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1   Shaman   2018 Feb 10, 12:16pm  

So this dossier was compiled out of passed-along rumor mill flotsam, served up with a steaming pile of grade A bullshit!
Precisely what you’d expect from opposition research.

What isn’t to spec is our highest law agencies using such flimsy dirt to waive Constitutional protections, spy on a Presidential campaign, and give regular reports to the opposition.

It’s a freaking miracle that Trump won with all the rampant blatant cheating against him.
2   lostand confused   2018 Feb 10, 1:45pm  

Quigley says
What isn’t to spec is our highest law agencies using such flimsy dirt to waive Constitutional protections, spy on a Presidential campaign, and give regular reports to the opposition.

The biggest irony here was the FISA court wa set up after Nixon to prevent the government spying on people and now is used by the government to spy on the opposition party and derail an election. Dems have now lost their mind-I cannot believe any sane dem -why is this ok??
3   MrMagic   2018 Feb 10, 2:22pm  

This just has to be fake news.

After all, Don Jr. had a 15 minute meeting with a Russian attorney looking to get an adoption policy changed, and Pres. Trump once put Russian dressing on his salad.

That's the TRUE Russian collusion, right?
4   anonymous   2018 Feb 10, 2:52pm  

Quigley says
what you’d expect from opposition research.

Says Breitbart, since the Nunes memo turned out to be lies. It doesn't matter by the time the truth comes out, people moved on believing the party line as usual.

AND GOP has a long proven tradition of being the consummate liars. Telling far more than democrats. Who cares?
5   anonymous   2018 Feb 10, 3:26pm  

And Obama who said he guaranteed he wouldn't be involved in the hillary investigation was getting daily briefings.
6   anonymous   2018 Feb 10, 4:05pm  

jazz_music says
People stop flocking to these fucking liar sites that dish out the daily red meat.

jazz_music says
I mean come on, at a minimum you can start caring about whether something you rant on is true at all or not.

yes, talkingpointsmemo, such a more news worthy and factual site!
7   Shaman   2018 Feb 10, 4:09pm  

8   lostand confused   2018 Feb 10, 5:17pm  

anon_4460e says
Says Breitbart, since the Nunes memo turned out to be lies. It doesn't matter by the time the truth comes out, people moved on believing the party line as usual.

AND GOP has a long proven tradition of being the consummate liars. Telling far more than democrats. Who cares?

At some point liberals have to stop thinking dem, dem, and care about the country-oh wait they hate this country-makes sense now.
9   HappyGilmore   2018 Feb 10, 5:23pm  

lostand confused says
At some point liberals have to stop thinking dem, dem, and care about the country-oh wait they hate this country-makes sense now.

Yep--they do. They don't want budget busting tax reforms that reward 1%ers. They don't want repealing regulations like net neutrality, environmental protections, financial protections. They don't want Presidents that blatantly lie to the US public. They don't want Presidents that use the office to enrich themselves and their family.

Those things are important for the country.
10   lostand confused   2018 Feb 10, 5:38pm  

HappyGilmore says
Yep--they do. They don't want budget busting tax reforms that reward 1%ers. They don't want repealing regulations like net neutrality, environmental protections, financial protections. They don't want Presidents that blatantly lie to the US public. They don't want Presidents that use the office to enrich themselves and their family.

Then you must hate Hilalry Clinton and Obama.
Who gutted Glass Steagal .
Who signed NAFTA and pushed heavily for free trade.
Who came and lied multiple times that if you like your doctor/plan you can keep it.
Which traitor colluded with the Russians toi subvert democracy in our country.
Obozo the lying clown ran against NSA and free trade-what did he do in office-spy on an opposing candidate-and you still support the treasonous dog.
Trump is doing what he ran on.
Oh and tax cuts and 1% -please stop with that nonsense-you liberal America haters need to come up with a new line-.
11   anonymous   2018 Feb 10, 6:40pm  

Tim Aurora says
anon_cb975 says
And Obama who said he guaranteed he wouldn't be involved in the hillary investigation was getting daily briefings.

