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If I understand what you are trying to do here, you expect a religion to be okay with talk that directly contradicts some of its core beliefs.
I fail to find anything that could be construed as blocking freedom of speech. Declining to sell books that go against a religions core tennents is not stiffling free speech
I think her real “harm” was self-inflicted when she destroyed her brand by catering to people who would never buy any of her books.
So, you're OK with death threats then?
That’s odd. I can’t find any mention of death threats or my opinion on them in my post. How are you arriving at this dubious conclusion? I have to say, this is making you seem crazier than usual.
I think her real “harm” was self-inflicted when she destroyed her brand by catering to people who would never buy any of her books.
Ok for the peanut gallery I’ll address the death threat issue.
Death threats are an asshole move.
There are assholes in every group of people. Christians are no exception to this rule.
I agree there are assholes in every group of people. Remember that next time someone tries to paint all liberals or Dems with a broad brush because of a few assholes.
"Last fall, Jen Hatmaker, a popular evangelical author and speaker, started getting death threats. Readers mailed back her books to her home address, but not before some burned the pages or tore them into shreds. LifeWay Christian Stores, the behemoth retailer of the Southern Baptist Convention, pulled her titles off the shelves. Hatmaker was devastated. Up until that point, she had been a wildly influential and welcome presence in the evangelical world, a Christian author whose writings made the New York Times best-seller list and whose home renovation got its own HGTV series. But then 2016 happened, and, well, of course everything changed.
During the campaign, as other white evangelicals coalesced around the Republican nominee, Hatmaker effectively joined the coterie of “Never Trump” evangelicals, telling her more than half a million Facebook followers that Donald Trump made her “sad and horrified and despondent.” After the “Access Hollywood” tape leaked and prominent evangelical men came to Trump’s defense, she tweeted: “We will not forget. Nor will we forget the Christian leaders that betrayed their sisters in Christ for power.” Then, in an interview with Religion News Service columnist Jonathan Merritt, she made what was a stunning admission for her evangelical community: She said she supported same-sex relationships."