64% of assailants in mass attacks suffered from symptoms of mental illness, Secret Service report finds

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2018 Mar 30, 8:42am   7,438 views  39 comments

by MrMagic   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

WASHINGTON — A striking number of suspects linked to violent attacks in schools and other public places last year were stalked by symptoms of mental illness and nearly half were motivated by real or perceived personal grievances, a new Secret Service report has found.

An examination of 28 attacks, which claimed nearly 150 lives and wounded hundreds of others — from Orlando to Las Vegas — also found that more than three-quarters of the assailants engaged in suspicious communications or conduct that raised concerns from others in advance of the assaults, according to the report due for release Thursday.

In the new report, authorities found that 64% of suspects suffered from symptoms of mental illness. And in 25% of the cases, attackers had been "hospitalized or prescribed psychiatric medications" prior to the assaults.

Prior to the attacks:

64% of mass killers showed symptoms of mental illness
25% had been hospitalized or received psychiatric drugs
more than 3/4's had communicated in a way that alarmed others


Comments 1 - 39 of 39        Search these comments

1   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 30, 9:33am  

Mass Shootings are the fault of Democrats who refuse to allow authorities to forcibly hospitalize crazy people.

There's no way Cruz would have been walking around if we had 50s-60s era Laws and not the "Free The Crazy" 70s "reforms".
2   Ceffer   2018 Mar 30, 10:32am  

Yeah, but they never give credit to the 36 percent who are completely sane.
3   MrMagic   2018 Mar 30, 11:58am  

errc says
Shocking lol


That's why we need to ban an inanimate object like a AR15

It's for the children.
4   MrMagic   2018 Mar 30, 2:30pm  

What have the sane 36% been doing?

Posting on social media that they're going to be shooting up a populated area in the near future.
5   bob2356   2018 Mar 30, 4:34pm  

Sniper says
64% of mass killers showed symptoms of mental illness
25% had been hospitalized or received psychiatric drugs
more than 3/4's had communicated in a way that alarmed others

So you must support universal back round checks, mandatory reporting to the NCIS by the states, fully funding the NCIS database so all the data can be kept up to date, and including mental health issues as well as protective orders in the NCIS database then. Or are we just talking about the problem?
6   HeadSet   2018 Mar 30, 4:52pm  

bob2356 says
Sniper says
64% of mass killers showed symptoms of mental illness
25% had been hospitalized or received psychiatric drugs
more than 3/4's had communicated in a way that alarmed others

So you must support universal back round checks, mandatory reporting to the NCIS by the states, fully funding the NCIS database so all the data can be kept up to date, and including mental health issues as well as protective orders in the NCIS database then. Or are we just talking about the problem?

Yep, along with real penalties for convicted felons possessing firearms. What is not wanted is a blanket ban on "semi-automatic" weapons. I think everyone on this blog is in favor of keeping guns out of the hands of the crazy and crooked, but not to accomplished such by taking guns away from everyone. Also not wanted is the notion the only way to prevent future school shootings is to ban the NRA and vote Democrat.
7   MrMagic   2018 Mar 30, 6:44pm  

bob2356 says
So you must support universal back round checks, mandatory reporting to the NCIS by the states, fully funding the NCIS database so all the data can be kept up to date, and including mental health issues as well as protective orders in the NCIS database then.

That all already exists. Please get caught up with gun laws in the 21st Century. Ever hear of a 4473 form. Try Google, you'll be amazed what you can learn.

bob2356 says
Or are we just talking about the problem?

The problem is law enforcement NOT enforcing current laws and following up on requests for "questionable" people to be investigated.

But, if we had the 20,001 NEW gun law (on top of the existing 20,000), these mass murders wouldn't happen, right?
8   marcus   2018 Mar 31, 11:54am  

Sniper says
64% of assailants in mass attacks suffered from symptoms of mental illness, Secret Service report finds

Then why are the NRA and the idiot "there coming to take our guns" right wingers so opposed to having more effective background checks, longer waiting periods and other legislation that could make a difference, especially in the long term.
9   MrMagic   2018 Mar 31, 2:38pm  

marcus says
so opposed to having more effective background checks, longer waiting periods and other legislation that could make a difference,


What exactly needs to be changed or added to the current background check system and what NEW laws need to be added to the current 20,000 on the books?

