America and Europe. The truth is, according to him, that it is seen mostly as a source of easy pussy and money.

He went on to say that any time someone mentioned "America" in Pakistan, the expected and always amusing response was to say "Dollar, dollar, pussy, pussy." Then both sides would laugh.

You can't really blame them. They have limited resources, failed infrastructure, poverty and many other problems. In medieval times the logical response to such a situation was to go out and conquer other regions/countries and that's exactly what they are doing. In a way it is a deeply rooted natural instinct. The people to blame are the leftoids who are supposed to defend their country and resources, but instead open the floodgates. They are the real traitors.
71   Booger   2017 Sep 19, 7:56pm  

I don't know why Europeans like swedes do think Lebanon 2.0 won't happen to them. Mass muslim migration caused genocide of the local population via war and migration
72   zzyzzx   2017 Sep 21, 10:18am  

-> call police to report suspicious activity
-> police come and arrest me for hate speech
73   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Sep 21, 10:26am  

A big bomb went off in Sweden the other night, at a fast food place.

Probably has to do with the other downplayed element of Arab Migration: Their Mafia and Organized Crime.

How else do you think Camel Washers get $500k to open a Bodega or $200k to open a Kebab Shop without a dollar to their name?
77   Booger   2017 Nov 18, 9:23am  


4chan Launches “Operation Swedistan” In A Last Ditch Attempt To Save Sweden
78   Strategist   2017 Nov 18, 12:10pm  

zzyzzx says

At the count of three, fire your weapons.
79   zzyzzx   2017 Nov 20, 11:42am  


Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN

According to UN projections, Sweden will be a much poorer country by 2030, much worse than what anyone in the Swedish government indicates.

The UN report HDI (Human Development Index) predicts a significant decrease in Swedish prosperity, unlike their Nordic neighbors, who will retain their top positions and even strengthen them globally in the long run.

In 2010 Sweden had the 15th place in the HDI rankings but according to UN forecasts, Sweden will be #25 in 2015, and in 2030 on the 45th place.

Sweden is one of few countries with such a sharp deterioration from what it had in 2010.

Finland demonstrates one of the world's best school systems, while the Swedish school have lost competitiveness.

Fewer ends up on welfare dependency in their Nordic neighboring countries while Sweden continues to have a greater amount of family households forced to live on welfare, which are a couple factors causing the dropped global competitiveness.

Most of today's less developed countries such as Cuba, Mexico, the Baltic countries and Bulgaria according to the 2030 UN report will be passing Sweden in prosperity.

Sweden's leftist establishment and media believe a cornerstone of their perfect society is multiculturalism: large scale immigration from some of the poorest, most backward nations on earth. Swedes who disagree with that plan risk being labeled racist, fascist, even Nazi.

"We had a perfectly good country," Ingrid Carlqvist, a journalist said. "A rich country, a nice country, and in a few years' time, that country will be gone."

The logic should be really simple to understand, yet many have difficulties grasping it: If you import the Third World, it's what you'll get.
83   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 30, 2:26pm  

I hope I live to see 2030.

You know, all the Hard Left Swedes at the time will hamster it as to blame the rest of the White Swedes "Not being social and kind enough", when the country deteriorates.

Eastern Europe is going to boom because all the viable Euro Companies will move there to escape the problem they created. They hoped the Muslims would break the Unions, only to find they had no intention of ever working, unless it was at their own illegal kebab stand or illegally splitting cable TV or something. In North Africa, employment for a non-family member is low status. Being given handouts or grants is higher status than employment for strangers. Being poor but dealing smuggled cigs, splitting cable lines, illegal kebab stand that pays no tax, all higher status that working at Nestle or Renault.

"Invest in Eastern Poland".

The only chance for survival is that a Trump-Putin-Johnson Alliance reconquers Europe.

84   RWSGFY   2017 Nov 30, 5:12pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

Eastern Europe is going to boom because all the viable Euro Companies will move there to escape the problem they created. They hoped the Muslims would break the Unions, only to find they had no intention of ever working, unless it was at their own illegal kebab stand or illegally splitting cable TV or something.
The only chance for survival is that a Trump-Putin-Johnson Alliance reconquers Europe.


