War Between North Korea and the United States Is Inevitable

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2017 Sep 20, 4:34am   43,573 views  146 comments

by ohomen171   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

War Between The United States And North Korea Is Inevitable

I have been warning everyone for weeks that a miscalculation or a mistake is going to lead to a war between the US and North Korea that will result in the use of nuclear weapons in battle for the first time since 1945.
I promised myself that I would not watch the Ken Burns series Vietnam. After all, I had four friends killed there and some friends wounded. A Purple Heart certificate sits on the wall in my study. I broke the promise to myself. I watched the first two episode of the series yesterday. I focused on how four U.S. presidents saw Vietnam. Let me summarize what I saw:
President Eisenhower: He gave France hundreds of millions of dollars in support to keep them fighting in Vietnam. At one point, he was financing 80% of France’s costs to fight the war. France had over 100,000 casualties in Vietnam. President Eisenhower would not send US troops. He decided that the war was unwinnable.
President Kennedy: One quote in the show was most telling as follows:
“These people don’t like us. But if Vietnam falls to the Communists, I will lose the 1964 election.”
At the John F. Kennedy Library, I purchased a book: Vietnam Had Kennedy Lived. This is some heavy reading and quite scholarly. The conclusion is that Kennedy would have stayed in Vietnam until after the 1964 election and then started to wind down US involvement even if the North Vietnamese won.
President Johnson: Despite his humble background and education, Johnson’s biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin described him as a political genius. Johnson believed in The Domino Theory. In other words, if South Vietnam fell, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc. would follow.
President Nixon: Alan Greenspan described Nixon as a dark and troubled man with a brilliant mind. President Nixon was a master of foreign affairs. He too believed in the Domino Theory.
With Johnson and Nixon strong believers in the Domino Theory, it was inevitable that Vietnam would be a long and a bloody war for the USA. North Vietnam won at the cost of some 3.25 million people killed. 20% of their territory is a “no man’s land” due to land mines and poisonous chemicals. After the Vietnam war ended in 1975, an additional 50,000 Vietnamese civilians were killed by land mines and unexploded ordinance.
Let us go to the present. Everyone thinks that Donald Trump is wild and irresponsible. Even if Hillary Clinton or Mike Pence were president, a war with North Korea would be inevitable. It would escalate to a nuclear conflict. The mindset is there as it was in Vietnam. It will start with some mistake or misunderstanding. It will quickly escalate into a nuclear exchange because that sort of firepower will be needed to destroy North Korea’s military capabilities.
Let me expose some fallacies as follows:
1) Kim Jung Un and his senior management team are phantoms hiding in heavily-fortified bunkers all the time. Wrong, they do appear in public. Rest assured that the following countries have “eyes on” Kim and his management team 24 hours a-day seven days a week:
The US
South Korea
Israel (Due to fear of North Korea sharing its nuclear technology with Iran.)
The dream of all these countries would be a stealth drone strike that would kill Kim Jung Un and his management team. If this happened the country would collapse.
2) Massive nuclear weapons will have to be employed with casualties in the range of 25 million plus. Nuclear weapons will be employed to “take out” military targets. My educated guess is one million casualties.
3) South Korea and Japan will be heavily damaged. There will be some casualties and damage in South Korea and Japan. China should be very concerned. When things get really irrational, North Korean nuclear weapons and poison gas might be used against China.
What will follow will be a temporary fall in world financial markets with a nasty recession to follow. Violent protests will erupt all over the world. These protests will make the Vietnam War protests seem pale in comparison.

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21   RWSGFY   2018 Mar 2, 5:31pm  

Any second now....
22   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Mar 2, 8:03pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
It is now March, 2018 and no war.

In fact, it's been rather quiet.

Maybe rocket boy figured out some way to suck his own cock and it’s kept him busy.
23   Strategist   2018 Mar 2, 9:59pm  

There will be no war. The only goal of Rocket Man is to be be in power and nothing else. A war war would destroy him. Eventually Rocket man will give up.
24   Y   2018 Mar 3, 6:09am  

is this a step up or down from a shithole??

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Japan already provides billions in aid to shithouses
25   Shaman   2018 Mar 3, 7:57am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
It is now March, 2018 and no war.

In fact, it's been rather quiet.

