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The minimum age for obtaining general pension will be increased gradually from 61 yearsCruel and unusual punishment--they've been working those Swedes to the bone!
© Sölvesborg / Private
The woman (recessed) looks like Facebook as a feminist who supports the # metoo movement and fights against sexual abuse.
# Metoo-feminist refused to report when the refugee sex passed her 12-year-old daughter: "He may be expelled"
Middle-aged HVB mother initiated a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old refugee child at her workplace
Is self-active against sexual abuse in the feminist network #Metoo
But when the refugee child sexually attacked her own daughter, she refused to report: "Otherwise, he may be expelled"
Now the refugee child is judged - but not the mother - for social services
Published January 23, 2018 at 08.15
DOMESTIC. A middle-aged woman who worked at a HVB home started a relationship with one of the refugee children and allowed him to move home. It ended with exposing her 12-year-old daughter to sexual assault - but the woman refused to report the Afghan but allowed him to stay with her daughter.
"I was afraid he would be sent back to Afghanistan," the woman explained.
The girl told her during the trial that her mother, who was 45, had worked for a single-family residence in Sölvesborg.
When one of the refugees "became official" and could not live on the accommodation, the mother opened a relationship with him and let him move into her home.
Soon, Afghans began to be close to the woman's 12-year-old daughter and would like to hug and kiss the girl.
One Saturday night at the end of September 2017, when they sat playing cards and the refugee kid drank alcohol, he wanted to dance with the daughter. When the mother went to the toilet, he put his hand inside the 12-year-old dress and panties and drew his fingers back and forth.
The girl got crushed and ran into the bedroom. She told her mom what had happened. But after confronting the refugee child, the middle aged woman let her Afghan boyfriend stay still.
Got to stay - despite the abuse
"He stayed with us, but it felt strange to me," said the girl during the trial.
The day after the 12-year-old refused to go home from school to her mother without contacting her father, who has separated from her mother. Because the mother refused to report her new boyfriend to police, the father made it.
"Mom did not want to report a police report because she was afraid that the [Afghan] should leave Sweden," said the girl.
The woman himself confirmed this during the trial. She explained that she was "afraid that [he] should be sent back to Afghanistan".
Anti-Tank Missiles. Found in basement of Middle Eastern suspect by Police
The UN report HDI (Human Development Index) predicts a significant decrease in Swedish prosperity, unlike their Nordic neighbors, who will retain their top positions and even strengthen them globally in the long run.
Yet it’s still hard for Swedish authorities to be frank about what’s going on. It’s widely known that gang members are mainly first- and second-generation immigrants, and problems are rampant in what police euphemistically refer to as ‘vulnerable areas’. Thus the gang wars serve as a constant reminder of Sweden’s failed migration and integration policies. This is a problem for the government (and even the opposition) in a country that prides itself on being a ‘humanitarian superpower’. And yet politicians, in government and opposition, seem particularly concerned that violence in immigrant suburbs is a PR problem, a threat to the image of Sweden, and that the remedy is spin.
Booger sayshttps://www.spectator.co.uk/2018/02/violent-crime-in-sweden-is-soaring-when-will-politicians-act/Yet it’s still hard for Swedish authorities to be frank about what’s going on. It’s widely known that gang members are mainly first- and second-generation immigrants, and problems are rampant in what police euphemistically refer to as ‘vulnerable areas’. Thus the gang wars serve as a constant reminder of Sweden’s failed migration and integration policies. This is a problem for the government (and even the opposition) in a country that prides itself on being a ‘humanitarian superpower’. And yet politicians, in government and opposition, seem particularly concerned that violence in immigrant suburbs is a PR problem, a threat to the image of Sweden, and that the remedy is spin.
If Hungary has no immigration, how is Ekeroth getting in? Eastern Europe should keep out other Europeans who are only coming in to escape the nest they fouled.
Ripped off from another thread, but the Muppets singing "We Are The World" remind me of the people of Sweden:
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