Oligarch Techs Collude Against Infowars

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2018 Aug 6, 11:36am   29,186 views  210 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Within Hours of each other, Infowars was banned from Apple, Spotify, and most pages taken down on Facebook.

Now Youtube has eliminated Infowars.

Love seeing Liberals who are like "Always let dissident voices be heard" making the "It's a business, so..." argument. That doesn't mean they're wrong.

But I do enjoy the same people who bitch about "Net Neutrality" claiming that ISPs can censor or at least speed or delay speech that they like or dislike, defend content platforms censoring speech (and not in a transparent, objective way).

Note that Louis Farrakhan still up. I personally checked for Infowars Newstream and it's been banned for "Violating Community Standards". However, Young Turks is still up.

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76   Shaman   2018 Aug 7, 3:17pm  

It’s sad when corporations want to police political discourse. We have a congress to pass laws, and we have a judiciary to judge disputes. We don’t need vigilante corporations to suppress ideas they consider offensive or wrong.
77   FortWayne   2018 Aug 7, 3:34pm  

The way left hates white, they are today’s Nazis. They vilified being white, like Hitler vilified Jews. They blame whites for all the problems.

Your party is Nazi, Marcus, you are just too bought into it to see it.

marcus says
CBOEtrader says
Unfortunately that makes him a Nazi in today's environment

Only to you.
78   marcus   2018 Aug 7, 8:53pm  

CBOEtrader says
JP who feels this IQ discussion is at the core of societal importance? Sorry, I do agree w JP. If society wants to fixate on equality of results, it is imperative to discuss differences in IQ levels that drive those results rather than blaming white patriarchy.

You totally misunderstand what JP has said. HE never said anything close to that. He has talked about IQ differences, which are different on average but at the level of selected individuals it's irrelevant. Further more there are other factors I won't go in to that make it difficult to get representative scores for entire races, while controlling for educational differences.

Peterson is opposed to going for equality of outcome. But he never said: "it is imperative to discuss differences in IQ levels that drive those results rather than blaming white patriarchy." He's simply opposed to blaming white patriarchy as oppressive, and argues that meritocracy works and is what people are conflating with Patriarchy. He also sometimes talks about how if someone has an IQ of 80 or lower(perhaps the border he cites is lower), it's really going to be hard for them to make a living. If anything this is an argument for safety nets, which he is not opposed to.

There are alt right types that misunderstand Peterson and use him to defend their racism. Sadly you seem to fit that description.
79   marcus   2018 Aug 7, 9:07pm  

CBOEtrader says
Censoring non-PC thought is tyrannical and wrong

There will always be censorship, that is people that aren't going to be allowed in the conversation. See the last few minutes of this.

Below JP with interesting political commentary starting at about 10:00

At 12:30 he seems to be advocating censoring you, or people like you, AT LEAST FROM SOME CONVERSATIONS.

80   Patrick   2018 Aug 7, 9:07pm  


Democrats back Infowars takedown as one senator wants MORE accounts squelched and another says social media companies should be legally liable for everything their users post
Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube have banned broadcasts and podcasts from conspiracy theorist Alex Jones
Democratic senator from Connecticut calls it 'a good start' and hints that he wants a more heavy-handed approach to squelching fringe speech
Another Democrat, from Virginia, wrote a draft policy white paper that proposes making social media outlets legally liable for what their users post
Jones is known for conspiracy theories, including calling the Snady Hook shooting a hoax and the 9-11 terror attacks an 'inside job'
'See?' a Republican House aide said drily, 'it's not paranoia if they actually are out to get you'
81   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 7, 9:10pm  

Patrick says
Democrats back Infowars takedown as one senator wants MORE accounts squelched and another says social media companies should be legally liable for everything their users post

Yep. It's not going to end with Alex Jones. This was testing the waters. They're going to get more aggressive. New Media is an existential threat, a threat to their class status/pride, and how their enemies bypass their control of decreasingly influential Legacy Media.

It's funny it's all Sandy Hook, something that happened years ago; but the other 99% of what Jones said, particularly in the last year or so, which was mostly regular political commentary, was wiped away because of it.
82   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 7, 9:13pm  

Meanwhile, Social Media fulfills Alex Jones' prophecy that Social Media would Censor him.

