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Everyone should know that even if another few million Femi-Nazi voters, between Boston and DC, vote for Strap-On Hilly, she gets the SAME ELECTORAL COUNT.
That would mean that Kardashian bitch would dominate the news cycle as the most “fabulous” cock sucking First Lady ever imagined! She’d be the first First Lady to be impeached for a sex scandal, blowing her Secret Service detail on the regular, which is still better than Hilldawg treated them!
Sorry but I don’t want a Kanye in the Oval Office. That would mean that Kardashian bitch would dominate the news cycle as the most “fabulous” cock sucking First Lady ever imagined!
Femi-Nazis with strap-on's
Everyone should know that even if another few million Femi-Nazi voters, between Boston and DC, vote for Strap-On Hilly, she gets the SAME ELECTORAL COUNT.
ape shit because they couldn't figure out that it takes more than winning over places like Boston and NYC to put a candidate into the White House.
Everyone should know that even if another few million Femi-Nazi voters, between Boston and DC, vote for Strap-On Hilly, she gets the SAME ELECTORAL COUNT. It would help if she didn't insult the women in the rust belt, who the next Democrat may need to win over for 2020.
Still Europe, esp Germany, has FKK brothels
Everyone knows that Trump's a sleazebag & what he and his lawyers do, to keep the porn stars, etc, in line, is not enough to de-throne a President. Seriously, I work in finance and sleazebags are all over the place. This isn't a startling revelation.
What de-thrones a President is a mediocre economy and sometimes, an international problem like the Iran hostage crisis of '79.
And really, no one cares anymore about Trump's sex scandals. If there are jobs then Trump gets re-elected, end of story.
The Democrats do not have a credible frontrunner right now and I doubt that someone will emerge in a couple of years.
And I hate to say it but Hillary Clinton, blaming white women's husbands for unduly influencing their midwestern votes, isn't helping any.
Everyone should know that even if another few million Femi-Nazi voters, between Boston and DC, vote for Strap-On Hilly, she gets the SAME ELECTORAL COUNT. It would help if she didn't insult the women in the rust belt, who the next Democrat may need to win over for 2020.