This is Putin's Moscow:

85   Y   2017 Nov 30, 5:29pm  

Can't we just get along
86   Y   2017 Nov 30, 5:29pm  

87   Y   2017 Nov 30, 5:30pm  

Long way from Mecca?
88   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 30, 5:37pm  

KimJongUn says
This is Putin's Moscow:

The difference? Russians don't change everything to suit Muslims. Russians don't get fined for going on VKontact and saying "Muslims Suck". You'd have to chase Muslims through the streets screaming at them for hours to get the Moscow Militia to do something.

Unlike Neoliberal Western Europe, where Muslims like London Mayor Khan claims they can't track former ISIS Volunteers, but there is an army of social media police that have charged 100s with "Anti-Social" Social Media posts.

Russia is one of the few countries - Spain is the other - to convert Muslims to Christianity or Secularism on a large scale.
People like Kristol, McCain, Applebaum, have been trying very hard to help the Mountain Hillbilly Chechens spread Islamic Terror.
89   RWSGFY   2017 Nov 30, 5:46pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
KimJongUn says
This is Putin's Moscow:

The difference?

Cosmetic at best. Russia has what is basically an open borders policy when it comes to Muslim migrants from former Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and such.
90   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 30, 5:47pm  

KimJongUn says
Cosmetic at best. Russia is has what is basically an open borders policy when it comes to Muslim migrants from former Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and other former Soviet republics.

Soviet Muslim (ie never pray, drink vodka, fornicate, totally secularetc.) , or Wahabi?

Here's a Boo Hoo story from a neoliberal outfit printed in the Neoliberal Rag Newsweek, bemoaning how Russia spies on and actively destroys Wahabi networks, of course the author dodges the fundamentalist part, pretending that conversion to fundamentalist Islam is just "A way to reconnect with roots".
91   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 30, 5:50pm  

When it comes to defeating Islam, I'd rather have Putin than Guy Verhofstadt, Merkel, or Macron.
93   c0nfused   2017 Dec 10, 7:53am  

mell says
The people to blame are the leftoids who are supposed to defend their country and resources, but instead open the floodgates. They are the real traitors.

It's the women. The whole thing is a giant shit-test. "Are you man enough to control me and the other women, or will you allow us to invite in foreign men to kill you and fuck us? Let's find out! Very exciting!"

Even among chimps, the males patrol the borders trying to keep the males of other tribes out, because their own females will gleefully fuck invading males.

94   mell   2017 Dec 10, 8:00am  

c0nfused says
mell says
The people to blame are the leftoids who are supposed to defend their country and resources, but instead open the floodgates. They are the real traitors.

It's the women. The whole thing is a giant shit-test. "Are you man enough to control me and the other women, or will you allow us to invite in foreign men to kill you and fuck us? Let's find out! Very exciting!"

Even among chimps, the males patrol the borders trying to keep the males of other tribes out, because their own females will gleefully fuck invading males.


Yeah and their leftoid cucked male enablers. There's a new video out of Germany where the train security caught a migrant without ticket who is trying to escape and resisting. While they are holding him down until the cops arrive you can see a handful horde of German women dressed up trying to interfere and hissing at the security guys to let the rapefugee go. Gotta know when to put the hyena into place.
95   curious2   2017 Dec 10, 3:00pm  

"Swedish media reported that anti-Jewish slogans were yelled when about 200 people, some waving Palestinian flags, rallied late Friday in Malmo.

According to a report in Sveriges Radio, demonstrators in Malmo shouted, among other slogans, that: “we want our freedom back and we’re going to shoot the Jews.”

Malmo...the southern Swedish city with its 75,000 Muslims is known as one of the most anti-Semitic cities in Europe. In 2012, the European Jewish Congress warned that the city’s Jewish community was at grave risk and that hate crimes were designed to make the lives of Swedish Jews unbearable.
Swedish authorities consciously ignored the situation — 134 complaints last year to the Malmo police, including claims of violence and property damage. But all those files were closed without investigations...
Tsubarah was born in Malmo to a Swedish mother and an Israeli father. Her father Amnon came to Sweden in 1980 and opened the country’s first falafel restaurant to great enthusiasm. Back then the Jewish community numbered more than 2,000 people, compared with 400 now.

“Jews here know that as soon as their identity is known they’ll suffer insults, threats and violence,” Tsubarah says.
“In my high school 80 percent of the students were Muslim, and they would say: ‘Wait and see what happens when we catch you,’” she says. “My brother was severely beaten because he was Jewish. When he complained to the police nothing happened.”