Except that those briefings were about Russian Intervention and Trump got the same briefing after he was President-Elect

Was Trump sending them to Hillary's unsecure home server too?
12   HappyGilmore   2018 Feb 10, 6:40pm  

lostand confused says
Then you must hate Hilalry Clinton and Obama.
Who gutted Glass Steagal .
Who signed NAFTA and pushed heavily for free trade.
Who came and lied multiple times that if you like your doctor/plan you can keep it.
Which traitor colluded with the Russians toi subvert democracy in our country.
Obozo the lying clown ran against NSA and free trade-what did he do in office-spy on an opposing candidate-and you still support the treasonous dog.
Trump is doing what he ran on.
Oh and tax cuts and 1% -please stop with that nonsense-you liberal America haters need to come up with a new line-.

lol--see here's the part that Trump fanboys can't understand. Liberals have no problem admitting when Dem politicians let them down. Bill Clinton was a DINO and promoted many Republican policies like deregulation and free trade as well as welfare reform. Those are not liberal policies and that is evidenced by the fact that Dem Congressmen overwhelmingly voted against those measures while Republican Congressmen voted overwhelmingly in favor of them.

Obama didn't spy on anyone--you sound like the real liar Devin Nunes.

And what's nonsense about the tax plan that is a gift from heaven for the 1%? That's a fact. The only nonsense is the conservative BS about liberals hating America because they want to improve it.
13   anonymous   2018 Feb 10, 6:40pm  

HappyGilmore says
lostand confused says
At some point liberals have to stop thinking dem, dem, and care about the country-oh wait they hate this country-makes sense now.

Yep--they do. They don't want budget busting tax reforms that reward 1%ers. They don't want repealing regulations like net neutrality, environmental protections, financial protections. They don't want Presidents that blatantly lie to the US public. They don't want Presidents that use the office to enrich themselves and their family.

anon_20fca says

perfect parrot narrative of the liberal media.
14   anonymous   2018 Feb 10, 7:11pm  

HappyGilmore says
lol--see here's the part that Trump fanboys can't understand. Liberals have no problem admitting when Dem politicians let them down.

Ha Ha ha, that's really funny.

Can you please provide the video links where Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, etc. admitting where their party let them down? I must have missed those clips on Fox News. That would have made national news.

Just provide a few links please, I'm sure there are tons to choose from, right?
15   anonymous   2018 Feb 10, 7:31pm  

HappyGilmore says
Obama didn't spy on anyone

Does the name, Evelyn Farkas, ring any bells??

"EVELYN FARKAS: …“I was urging my former colleagues and, frankly speaking, people on the Hill…[to] get as much information as you can, as much intelligence as you can, before President Obama leaves the administration.”

Farkas admitted that she “had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior people [from the Obama administration] who left.” She feared that it would disappear into the abyss of “the bureaucracy,” and “that the Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about…the Trump staff’s dealing with Russia, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods.”.

There are several telling insights to glean from Farkas’ remarks.

First, Farkas here acknowledges that the Obama administration, essentially, had indeed been gathering intelligence, or spying, on private citizens.
16   lostand confused   2018 Feb 10, 7:35pm  

HappyGilmore says
lol--see here's the part that Trump fanboys can't understand. Liberals have no problem admitting when Dem politicians let them down. Bill Clinton was a DINO and promoted many Republican policies like deregulation and free trade as well as welfare reform. Those are not liberal policies and that is evidenced by the fact that Dem Congressmen overwhelmingly voted against those measures while Republican Congressmen voted overwhelmingly in favor of them.

Obama didn't spy on anyone--you sound like the real liar Devin Nunes.

And what's nonsense about the tax plan that is a gift from heaven for the 1%? That's a fact. The only nonsense is the conservative BS about liberals hating America because they want to improve it.

