Jesus Saves

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2018 Feb 17, 5:14pm   9,049 views  35 comments

by WineHorror   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

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3   FortWayne   2018 Feb 17, 7:32pm  

God inspires people to be good.

Though shall not xxxxxxx has saved many lives. Crime went up since religion was banned in schools. Liberals are selling bad moral standards.

Strategist says
God is totally useless in saving lives. Seatbelts are a lot more effective.
He is allowed in cars, isn't he?
4   Strategist   2018 Feb 17, 8:42pm  

FortWayne says
God inspires people to be good.

Which God? Allah seems to be one hell of a rotten God.

FortWayne says
Crime went up since religion was banned in schools.

Crime has gone down compared to the last few centuries. eg the introduction of lighting made London a lot safer.
5   FortWayne   2018 Feb 17, 8:49pm  

Strategist says
Which God? Allah seems to be one hell of a rotten God

Christian God of course.

Muslims tend to detonate a lot, must be some popular paragraph in koran...
6   anonymous   2018 Feb 17, 9:58pm  

Many popular paragraphs in the Koran: https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx
7   LeonDurham   2018 Feb 18, 12:19pm  

"The National Church Shooting Database recorded a total of 139 shootings in churches between 1980 and 2005. In all, 185 people died, including 36 children. These numbers don't include other types of violence that don't involve guns, such as bombings, nor do they include the places of worship of non-Christian faiths, such as synagogues or mosques."

I'm pretty sure God is allowed in churches so the OP's meme is obviously not the solution
10   Strategist   2018 Feb 18, 1:52pm  

Nothing happens against the will of one's illusional god.
Wonder how he figures out who shalt be injured & who shalt be killeded?

Strategist says
God is totally useless in saving lives. Seatbelts are a lot more effective.
He is allowed in cars, isn't he?

I don't need no steenkin' seat belt when Jesus is my co-pilot.

I don't trust Jesus to be my co-pilot. I'll stick with the seat belts. Thank You.
11   Strategist   2018 Feb 18, 1:53pm  

Tenpoundbass says

I hope they succeed.
12   anonymous   2018 Feb 18, 2:27pm  

LeonDurham says
I'm pretty sure God is allowed in churches so the OP's meme is obviously not the solution

Do you know the difference between the definition of "violence" versus "shootings"?
13   LeonDurham   2018 Feb 18, 3:45pm  

anon_cf6c6 says
Do you know the difference between the definition of "violence" versus "shootings"?

Sure-shootings are a very deadly form of violence.
14   anonymous   2018 Feb 18, 4:13pm  

LeonDurham says
anon_cf6c6 says
Do you know the difference between the definition of "violence" versus "shootings"?

Sure-shootings are a very deadly form of violence.

What about all the other forms of violence? Don't they count?
15   Strategist   2018 Feb 18, 5:14pm  

anon_cf6c6 says
LeonDurham says
anon_cf6c6 says
Do you know the difference between the definition of "violence" versus "shootings"?

Sure-shootings are a very deadly form of violence.

What about all the other forms of violence? Don't they count?

Sure they do. God could have prevented all of them, but did not bother to.
If I was God, I would have prevented them all.
16   mell   2018 Feb 18, 5:21pm  

Strategist says
Tenpoundbass says

I hope they succeed.

Why? This is the nuclear family unit. I surely hope the left is defeated. Doesn't mean I go to church every Sunday but I have no problem with the nuclear family. It's essential for the well being of any country.
17   Strategist   2018 Feb 18, 5:26pm  

mell says
Why? This is the nuclear family unit. I surely hope the left is defeated. Doesn't mean I go to church every Sunday but I have no problem with the nuclear family. It's essential for the well being of any country.

Here's what I mean. Churches should be built and paid for by those who want to use it. Why make everyone pay for them through tax write offs?
18   mell   2018 Feb 18, 5:41pm  

Strategist says
mell says
Why? This is the nuclear family unit. I surely hope the left is defeated. Doesn't mean I go to church every Sunday but I have no problem with the nuclear family. It's essential for the well being of any country.

Here's what I mean. Churches should be built and paid for by those who want to use it. Why make everyone pay for them through tax write offs?

Sure those write offs are debatable. However Christian church has done more good than bad hands down for society.
19   Strategist   2018 Feb 18, 5:54pm  

mell says
Here's what I mean. Churches should be built and paid for by those who want to use it. Why make everyone pay for them through tax write offs?

Sure those write offs are debatable. However Christian church has done more good than bad hands down for society.

Could be debated. I have no doubt helping the poor etc is a good thing. However, the harm religion does is not treating everyone as equal (gays). Forbidding the use of contraceptives. And the greatest harm to society, being anti science. Teaching creation instead of evolution prevents many capable people from becoming scientists, researchers and what not. Who knows, but someone who was taught creationism could have discovered the cure for cancer, if only they were taught real science.
The single biggest cause of holding up progress is religion.
20   anonymous   2018 Feb 19, 4:48am  

mell says
Strategist says
mell says
Why? This is the nuclear family unit. I surely hope the left is defeated. Doesn't mean I go to church every Sunday but I have no problem with the nuclear family. It's essential for the well being of any country.

Here's what I mean. Churches should be built and paid for by those who want to use it. Why make everyone pay for them through tax write offs?

Sure those write offs are debatable. However Christian church has done more good than bad hands down for society.

Lolololol maga googoo gaga!!
21   WineHorror   2018 Feb 19, 9:43pm  

Strategist says
mell says
Why? This is the nuclear family unit. I surely hope the left is defeated. Doesn't mean I go to church every Sunday but I have no problem with the nuclear family. It's essential for the well being of any country.

