There will be no "Blue Wave", change my mind!

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2018 May 14, 8:51am   81,217 views  699 comments

by Goran_K   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Yesterday former Bill Clinton advisor Dick Morris told radio host on New York's AM 970 that he believes the "blue wave" that Democrats are expecting to give them back the Senate and House will not materialize, and polling has backed him up.

Last week, CNN's mid term poll showed that Democrats only had a 3 point advantage, well within the margin of error, and considering that CNN is known for "oversampling" Democrats in its own polls, this is troubling for the DNC.

Additionally, a recent poll from Reuters (left leaning) has shown that Millennials are leaving the Democrat party in droves. Democrat membership in the 18-34 demographic (the bread and butter of the DNC) dropped 9% over the past 2 years, most of them becoming "independents".

"I think that [Democrats] see fool’s gold in these scandals," Morris said. "They’re putting everything behind the Stormy Daniels scandal and Michael Cohen … and the country doesn’t give a damn."

That's when Morris dropped his prediction.

"There is no blue wave coming," Morris exclaimed. "There is a red wave. And what makes it red is the blood of the Democratic Party."

Here's my official take. I believe the GOP will LOSE seats in the house but will not give it up to the DNC. I believe the GOP will GAIN seats in the senate, keeping their majority. This will mean that Trump will have both houses of congress for his entire term.

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1   Shaman   2018 May 14, 9:04am  

You’re on the right track, Goran, but you’re not seeing the entire picture. American voters have five more months of a roaring economy, less taxes taken out of their paychecks, and more job opportunities. They have more time to appreciate the peace process in North Korea, Trump’s strong pimp hand in Iran and Palestine, and the EU leaders capitulation to Trump’s vision. The red wave right now may be smaller, but the Democrats have completely destroyed their chances with their #resist, their temper tantrums, and their nefarious plots to oust a legally elected President who, contrary to all elite opinions, has been most excellent for the nation!
Voters will want more of the same, even if they don’t like Trump personally. They will want more winning and less whining! Democrats are not even worth considering right now.

Add to this hat midterm elections are not usually well attended. Only people truly civic minded and or interested in politics bother to vote in the midterms. This means that the party with the base that is the MOST fired up and enthusiastic usually wins easily. In 2010 this was Republicans upset with obamacare and Democrat disdain who gave Obama his famous “shellacking.”
I think half the potential Democrat voters this time will probably stay home.

The red wave is not only coming. It’s going to be MASSIVE!
2   FortWayne   2018 May 14, 9:04am  

America is tired of a party of liberal sheltered elite that pushes transgender bathrooms on everyone.

Obama’s redlines were a joke
3   Goran_K   2018 May 14, 9:08am  

Aphroman says
so far it’s almost exclusively Democrats fighting for the People, our Liberties and Freedoms, and if the Trumpublicans continue to wage War against the citizenry

Which Democrats would that be?

Seems like Demo Dummies made their hand public and they aren't fighting for the people, they are going to actively oppress their wallets.
4   Shaman   2018 May 14, 9:08am  

Aphroman says
the Trumpublicans continue to wage War against the citizenry, they’re going to lose elections because of it

Now I’m just confused about what you could possibly mean? Examples are warranted for this kind of baseless statement. Change my mind!
5   Goran_K   2018 May 14, 9:14am  

Aphroman says
Most Americans are tired of Republicans putting their Failed Loser Christian religion before our country and the Constitution. As more Democrats come out in favor of ending Cannabis Prohibition while Republicans continue with their ISIS like approach, they will decide more and more elections

It hasn't "decided" many elections for Democrats since 2010. Over 1,000 lost elected seats. Then of course you have Trump.

If elections were decided by coastal liberal strongholds, then you might have a point. But the people sitting on their farms in Kansas think people like Pelosi are a complete joke.
6   FortWayne   2018 May 14, 9:17am  

America is a Christian nation. And if you grew up here, you’d know that, and you’d know why.

