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The only people dumb enough to think that Cannabis Legalization is a win for Trump, are already voting Republican.
The only people dumb enough to think that Cannabis Legalization is a win for Trump, are already voting Republican.
"What is it about the Trumpkins being incapable of posting a coherent response?" is still considered a personal attack if you're directing it at someone.
Quigley saysAphroman saysThe only people dumb enough to think that Cannabis Legalization is a win for Trump, are already voting Republican.
That’s because true potheads are always too baked to remember to go vote! Republicans tend to forget that.
This reply doesn’t make any sense. Wanna try again?
Directed at nobody in particular
Why do the Trump Dick Suckers have such trouble making a coherent response?
Libertarian/Trumpublicans are dumb as fuck
His response didn’t make any sense, how is it a personal attack to say “your post is incoherent” when it’s simply an obvious statement of fact?
The thread title is very misleading
Trump Dick Suckers seem to be confused about reality
Yea what about the people who were voting for Bernie in the primaries?
mell saysThe so-called "divided" congress is making an awful lot of progress and deals under DT such as this bipartisan piece of legislation ;) Something Obummer, Boosh, Clinton could not get done. If it passes and gets ratified it will be another yuge win and overall beneficial for the Republican party as they have definitely been much more flexible since DT started shaking them up (compare that to the Dem politbureau) - maintaining my assertion.
Congress is controlled by Republicans
Republicans are the ones waging the War on Drugs
Republicans are the ones denying all the Liberal legislation from reaching the floor to end Cannabis Prohibition
If Cannabis Legalization is a win for Trump, what do you call The 100 day stand off where Trump stood against personal liberty and States rights, because he felt the racist benefits of the War on Drugs are more important than hi...
In a totally unrelated story, sources are also reporting that Clarence Thomas has written an opinion questioning the need for federal marijuana laws.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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