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1   mell   2018 Jun 8, 4:11pm  

Lol it may be legalized under a Republican presidency. TDS will hit a crescendo with all the #winning
2   RC2006   2018 Jun 8, 4:19pm  

This just in Trump legalized pot. California makes it a felony and the bay area makes it punishable by death liberals commit suicide in mass.
5   Shaman   2018 Jun 11, 7:53am  

Aphroman says
The only people dumb enough to think that Cannabis Legalization is a win for Trump, are already voting Republican.

That’s because true potheads are always too baked to remember to go vote! Republicans tend to forget that.
6   joshuatrio   2018 Jun 11, 7:54am  

Aphroman says
The only people dumb enough to think that Cannabis Legalization is a win for Trump, are already voting Republican.

Most Republicans care less if pot is legalized. Those who want to get high will continue getting high. Those who continue to take care, will continue to do so. Just like alcohol and drug abuse.
7   Goran_K   2018 Jun 11, 8:22am  

Aphroman, if you're wondering why your last comment didn't show up, it's because of personal attacks.

"What is it about the Trumpkins being incapable of posting a coherent response?" is still considered a personal attack if you're directing it at someone.
8   LeonDurham   2018 Jun 11, 8:27am  

Goran_K says
"What is it about the Trumpkins being incapable of posting a coherent response?" is still considered a personal attack if you're directing it at someone.

What a load of crap.
9   LeonDurham   2018 Jun 11, 8:27am  

This just confirms my previous posts about the bias of moderators that has completely ruined this site.
10   RWSGFY   2018 Jun 11, 8:48am  

Aphroman says
Quigley says
Aphroman says
The only people dumb enough to think that Cannabis Legalization is a win for Trump, are already voting Republican.

That’s because true potheads are always too baked to remember to go vote! Republicans tend to forget that.

This reply doesn’t make any sense. Wanna try again?

Yes, @Quigley, please retype your post slowly for our friend here.
11   lostand confused   2018 Jun 11, 8:59am  

Aphroman says
Directed at nobody in particular

Why do the Trump Dick Suckers have such trouble making a coherent response?

Libertarian/Trumpublicans are dumb as fuck

LOL-this is like trigglypuff screaming and asking why everyone is so crazy.
12   Goran_K   2018 Jun 11, 9:01am  

Aphroman says

His response didn’t make any sense, how is it a personal attack to say “your post is incoherent” when it’s simply an obvious statement of fact?

You could say "I don't understand the point you were trying to make, could you please clarify?"

How about that?
13   Goran_K   2018 Jun 11, 9:02am  

Aphroman says
This response doesn’t make any sense. Want to try again?

14   Shaman   2018 Jun 11, 9:21am  

Gawd I hate having to explain grammar, or myself, but here goes.
I was agreeing with Aphroman that legalizing weed will probably not help Trump, suggesting that the affected constituency (potheads) don’t usually remember to vote anyway! And people who don’t vote can’t help anyone, let alone Trump.

Did anyone else get that from what I said?
15   mell   2018 Jun 11, 9:29am  

The so-called "divided" congress is making an awful lot of progress and deals under DT such as this bipartisan piece of legislation ;) Something Obummer, Boosh, Clinton could not get done. If it passes and gets ratified it will be another yuge win and overall beneficial for the Republican party as they have definitely been much more flexible since DT started shaking them up (compare that to the Dem politbureau) - maintaining my assertion.
16   Shaman   2018 Jun 11, 9:31am  

Haha Democrat politburo! I like that one!
17   lostand confused   2018 Jun 11, 9:42am  

Aphroman says
The thread title is very misleading

Trump Dick Suckers seem to be confused about reality

Ahh trigglypuff wondering why people perceive her as trigglypuff.
18   Shaman   2018 Jun 11, 9:50am  

Aphroman says
Yea what about the people who were voting for Bernie in the primaries?

That was me, actually. I believed the old socialist that he wanted to take down the corrupt system. I was also rooting for Trump to take out the old guard Republicans and destroy that party as well! It’s all documented here on Patnet.
It wasn’t until Hilldawg stole the primary, and Bernie showed his true statist colors, that I went full on Trump supporter.
He’s hard to love as a person, but I’m loving his results! Really, I was for whoever would break up the oligarchy hold on our political process. Turns out that was Trump!
19   mell   2018 Jun 11, 9:52am  

Aphroman says
mell says
The so-called "divided" congress is making an awful lot of progress and deals under DT such as this bipartisan piece of legislation ;) Something Obummer, Boosh, Clinton could not get done. If it passes and gets ratified it will be another yuge win and overall beneficial for the Republican party as they have definitely been much more flexible since DT started shaking them up (compare that to the Dem politbureau) - maintaining my assertion.

Congress is controlled by Republicans

Republicans are the ones waging the War on Drugs

Republicans are the ones denying all the Liberal legislation from reaching the floor to end Cannabis Prohibition

If Cannabis Legalization is a win for Trump, what do you call The 100 day stand off where Trump stood against personal liberty and States rights, because he felt the racist benefits of the War on Drugs are more important than hi...

I agree that the resistance in recent years has been mainly on the Republican side although before that no side wanted to legalize it. However the fact that there is a bipartisan plan now that has a decent change of success shows IMO that the shake-up and change away from establishment politics in the Republican party is continuing which overall will be a plus for them. As for the 100 days this is a very very short timeline compared to how long it takes for anything to get passed and opinions to get changed, so it is a remarkably swift change. Also the ban on drugs has nothing to do with racism, it has the side effect of imprisoning poorer demographics, regardless of race.
20   Patrick   2021 Jun 30, 10:01am

In a totally unrelated story, sources are also reporting that Clarence Thomas has written an opinion questioning the need for federal marijuana laws.

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