Aphroman says
FortWayne says
America is tired of a party of liberal sheltered elite that pushes transgender bathrooms on everyone.

Most Americans aren’t brainwashed into this FakeNews version of reality.

Most Americans are tired of Republicans putting their Failed Loser Christian religion before our country and the Constitution. As more Democrats come out in favor of ending Cannabis Prohibition while Republicans continue with their ISIS like approach, they will decide more and more elections
7   Goran_K   2018 May 14, 9:22am  

FortWayne says
America is a Christian nation. And if you grew up here, you’d know that, and you’d know why.

I love how leftist say "Americans don't like Christians" yet think Americans will somehow like:

- Trannies
- Muslims
- Illegal Aliens
- Homeless Drug Addicts
8   mell   2018 May 14, 9:27am  

Cannabis will not be a deciding factor. Many states are in the process of legalizing it or already have and Trump will leave them alone. Actually instead of harping on the Feds which have stood back entirely under DT, the majority of issues for Cannabis are municipal legislations, e.g. many cities in CA have outlawed Cannabis or made it extremely difficult to sell for a profit by requiring expensive licenses and levying harsh taxes and fines. Plus CA tax revenue is not even 1/3rd of the projected revenue from Cannabis to date because they immediately taxed it to the hilt and people are going back to the black market. In any case, there are more important topics, but long-term it the legalization will progress - and rightfully so as science is on the side of Cannabis - and the only questions will be those of taxation.
9   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 14, 9:33am  

The stupid Fing thing is that the same people who bash people who hold up Pro-Life signs, are the same people who are like "They throw molotovs and terrorize because they're injured oppressed people" for Muslims. Including those in the US.
10   Shaman   2018 May 14, 9:35am  

mell says
Cannabis will not be a deciding factor.

It never is. The people who are serious about legalizing it at any cost!!! Are the ones who are too high to remember to go and vote.

Even in Liberal California, the measure failed several times to win voter approval before finally passing two years ago with a simple majority. That should show you what a miserably poor bet it is to depend on pot smokers for electoral victory.
11   Goran_K   2018 May 14, 9:37am  

If I was in the IDF and thousands of muslims were trying to break through a wall, throwing molotovs, firing AK47s into the air, yelling "Death to Jews!", I'd probably respond with a few strings of 5.56 fire and a grenade or two to get them to back the fck up.
12   edvard   2018 May 14, 10:50am  

I am hoping that those of you whom are all comfy in thinking that the big orange turd and his party will be all good during the mid terms continue to remain blisfully ignorant: The rest of us- the approximately 60% of us who do not support Trump are furious and we will vote.
13   edvard   2018 May 14, 10:52am  

"America is a Christian nation. And if you grew up here, you’d know that, and you’d know why."

America is a nation of many different religions with no religious indoctrination in within our political system.
14   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 14, 10:57am  

edvard says
America is a nation of many different religions with no religious indoctrination in within our political system.

I God We Trust, Indivisible under God! God Bless America...

We don't need your Brown History revisionist Marxist Commie shit telling Us what America IS or WAS.
Some of us are actually Americans remember?
15   Goran_K   2018 May 14, 11:01am  

edvard says
I am hoping that those of you whom are all comfy in thinking that the big orange turd and his party will be all good during the mid terms continue to remain blisfully ignorant: The rest of us- the approximately 60% of us who do not support Trump are furious and we will vote.

So you are coming out now but not November 2016 when the actual presidency and SCOTUS was on the line?
16   Goran_K   2018 May 14, 11:02am  

Edvard cut the personal attacks out. Thanks.
17   edvard   2018 May 14, 11:04am  

"So you are coming out now but not November 2016?"

I voted then and I will vote now. Another thing you guys are probably totally going to be caught off guard with is that pretty much ALL of the post millennial generation leans very heavily to the left... as in FDR new deal left. They are also incredibly politically active- more so than the millineials- and will be eligible to vote in November.