83   marcus   2018 Aug 7, 9:27pm  

FortWayne says
Your party is Nazi, Marcus, you are just too bought into it to see it.

So Fort Wayne joins CBOE in labeling the entire democratic party as nazis ? Isn't that close enough to to invoke Godwins law ? Not that it isn't idiotic enough anyway to speak for itself.

I don't agree that SJWs are anything like Nazis. I don't agree with them, on their emphasis on identity politics or on their tendencies to want their campuses to be safe spaces from free speech. But they are a small minority of the democratic party. The censorship meme association with the left is way overblown.

Alex Jones got people riled up that Sandy Hook didn't actually happen. That type of conspiracy theory is completely different than whacky ones about the Bush family being reptilians or whatever. Because it's taking tragedy that happened to people and making a mockery of it. People have harassed some of those parents becasue of Jones. He also promoted pizzagate.

I'm fine with Jones being excluded from facebook. I can't believe it didn't happen about a week after he started the Sandy Hook BS.

It's fine and even necessary to have real journalists researching conspiracy theories. But when someone comes on TV yelling and screaming about them while they still are conspiracy theories ? (and likely false ?)

I would have a tough time coming up with a better example than some of Alex Jones' stories fitting the "yelling fire in a crowded movie theater" metaphor.
84   MrMagic   2018 Aug 7, 9:35pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
It's funny it's all Sandy Hook, something that happened years ago; but the other 99% of what Jones said, particularly in the last year or so, which was mostly regular political commentary, was wiped away because of it.

That's the Liberals... always making a big deal about the "needles" and totally ignoring the "haystacks".

85   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 8, 12:00am  

marcus says
You totally misunderstand what JP has said. HE never said anything close to that. He has talked about IQ differences, which are different on average but at the level of selected individuals it's irrelevant.

Lol, what is this theory? IQ doesnt matter? Before I laugh too much, please clarify
86   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 8, 12:07am  

marcus says
But when someone comes on TV

You mean when he expresses his opinion on his social media channel or personally owned radio station?

Its is absolutely tyrannical to censor political speech, no matter what form his takes. Should we censor the daily show for using snippets of facts strung together in jokes that hit too fast to make sense yet are designed to push a narrative?

If the koch brothers censored left wing extremists like madonna for example, you'd have a huge problem w it.

I'd prefer anyone could say anything whatsoever. Of speech is to be policed, can we at least have some fair treatment rather than selective censorship?

Cause it sure likes the left just points and says, "that influential non believer needs to be silenced." You are insane if you think AJ is the last (or the first).
87   Shaman   2018 Aug 8, 5:20am  

marcus says
So Fort Wayne joins CBOE in labeling the entire democratic party as nazis ? Isn't that close enough to to invoke Godwins law ?

I’d estimate that 75% of the Democrat politicians view extreme Leftists with skepticism at least, and don’t agree with their ideas. Of those, precious few have made any attempt to distance themselves from that hateful and extreme rhetoric.

If the extreme Leftists are Nazis, or at least Nazi-adjacent, what do we call the politicians who just go along with them without criticizing their radical agenda? Maybe they’re afraid of being on the wrong side of a movement or losing votes or whatever.
Let’s ask this a different way: what do we call Germans who joined the Nazi party in the 1930s just so they wouldn’t have to have a conflict with greater German society? Are they still Nazis, even though they may not have fully believed the hateful message of that party? History would argue that actions always trump feelings or words. When you gas a million Jews, you don’t get a free pass because you weren’t really that into it.

Same thing applies when you support repealing the Bill of Rights because it seems politically expedient.
88   marcus   2018 Aug 8, 8:36am  

CBOEtrader says
IQ doesnt matter?

Are you trying to be ironic ?

CBOEtrader says
Before I laugh too much, please clarify

I already did.
90   FortWayne   2018 Aug 8, 8:54am  

Left blame whites for everything
Nazis blames Jews for everything

Left promoting removal of whites from society
Nazis promotes removal of Jews from society

Left demand everything white be removed from culture and their property redistributed
Nazis demanded everything Jew be removed from culture and their property redistributed.

