An Antidote To Corporate Media

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2015 Feb 9, 7:43am   714,988 views  602 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Patrick.net is an online forum, a bit like Twitter or Reddit, but with much more freedom of speech than either of those. Almost anything goes, but a few things don't, such as deliberately personally insulting another user, or deliberately misrepresenting what another user said.

I got the patrick.net domain name back in 1995 when I was one day too late for patrick.com. Missing the .com name turned out to be fine. I prefer the .net name now because life is all about human networks. This site was just my personal blog from 1995 to 2004.

In 2004 I started writing about the housing bubble, which catapulted the site to national fame for a while. I was interviewed on NPR, on Nightline on TV, and in other corporate media that I have since learned to recognize as poison. Here are my original the articles about the housing bubble (the dates on them are much later because I updated them):


The big housing bubble popped in 2008, and traffic fell, since it was no longer controversial to assert that we really had had a housing bubble.

About then, I decided to just let the public discuss other topics with each other and wrote my own forum software. I'm a programmer, so that was fun. At first I was kind of disturbed at the number of conservatives on the site, but as I discussed things with them and saw San Francisco literally turn to shit under far-left Democrat extremists, I changed my thinking.

And yet I didn't change my thinking all that much, because once again, I'm opposing corruption of government by the oligarchy. Before, my enemy was the NAR (National Association of Realtors) and I still think the NAR is nothing but institutionalized crime, but there are bigger fish to fry now, especially since the worldwide campaign to inject every human with a dangerous and ineffective genetic experiment, which was never approved by the FDA. (They approved "Comirnaty", which is not available, to deceive the public.)


It’s like Pharma just backed a truck up to the Progressive Values Factory; stole everything; modified core values in order to maim people, make money, and implement global totalitarianism; and the left is just out there smoking a cigarette on the loading dock saying, “Sounds good to me.” What!? What the heck happened to the left? Is there no one remaining in that tribe who is capable of logic and reason!? Quite literally the worst industry in the world stole the left’s most cherished values and no one on the left is the slightest bit offended by this (even though they are offended by everything else)!? We live in the bizarro upside down world.

I could go on, but you'll get the idea by reading the site.

I have a platform of ideas for improving America: https://patrick.net/post/1303173/2017-02-19-patrick-s-platform

And an explanation for how we got to this point.

Site Rules

1. Do not deliberately insult the other users personally.
2. Do not deliberately insult the site. It's free to use and does not even have ads.
3. Do not misquote people.
4. Do not post porn except in the tits thread. No actual sex and no homo porn please.
5. If you feel you must post racist or anti-semitic jokes, please put them in the political incorrectness thread.
6. Do not post illegal content, unless the US law making the content illegal is itself clearly unconstitutional. In that case, please do post it!
7. Do not threaten another user with violence or you will be quickly and permanently banned.
8. Do not post spam.
9. Do not promote the obviously ineffective and very dangerous toxxine. Millions have died from it, far more than from the virus.

If you're wondering why your comment was flagged, please click the "edit" link on it. It should be pretty obvious when you read your own words again. If you think there was a mistake about the content being flagged, please write p@patrick.net When you edit and save your own flagged comment, it will go back into moderation where it will get reviewed by a moderator again.

If you're suspicious that comments are flagged for political reasons, note that you can actually see any flagged comment in the html source of that page. Use "View Source" in your browser. Yes, it's inconvenient, but that's deliberate, to keep those comments out of the conversation stream.

Please use this effective debate technique:
1. State your opponent's position so that he agrees with it 100%. This is so that you argue against what your opponent is really saying.
2. State points of agreement, and anything you learned from your opponent.
3. Give your reasoning for why your opponent is mistaken.
4. Make it clear that you are attacking only the point and not the person.

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I also have a list of all US Congressmen as separate threads, where you are encouraged to comment on how good of a job you think they're doing:


« First        Comments 219 - 258 of 602       Last »     Search these comments

219   Patrick   2018 Jun 10, 1:32pm  

RafiMaas says
I, personally, had to mark a post of yours personal 3 times before it finally got deleted!

There are 5 moderators plus myself, and they probably all interpret things a big differently.

I'd agree that saying someone needs glasses is personal, and not about the point being argued.
220   MrMagic   2018 Jun 22, 8:53pm  


My posts are not showing up, why?
221   Ceffer   2018 Jun 22, 11:47pm  

Golly, what a lot of work keeping people from ad hominem attacks on each other.
222   MrMagic   2018 Jun 23, 7:50am  

Sniper says

My posts are not showing up, why?