Either way... the rest of the country says enough is enough. Prepare for some changes in the following months. The freak show has gone on for long enough
18   Goran_K   2018 May 14, 11:06am  

We will see but the latest polling data shows that traditional DNC voting demographics are dwindling in support.

"[S]upport for Democrats is down among millennials, blacks, and so-called Walmart and NASCAR voters," Zogby reports — all key constituencies the Democrats require to retake the House and Senate in November — and the declines are significant. Democrats have "lost more than 10% of support among voters aged 18-50, 14 percent among Millennials aged 18-29" and have lost more than 20% of support among African-Americans during the same time period.“
19   socal2   2018 May 14, 11:08am  

edvard says
Another thing you guys are probably totally going to be caught off guard with is that pretty much ALL of the post millennial generation leans very heavily to the left... as in FDR new deal left.

You mean to tell us that the young and stupid ARE young and stupid?? Shocker! Young dopes voting for Democrats who promise them all sorts of free shit after 12-16 years of Liberal indoctrination in our schools?

Unfortunately for Democrats, many of the young and stupid grow up, get jobs, have kids, pay taxes and finally realize the Democrat policies are retarded.
20   edvard   2018 May 14, 11:12am  

"You mean to tell us that the young and stupid ARE young and stupid?? Shocker! Young dopes voting for Democrats who promise them all sorts of free shit after 12-16 years of Liberal indoctrination in our schools?

Unfortunately for Democrats, many of the young and stupid grow up, get jobs, have kids, pay taxes and finally realize the Democrat policies are retarded."

No, I mean to indicate that the youth of today don't tend to get their "news" from FOX or Rush Limbaugh or any of the other tinfoil, conspiracy bullshit sources that Trump supporters tend to get theirs from. Today's youth grew up with wide access to online information and unlike the older conservatives see right through bullshit pretty easily.

Most of today's youth are completely against conservative ideology. So continue being as ass and call them stupid: They will be calling the shots before long.
21   edvard   2018 May 14, 11:14am  

"We will see but the latest polling data shows that traditional DNC voting demographics are dwindling in support."

That's not what I'm seeing. As of right now the numbers are about the same as they've always been with Trump still only showing a 40% approval rating. That has been unchanged since the election. His party is overwhelmingly unpopular too.
22   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 14, 11:18am  

edvard says
Trump still only showing a 40% approval rating. That has been unchanged since the election. His party is overwhelmingly unpopular too.

Hey who can I donate to if I want to make sure the Russia Collusion and Impeach Trump is best represented for the Democrats in November?

I'm asking for a friend.
23   mell   2018 May 14, 11:18am  

edvard says
"America is a Christian nation. And if you grew up here, you’d know that, and you’d know why."

America is a nation of many different religions with no religious indoctrination in within our political system.

Theoretically yes. But every nation has roots and the American roots are clearly 100% Christian. Nobody is being disadvantaged because of their religion, in fact it's the often the opposite. Tell me why Christians cannot demand a prayer room or time for prayer but it is considered discrimination by most corporate handbooks to rally against a muslim prayer room. Really, I'd like to understand what you're angry about, Trump is as American as one can get, with all their faults and virtues. Everything else brought on from the outside and supported by the left simply undermines tribal cohesion. What have American Christians done to you besides providing you an exceptional country with ample opportunity for the pursuit of happiness and no amount of any discrimination whatsoever?
24   socal2   2018 May 14, 11:23am  

edvard says
Most of today's youth are completely against conservative ideology. So continue being as ass and call them stupid: They will be calling the shots before long.

I was once one of the young and stupid. All my college friends were all Democrats and pro-Clinton. We all hated Rush and Talk Radio (no Fox news back then) and got all of our information from the big 3 networks, CNN and a few big city newspapers along with "cool" magazines like the Nation, Mother Jones and Rolling Stone.

We were totally strident and cock-sure of ourselves. We knew everything and all the old people were dumb - we thought. Many of the bloody Marxist revolutions that killed millions of people around the world were lead by the same cock-sure students who couldn't change a flat tire, but thought they could run massive economies and curb human nature.