Nazis were socialists
Left is socialist

Plenty of same there. And when kamela Harris gets elected, you’ll see it even more vividly. Left isn’t far from burning people alive.

marcus says
FortWayne says
Your party is Nazi, Marcus, you are just too bought into it to see it.

So Fort Wayne joins CBOE in labeling the entire democratic party as nazis ? Isn't that close enough to to invoke Godwins law ? Not that it isn't idiotic enough anyway to speak for itself.

I don't agree that SJWs are anything like Nazis. I don't agree with them, on their emphasis on identity politics or on their tendencies to want their campuses to be safe spaces from free speech. But they are a small minority of the democratic party. The censorship meme association with the left is way overblown.

Alex Jones got people riled up that Sandy Hook didn't actually happen. That type of conspiracy theory is completely different than whacky ones about the Bush family being reptilians or whatever. Because it's taking tragedy that happened to people and making a mockery of it. People have harassed some o...
91   zzyzzx   2018 Aug 8, 8:57am  

Those against free speech are really against free thought.
92   marcus   2018 Aug 8, 8:58am  

FortWayne says
Left blame whites for everything
Nazis blames Jews for everything

Republitards blame "liberals" for everything

FortWayne says
Left promoting removal of whites from society

Yeah there was that one whacko SJW on twitter with a comment that almost implied that.

FortWayne says
Left isn’t far from burning people alive.

Just a tad hyperbolic don't you think ?
93   Patrick   2018 Aug 8, 9:04am  

marcus says
IQ differences, which are different on average but at the level of selected individuals it's irrelevant.

This is correct. There are average differences between groups but that fact does not determine the IQ of any individual.

James Damore was trying to make this very point with respect to female interest in engineering (very low, on average) but got fired from Google because of it. Everything he said was correct, but it did not fit the Inquisition's narrative of "bad white men" (not Asian men, somehow) stopping women from being engineers. Here is his graph from the memo that got him fired:

What we have now is a violently intolerant cabal which refuses to question its own orthodoxy, no matter how harmful or how provably false. They have control over almost all employment, public education, university policy, and the media both old and new.They will fire anyone who dares speak up for the truth, and will even set upon them with clubs if they try to speak at universities. And now they are attempting overt censorship online.

The fact that Google fired Damore for speaking sympathetically and correctly about these factual differences proves that Google is evil.

We are in desperate need of uncensorable distributed discussion and search systems. I think it could be done with browser-to-browser communication.
95   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 8, 9:25am  

marcus says
Are you trying to be ironic ?

Are you just trolling now? You accuse me of misunderstanding JP, then you completely misrepresent what JP says about IQ and refuse to clarify your statement. sigh

TBC, JP specifically identifies the race IQ differentials and the subsequent differential in life success. He states that the tyrannical progressives who want to blame the patriarchy are flat wrong. As long as we arent allowed to discuss things like IQ differential without fear of being labelled racist, we dont have a chance to solve problems like this.

So, please let the forum know how you will misinterpret JP's truthful message into your flawed worldview.
97   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 8, 9:38am  

marcus says
FortWayne says
Left isn’t far from burning people alive.

Just a tad hyperbolic don't you think ?

A little, but not much. Please see torture of a trump supporter. Low IQ Don Lemon refused to call this act evil:www.youtube.com/embed/99q0wO0ZjfE

Here's a shortlist of attacks on Trump supporters : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUVuzbfu3aQ

Here's a recent example of a mob hunting down Trump supporters in LA :http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-proud-boys-bar-20180717-story.html

And a shortlist of conservatives censored for having wrongthink opinions: http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2016/05/26/10-times-facebook-censored-conservatives.html

Noone is pretending it is ALL LEFTISTS, just like most Germans in pre ww2 probably had no intention of physically assaulting Jews. However the establishment is absolutely left leaning and oppressing Trump supporters, with the silence and implied support of the masses. This is VERY MUCH like the 1930's Nazi's, wherein most Germans were happy that Jews were separated/censored/not allowed professorial jobs, etc...I'm sure those Germans who supported soft oppression never thought the Nazi's would kill every Jew they could. Pick up a history and learn how/why/when humanity devolves into its worst form. Today's left is showing all the signs of going full Nazi
98   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 8, 9:40am  

