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120   Booger   2018 Mar 12, 6:29pm  


Free grenades with purchase of an assault rifle... Now I know where I'm going on vacation next.
121   Patrick   2018 Mar 12, 6:59pm  

Booger says

Yet it’s still hard for Swedish authorities to be frank about what’s going on. It’s widely known that gang members are mainly first- and second-generation immigrants, and problems are rampant in what police euphemistically refer to as ‘vulnerable areas’. Thus the gang wars serve as a constant reminder of Sweden’s failed migration and integration policies. This is a problem for the government (and even the opposition) in a country that prides itself on being a ‘humanitarian superpower’. And yet politicians, in government and opposition, seem particularly concerned that violence in immigrant suburbs is a PR problem, a threat to the image of Sweden, and that the remedy is spin.
122   mell   2018 Mar 12, 7:07pm  

someone else says
Booger says

Yet it’s still hard for Swedish authorities to be frank about what’s going on. It’s widely known that gang members are mainly first- and second-generation immigrants, and problems are rampant in what police euphemistically refer to as ‘vulnerable areas’. Thus the gang wars serve as a constant reminder of Sweden’s failed migration and integration policies. This is a problem for the government (and even the opposition) in a country that prides itself on being a ‘humanitarian superpower’. And yet politicians, in government and opposition, seem particularly concerned that violence in immigrant suburbs is a PR problem, a threat to the image of Sweden, and that the remedy is spin.

There was a video circulating taken with a cell phone in a public bus in a bigger Swedish city where maybe 18 year old immigrant commanded a maybe 40 year old woman to leave the seat so he can have the whole bench for himself. Of course amongst grand gestures of fighting an punching the interior of the bus. No Swede stepped in. 2 reasonably abled guys could have beaten this rapefugee bloody into submission and taught him a valuable lesson, but there's a mix of cowardice and fear of the migrants and of their own government (coming after them if they start defending themselves). I like the fact that such rapefugee would be taken out in no time here in the US because we have the freedom to rough one up or even put a bullet into their head if necessary if they don't show proper manners. Swedish politicians should be driven out of the country with torches and pitchforks for the traitors to their own people they have been the past decades, and that includes the many female hags.
127   zzyzzx   2018 Apr 16, 8:59am  


Sweden’s violent reality is undoing a peaceful self-image

STOCKHOLM — Sweden may be known for its popular music, IKEA and a generous welfare state. It is also increasingly associated with a rising number of Islamic State recruits, bombings and hand grenade attacks.

In a period of two weeks earlier this year, five explosions took place in the country. It’s not unusual these days — Swedes have grown accustomed to headlines of violent crime, witness intimidation and gangland executions. In a country long renowned for its safety, voters cite “law and order” as the most important issue ahead of the general election in September.

The topic of crime is sensitive, however, and debate about the issue in the consensus-oriented Scandinavian society is restricted by taboos.

Gang-related gun murders, now mainly a phenomenon among men with immigrant backgrounds in the country’s parallel societies, increased from 4 per year in the early 1990s to around 40 last year. Because of this, Sweden has gone from being a low-crime country to having homicide rates significantly above the Western European average. Social unrest, with car torchings, attacks on first responders and even riots, is a recurring phenomenon.

Shootings in the country have become so common that they don’t make top headlines anymore, unless they are spectacular or lead to fatalities. News of attacks are quickly replaced with headlines about sports events and celebrities, as readers have become desensitized to the violence. A generation ago, bombings against the police and riots were extremely rare events. Today, reading about such incidents is considered part of daily life.

The rising levels of violence have not gone unnoticed by Sweden’s Scandinavian neighbors. Norwegians commonly use the phrase “Swedish conditions” to describe crime and social unrest. The view from Denmark was made clear when former President of NATO and Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said in an interview on Swedish TV: “I often use Sweden as a deterring example.”

In response, the Swedish government has launched an international campaign for “the image of Sweden” playing down the rise in crime, both in its media strategy and through tax-funded PR campaigns. During a visit to the White House in March, Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven admitted that his country has problems with crime and specifically shootings, but denied the existence of no-go zones. Sweden’s education minister, Gustav Fridolin, traveled to Hungary last week with the same message.

But the reality is different for those on the ground: The head of the paramedics’ union Ambulansförbundet, Gordon Grattidge, and his predecessor Henrik Johansson recently told me in an interview that some neighborhoods are definitely no-go for ambulance drivers — at least without police protection.

Since crime is intimately linked to the country’s failure to integrate its immigrants, the rise in violence is a sensitive subject. When the Swedish government and opposition refer to the country as a “humanitarian superpower” because it opened its doors to more immigrants per capita during the migrant crisis than any other EU country, they mean it. This has resulted in some impressive contortions.

In March, Labor Market Minister Ylva Johansson appeared on the BBC, where she claimed that the number of reported rapes and sexual harassment cases “is going down and going down and going down.” In fact, the opposite is true, which Johansson later admitted in an apology.