Thankfully, many of us got older, wiser, responsibilities, jobs, money, families and got a clue.
25   Bd6r   2018 May 14, 11:28am  

edvard says
I am hoping that those of you whom are all comfy in thinking that the big orange turd and his party will be all good during the mid terms continue to remain blisfully ignorant: The rest of us- the approximately 60% of us who do not support Trump are furious and we will vote.

I do not support Trump, did not vote for him or anyone else in previous election, and likely will not vote in next elections as well - it can be safely predicted that D's will trot out a Turd that will be Bigger than Turd of R's. Case in point - previous elections where D's fielded the only candidate in universe who was able to lose to Trump, while screwing over a left-wing populist who probably would have won the election. And no, I would not have voted for Sanders as well.

Having said that, I remember similar rhetoric about Trump's un-electablility up to right before his election. How did that end for deniers of reality who have not been out of their $2 million DC townhouses?
26   edvard   2018 May 14, 11:29am  

"I was once one of the young and stupid. All my college friends were all Democrats and pro-Clinton. We all hated Rush and Talk Radio (no Fox news back then) and got all of our information from the big 3 networks, CNN and a few big city newspapers along with "cool" magazines like the Nation, Mother Jones and Rolling Stone."

Yeah... I bet you were... But nevertheless I was at one time maybe a moderate Democrat and now that I'm in my 40's, have a house payment, make a good income, pay taxes and all that other stuff you mentioned I've grown even more liberal and that goes for most people I know. Perhaps its not that I've grown more liberal but that the right has gone more extreme.

I'm sorry but growing wiser and mixing with with becoming more conservative doesn't make sense. Generally people are supposed to become more intelligent versus regressing and joining the party of the weak minded and imbecilic.
27   mell   2018 May 14, 11:31am  

Aphroman says
mell says
edvard says
"America is a Christian nation. And if you grew up here, you’d know that, and you’d know why."

America is a nation of many different religions with no religious indoctrination in within our political system.

Theoretically yes. But every nation has roots and the American roots are clearly 100% Christian. Nobody is being disadvantaged because of their religion, in fact it's the often the opposite. Tell me why Christians cannot demand a prayer room or time for prayer but it is considered discrimination by most corporate handbooks to rally against a muslim prayer room. Really, I'd like to understand what you're angry about, Trump is as American as one can get, with all their faults and virtues. Everything else brought on from the outside and supported by the left simply undermines tribal c...

I don't agree with everything the church(es) say. But I have to look hard to find even the slightest case of coercion on their side. Abortion is legal, same-sex marriage is legal, recreational drugs are legislated on the state level - where are they trumping the constitution? Nowhere. Also most prohibitionist measures are not driven by the clergy, but by other interests - e.g. making prostitution illegal is propping up the dating and marriage market, a billion dollar industry, bigly (def not the churches call). No reason to be mad or making comparisons to orgs that want to violently conquer the whole world.
28   Bd6r   2018 May 14, 11:34am  

mell says
But I have to look hard to find even the slightest case of coercion on their side.

I'd say it is more of an irritating babble from religious side that I hear. However, they do try to make abortions illegal and they do support prohibition on everything, even if they are unwilling and stupid accomplices in someones else racket.
29   socal2   2018 May 14, 11:40am  

edvard says
Yeah... I bet you were... But nevertheless I was at one time maybe a moderate Democrat and now that I'm in my 40's, have a house payment, make a good income, pay taxes and all that other stuff you mentioned I've grown even more liberal and that goes for most people I know. Perhaps its not that I've grown more liberal but that the right has gone more extreme.

I'm sorry but growing wiser and mixing with with becoming more conservative doesn't make sense. Generally people are supposed to become more intelligent versus regressing and joining the party of the weak minded and imbecilic.

Right has gotten more extreme? No, they just got a voice thanks to the internet and talk radio.