Please be specific.

Would making it illegal to shoot and kill people help?
10   marcus   2018 Mar 31, 4:54pm  

THis was 2016


This is more recent


The House voted in December to bolster a database of people not legally allowed to buy guns and to spur federal agencies and states to upload more data into the system after the Air Force failed to provide records that could have flagged a former service member who killed 26 people at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, in November.

That legislation has broad support in the Senate as well, and Senator John Cornyn of Texas, the chamber’s No. 2 Republican, said he wanted a vote to take place this week.

Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer said that measure by itself would not be adequate. He called for Congress to expand the background check system to cover all gun sales, including those conducted at gun shows and over the internet.

That legislation has failed in Congress twice over the past five years, and it fell short again in the House on Tuesday as Republicans rejected an effort by Democrats to bring it up for a vote.

Sniper says
Would making it illegal to shoot and kill people help?

Very amusing. I thought you were serious, because you're right about the mental health factor. THe fact is, this is about the $55 Million that the NRA spent in the 2016 elections. That's the only reason we don't already have more sensible gun laws. It's so amusing the way right wing trolls love the straw man that supposedly liberals think gun restrictions will stop all murders with guns. All I hear is denial of the obvious true fact that they hey would obviously prevent some murders in the future. This backs that idea up.

Sniper says
64% of assailants in mass attacks suffered from symptoms of mental illness, Secret Service report finds

As a kid I was a member of a gun club and worked my way up to sharpshooter almost up to expert (something like 5th bar of sharpshooter). I still have my NRA patch and the medals. But we're talking about the 1960s and the NRA was an entirely different organization then. IT was mostly about gun safety and the supporting clubs like the one I was in. It was not a lobbying group for the gun manufacturers.
11   MrMagic   2018 Mar 31, 5:12pm  

marcus says
spur federal agencies and states to upload more data into the system after the Air Force failed to provide records that could have flagged a former service member who killed 26 people at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, in November.

Did you read that? "...after the Air Force failed"

That was a FAILURE by the Air Force to do what they are required by LAW already, what NEW laws would make the Air Force be responsible for what's already on the books as a requirement?

marcus says
Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer said that measure by itself would not be adequate. He called for Congress to expand the background check system to cover all gun sales, including those conducted at gun shows and over the internet.

Schumer is absolutely full of shit. This is a bullshit, false narrative that the Dems have been beating like a dead horse.

Gun show sales go through background checks in all cases. Internet sales of guns don't happen either. They have to be processed by a FFL with background checks. As a matter of fact, Democrats tried to buy guns on the Internet. Guess what, they failed 72 times!

GAO Agents Tried 72 Times, Failed to Buy Guns on the Internet.

Following a seemingly endless series of claims made by Michael Bloomberg and other Second Amendment opponents, three Democrats from the House and Senate pushed the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to commission a report on internet gun sales. The prime drivers behind this effort were Elijah Cummings, Brian Schatz and Elizabeth Warren. The claim on the table was that criminals and others who were not eligible to purchase a firearm were using the internet to buy guns from unscrupulous sellers.

So undercover agents went fishing for online advertisers offering to sell firearms and attempted to get them to complete the transaction even after suggesting that they lived in a different state, couldn’t provide ID or wouldn’t be able to pass a background check. This happened 72 times over a period of more than two years. And in all 72 instances they failed to get anyone to sell them a weapon. Is this the plague of “loophole” gun sales that we keep hearing about?


Please stop with the worn out, dis-proven fake narratives.
12   bob2356   2018 Mar 31, 5:16pm  

Sniper says
bob2356 says
So you must support universal back round checks, mandatory reporting to the NCIS by the states, fully funding the NCIS database so all the data can be kept up to date, and including mental health issues as well as protective orders in the NCIS database then.

That all already exists. Please get caught up with gun laws in the 21st Century. Ever hear of a 4473 form. Try Google, you'll be amazed what you can learn.