Rocketboy threatened the entire region with nuclear war if he wasn’t paid his traditional “protection” money. Rather than cave to this heinous racketeer as Obama, Bush, and Clinton did, Trump called his fucking bluff! And then insulted him, made him a laughingstock internationally, and called him out in public! Trump basically taunted him in every way possible, just DARING Kim Jong Un to do something!
As Leftists and chicken hawks fainted dead away, broadcasting their consolations to the petty dictator, Trump stood firm.

So Rocketboy was faced with either:
1)Declare war and face the end of his regime and power, probably ending in his own death
Or 2)Back the fuck off and cut his losses.

He (wisely) chose the second option.

Trump knew he was a coward and played on it. Now we all know that we have little to fear from the supposedly Krazy Korean. He will operate from self interest just like every other petty dictator, and we can trust in that.

Trump is keeping America’s pimp hand strong!
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 3, 9:08am  

Quigley says
As Leftists and chicken hawks fainted dead away, broadcasting their consolations to the petty dictator, Trump stood firm.

It was almost 1985 again, with Kim standing in for the Soviet Union.

"Reagan Raygun is crazy, saying mean shit. Don't piss off Gorbachev! We gotta get along. It's 1985, and the USSR will be around for a long time, we have to get along! Oh, give me my smelling salts and take me to the fainting coach, I am having an attack of Nerves, Mr. Willoughby."
27   Shaman   2018 Mar 3, 9:51am  

So, you’re looking forward to yet another Democrat coup attempt, which you expect will be enough to push the embattled POTUS to nuclear war. Doesn’t anything about your position cause even a bit of hesitation?
28   Shaman   2018 Mar 3, 9:53am  

Feux Follets says
be no winners, only losers

Well I’ll agree that the Democrats have proven themselves to be both sad losers and sore losers. Will they prove to be treasonous losers as well? You can hope!
29   Shaman   2018 Mar 3, 11:22am  

Well that makes me sad for you. And afraid lest by some diabolical machination, you ever gain a quantum of power.
30   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 8, 4:59pm  

Trump accepts Kim Jong Un's invitation to meet, White House says


Looks like war is inevitable.

#ArtOfTheDeal #17DChess
31   mell   2018 Mar 8, 5:38pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Trump accepts Kim Jong Un's invitation to meet, White House says


Looks like war is inevitable.

Totally. Orange cheeto bad! Unstable! Cali stronk! rezist!
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 8, 5:41pm  

Did Obama ever meet one of the Kims? NOPE.

What did Obama do when a US citizen was kidnapped by North Korea? Jack Shit,

What did Obama do when Kim Jong-Un took over? Gave him 240,000 tons of food.

Dennis Rodman had to "Do the President's Job" - "Obama didn't do Shit" his own words.

One of America's freakin' Basketball Players had use HIS influence to do something that Obama ought to have done.
33   Strategist   2018 Mar 8, 6:36pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
What did Obama do when Kim Jong-Un took over? Gave him 240,000 tons of food.

Kim ate most of it. Notice, he's always the fattest man in the room.

TwoScoopsPlissken says

One of America's freakin' Basketball Players had use HIS influence to do something that Obama ought to have done.

Rodman and Kim should make a movie....Twins 2
34   Strategist   2018 Mar 8, 7:01pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Trump accepts Kim Jong Un's invitation to meet, White House says

Trump will chew up the fat little rocket man.
35   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 8, 10:22pm  

Chung, the National Security Advisor on Korea:

CHUNG: Good evening. Today, I had the privilege of briefing President Trump on my recent visit to Pyongyang, North Korea. I’d like to thank President Trump, the Vice President, and his wonderful national security team, including my close friend, General McMaster.

I explained to President Trump that his leadership and his maximum pressure policy, together with international solidarity, brought us to this juncture. I expressed President Moon Jae-in’s personal gratitude for President Trump’s leadership.

I told President Trump that, in our meeting, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said he is committed to denuclearization. Kim pledged that North Korea will refrain from any further nuclear or missile tests. He understands that the routine joint military exercises between the Republic of Korea and the United States must continue. And he expressed his eagerness to meet President Trump as soon as possible.

President Trump appreciated the briefing and said he would meet Kim Jong-un by May to achieve permanent denuclearization.