"Demonstrators in Stockholm set fire to Israeli flag
people behind the demonstration noticed a man well behind the main group waving an Israeli flag. The people at the back of the group then rushed towards the man, before taking the flag and stamping on it.

It was later set alight by another group.
96   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 10, 8:21pm  

Google "The Law of Jante".

The Thesis is steaming towards it's inevitable conclusion.
97   Patrick   2017 Dec 10, 9:55pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
Google "The Law of Jante".

The Thesis is steaming towards it's inevitable conclusion.

The Law of Jante sounds very Irish too.

But what is this inevitable conclusion?
98   curious2   2017 Dec 11, 1:27am  

Patrick says
TwoScoopsMcGee says
Google "The Law of Jante".

The Thesis is steaming towards it's inevitable conclusion.

The Law of Jante sounds very Irish too.

But what is this inevitable conclusion?

I would have said that Islamic law is steaming towards its inevitable conclusion, using violence to force everyone to submit to the hateful fraud of the dead charlatan Mohamed and his followers.

"The Law of Jante" would not have recommended importing Muslims, who believe they are better than everyone else because they are Muslim. Somehow, Sweden paid to import Islam. Patrick suspects that was a test to see if Swedish men would stand up. I see it rather as corruption and hypnosis. KSA invested for years in western politicians and public relations including media campaigns and "donations" to universities and think tanks. They hired Podesta Group, invested millions in the Clintons, etc. Somehow, Swedes were fooled into seeing Muslims as helpless and harmless and colorful, like abandoned puppies. They will probably see too late what happened to the inhabitants of Yathrib, who made the mistake of importing followers of Mohamed as refugees. "Allah is the "best deceiver:" Muslims will mock the Swedes' credulity, and celebrate the ease with which Allah enables Muslims to conquer the gullible in the name of Islam, thus ultimately proving Muslims' superiority over Swedes.
99   Y   2017 Dec 11, 6:00am  

Unfortunately the musfucks are proving their superiority over the gullible svedes.
This is what happens when you hand over 56.4% of your wages to the government. One cedes all decisions to those in charge without a fight.
curious2 says
Muslims to conquer the gullible in the name of Islam, thus ultimately proving Muslims' superiority over Swedes
100   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 11, 3:05pm  

Patrick says
But what is this inevitable conclusion?

In the Scandinavian Race to equalize outcomes and virtue posture, they'll end up allowing a group who thinks everything is fate dictated by Allah at the Beginning of Time, destroying their own society.

It's unfair that they live nice while others don't, so they invited them. Since you're not to laugh at us, those who made the decision were above questioning.
101   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Dec 15, 6:05pm  

According to Epressen.se (translated into English):
Sweden’s need for welfare increases faster than our revenues.
Then the Minister of Finance, Magdalena Andersson, raises the height of retirement age.
“Looking at those who start working at 30, there should be opportunities to work longer than 65,” says Magdalena Andersson to Dina Pengar.
Andersson also implied the elderly will just need to “suck it up” to help out migrants:
She believes that there must be an attitude change in the elderly in the labor market.
“Those who are high up in the ages will have the opportunity to work longer,” says the finance minister.
Friatider.se (also translated into English) was even more frank with the news:
The minimum age for obtaining general pension will be increased gradually from 61 years, as it is today, to 64 years in 2026.
You should, therefore, be able to retire at the age of 64 at the earliest. In addition, employees must be entitled to work for 69 years.
“As we live longer, we also have to work longer if pensions can continue to grow. This agreement is an important step towards longer working life and thus higher pensions and more resources for welfare, “said the Alliance parties’ four representatives in the Pension Group in a statement.
But what it really is about is the big immigration to Sweden. This was reported Sweden’s municipalities and county councils (SKL) in its financial report earlier years.

B-b-b-but, didn't they say all those young migrants would SAVE retirement?

What you're seeing is Liberal Hegemony/Neoliberal Extremism in action; even when the policy produces the opposite results promised, they shamelessly preserver. It's an extremist ideology like Marxism or Randian Capitalism.
102   Booger   2017 Dec 18, 4:31pm  

No one wakes up on morning in Afghanistan or Somalia and says to themselves "Yeah, I really want to live in an apartment in Malmo, Sweden", they come for the welfare. Eventually, they will break the welfare state and Sweden will collapse, unable to pay for them. Once that happens, they will scatter like cockroaches do when the light turns on.
103   anonymous   2017 Dec 29, 3:53pm  

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