Similarly, in an op-ed for the Washington Post, former Prime Minister Carl Bildt described the country’s immigration policy as a success story. He did not elaborate on violent crime. After repeated attacks against Jewish institutions in December — including the firebombing of a synagogue in Gothenburg — Bildt took to the same paper to claim that anti-Semitism is not a major problem in Sweden.

“Historically, in Sweden it was the Catholics that were seen as the dangerous threat that had to be fought and restricted,” Bildt claimed, seemingly unaware that the laws he cited also applied to Jews. Intermarriage was illegal and hostility was based on ideas of Jews as racially inferior. Bildt’s attempt to relativize current anti-Semitism with odd and inaccurate historical arguments reflects how nervously Swedish elites react to negative headlines about their country.

Another spectacular example is an official government website on “Facts about migration, integration and crime in Sweden,” which alleges to debunk myths about the country. One “false claim” listed by the government is that “Not long ago, Sweden saw its first Islamic terrorist attack.”

This is surprising, since the Uzbek jihadist Rakhmat Akilov has pleaded guilty to the truck ramming that killed five people in Stockholm last April and swore allegiance to the Islamic State prior to the attack. Akilov, who is currently standing trial, has proudly repeated his support for ISIS and stated that his motive was to kill Swedish citizens. He also had documented contacts with international jihadis.

The government’s excuse for denying the Islamic terrorist attack in Sweden is that no Islamic group has officially claimed responsibility. Given the importance these days of fighting fake news, the Swedish government’s tampering with politically inconvenient facts looks particularly irresponsible.

Sometimes it takes an outsider to put things in perspective. A recent piece by Bojan Pancevski in London’s Sunday Times put a spotlight on immigration and violent crime. The article caused a scandal in Sweden and was widely seen as part of the reason why the British and Canadian foreign ministries issued travel advice about the country, citing gang crime and explosions. “They make it sound as if violence is out of control,” said Stefan Sintéus, Malmö’s chief of police.

It didn’t seem to occur to the police chief that both the travel advice and the article could reflect the same underlying reality. After all, only a few days earlier, a police station in Malmö was rocked by a hand grenade attack. Earlier the same month, a police car in the city was destroyed in an explosion.

Officials may be resigned to the situation. But in a Western European country in peacetime, it is reasonable to view such levels of violence as out of control.
128   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 16, 11:30am  

25 years ago, a single hand grenade being used would have been front page news, and It probably would have turned out some kid found one that was used on a former Army training ground and threw it into a dumpster, nobody getting hurt.

The Swedish media would have covered the story for weeks. "Kids and violence. Have we disposed of our Military Facilities appropriately? How can we make sure it doesn't happen again? Hans Yaakmussen, defense minister, to hold emergency meeting about unexploded ordinance."

Today it's like "Don't mention the explosion last weekend, or the big one two weeks ago, or the one yesterday. We don't want to overemphasize this and create an atmosphere of anti-migrant violence."
129   zzyzzx   2018 Apr 19, 10:16am  


Taxes will rise in Sweden as half of all “new Swedes” remain unemployed after eight years
130   zzyzzx   2018 Apr 19, 10:50am  


Swedish parliament member plans to move to Hungary because there are fewer migrants

Ekeroth, who was elected in Sweden’s parliament, will emigrate to Hungary once his term as an MP ends before the upcoming September election.

“To start with they have no immigration. That’s the most important thing. They value their own culture highly and the grounds on which European civilisation rest,” he said.

According to Ekeroth, another reason for moving to Hungary is that he will no longer have access to personal security once he quits as an MP.
131   HeadSet   2018 Apr 19, 11:07am  

Ekeroth, who was elected in Sweden’s parliament, will emigrate to Hungary once his term as an MP ends before the upcoming September election.

“To start with they have no immigration.

If Hungary has no immigration, how is Ekeroth getting in? Eastern Europe should keep out other Europeans who are only coming in to escape the nest they fouled. How does Hungary know that this "compassionate" Swede won't campaign for Muslim immigrants to Hungary?
133   Bd6r   2018 Apr 19, 11:14am  

HeadSet says
If Hungary has no immigration, how is Ekeroth getting in? Eastern Europe should keep out other Europeans who are only coming in to escape the nest they fouled.

EU citizens can work in all countries, incl. E. European ones. "Refugees" are accepted mostly in W. Europe, and E Europe avoids them. That is what was meant probably.
135   RecentCost   2018 Apr 19, 12:00pm  

Unintended consequences of liberal policies may include: assault, rape, death, destruction of civilization.
138   zzyzzx   2018 Aug 21, 7:47am  

Ripped off from another thread, but the Muppets singing "We Are The World" remind me of the people of Sweden:www.youtube.com/embed/PUmzil7ir4o
140   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Nov 25, 1:03pm  

2038: Swedish Prime Minister for Life addresses the UN

141   curious2   2018 Nov 25, 5:07pm  

zzyzzx says
Ripped off from another thread, but the Muppets singing "We Are The World" remind me of the people of Sweden:

YouTube removed that video due to "notifications of copyright infringement" even though it appeared to be fair use. YouTube has a video with a different song:


Twitter has the "We Are The World" version, for now:

142   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Nov 25, 5:55pm  

The Muppets are the best. Crazy Harry was awesome.