LOL Obama did not spy on anyone-LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHy don't you post some facts on your claim on !%
17   anonymous   2018 Feb 10, 7:39pm  

She acknowledges that the FBI and DOJ were doing their jobs and investigating criminal behavior.
18   anonymous   2018 Feb 10, 9:22pm  

anon_3b28c says
She acknowledges that the FBI and DOJ were doing their jobs and investigating criminal behavior.

What criminal behavior would that be?
19   Y   2018 Feb 11, 7:04am  

I've always maintained the only difference between trump and clinton is trump doesn't try to hide his lies.
The appeal of Trump is that his lies are blatant and out in the open. He could not give a flying fuck if you believe him or not.
Hillary and the vast majority of politicians mask their lies with deception, which translates to a double slap in the face to the masses.
Bottom line, how many times do you want your face slapped for any given comment?

lostand confused says
Then you must hate Hilalry Clinton and Obama.
Who gutted Glass Steagal .
Who signed NAFTA and pushed heavily for free trade.
Who came and lied multiple times that if you like your doctor/plan you can keep it.
Which traitor colluded with the Russians toi subvert democracy in our country.
Obozo the lying clown ran against NSA and free trade-what did he do in office-spy on an opposing candidate-and you still support the treasonous dog.
20   HappyGilmore   2018 Feb 11, 7:13am  

lostand confused says
LOL Obama did not spy on anyone-LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHy don't you post some facts on your claim on !%

Pretty sure Obama was never slinking around in a trench coat surreptitiously watching anyone during his term.

On the 1%--it's pretty simple. Just google Trump tax plan helps the 1% and you'll get 10,000 hits. Here are a few you can start with:
That last one from Forbes--a real liberal rag...
21   HappyGilmore   2018 Feb 11, 7:34am  

anon_a1631 says

What criminal behavior would that be?

Money Laundering, fraud, working as a foreign agent.

Don't worry, it will likely all come out when Mueller announces his findings.
22   lostand confused   2018 Feb 11, 7:51am  

HappyGilmore says
Pretty sure Obama was never slinking around in a trench coat surreptitiously watching anyone during his term.

He is the commander in chief when all this happened and now we have texts that he wanted to know everything-all roads lead to him. The Justice DEpt, FBI all report to him-the treasonous unconstitutional dog who was a constitutional scholar-LOL.

As for your sources-that is typical MSM. To me evidence is putting out facts of 300 million + people in each bracket and analyzing the befits for all. I come out better and now way am I 1% . I don't think I am even 10%. But hey who cares-liberals, this is what they believe-despite it being established that Hilalry colluded with the Russians. Like I said dems need to put country first-can't do that if you hate this country and everything it stands for.

HappyGilmore says
Money Laundering, fraud, working as a foreign agent.

Don't worry, it will likely all come out when Mueller announces his findings.
23   MrMagic   2018 Feb 11, 9:21am  

HappyGilmore says
anon_a1631 says

What criminal behavior would that be?

Money Laundering, fraud, working as a foreign agent.

Don't worry, it will likely all come out when Mueller announces his findings.

That sounds awesome, let me get my popcorn, I can hardly wait for those facts.

24   anonymous   2018 Feb 11, 9:27am  

lostand confused says
As for your sources-that is typical MSM

It must be nice when one can simply dismiss anything that is counter to ones viewpoint as MSM. There are no facts. No truth. Only what one chooses to believe, right?

lostand confused says
I come out better and now way am I 1% . I don't think I am even 10%

Yep--Trump made it so most people do have small gains. But the vast majority of the borrowed money is going to the 1%.

The only problem is if that borrowed money ever gets repaid--then that small gain you got will look miniscule compared to the bill you get.
25   Onvacation   2018 Feb 11, 9:30am  

HappyGilmore says
They don't want Presidents that use the office to enrich themselves and their family.

Good thing we didn't elect Hill. The Clintons made half a billion while "serving the public". Imagine how wealthy they would be if we put them back in office.
26   lostand confused   2018 Feb 11, 9:38am  

anon_3b28c says
It must be nice when one can simply dismiss anything that is counter to ones viewpoint as MSM. There are no facts. No truth. Only what one chooses to believe, right?

