Study: 27% of CA youth are gender non confirming

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2017 Dec 29, 12:37am   5,230 views  18 comments

by lostand confused   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

#Odd news

A new study released at UCLA finds 27 percent of California’s young people between the ages of 12 and 17 self-report that others view them as gender ‘nonconforming” at school.

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1   Y   2017 Dec 29, 6:41am  

further proof that libbie education does produce results...
2   anonymous   2017 Dec 29, 7:04am  

First, the young people were asked, “Are you male or female?” and, subsequent to that question, they were asked:
A person’s appearance, style, dress, or the way they walk or talk may affect how people describe them. How do you think other people at school would describe you?

Very feminine
Mostly feminine
Equally feminine & masculine
Mostly masculine
Very masculine

The authors categorized male participants who said others describe them as “very feminine” or “mostly feminine,” and female respondents who said others describe them as “very masculine” or “mostly masculine” as “highly gender nonconforming,” while those youth who responded “equally feminine and masculine” were categorized as “androgynous.”

Those young people categorized as “highly gender nonconforming” numbered 59, while 331 were placed in the “androgynous” category. Of the youth participants in the study, 1,204 were in the “gender conforming” category, i.e., those who are comfortable with their biological sex.
3   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2017 Dec 29, 7:21am  

Thanks leftists!
4   NDrLoR   2017 Dec 29, 8:38am  

anon_08dee says
The authors categorized male participants who said others describe them as “very feminine” or “mostly feminine,” and female respondents who said others describe them as “very masculine” or “mostly masculine” as “highly gender nonconforming,” while those youth who responded “equally feminine and masculine”
5   Goran_K   2017 Dec 29, 8:53am  

UCLA used to be a credible institution of higher learning.
6   Hircus   2017 Dec 29, 9:05am  

That study is taking advantage of the low self esteem / high regard of other's opinions that most teenagers have. The way the study interpreted their answers is ridiculous.

I'm gonna bet that the girls who labeled themselves one of the 2 masculine categories did it because they aren't a prissy girl who acts super feminine and wears tons of makeup. That makes them a very normal teenage girl. Typical teenager overreaction. Same goes for guys - some are still frail and don't act all bro-like, and view themselves overly negatively because someone made fun of them once, so they think they must be viewed by others as "kinda feminine".

Typical provactive study written mainly to get attention / funding.
7   Ceffer   2017 Dec 29, 11:35am  

Must be another scholarly study from the Dpt. of Gossip Columns.
9   Shaman   2017 Dec 29, 11:49am  

I agree with goat. Stupid study of middle schoolers whom anyone withhf an education knows are the most self-conscious, insecure, tragically shy kids who ever declined to take a position on anything. Toss a politically charged undefined question at any of them and this is the result
10   RC2006   2017 Dec 29, 12:22pm  

georgeliberte says

I don't know, he looks more like an apache helicopter to me.
11   georgeliberte   2017 Dec 29, 1:13pm  

Like I said before, I like liquid such as a good beer, especially Guinness, and it gives me gas, so I guess I am fluid gender.
12   anonymous   2017 Dec 29, 2:46pm  

goat says
I'm gonna bet that the girls who labeled themselves one of the 2 masculine categories did it because they aren't a prissy girl who acts super feminine and wears tons of makeup.

Yes and they would be part of the 3.7% that labeled themselves (what the study calls) highly gender nonconforming.

The other 23% of that bullshit headline is attributed to kids responded equally feminine and masculine. In other words they aren't particularly trying to be masculine or feminine and do see themselves as coming off that way. For a 14 or 16 year old, this is not equivalent to questioning or having issues with your gender. It's actually pretty normal. Especially in the case of girls, even if they do make an effort to be pretty and are obviously feminine - when they are at that awkward age about 12 - 15, they may not see themselves as particularly feminine. They are - but it's not a huge part of their self image. With boys, if you aren't say a football player or other wise a jock, how are people that don't know you going to see you as particularly masculine.

When I was a teen many decades ago, having long hair and barely shaving yet, sure my homones were going crazy and I was thinking about girls a lot, but did I project masculinity ? I don't think so. In fact it's fair to say that that was the fashion then, even among the most macho boys.

Total bullshit headline.
13   lostand confused   2017 Dec 29, 4:31pm  

anon_08dee says
Total bullshit headline.

Or liberal indoctrination. When I was growing up, I was no jock either. But I always considered myself masculine/a man.

Now with the liberal indoctrination, it shows kids begin to question that and accept that they may be gender non confirming. That 27% of them consider this is alarming and shows leftist indoctrination of thought.
15   Ceffer   2018 Dec 9, 1:49pm  

They are rallying to the fashion slut trumpet call of diversity. How conformist non-conforming.
"Gender my ass!"
"Careful what you wish for."
16   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2018 Dec 9, 2:39pm  

Every liberal dumbass thinks they are unique and special, but they don't realize they are just like every other dumbass, and completely not special at all.

As far as kids, kids tend to shy away from this liberal horse shit and give non answers just to avoid the conversation. Schools already do promote "nonbinary" bullshit out here in CA. I have friends whose kids in middle school already are subjugated to this brainwashing.
17   marcus   2018 Dec 9, 8:30pm  

Yeah, that's a totally bullshit sturdy if I ever heard of one.

Moral of the story ? Bored 14 year olds can spot a stupid study and stupid questions a mile away. PRobably 50% were thinking wtf, seriously ? And having some fun with it. Or they were thinking "whatever."

IF a 13 year old boy doesn't picture himself nearly as masculine as he would like, then maybe he says others see him as feminine. Keep in mind, maybe his voice hasn't even changed yet.

Total and complete nonsense.

Goran_K says
UCLA used to be a credible institution of higher learning.

Yeah, but the SJW leftists have made many inroads. I mean, it is California after all. They don't want to be outdone by east coast schools.
18   Patrick   2018 Dec 10, 8:34am  

The insistence that all women are men and some men are women reminds me very strongly of this:

“You are a slow learner, Winston."

"How can I help it? How can I help but see what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four."

"Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.”

― George Orwell, 1984

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