The Republic of Korea, along with the United States, Japan, and our many partners around the world remain fully and resolutely committed to the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Along with President Trump, we are optimistic about continuing a diplomatic process to test the possibility of a peaceful resolution.

The Republic of Korea, the United States, and our partners stand together in insisting that we not repeat the mistakes of the past, and that the pressure will continue until North Korea matches its words with concrete actions.

Thank you.

Holy Shit. This is so unbelievably fuckin' YUGE. This is Kim wanting full denuclearization (since South Korea and Japan already don't have nukes no concessions are needed), understanding the US and ROK will continue military exercises (meaning he isn't going to use that as an excuse to drop his promises), and wants to meet Trump as soon as possible.

There's no way this can be spun away.

By the way, it's also no coincidence that the aluminium and steel tariffs took effect today. Don't think China didn't tell Kim he had to concede.
36   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 8, 10:24pm  

Amazing what happens when have a leader who isn't all apologetic, and suggesting Americans have to suffer, and no real improvements are possible.

But when you have an aggressive guy who negotiates tough and uses America's leverage to get shit done.

Remember, when one customer provides much of your business, and if that customer gets pissed, YOU are the one who has a major problem.

Plastic Lawn Flamingos and Windshield Wipers aren't the Spice Melange or the only reserves of Oil left.
37   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Mar 8, 11:34pm  

Suck it beta male’s

Trump shows how real men handle business.
38   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 9, 4:24am  

Notice how imminent peace w NK as negotiated by Trump is no longer news worthy.

39   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 9, 5:19am  

Feux Follets says
Yup, that is why it is the first story covered on every channel and on every website this morning.

Show us the article praising Trump and I'll concede.

NK saber rattling built up over 3 decades = Trumps fault. NK gives in to Trump peace negotiations should equal enormous praise for Trump. CNN=fake news.

I certainly haven't read every news outlet this morning. Show me the praise for trump and I'll admit I mischaracterized the nature of this morning's fake news. (I don't think you can.)
40   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 9, 5:26am  


Lol. Trump negotiates the greatest peace treaty of our times, and the left has their collective head in the gutter.

The Clinton/Bush/Obama crime ring is working in overtime to spin this.

Sorry, we are on the train to #maga w no turning back. Trump is easily the best president since JFK.
41   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 9, 5:30am  

The president of soko is "the right"?
42   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 9, 5:33am  

Feux Follets says
Last time I'm going to let one of these slide - than it's in the personal bin for you.

Lolz, asking for evidence to support a thesis is personal?

I'll ask again. Go find an example of MSM praising Trump for this monumental accomplishment. (I don't think you can.)
43   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 9, 5:40am  

Feux Follets says
This is a bit beyond MAGA and Winning

Every bit of this is maga and winning. What do you think Trump was negotiating during his china trip back in November? What do you think they discussed over dinner in the forbidden city?
44   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 9, 5:55am  

Feux Follets says
CBOEtrader says
What do you think they discussed over dinner in the forbidden city?

Making more cheap shit with the Trump label at an even lower cost to sell to naïve Americans ?

The possibility of a Trump branded hotel or casino in Tiananmen Square ?

Where is the nearest McDonalds since Potus probably doesn't know how to use chopsticks ?

How come everyone looks funny, talks funny and smells funny and that was just Xi Jinping and his countrymen on the Trump entrouge.

CNN #fakenews would be proud.
45   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 9, 5:57am  


Here's a Bernie supporter suggesting Trump wins the Nobel peace prize if NK peace treaty is completed.

I agree, he should win the peace prize if he can follow through with this successfully.
46   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 9, 6:05am  

Feux Follets says
Made all that stuff up

At least yours had comedic punch. CNN is just sad
47   Y   2018 Mar 9, 6:12am  

The world cannot police itself without a top cop.
The more contries have nukes the more likely they will be used.

Feux Follets says
CBOEtrader - How come everyone else has to give up their nuclear ambitions but we get to increase ours ?
48   Y   2018 Mar 9, 6:15am  

Looking for fairness or equality regarding nukes is an extinction level pursuit...
49   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 9, 6:17am  

Feux Follets says
Potus is not particularly adept at keeping his mouth shut at the necessary times

Feux Follets says
the west is not adept at negotiating and letting someone save face

Trump is a unique force as compared to "the west". Watch him operate during bipartisan negotiations. No president has ever been as much of a bipartisan leader as Trump. He does seem to know when to turn on the Twitter corkskrews vs graciously allowing others to run w the ball.