Facts are facts-opinion articles froma group that consistently supports are not facts-unless backed by exact figures.MSM has beebn screaming trump Russia and now it looks increasingly like Hilalry colluded witht eh Russians-the shameless pigs won't cover and still scream nonsense-a broken clock can still be right twice a day-but is wrong the rest of the time.

anon_3b28c says
Yep--Trump made it so most people do have small gains. But the vast majority of the borrowed money is going to the 1%.

The only problem is if that borrowed money ever gets repaid--then that small gain you got will look miniscule compared to the bill you get.

Please. This like multimillionare nancy Pelosi talking crumbs-you folks are so out of touch. Pelosi You people think the small gains are a joke-keep pushing that line. The billionares always have all kind sof trusts and foundations and such-Clinton got 200 million plus and she didn't pay a cent in taxes-because she calls it a foundation.
The tax cut added 1 trillion in ten years and gave all of us working people a break and some rich people a nice break.
Obama the treasonous dog raised taxes, destroyed healthcare for middle class and added 10 trillion the deficit-what did anyone egt out of that 10 trillion in debt???
27   anonymous   2018 Feb 11, 9:39am  

Sniper says

That sounds awesome, let me get my popcorn, I can hardly wait for those facts.

You probably have a bit of time. Mueller is still doing interviews gathering evidence.
28   Onvacation   2018 Feb 11, 9:42am  

anon_3b28c says

Yep--Trump made it so most people do have small gains. But the vast majority of the borrowed money is going to the 1%.

The only problem is if that borrowed money ever gets repaid--then that small gain you got will look miniscule compared to the bill you get.

Tax cuts. The gov is not giving the rich money, they are taking less. Tax cuts, not giving the rich
anon_3b28c says
borrowed money
29   MrMagic   2018 Feb 11, 2:16pm  

anon_3b28c says
It must be nice when one can simply dismiss anything that is counter to ones viewpoint as MSM. There are no facts. No truth. Only what one chooses to believe, right?

Yep, that's SOP for WaPo, NYT, MSNBC, et al.

anon_3b28c says
But the vast majority of the borrowed money is going to the 1%.

Why is this still being chanted when it's been proven over and over to be untrue?

anon_3b28c says
The only problem is if that borrowed money ever gets repaid--then that small gain you got will look miniscule compared to the bill you get.

The Dems should have worried about that when they let Obama add $10 TRILLION to the debt over 8 years. Why wasn't that a problem circa 2008 - 2016, but is an issue in 2017?
30   MrMagic   2018 Feb 11, 2:16pm  

anon_3b28c says
Sniper says

That sounds awesome, let me get my popcorn, I can hardly wait for those facts.

You probably have a bit of time. Mueller is still doing interviews gathering evidence.

Yes, those 17 intelligence agencies with access to EVERY piece of evidence just need a little bit more time to find....... nothing......
31   HeadSet   2018 Feb 11, 3:19pm  

anon_3b28c says
Sniper says

That sounds awesome, let me get my popcorn, I can hardly wait for those facts.

You probably have a bit of time. Mueller is still doing interviews gathering evidence.

I sense that the "bit of time" is just an attempt to keep this alive and running through the mid-terms.
32   anonymous   2018 Feb 11, 7:55pm  

Sniper says
Yes, those 17 intelligence agencies with access to EVERY piece of evidence just need a little bit more time to find....... nothing...

If nothing = 4 indictments and counting...
33   MrMagic   2018 Feb 11, 9:35pm  

anon_3b28c says
Sniper says
Yes, those 17 intelligence agencies with access to EVERY piece of evidence just need a little bit more time to find....... nothing...

If nothing = 4 indictments and counting...

The broken record again.

Please list what those 4 indictments are and how they are directly related to Trump's 2016 campaign.

I'll be waiting.
34   anonymous   2018 Feb 12, 6:38am  

Sniper says
The broken record again.

Please list what those 4 indictments are and how they are directly related to Trump's 2016 campaign.