@Patrick, still not showing up, is it a glitch in the software?
223   Patrick   2018 Jun 23, 10:50am  

By "posts", do you mean comments? Clearly those are showing up fine.

I don't think new threads are treated any differently than comments.

I will try to log in as you and create a new thread...
224   Patrick   2018 Jun 23, 10:55am  

Ah, it was an auto-downgrade thing where there were enough comments marked personal to limit your privileges.

I undid that, now you should be the same as before.
225   MrMagic   2018 Jun 23, 2:12pm  

Patrick says
Ah, it was an auto-downgrade thing where there were enough comments marked personal to limit your privileges.

I thought that might have been it, but when I went back and looked, I didn't see any past comments of mine deleted.

Who was marking them personal?
226   Goran_K   2018 Jul 9, 11:50am  


Hey Patrick, does the "ignore" feature allow posters to disappear from mod view?
227   Patrick   2018 Jul 9, 4:13pm  

@Goran_K no, moderators should see all comments in moderation.
228   Goran_K   2018 Jul 10, 11:10am  

Patrick says
@Goran_K no, moderators should see all comments in moderation.


I think that's okay but for some reason I'm not able to see the comments of "Aphroman" as I think he put me on ignore after I warned him for a few of his "personal attacks", now he's skating under the radar so-to-speak.
229   CBOEtrader   2018 Jul 10, 11:30am  

Goran_K says
I'm not able to see the comments of "Aphroman" as I think he put me on ignore

can we please eliminate this functionality? noone should be able to edit YOUR pat.net experience. If someone wants to mute their own experience, thats completely different. However, muting someone else's ability to view pat/net posts will destroy users ability to follow conversations and drive them from the site. We are down to a core 50... you dont want 25 of those 50 never seeing what the other 25 are discussing, unless you dont want discussions.
230   CBOEtrader   2018 Jul 10, 12:21pm  

Aphroman says
why the fuck bother having mods

because ad hom's are childish and chase away anyone of value. Iwog set a terrible precedent, and frankly I didnt come around this place for years because I was sick of that type of personal flame bullshit.

Aphroman says
bitter Trumpublicans

Trump supporters are winning, thats the opposite of bitter.Aphroman says
run off most all opposing viewpoints

I for one welcome opposing viewpoints. Haven't heard anyone make a decent opposing argument in a while though. Its all "fuck trump" or "republicans are KKK" or "white men are nazis". yeah, people with that level of arguments should be chased off
231   LeonDurham   2018 Jul 10, 12:40pm  

CBOEtrader says
I for one welcome opposing viewpoints. Haven't heard anyone make a decent opposing argument in a while though. Its all "fuck trump" or "republicans are KKK" or "white men are nazis". yeah, people with that level of arguments should be chased off

It's really too bad we can't eliminate strawman arguments. They are much worse than name calling, IMO. The above is a great example.

I'd be surprised if CBOE could provide more than a couple examples (if any), yet he feels fine saying that's "all" the arguments because he knows strawman arguments are A-OK at pat.net.
232   CBOEtrader   2018 Jul 10, 12:44pm  

removed leon's comment as a personal distraction from this discussion. to leon, id be happy to have that discussion, but start a different thread. this one isnt for flame wars, its for improving pat.net
233   LeonDurham   2018 Jul 10, 12:52pm  

CBOEtrader says
removed leon's comment as a personal distraction from this discussion. to leon, id be happy to have that discussion, but start a different thread. this one isnt for flame wars, its for improving pat.net

lol--suggesting that pat.net needs to remove strawman arguments isn't improving pat.net?
234   CBOEtrader   2018 Jul 10, 12:56pm  

Aphroman says
The rules here are pointless because they are not applied equally.

show us an example. I see you flame ad homs, then get mad when non ad homs are allowed to stay. your "this isnt fair" routine is getting tedious.
235   LeonDurham   2018 Jul 10, 12:57pm  

CBOEtrader says
show us an example. I see you flame ad homs, then get mad when non ad homs are allowed to stay. your "this isnt fair" routine is getting tedious.

I can't remember when it was, but I posted about 20 ad homs from one of the posters that were never zapped. This poster never got a warning from Goran or anyone. Not quite as many, but I reposted a handful of ad homs from one of the mods as well.