Your China example above is exactly what I'm talking about. Trump went to China and asked them how to solve the problem, then asked them to manage the process. He didn't dictate, he negotiated.

He will do the same w soko/china and the rocket man peace negotiations. Afterwards he will praise Kim publicly (allowing him to save face) and enraging fake news CNN.

Watch. This is getting too predictable.
50   HeadSet   2018 Mar 9, 6:18am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

Don't think China didn't tell Kim he had to concede

Yep. Two major tools President Trump has:

1. Restrict and/or tariff China'a access to the US market, a card he seems to be playing now
2. Encourage Japan to expand its military, including possible nukes. PM Abe and Japan itself are much less pacifist than before
51   Y   2018 Mar 9, 6:29am  

The concept behind MAGA is to reverse The March towards 3rd world status.
How this is accomplished can be debated but make no mistake , without MAGA ...
Feux Follets says
Has more wisdom and patience to step back and observe before making any moves, has been around much longer than the U.S. and will most likely be around as going concern after the U.S. has passed on to 3rd world status.
52   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 9, 9:27am  

Feux Follets says
Diplomat Magazine

Still a major breakthrough, no matter how much the Chinese are pretending they're doing it for goodwill and happiness and not because the "Iron Fisted" Trump was threatening a boatload of Tariffs and Trade Restrictions from their #1 Export Destination without which their economy is in big trouble. Meanwhile the "Velvet Gloved" Trump is willing to let China claim credit and build prestige if they assist with North Korea.

No other US Administration has gotten so close to resolving the problem in the past 20 years.

When you hear neoliberal propaganda about German Cars being "Needed" in the UK or Americans "Needing" Chinese goods, just remember: 1 in every 7 domestically produced German Cars is sold in the UK. China is unbelievably dependent on US Exports for tens of millions of jobs and hundreds of billions of US Dollars each year.
55   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 9, 10:32am  

You know, Nuclear Proliferation and a 12-year old Affair. Kinda on the same level of importance.

Fake Fuckin' News. Very Fake.
56   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 9, 10:35am  

The Stormy Daniels piece went before the North Korea piece.
57   Strategist   2018 Mar 9, 10:56am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

You know, Nuclear Proliferation and a 12-year old Affair. Kinda on the same level of importance.

Fake Fuckin' News. Very Fake.

The bias by CNN against Trump is obvious and pathetic. Not professional journalism at all.
58   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 12, 12:08pm  

Feux Follets says
It wasn't Trump. It isn't about Trump. Their is a world out there that exists quite nicely without Trump and right now would probably function a lot smoother as well, should he not be around. Same with anything Clinton, Bush, or any other political dynasty or "American Royalty" but again lets overlook the key players who are politely modest and actually doing the work.

So Trump's team got the job done. Who picked Trump's Team?

Obama certainly had no breakthroughs. He gave Kim Jong-Un 240,000 tons of food, and Kim kept testing nukes and missiles.

Speaking of the world out there, Neoliberal Globalists are being shown up everywhere, all the time. On Trade, On Foreign Policy, On the Economy. Their failed policies are revealed for the con job they were, rather than an accurate response to reality.

Whether it's the undeniable reform in Saudi Arabia, or the new willingness of North Korea to negotiate, or the near-total obliteration of ISIS (what Obama dismissed as "The JV Team" just before they conquered half the Levant months later) from Iraq and Syria, we are getting positive results.

Remember when Obama went to China for G20 and he was snubbed, yet instead of getting back in the plane and leaving, he bowed even lower?
59   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Mar 12, 12:14pm  

Feux Follets says
Strategist says
Not professional journalism at all.

Breitbart, Alex Jones, Gateway Pundit , Rush etc. are professional ?

Which one of these has a major network tv show and was lauded as unbiased reporting for years?
60   mell   2018 Mar 12, 2:04pm  

Strategist says
TwoScoopsPlissken says

You know, Nuclear Proliferation and a 12-year old Affair. Kinda on the same level of importance.

Fake Fuckin' News. Very Fake.

The bias by CNN against Trump is obvious and pathetic. Not professional journalism at all.


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