Roflol. What does 4473 have to do with NCIS? Here mr meanly ill, Just fill out this form that never leaves the gun shop or be checked out by anyone. Don't lie, you might get 5 years in jail for lying on the form after you commit a mass murder. After all there were a whole 12 prosecutions last year for lying on the form. Hahahaha. You can't make this shit up. Remind me about private sales filling out 4473.
13   MrMagic   2018 Mar 31, 5:22pm  

bob2356 says
What does 4473 have to do with NCIS?

..."A NICS check is valid for 30 calendar days for any transaction. The 30 calendar day period is counted beginning on the day after NICS was initially contacted. Where more than 30 calendar days have passed since the licensee first contacted NICS, the licensee must initiate a new NICS check prior to transferring the firearm. It is not necessary to complete a new ATF Form 4473, but the results of the new NICS background check must be recorded on the form."

bob2356 says

Exactly ROFLOL!! How many more times are you going to be wrong?
14   MrMagic   2018 Mar 31, 5:29pm  

bob2356 says
After all there were a whole 12 prosecutions last year for lying on the form.

That's your boy, Obozo!!

Over 100,000 convicted felons attempted to illegally purchase firearms each year during President Barack Obama’s eight years in the oval office, and the Obama administration did virtually nothing about it.

The Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) only "considered prosecuting" approximately 30 to 40 convicted felons per year who attempted to illegally purchase firearms — roughly .04%, the Daily Caller News Foundation reported.

- A June 2016 Justice Department Inspector General’s report revealed that between 2008 and 2015 the U.S. Attorney’s office considered prosecuting "less than 32 people per year” for lying on form 4473, the federal application to buy guns. (Lying on an ATF Form 4473 constitutes a felony and is punishable by a $250,000 fine and 10 years in federal prison.)
- Two of every 10 gun denials referred to the ATF was sent to field offices for prosecution, a Justice Department report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2013 and 2014 found. Eight of ten never faced prosecution, according to the report.

Despite the Obama administration’s public stance of being anti-gun, they rarely did anything to prosecute dangerous criminals who tried to obtain firearms illegally.


Yet the Democrats are calling for MORE "Common Sense Gun Laws", but won't uphold the CURRENT ones on the books.

Folks, he's right, you can't make this shit up! Liberalism is definitely a mental disease.
15   MrMagic   2018 Mar 31, 5:35pm  

bob2356 says
Roflol. What does 4473 have to do with NCIS?

Here you go, Bobby Boy, Page 2 of the 4473.

Still think the 4473 has nothing to do with NCIS?

Start rolling on the floor.
16   MoneySheep   2018 Mar 31, 5:36pm  

"Assailants Mental Illness" ?? This is oxymoron. All mis-behavior come from having mental fuck-up. Every one knows taking drugs is not good for you, but moron takes them anyway.
17   marcus   2018 Mar 31, 5:47pm  

Sniper says
Yet the Democrats are calling for MORE "Common Sense Gun Laws", but won't uphold the CURRENT ones on the books.

Folks, you can't make this shit up!

DO you have any idea how this sounds ?

Let me see if I can wrap my mind around it. You're saying that if there are instances of people or entities not complying with rules requiring high risk folks being added to the databases of high risk people that shouldn't be sold guns, then therefore any attempts legislate the use modern networks and databases to put in place comprehensive restrictions preventing mentally ill people and terrorists from buying guns should not even be attempted ?

DO you think the no fly lists for terrorists should be scrapped the moment some institution fucks up by not getting someone on the list that should be on the list ?
18   MrMagic   2018 Mar 31, 6:04pm  

marcus says
DO you think the no fly lists for terrorists should be scrapped the moment some institution fucks up by not getting someone on the list that should be on the list ?

The way Liberal Logic works today is that Liberals "think" passing NEW laws will somehow make issues with EXISTING laws not being followed and enforced go away.

marcus says
You're saying that if there are instances of people or entities not complying with rules requiring high risk folks being added to the databases of high risk people that shouldn't be sold guns, then therefore any attempts legislate the use modern networks and databases to put in place comprehensive restrictions preventing mentally ill people and terrorists from buying guns should not even be attempted ?

The laws and procedures ALREADY exist that aren't being followed that would flag these people.


What NEW ones would make that change?