I'll be waiting.

If it's a broken record, then I'm sure you already know. One typically doesn't lie to an investigator unless he/she has something to hide...
35   Shaman   2018 Feb 12, 6:48am  

anon_8f378 says
One typically doesn't lie to an investigator unless he/she has something to hide...

That’s not how it works. When the FBI questions a suspect, they already know all the facts. What they are looking for is either the suspect to incriminate himself or state something that disagrees with their list of facts. This could be a wrong date or time or any sort of thing deemed material to the case. Then BLAM! They’ve got the guy cold on “Lying to the FBI” which is a felony.

If you are ever requested to be interviewed by the FBI as anything other than a witness, decline. If you can’t decline, say as little as possible, and use Hilldawg’s favorite line “I do not recall” like you’re at church and that’s a Hail Mary. There is no benefit from talking to them. There is only a near certain conclusion that they will stick you with this ridiculous charge of lying to them.
36   anonymous   2018 Feb 12, 6:58am  

Quigley says
That’s not how it works. When the FBI questions a suspect, they already know all the facts. What they are looking for is either the suspect to incriminate himself or state something that disagrees with their list of facts. This could be a wrong date or time or any sort of thing deemed material to the case. Then BLAM! They’ve got the guy cold on “Lying to the FBI” which is a felony.

lol--we're not talking about the FBI asking what he had for breakfast 3 months ago. These guys knowingly lied to hide incriminating meetings, evidence, statements that they didn't think the FBI already knew. Unfortunately for them, the investigators did their jobs and proved them to be liars.
37   lostand confused   2018 Feb 12, 7:05am  

anon_8f378 says
lol--we're not talking about the FBI asking what he had for breakfast 3 months ago. These guys knowingly lied to hide incriminating meetings, evidence, statements that they didn't think the FBI already knew. Unfortunately for them, the investigators did their jobs and proved them to be liars.

Oh please Hillary used bleach bit, actually broke her phones with a hammer , destroyed ehr emails after a congressional subpeona-the fBI did what-lOL!
38   Shaman   2018 Feb 12, 7:49am
“The president is no mere witness. He is at least a subject, and likely a target, of the special counsel's investigation. In federal criminal parlance, a witness is someone not suspected of wrongdoing who has useful information, a subject is someone suspected of wrongdoing who may well be charged if the evidence supports it, and a target is someone whose indictment is actively sought as a purpose of the investigation. When the feds interview a subject or target, their goal is not mere information-gathering or fact-finding or "clearing a few things up." Their goal is the hunt.

In the old westerns, rather than take the trouble of hauling mustachioed miscreants to desultory trials, lawmen would often provoke them into drawing first, thus justifying shooting them down where they stood. A modern federal interview of a subject or target is like that. One purpose, arguably the primary purpose, is to provoke the foolish interviewee into lying, thus committing a new, fresh federal crime that is easily prosecuted, rendering the original investigation irrelevant. Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, which makes it a felony to lie to the feds, is their shiny quick-draw sidearm. This result not an exception; it is the rule. It happens again and again.

Consider George Papadopoulos. The special counsel secured his guilty plea not for improper contact with the Russians but for lying about that contact to the FBI. Consider Michael Flynn. He too pled guilty not to unlawful contact with Russians but to lying to the FBI about that contact. ”
39   anonymous   2018 Feb 12, 8:10am  

Quigley says
Consider George Papadopoulos. The special counsel secured his guilty plea not for improper contact with the Russians but for lying about that contact to the FBI. Consider Michael Flynn. He too pled guilty not to unlawful contact with Russians but to lying to the FBI about that contact. ”

Right--and that's because they are co-operating. If no cooperation, then the charges are probably different and more serious.
40   anonymous   2018 Feb 12, 8:10am  

lostand confused says

Oh please Hillary used bleach bit, actually broke her phones with a hammer , destroyed ehr emails after a congressional subpeona-the fBI did what-lOL!

Is there any way to have a conversation about Trump without mentioning Hillary? Just wondering.

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