Patrick says
What we have now is a violently intolerant cabal which refuses to question its own orthodoxy, no matter how harmful or how provably false. They have control over almost all employment, public education, university policy, and the media both old and new.They will fire anyone who dares speak up for the truth, and will even set upon them with clubs if they try to speak at universities. And now they are attempting overt censorship online.

who does this sound like?
99   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 8, 9:52am  

Any voice that reminded America of her wickedness, she sought to destroy that voice. America wants to silence my voice. Jews want to silence my voice. But if you silence the Voice of Truth that shows you a mirror of yourself, how then can you change and save yourself?— MINISTER FARRAKHAN (@LouisFarrakhan) August 7, 2018

Jack Approved Tweet!

I reported it. I'm sure Twitter will suspend or ban Farrakhan's account.
102   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 8, 11:44am  

Free Speech is more than the #1A. It's a societal value. And your turnabout still doesn't explain the Leftist hypocrisy in the original graphic.

And of course, a huge difference between one of a hundred bakeries in an area, and a literal handful of huge corporate social media tech giants.

Like I said, if Harry who personally runs his own bakery doesn't want to bake a cake, you can go to Tom, Dick, Larry, Laura, Linda, Mary's bakery. Or a few blocks over another 10 bakeries.

If Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T refuse to provide you cell service, you're fucked.

And yes, I DO believe in different standards between small businesses and multinational corporations. Have said so before.

Pretty weird that Farrakhan Speeches, #KillAllMales, and ISIS shit don't get taken down from Youtube.
103   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 8, 11:58am  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says

Pretty weird that Farrakhan Speeches, #KillAllMales, and ISIS shit don't get taken down from Youtube

It's almost like gasp they are targeting one group w biased interpretations of their own rules.

"Seems totes fair" - moderate leftists.
104   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Aug 8, 11:58am  

Let's say we're at war with Nazi Germany, would the free speech libertarians here let nazi Americans run large scale propaganda operations in the US aimed sinking American morale, while American soldiers are fighting and dying in Europe?

I'm all for free speech in general, but not free propaganda.

There is a level of naivete in the arguments brought forth here.
105   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 8, 12:18pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
would the free speech libertarians here let nazi Americans run large scale propaganda operations in the US aimed sinking American morale

Depends what you mean. Are you talking about a foreign economic tyrant owning the NYT? Or a globalist, also richest man on earth who gets billion $ deals w the CIA own the WashPo. Or perhaps you are talking about UK spies leaking salacious rumors about a POTUS candidate to effect our elections? Or are you talking about Russian nationals releasing actual emails sent by a POTUS candidate to the public? Or are you talking about China buying Hollywood studios to push their agenda? Or are you talking about Russian nationals buying divisive advertising?

^^ the only fair effective way to fight back against a world of lies and deception is to allow a 1st amendment wherein people can freely speak truth to power.

It seems like you would prefer a biased (everyone is biased) beaurocrat pick and choose what is propaganda vs what is is truth. You really think a Ministry of Truth is a good idea? Yeah... how about we just have a bullet proof 1st amendment and call it a day.
106   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 8, 12:21pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

There is a level of naivete in the arguments brought forth here.

You want a Ministry of Truth, and assume those who dont are naive? Lol, please read about the history of censorship and its murderous results. Censorship will lead to terrible things.

"Wherever they burn books, in the end will also burn human beings." - Heinrich Heine
107   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Aug 8, 12:38pm  

CBOEtrader says
^^ the only fair effective way to fight back against a world of lies and deception is to allow a 1st amendment wherein people can freely speak truth to power.

You're not fighting back. You just creates clans of people living in echo chambers, and the country is collapsing every day a bit more under the false beliefs, ultra-polarized society, strident accusations, and increasingly, violent reactions.
108   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Aug 8, 12:40pm  

CBOEtrader says
Depends what you mean. Are you talking about a foreign economic tyrant owning the NYT? Or a globalist, also richest man on earth who gets billion $ deals w the CIA own the WashPo. Or perhaps you are talking about UK spies leaking salacious rumors about a POTUS candidate to effect our elections? Or are you talking about Russian nationals releasing actual emails sent by a POTUS candidate to the public? Or are you talking about China buying Hollywood studios to push their agenda? Or are you talking about Russian nationals buying divisive advertising?