Aphro is 100% correct. It's simple bias that clouds the mods here.
236   Goran_K   2018 Jul 11, 8:45am  

CBOEtrader says
can we please eliminate this functionality? noone should be able to edit YOUR pat.net experience. If someone wants to mute their own experience, thats completely different. However, muting someone else's ability to view pat/net posts will destroy users ability to follow conversations and drive them from the site. We are down to a core 50... you dont want 25 of those 50 never seeing what the other 25 are discussing, unless you dont want discussions.

@Patrick, I agree. Aphroman blocking mods is him defacto circumventing the system to he can continue ad hom attacks on people.
237   Onvacation   2018 Jul 11, 9:08am  

Aphroman says
bitter Trumpublicans have run off most all opposing viewpoints

I think at least a few left because they could no longer belittle and abuse other posters.
238   LeonDurham   2018 Jul 11, 9:23am  

Goran_K says
@Patrick, I agree. Aphroman blocking mods is him defacto circumventing the system to he can continue ad hom attacks on people.

Or maybe he got tired of reading all the strawman arguments from the mods.
239   Patrick   2018 Jul 11, 9:23am  

Onvacation says
I think at least a few left because they could no longer belittle and abuse other posters.

Yes, some people get pleasure out of that. Don't want them around.
240   MrMagic   2018 Jul 11, 9:48am  

Goran_K says
@Patrick, I agree. Aphroman blocking mods is him defacto circumventing the system to he can continue ad hom attacks on people.

Patrick says
Onvacation says
I think at least a few left because they could no longer belittle and abuse other posters.

Yes, some people get pleasure out of that. Don't want them around.

Yet, you allowed Aphroman sign on with a completely new screen name/profile (and deleted his old one, which led the pack with comments in Comment Jail), only so he could continue his ad hom attacks under this new profile?

What's up with that?
241   LeonDurham   2018 Jul 11, 10:44am  

MrMagic says
Yet, you allowed Aphroman sign on with a completely new screen name/profile (and deleted his old one, which led the pack with comments in Comment Jail), only so he could continue his ad hom attacks under this new profile?

What's up with that?

Can someone quote some of these supposed ad hom attacks from Aphro?
242   LeonDurham   2018 Jul 11, 1:08pm  

Yep--nobody left because they couldn't ad hom. They left because pat.net became a place where free speech was no longer welcome unless you are on the right team.
243   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Jul 11, 1:10pm  

Bullshit. It was the TDS flipouts that caused the ad hom ban, and THAT was literally given as the reason by TDSers that it was no longer "Free Speech" unless you could call everybody a retarded Trumptard scumbag five times in a post.
244   CBOEtrader   2018 Jul 11, 1:23pm  

Aphroman says
The Right is batshit crazy, and they’re antithetical to everything America was founded on. It’s pathetic

I applaud you for critiquing a group rather than an individual.

Regarding your critique, who is the "right"? This is an honest question. Do you just mean R's? Or anyone who voted for Trump? Both of those groups? Right vs left has lost all meaning. Its just R's vs D's now, both pathetic groups.

Lose the R vD mindset and join libertarians like the cool kids
245   Onvacation   2018 Jul 11, 1:33pm  

RafiMaas says
they left because having moderators only on 1 team is really not moderation at all.

And that is the problem: teams.
I am not a republican. And I am certainly not a democrat. What team am I on?
If people would stick to the topic we could have a civil debate but the trolls and sockpuppets cant compete against facts so they attack anyone not on their "team" .
246   Goran_K   2018 Jul 11, 2:18pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
Bullshit. It was the TDS flipouts that caused the ad hom ban, and THAT was literally given as the reason by TDSers that it was no longer "Free Speech" unless you could call everybody a retarded Trumptard scumbag five times in a post.

Pretty much. Not to mention the most vile, racist comments were levied by those crying "free speech!"
247   LeonDurham   2018 Jul 11, 2:52pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
Bullshit. It was the TDS flipouts that caused the ad hom ban, and THAT was literally given as the reason by TDSers that it was no longer "Free Speech" unless you could call everybody a retarded Trumptard scumbag five times in a post.

Nope--that's bullshit. It was ironman that caused the ad hom ban. He's on the Trump bandwagon.

Things were fine with banning ad homs. People didn't leave until Patrick chose to outsource moderation to one team.
248   LeonDurham   2018 Jul 11, 2:52pm  

Goran_K says

Pretty much. Not to mention the most vile, racist comments were levied by those crying "free speech!"

Nope--the most vile were Ironman. Without question.

Although there is an extremely racist post title currently active on the home screen. But the author is on the right team so it's no problem.
249   FortWayne   2018 Jul 11, 2:56pm  

I had my posts deleted. But I just learned to not adhom instead of taking it personally and quitting.