Do you have any idea on how that sounds to logical people?
19   marcus   2018 Mar 31, 6:26pm  

Sniper says
The laws and procedures ALREADY exist that aren't being followed that would flag these people.

And you cite one instance as proof of this ? This isn't an argument, its just a pathetic defense of the indefensible.

Let's suppose you're right. You know what an honorable and intelligent legislator who didn't feel owned by the NRA would do ?

THey would support a comprehensive use of modern technology (databases and the internet) to prohibit sales of guns to high risk individuals. And they would use their supposed knowledge of ways that high risk people are not being added to lists currently by making complaince a high priority in any new legislation.

All you are saying is that implementation and compliance is difficult with existing laws. Okay. Address that AND allow better laws to come in to existence.

Maybe we could learn some things by the ways that no fly list laws are implemented.
20   marcus   2018 Mar 31, 6:27pm  

Go ahead. Now please continue talking out of the wrong orifice
21   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 31, 6:43pm  

Why would Obama want to prosecute felons who attempted to buy guns but were stopped by background checks?

The end goal is to ban guns, so if felons don't get charged, they'll probably buy guns on the black market or steal them, and use them, driving up the crime rate, therefore "we need something "more effective" than background checks, which aren't doing the job."
22   MrMagic   2018 Mar 31, 6:54pm  

marcus says
Sniper says
The laws and procedures ALREADY exist that aren't being followed that would flag these people.

And you cite one instance as proof of this ?

Can you say "Parkland High School and Nikolas Cruz", and the FAILURE of FBI, local police, school board and mental health professionals to do their jobs and apply and enforce laws and procedures already on the books.

See, that was easy.

marcus says
You know what an honorable and intelligent legislator who didn't feel owned by the NRA would do ?

Pass More laws that won't be enforced?? What do I win?

marcus says
Let's suppose you're right.

We don't have to "suppose", I AM right.

Proof being, not one of you screwball Liberals can propose a single law that would have definitely prevented these mass shootings.

marcus says
Go ahead. Now please continue talking out of the wrong orifice

Your turn.
23   MrMagic   2018 Mar 31, 8:24pm  

marcus says
Sniper says
The laws and procedures ALREADY exist that aren't being followed that would flag these people.

And you cite one instance as proof of this ? This isn't an argument, its just a pathetic defense of the indefensible

How's this?

Please defend... I'll be waiting.
25   marcus   2018 Mar 31, 9:30pm  

Sniper says
How's this?

OH, you found another meme that tickles your highly advanced emotions, and that you think is relevant ?

As if you made a coherent argument.

I didn't say guns cause behavior. I didn't say the FBI didn't fuck up.

I also don't think that what happened in Florida has much to do with why we should have better gun laws. IT's just that when something like that happens, it opens a window to a time we might do what's right, in spite of the gun lobby.
26   RWSGFY   2018 Mar 31, 9:32pm  

marcus says
I also don't think that what happened in Florida has much to do with why we should have better gun laws. IT's just that when something like that happens, it opens a window to a time we might do what's right,

Why is it "right" then if it doesn't prevent "what happened in Florida"?
27   marcus   2018 Mar 31, 9:35pm  

Why are drunk driving laws right if there are many drunk driving fatal accidents every year ?

Let me help you: Because there are less than there would be otherwise.

Is this really that difficult for you guys ?
28   RWSGFY   2018 Mar 31, 9:44pm  

marcus says
Why are drunk driving laws right if there are many drunk driving fatal accidents every year ?

Let me help you: Because there are less than there would be otherwise.

Is this really that difficult for you guys ?

Right. But you said it yourself that the laws you're pushing for won't prevent the type of event you're trying to use as a pretext to introduce them. Use the type of events you hope to prevent as a pretext instead. It would be more honest and look less sneaky. Honesty is the best policy.
29   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 31, 10:02pm  

marcus says
Why are drunk driving laws right if there are many drunk driving fatal accidents every year ?

