Draining the swamp Episode XV

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2018 Apr 25, 3:07pm   6,342 views  17 comments

by LeonDurham   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


"Last night the New York Times reported Mick Mulvaney, who simultaneously holds two top positions in the Trump administration, admitted to a group of bankers that, as a Congressman, he sold access to lobbyists.

“We had a hierarchy in my office in Congress. If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you,” Mulvaney said."

Trump certainly knows how to pick them. He's assembled a top notch group of guys. TOP NOTCH.

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1   mell   2018 Apr 25, 3:22pm  

At least he's honest about it. Obummer and Hillary cabinet members would have blamed similar accusations on raycysm and toxic masculinity without any admissions.
2   LeonDurham   2018 Apr 25, 3:51pm  

mell says
At least he's honest about it. Obummer and Hillary cabinet members would have blamed similar accusations on raycysm and toxic masculinity without any admissions.

The ability of Trump supporters to rationalize away pretty much anything is quite amazing.

Trump literally RAN on a platform of eliminating this sort of behavior, but his administration is 100X worse than anything ever seen before.
3   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 25, 4:00pm  

LeonDurham says
The ability of Trump supporters to rationalize away pretty much anything is quite amazing.

Like Hillary and Uranium One? A bribed vote is a bribed vote, regardless of ultimate outcome.
4   mell   2018 Apr 25, 4:11pm  

LeonDurham says
mell says
At least he's honest about it. Obummer and Hillary cabinet members would have blamed similar accusations on raycysm and toxic masculinity without any admissions.

The ability of Trump supporters to rationalize away pretty much anything is quite amazing.

Trump literally RAN on a platform of eliminating this sort of behavior, but his administration is 100X worse than anything ever seen before.

How do you arrive at the 100x figure? I assume by the 80/20 rule that at the minimum 80% of members of congress are bought and paid for, regardless of party. Somebody admitting to it is at least a first step you'd have never seen from Obummer/Hillary, no matter how fast and furious,
5   bob2356   2018 Apr 25, 6:59pm  

mell says
. Somebody admitting to it is at least a first step

Seems that cleaning up the swamp actually means putting the swamp creatures in charge rather than swimming around under the surface. I get it now.
6   bob2356   2018 Apr 25, 7:06pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says

Like Hillary and Uranium One? A bribed vote is a bribed vote, regardless of ultimate outcome.

ROFLOL. The never ending shape shifting narrative. If the facts are not on your side, spin, spin, spin.

To Everything (spin, spin, spin)
There is a season (spin, spin, spin)

My apologies to the byrds.
7   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 25, 8:27pm  

bob2356 says
ROFLOL. The never ending shape shifting narrative. If the facts are not on your side, spin, spin, spin.

What did I spin? When the Canuckistanis wanted to sell Uranium One to the Ruskies, they began donating generously to the Clinton Foundation. As did Russian and other partners of Uranium One.

When the deal was done, the donations stopped.

Hillary voted to clear the Uranium One sale.

If I bribe a politician to vote, whether that vote succeeds or not, whether it's rejected 99-1 or unanimously approved, it doesn't change the fact they've been bribed.

Keep apologizing for the Nasty Woman though.
8   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 25, 8:28pm  

mell says
How do you arrive at the 100x figure? I assume by the 80/20 rule that at the minimum 80% of members of congress are bought and paid for, regardless of party. Somebody admitting to it is at least a first step you'd have never seen from Obummer/Hillary, no matter how fast and furious,

Not democrats though. Nobody has ever lobbied Corey Booker, or Kamala Harris, or Terry MacAullife. Only evil Republicans get lobbyist money.

Booker and Menendez are taking all that Pharma and Medical dough because of real concern about those dangerous Canadian drugs that might come in. They just don't want Americans dropping like flies from tainted, dangerous cheaper Canadian drugs, and want to be sure doctors get appropriately paid by Medicare.

I could bring up the fact that somebody raised more than twice in SuperPAC money in the last election than the other candidate, but then we'd hear "Stop bringing up the losing candidate again!"
9   CBOEtrader   2018 Apr 25, 8:40pm  

LeonDurham says
but his administration is 100X worse than anything ever seen before

Lol you sure it's not a million or a gazillion times worse?

Mock outrage is so millenial
10   LeonDurham   2018 Apr 26, 4:35am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Not democrats though. Nobody has ever lobbied Corey Booker, or Kamala Harris, or Terry MacAullife. Only evil Republicans get lobbyist money.