RafiMaas says
LeonDurham says
Yep--nobody left because they couldn't ad hom. They left because pat.net became a place where free speech was no longer welcome unless you are on the right team.
they left because having moderators only on 1 team is really not moderation at all.
250   Bd6r   2018 Jul 11, 3:12pm  

LeonDurham says
Although there is an extremely racist post title currently active on the home screen. But the author is on the right team so it's no problem.

If you mean Hey N... police your own, the author is HEYYOU and he is on no teams other than his own
251   Bd6r   2018 Jul 11, 3:40pm  

Aphroman says
Lol Libertarians are indistinguishable from Republicans

Feel free to prove me wrong

252   LeonDurham   2018 Jul 11, 4:14pm  

FortWayne says
I had my posts deleted. But I just learned to not adhom instead of taking it personally and quitting.

Exactly. That's my point. Nobody left because of the adhom rules. They left because of the outsourced moderators obvious bias.
253   LeonDurham   2018 Jul 11, 4:17pm  

dr6B says
If you mean Hey N... police your own, the author is HEYYOU and he is on no teams other than his own

You're right. My mistake--I was thinking it was a different author.
254   MrMagic   2018 Jul 11, 7:42pm  

Aphroman says
@Patrick why are you censoring my posts again? What is the excuse this time?

Isn't that the same issue as with your last profile here?

Some things never change.

Aphroman says
Rogue moderator coward with an axe to grind again?

255   CBOEtrader   2018 Jul 12, 1:04am  

Aphroman says
Lol Libertarians are indistinguishable from Republicans

McCain = HRC = Obama = Bush

Rand Paul is a totally different breed.

You still haven't answered the question of who is right vs left. Are you just talking about R's vs D's? Go ask George HW Bush who his scion R family all voted for in 2016 POTUS election. Then come back and tell us what right vs left means.
256   Bd6r   2018 Jul 12, 6:25am  

Aphroman says
Being that the issue is deeply rooted in racism, as Paul says, why is it important to ignore such an obvious fact?

Does pretending it doesn’t exist help somehow?

1. The fact that stupid drug war influences minorities more does not mean that currently it is rooted in racism. It was (initially, at least for MJ-but not necessarily for other drugs), but now the prohibition machine is crushing everyone who is poor, as minorities are poorer, they suffer more. Cause here is not race, it is economics. I am sure Hollywood and Washington are snorting coke like crazy yet poor guy is going to jail.

2. RP is R in name only as his voting record shows, and he run as Prez from Libertarian party many times. His voting record and views shows that L's are different from R's. Too bad R's redristricted him out of his district. Kind of similar to what D's did to Kucinich and Sanders.
257   PeopleUnited   2018 Aug 9, 7:14pm  

dr6B says
Aphroman says
Being that the issue is deeply rooted in racism, as Paul says, why is it important to ignore such an obvious fact?

Does pretending it doesn’t exist help somehow?

1. The fact that stupid drug war influences minorities more does not mean that currently it is rooted in racism. It was (initially, at least for MJ-but not necessarily for other drugs), but now the prohibition machine is crushing everyone who is poor, as minorities are poorer, they suffer more. Cause here is not race, it is economics. I am sure Hollywood and Washington are snorting coke like crazy yet poor guy is going to jail.

2. RP is R in name only as his voting record shows, and he run as Prez from Libertarian party many times. His voting record and views shows that L's are different from R's. Too bad R's redristricted him out of his district. Kind of similar to what D's did to Kucinich and Sanders.

Don't you think the primary reason for prohibition is that certain people will lose a lot of money if drugs were cheap, and legal? There are other reasons of course, for example making drugs illegal will theoretically make it harder to do stupid things like overdose and do crimes while under the influence both of which are a burden borne by those who have no involvement in the drug trade, competing legal drugs, or law enforcement.
258   Patrick   2018 Aug 9, 7:45pm  

I do think the primary reason for prohibition of marijuana was and is money. Keeping it illegal keeps prisons profitably full and prevents competition with alcohol interests.

It also provides a windfall to police though civil forfeiture:

Yet strong institutional forces have kept nearly every law enforcement professional association opposed to reform. Starting with the Reagan administration, police departments were encouraged to seize and sell property associated with drug busts, which significantly augmented their revenue. Between 2002 and 2012, law enforcement agencies collected about $1 billion from marijuana arrests, according to Justice Department data.


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