Besides, we had "compassionate conservative" Bush II and we nominated our most milquetoast squishy moderates (McCain and Romney) only for the crazy Left to label them extremists. If Mitt Boy-scout Romney is labeled an extremist by the Left, then fuck it - we might as well run someone as uncouth and vulgar like Trump.

And the Democrat party is so far left now, it is barely recognizable. They are a cobbled together coalition of gays, trannies, SJW'rs, illegal aliens, criminals, poor, unions.........all funded by uber rich Leftists.
30   edvard   2018 May 14, 11:46am  

"And the Democrat party is so far left now, it is barely recognizable. They are a cobbled together coalition of gays, trannies, SJW'rs, illegal aliens, criminals, poor, unions.........all funded by uber rich Leftists."

That comment right there is precisely why the GOP is likely doomed. Rampant xenophobia has overtaken the party and if there's one thing assured: That kind of xenophobia is becoming increasingly more unpopular with more and more Americans as shown by the widening levels of support for gay marriage, civil rights, unions and so on. That you say that is laughable. Jesus christ...

"Right has gotten more extreme? No, they just got a voice thanks to the internet and talk radio."
Its more that they have gotten more paranoid and scared. That and a huge number of them like to believe in the dumbest horse shit. I forget the number but something like 20% of the US populace literally believes that commercial jet planes intentionally spew toxic chemicals placed in the fuel by the gubbermint. Yes- and these folks also overwhelmingly vote Republican. They have become the party of the stupid and economically repressed.
31   socal2   2018 May 14, 12:00pm  

edvard says
That comment right there is precisely why the GOP is likely doomed. Rampant xenophobia has overtaken the party and if there's one thing assured: That kind of xenophobia is becoming increasingly more unpopular with more and more Americans as shown by the widening levels of support for gay marriage, civil rights, unions and so on. That you say that is laughable. Jesus christ...

Right - cause that is what the American people want. MOAR harpy social justice warrior screeching from the Democrat party. Didn't Obama and the SJW crowd lose over 1,000 elected seats under Obama's watch? Didn't the Republicans get their biggest majorities in nearly 100 years under Obama's watch?

I wouldn't mistake America's acceptance of gay marriage to the other extreme where they are cool with Christian photographers and cake bakers being sued and losing their businesses because they don't want to participate in hay weddings. Let alone the scientific ignorance being pushed by Democrats that gender is fluid.

With the exception of crazy California, the Democrats have been wiped out from top to bottom since the Democrat party went full SJW retard.

Never go full SJW retard.
32   Goran_K   2018 May 14, 12:06pm  

edvard says
That comment right there is precisely why the GOP is likely doomed.

Have you not been paying attention the past 8 years? The Democrats used to own 1,000 more elected seats than they do today. If the GOP was dead, then Obama revived the party and killed his own party.
33   edvard   2018 May 14, 12:26pm  

"Right - cause that is what the American people want. MOAR harpy social justice warrior screeching from the Democrat party. Didn't Obama and the SJW crowd lose over 1,000 elected seats under Obama's watch? Didn't the Republicans get their biggest majorities in nearly 100 years under Obama's watch?
I wouldn't mistake America's acceptance of gay marriage to the other extreme where they are cool with Christian photographers and cake bakers being sued and losing their businesses because they don't want to participate in hay weddings. Let alone the scientific ignorance being pushed by Democrats that gender is fluid.
With the exception of crazy California, the Democrats have been wiped out from top to bottom since the Democrat party went full SJW retard. "

Ahhh so much bullshit in yet another useless rant.

You guys do realize that ever since the election that the GOP has been losing elections like mad, even in some very red states, right? You do also realize that even in some of the most cherry-red parts of the country where the GOP didn't even worry about are now becoming hotly contested where they've never been before? Either way you slice it this is unprecedented and shows just how unpopular Trump really is.

"I wouldn't mistake America's acceptance of gay marriage to the other extreme where they are cool with Christian photographers and cake bakers being sued and losing their businesses because they don't want to participate in hay weddings. Let alone the scientific ignorance being pushed by Democrats that gender is fluid."