Clearly the point is being missed here. Trump ran on a platform of ending this. People voted for him precisely BECAUSE he said he was DIFFERENT and would end this nonsense.

Not only has he not ended it, he has hired the bottom of the barrel politicians that personify the swamp. And still the Trump supporters rationalize it away. It's mind boggling.
11   LeonDurham   2018 Apr 26, 4:37am  

mell says
How do you arrive at the 100x figure?

lol--that's your objection? That it might only be 98X and not 100X? Really?

CBOEtrader says
Lol you sure it's not a million or a gazillion times worse?

Mock outrage is so millenial

Again--you guys are hilarious. Nobody even trying to make a lame case for Trump not hiring swamp creatures and greatly expanding the swamp. Just folks disagreeing with the 100X number. You can't make this up.
12   Shaman   2018 Apr 26, 6:07am  

bob2356 says
Seems that cleaning up the swamp actually means putting the swamp creatures in charge rather than swimming around under the surface. I get it now

I've a theory that Trump purposely put several swamp creatures in his cabinet to appease Congress (which was 75% against him) and avoid an impeachment or some other sort of legal coup. People in Washington DC were so amazingly freaked out by his win that they were planning to oppose his very taking of power. So, under advice, he took on swamp creatures like Jeff Sessions, Cohn, McMasters, and a bunch of others who have deep ties into the oligarchy. This settled some of the panic, especially on the right of the aisle, and let him assume power without a major hitch.

What brings me to this conclusion is the rate at which he's shitcanned these cabinet members. He's been getting rid of them for cause, or forcing resignations, about as fast as can reasonably be done. These weren't his friends, they were his jailers, so of course he's working to move them out of power. What remains to be seen is what type of people he will replace them with. Something tells me he will still have a hard time getting Congressional approval for appointing the cabinet he actually wants.
13   Y   2018 Apr 26, 6:13am  

Washington is filled with swamp creatures.
Trump puts them into positions where he can then fire them. It's what he does.
Once the swamp is drained, it will be more attractive for non-swamp creatures to enter.
Right now, they won't come near the place...

Quigley says
I've a theory that Trump purposely put several swamp creatures in his cabinet to appease Congress (which was 75% against him) and avoid an impeachment or some other sort of legal coup.
14   HeadSet   2018 Apr 26, 6:43am  

“We had a hierarchy in my office in Congress. If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you,” Mulvaney said."

That is the job of all lobbyists. Admitting this is the first step toward correction. Contrast that with those politicos of both parties who become indigent when anyone even infers that campaign contributions and lobbyists can affect the politico's vote.

Anyone running a mid-size business knows how even local politico's must be fed. If your business can be affected by local regulation, the best bet is to make contributions to both sides in each local race. The reason for supporting both sides is that if you need to talk to the politico about any concerns, the first thing hat politico does is look through the "Rolodex" to see if you contributed. Another local political trick is to propose a new rule affecting your business out of "public convenience and necessity." Translation, "You with the affected business, my campaign coffers are getting low."
15   marcus   2018 Apr 26, 7:10am  

Quigley says
I've a theory that Trump purposely put several swamp creatures in his cabinet to appease Congress (which was 75% against him) and avoid an impeachment or some other sort of legal coup

BlueSardine says
Washington is filled with swamp creatures.
Trump puts them into positions where he can then fire them. It's what he does.
Once the swamp is drained, it will be more attractive for non-swamp creatures to enter.

I'm guessing you'll eventually decide that not only does draining the swamp involve making it much worse before it gets better, but also that it will take countless republican Presidents to complete the task.

What happened to "he's rich, he won't be beholding to anyone.?"

It's fun to watch the lengths that Trumpcucks go to defend their vote.
16   Bd6r   2018 Apr 26, 7:32am  

Quigley says
I've a theory that Trump purposely put several swamp creatures in his cabinet to appease Congress

You are assuming that Trump is capable of rational thought, which I am not 100% sure of.
17   Shaman   2018 Apr 26, 10:23am  

drB6 says
You are assuming that Trump is capable of rational thought, which I am not 100% sure of

It’s rational, just different. He’s an asshole! Lotta cream puffs out there have no understanding of such a person or how they make their decisions. To that all I will say is judge the results, not the sausage making process.

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