The Muppets would not be able to have the Crazy Harry character anymore, Sad.
143   barrister   2018 Nov 25, 7:34pm  

There are some bolshevik (((people))) in Sweden promoting "multiculturalism" in the American model (which their tribe have promoted a lot in the US too).

Blackmail: google "c4 explosive found in swedish nuclear plant" -- ask yourself who could do that.


They did the high tech air gap jumping version of C4 in a nuclear plant by using Stuxnet in Iran, probably in Iraq, and definitely Japan (fuku plants). If you don't believe that 'Zraeli agents planted bombs in the fuku complex, visit jimstone.is and read the reports at the top right of the website.
144   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Nov 25, 8:35pm  

barrister says

Problem with your theory is what few of (((them ))) there ever were in Sweden are are leaving in Droves, the Church of Sweden is/was headed by a Woman who made God gender neutral and spends most of it's time welcoming Muslims to pray to Mecca in their almost empty Churches, and there are pretty much none of (((those))) people in Swedish Government, and the vast majority of the Swedish government hates Israel.

"God is Greater" - the new mantra of the Church of Sweden. Allah Akbar, of course.
Stop saying "God or Lord", and the Divine is Gender-Neutral.
Jews flee Malmo
Truth about the rise of Anti-semitism in Sweden.

Fact is that liberal, left European Atheists and "Mainline Christians" have mostly done this to themselves.

Fact is that dissident Christians like Enoch Powell warned early and often about immigrants from Islam and the Third World. So did WInston Churchill.

Fact is that Jews are found in the AfD in Germany and tend to disproportionally support the Tories in the UK and dopey Judeo-Bolsheviks support the Democrats in the USA.

There are plenty of retarded Judeo-Bolsheviks in the USA, but that's not the case in Sweden.
145   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Nov 26, 2:05pm  

Malmö paid a million dollars - gang criminals got luxury apartments
published yesterday 20:00
Malmö city has paid 70 million to an assistant who will get criminals to change their way. But now SVT Nyheter Skåne can reveal that a gang of criminals used the support housing's apartments as a base.

Fully out of procurement, Malmö city has paid 70 million kronor to a company that runs support apartments in apartments around the city. About 30 people at a time are located at the company and Malmö city is their absolute largest customer. At the company, the social service places abusers and criminals.

In the summer of 2017, when the conflicts in Malmö's lower world resulted in frequent shooting and explosions, several young men lived from the same criminal squad at Rosengård in the shelter.

Most of them ended up through the Social Action Group, which is a collaboration between social services and police. The goal was for the guys to stop drugs and crime.

SVT News Skåne's review shows that several of the people continued to commit crimes during their time in the apartments' apartments - and in many cases, the social services and the company failed to follow up the rule breach.

Got exclusive apartment with housekeeping included

In July, two of the boys lived in the same five-room 180 square meters, just a stone's throw from the central station. It is the company's most exclusive apartment, with fireplace and balcony.

The municipality paid SEK 1 500 per day for one guy and 1 800 for the other. The cost included oversight of evenings and nights, and the higher price is due to food included. But because the guys did not take care of the cleaning, they also received cleaning aid.

But cleaning aid was not always appreciated. When an 18-year-old received a text that the cleaning lady would arrive at 13 o'clock he threatened to "moke their face" and to "throw them out of the balcony" if he was awakened.

The 18-year-old can we call Amir. He was placed in the apartment to break his criminal life. The day the maid would come, he'd been out till sixteen in the morning.

A few hours earlier, a bomb had exploded in a residential building on Höja. It was a powerful Cobra 8 fireworks sticker that was tied together with a butane bottle. The explosion crushed windows and stone slabs in the gate. Explosion residues were thrown 25 meters and left on the ground was another explosion charge. There was Amir's fingerprints on it.

147   Patrick   2019 May 19, 6:57pm  

How is Roosh still online when Heartiste fell victim to the globalists?

Maybe he wasn't as much of a threat to them. In any case, more power to him.

151   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 25, 1:19pm  

World's First Feminist Government (tm). Swedish woman arrested for attempted murder - she stabbed her attempted rapist,

152   NDrLoR   2019 Aug 25, 2:25pm  

zzyzzx says
Who I would be willing to bet is a Muslim.
158   Blue   2019 Oct 11, 12:04am  

What is wrong with these people? They do not know how to protect from dangerous religious people. They migrate and start spreading or staging attacks from this land. Also uncontrolled over bread and change the landscape!

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