Hooray for you for drawing a conclusion on two very unrelated things.

"With the exception of crazy California, the Democrats have been wiped out from top to bottom since the Democrat party went full SJW retard. "

Nope. Like I said, things haven't been going well for the poor ole' GOP since the election and we are indeed likely looking at a severe reversal come November. But hey- be my guest- think otherwise. Makes it so much easier for the rest of us to go to the polls and do our jobs.

"Have you not been paying attention the past 8 years? The Democrats used to own 1,000 more elected seats than they do today. If the GOP was dead, then Obama revived the party and killed his own party."

You are being shortsighted. Perhaps I should've been more clear. So we all know about the baby boomers and how their sheer numbers affected the general direction of the country in terms of culture, business and politics? Well guess what... the millennial and post millennial generations are by far the largest demographic the country has ever seen and furthermore, about 90% of them identify as being leftist, and actually even more leftist than me. They are all coming of voting age and will be the overwhelming demographic calling the shots.

So far the GOP has ignored this and continued right along with Nixon's southern strategy. They resemble the Democratic party of the 1960's where the New Deal had outlived its usefulness. The GOP has been using that same strategy for almost 45 years. It has outlived its usefulness and is wildly unpopular with the aforementioned millennial/post millennial generations.

The net-net? The GOP, if they do not change, stand to experience outstanding, staggering losses. Maybe not at these midterms, but within the next few years. If history repeats itself we can expect an overall shift of the country back towards a populist leftist movement akin to the new deal and retain that for perhaps decades to come. Its happened before and will likely happen again.
34   lostand confused   2018 May 14, 12:34pm  

There are some stupid states like IL, where the dems fool the voters though.
36   Shaman   2018 May 14, 1:28pm  

edvard says
pretty much ALL of the post millennial generation leans very heavily to the left... as in FDR new deal left

Nationalism, infrastructure spending, trade protectionism, labor protections, and a focus on the economy would aptly characterize FDR’s Presidency. Sound familiar? Those are all things the Left decries daily about Trump!
Meanwhile, the Left wants MOAR TAXES, institutional hate for white males, locking up people who might have and use a penis, and a tranny in every bathroom.
The only millennial buying that platform are either stupid or pandering to the friends who are stupid.

The New Republican Party under Trump is a lot like the Old Democrat party... minus all the racism and Jim Crow.
37   Shaman   2018 May 14, 1:30pm  

edvard says
You guys do realize that ever since the election that the GOP has been losing elections like mad

Hey, winning five out of six special elections isn’t that great... for the Democrats! Mostly because five Republicans got elected and only one of their own.
38   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2018 May 14, 1:46pm  

Quigley says
Nationalism, infrastructure spending, trade protectionism, labor protections, and a focus on the economy would aptly characterize FDR’s Presidency. Sound familiar? Those are all things the Left decries daily about Trump!

Trump as FDR?

Infrastructure spending: FDR started WPA, which hired millions. That was something that Obama should have done. It's totally not needed now, since we are on the longest reduction in unemployment in history (most of which happened under Obama). Anyway, Trump hasn't done anything of the sort, and the only infrastructure spending has been plans to privatize things.
Nationalism: FDR brought us into WW2 and oversaw most of the victory that would lead us into a position of strength in the world. We have used relationships since then to keep us out of another big war, using a world order Trump calls globalism. Trump is tearing down that world order.
Focus on the economy? All presidents focus on the economy. If Trump achieved what Obama achieved, his supporters would be bragging on it all day long. Obama brought unemployment from around 10% down to 4.7% or so. Trump has taken it from 4.7% to 4.1%. Yet, Trump supporters say Obama sucked, and Trump is great. Lowest unemployment in years!!!!!!!!
39   Goran_K   2018 May 14, 2:04pm  

drB6 says

This is as crystal clear as it gets.

There will be no blue wave.
40   socal2   2018 May 14, 2:10pm  

Obama brought unemployment from around 10% down to 4.7% or so.

I thought that was due to the Republican Congress under Obama?

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