Here's what I mean. Churches should be built and paid for by those who want to use it. Why make everyone pay for them through tax write offs?

This is an important question and needs a longer answer than I can provide. But, religions exchanged free political speech for tax benefits. Maybe it was forced on them even.
22   WineHorror   2018 Feb 19, 9:43pm  

Strategist says
mell says
Why? This is the nuclear family unit. I surely hope the left is defeated. Doesn't mean I go to church every Sunday but I have no problem with the nuclear family. It's essential for the well being of any country.

Here's what I mean. Churches should be built and paid for by those who want to use it. Why make everyone pay for them through tax write offs?

This is an important question and needs a longer answer than I can provide. But, religions exchanged free political speech for tax benefits. Maybe it was forced on them even.
23   WineHorror   2018 Feb 19, 9:47pm  

Strategist says
mell says
Here's what I mean. Churches should be built and paid for by those who want to use it. Why make everyone pay for them through tax write offs?

Sure those write offs are debatable. However Christian church has done more good than bad hands down for society.

Could be debated. I have no doubt helping the poor etc is a good thing. However, the harm religion does is not treating everyone as equal (gays). Forbidding the use of contraceptives. And the greatest harm to society, being anti science. Teaching creation instead of evolution prevents many capable people from becoming scientists, researchers and what not. Who knows, but someone who was taught creationism could have discovered the cure for cancer, if only they were taught real science.
The single biggest cause of holding up progress is religion.

Pah-leeeze. That is absurd. Plus, I've got a great movie for you to watch and then come back here and spout your bs. It's called..."God is not dead". It may be available on Netflix.
24   WineHorror   2018 Feb 19, 9:49pm  

God not being in school created a void. Take a guess who/what filled that void.
25   Strategist   2018 Feb 20, 6:55am  

WineHorror says
Could be debated. I have no doubt helping the poor etc is a good thing. However, the harm religion does is not treating everyone as equal (gays). Forbidding the use of contraceptives. And the greatest harm to society, being anti science. Teaching creation instead of evolution prevents many capable people from becoming scientists, researchers and what not. Who knows, but someone who was taught creationism could have discovered the cure for cancer, if only they were taught real science.
The single biggest cause of holding up progress is religion.

Pah-leeeze. That is absurd. Plus, I've got a great movie for you to watch and then come back here and spout your bs. It's called..."God is not dead". It may be available on Netflix.

A movie that attempts to prove Bible fairy tales are real. No thanks.

WineHorror says
God not being in school created a void. Take a guess who/what filled that void.

Science and evolution.
26   WineHorror   2018 Feb 20, 9:16am  

Strategist says
WineHorror says
Could be debated. I have no doubt helping the poor etc is a good thing. However, the harm religion does is not treating everyone as equal (gays). Forbidding the use of contraceptives. And the greatest harm to society, being anti science. Teaching creation instead of evolution prevents many capable people from becoming scientists, researchers and what not. Who knows, but someone who was taught creationism could have discovered the cure for cancer, if only they were taught real science.
The single biggest cause of holding up progress is religion.

Pah-leeeze. That is absurd. Plus, I've got a great movie for you to watch and then come back here and spout your bs. It's called..."God is not dead". It may be available on Netflix.

A movie that attempts to prove Bible fairy tales are real. No thanks.

I certainly can't force you to watch the movie but close your mind, it's yours to do with as you wish.
27   Bd6r   2018 Feb 20, 9:30am  

Strategist says
However Christian church has done more good than bad hands down for society.

I am not sure. I am from part of the world where 50% of the population was "crusaded" in 1200's in Northern Crusades (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Crusades). Prussians were all but wiped out because they were Pagans. After Crusades, health and well-being of surviving locals was worse than before for several hundreds of years according to archeology. The argument I hear from religious individuals is basically that I should listen to Christian ideas and not look at what they did, e.i. advice goes contrary to advice in their Holy Book and is similar to what Muslims say these days. Not All Muslims, Not All Christians, etc.
28   georgeliberte   2018 Feb 20, 9:58am  

At first I thought the nuclear family portrait was the one from "The Man in The High Castle."
29   anonymous   2018 Feb 20, 10:14am  

WineHorror says
God not being in school created a void. Take a guess who/what filled that void.

MAGA and Winning ?
30   anonymous   2018 Feb 20, 11:50am  

drB6 says
I am not sure.

I imagine there are a lot of altar boys that would agree with you.
31   Onvacation   2018 Feb 20, 1:32pm  

Strategist says
Churches should be built and paid for by those who want to use it. Why make everyone pay for them through tax write offs?

Churches are built by worshipers.
Not paying taxes is not the same as making "everyone pay" for building churches.
32   Tenpoundbass   2018 Feb 20, 1:41pm  

georgeliberte says
"The Man in The High Castle."

An Amazon Series no Amazon inferred that the Nuclear family are Nazis that's why I don't have anything Amazon in my home.

There should be huge difference in you automatically thinking a Christian family is a Nazi and Amazon's programing of it.
33   anonymous   2018 Feb 22, 7:24pm  

WineHorror says

So then, God, why did you encourage so much rape and murder for thousands of years in the Old Testament?
34   Shaman   2018 Feb 22, 8:06pm  

This OP is wrong. Things like school shootings happen because people have free will. God doesn’t interfere with that, but lets us reap the rewards or negative consequences of our choices. It’s all very simple. It’s amazing that more people don’t understand this.
35   WookieMan   2018 Feb 22, 8:29pm  

I like science fiction too!

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