I asked a simple question: would you let nazi Americans run large scale propaganda, for example showing captured or killed Americans, while American troops are fighting against the same nazis in Europe?

Yes or no?
109   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Aug 8, 12:42pm  

CBOEtrader says

You want a Ministry of Truth, and assume those who dont are naive? Lol, please read about the history of censorship and its murderous results. Censorship will lead to terrible things.

You certainly don't need to censure reasonable exchange of ideas. Debates are not propaganda. There is a clear difference.
110   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 8, 12:43pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Let's say we're at war with Nazi Germany, would the free speech libertarians here let nazi Americans run large scale propaganda operations in the US aimed sinking American morale, while American soldiers are fighting and dying in Europe?

Sure, if you mean there's a "war war" on that includes a draft call, an actual declaration of war, and a national war footing. Or at least 2 of those 3.

Not a mere cooling of relations.

Also, bitching about Russian Influence with a few bucks spent on Facebook while Saudis, Qataris, Norwegians, Mexicans, Japanese, Chinese, Germans, and god knows how many Oligarchs from Soros to Slim pump money into politics, think tanks, lobbyists, etc. is kind of misfocused, IMHO. Everything from University Chairs to Think Tanks to Conferences to Paid Lobbyists, involving millions upon millions of dollars direct from national governments, plus countless bucks via NGOs and Companies and Individuals of these nations.
111   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 8, 12:45pm  

Hillary's 13 fundraisers in foreign countries.

The Clinton's Moroccan Money Mess

Morocco, that pinnacle of Democracy.

Heraclitusstudent says
You're not fighting back. You just creates clans of people living in echo chambers, and the country is collapsing every day a bit more under the false beliefs, ultra-polarized society, strident accusations, and increasingly, violent reactions.

Somehow these millions upon millions haven't gotten the same level of scrutiny from WaPo and the NYT. Oligarchs don't want the sums given to Hillary by Foreign Countries, many of which are Authoritarian Non-Democracies (and connected to terrorists) compared to the sums allegedly spent by Russia on promoting BLM issues on Facebook.
112   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 8, 12:58pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
You're not fighting back.

I am not the first amendment. Perhaps you missed my point.

Lets be clear. Answer this question: would you rather have a 1st amendment, or a ministry of truth? There is no 3rd option.

I choose a 1st amendment. You?
113   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 8, 1:05pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
I asked a simple question: would you let nazi Americans run large scale propaganda, for example showing captured or killed Americans, while American troops are fighting against the same nazis in Europe?

This is a bizarre hypothetical which you are using to dodge the conversation. No, I do not think we should block those ISP's for Americans to search out and view, if that's what you mean.

How about you answer my real world question now? Which of the dozens of identified propaganda campaigns would you shut down? Better yet, to whom do you grant this judgement?

My argument is that noone deserves this power, and the only functional effective way to combat propaganda is the 1st amendment.

The only alternative to 1st amendment is a ministry of truth. So choose: do you want a ministry of truth or a 1st amendment?
114   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 8, 1:10pm  

Democrats, 2005: We have a right to disagree and debate with this Administration!
Democrats, 2018: You have no right not to disagree and debate with this Russian-backed Administration!

Unbelievable oppression of those Freedom Voices expressing Dissent.

Tuck Buckford hahaha. Alex Jones got booted off Social Media, lost the Info War hahahahaha!

115   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 8, 1:11pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
spent by Russia on promoting BLM issues on Facebook.

This was maybe a few hundred thousand, if they ran terribly inefficient ads. If they're halfway intelligent, they could get the reported reach w $50k or so. That includes the pro hillary and pro trump ads. Even if you assume they spent more on trump, we are MAYBE talking about $25k of Russian bought ads for the Donald. Glad we spent a few hundred million researching this influence when we completely ignore the multiple hundreds of $millions noted in twoscoops post above.

A 1st amendment would solve this problem. Let individuals point out and discuss facts. Meet propaganda w well reasoned argunents. The propaganda will be shown to be lies against the truth. This is why propagandists ALWAYS want to eliminate the 1st amendment. This is also why the 1st amendment is the best and only way to fight nack against propaganda.

The question remains: would you choose a 1st

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