Do we ban cars or alcohol, or think about banning Boxed Wine or Pickup Trucks over 10 years old to respond to DWIs?
30   everything   2018 Apr 1, 7:04am  

This is not particularly newsworthy, but a good reason to approach anyone, animal or human with some wariness. I believe with the rise or increase of parkinsons, alzheimer, and dementia, we are heading in the wrong direction to make things better. Our society tends to ignore, isolate, or stigmatize those who are calling for help - in whatever way. And, killing is a natural thing. Mass shootings and powerful weapons are an accepted part of American society. https://www.massshootingtracker.org/data


Please give this a watch sometime, it's called every minute counts.

31   MrMagic   2018 Apr 1, 7:12am  

marcus says
I didn't say guns cause behavior. I didn't say the FBI didn't fuck up.

So, that's why AR15's should be banned??

Liberal Logic at it's best there folks!
32   MrMagic   2018 Apr 1, 7:13am  

everything says
I believe with the rise or increase of parkinsons, alzheimer, and dementia, we are heading in the wrong direction to make things better.

How many 20 something year old, young male, mass shooters are suffering from those illnesses?
33   NDrLoR   2018 Apr 1, 7:34am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
not the "Free The Crazy" 70s "reforms"
This was the theme of Ken Kesey's "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", first as a book in 1962, a Broadway play in 1963 then later as the 1975 movie. A propaganda piece purporting that crazy people are no different from you or me, they just have a different way of viewing things.
34   CBOEtrader   2018 Apr 1, 8:06am  

marcus says
Because there are less than there would be otherwise.

Now we're getting somewhere.

SO, the point of gun laws SHOULD BE to have less violent crime THAN WE WOULD OTHERWISE. By those metrics, a place like Australia where violent crime increased after their gun ban is a data point suggesting gun control does the opposite of its intent. Chicago, DC, Baltimore all suggest that strict gun laws dont lower violent crime.

How about gun laws in NYC vs London? Which do you think has stricter gun laws? Now which has a higher murder rate? (Hint: London.)

Show us again why you think gun laws would work. Show the data points suggesting taking guns from responsible americans would lower violent crime.
35   MrMagic   2018 Apr 1, 2:20pm  

CBOEtrader says
Show us again why you think gun laws would work. Show the data points suggesting taking guns from responsible americans would lower violent crime.

I don't believe you'll get an answer to that question from him (or any other Liberals here).
36   marcus   2018 Apr 1, 2:25pm  

Sniper says
CBOEtrader says
Show us again why you think gun laws would work. Show the data points suggesting taking guns from responsible americans would lower violent crime.

marcus says
You're saying that if there are instances of people or entities not complying with rules requiring high risk folks being added to the databases of high risk people that shouldn't be sold guns, then therefore any attempts legislate the use modern networks and databases to put in place comprehensive restrictions preventing mentally ill people and terrorists from buying guns should not even be attempted ?

marcus says
support a comprehensive use of modern technology (databases and the internet) to prohibit sales of guns to high risk individuals. And they would use their supposed knowledge of ways that high risk people are not being added to lists currently by making complaince a high priority in any new legislation.

Where did I say anything about taking guns away from people ?

Perhaps you were thinking of comment 16, which included some links and quotes ?
37   CBOEtrader   2018 Apr 1, 3:14pm  

marcus says
Why are drunk driving laws right if there are many drunk driving fatal accidents every year ?

Let me help you: Because there are less than there would be otherwise.

Is this really that difficult for you guys ?

Is this an argument for gun control laws or did I miss your point?

Show us where gun control laws have worked, then explain why the suggested new laws are justified.

-OR- we can admit that legally owned guns aren't the problem.
38   CBOEtrader   2018 Apr 1, 3:16pm  

marcus says

marcus says
support a comprehensive use of modern technology (databases and the internet) to prohibit sales of guns to high risk individuals. And they would use their supposed knowledge of ways that high risk people are not being added to lists currently by making complaince a high priority in any new legislation.

oh ok. Is this your suggestion?

Sounds reasonable. The problem is due process. Can't have secret lists determining your 2nd A rights. Devils in the details w regulations like this
39   MrMagic   2018 Apr 1, 4:10pm  

marcus says
currently by making complaince a high priority in any new legislation.

Like compliance, where the people responsible for entering all the information into the database actually do their job that they are being paid for correctly?

And this has exactly what to do with gun owners and gun buyers? Penalizing gun buyers for the failures by the government is fair?

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