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and even many above average folks are susceptible to propaganda,
as CBOE did with is rather extreme mischaracterization of Jordan Peterson point about IQ.
Google will ultimatley have to adjust based on what deeper analysis reveals to have been an error.
Isn't "evil" a little strong for erring on the side of political correctness
I believe that at this point the yearly numbers of new doctors in the U.S. are higher for women than for men.
when in fact differences of success are largely explained by IQ differences. He has been very clear about this many, many times. Please explain what you feel is missing in this perspective
go tweet an article discussing the IQ differential between blacks and whites. Watch how quickly you get shut down.
Do you disagree with your hero JP who feels this IQ discussion is at the core of societal importance? Sorry, I do agree w JP. If society wants to fixate on equality of results, it is imperative to discuss differences in IQ levels that drive those results rather than blaming white patriarchy.
when in fact the true cause of difficulties are their intherant inferior intellect
You mean when he expresses his opinion on his social media channel or personally owned radio station?
Actually he uses the word competence, which is not the same as IQ
When someone spreads conspiracy theories as if they are proven and being hidden by the government, that is theories that actually hurt people or that hurt political candidates with only that intention, or even if it's not intended, and just propaganda generated by Oligarchs *Russian or our own) it's far different than someone simply expressing an opinion.
you seem to think that African Americans who feel disenfranchised, or libtards speaking on their behalf, want to blame the Patriarchy for their difficulties, when in fact the true cause of difficulties are their intherant inferior intellect. And that somehow Jordan Peterson is on your side backing this point of view.
Please explain what I'm getting wrong here.
you seem to think
By the way, Jordan Peterson actually is on the record agreeing that people with your point of view shouldn't even be allowed to be in the conversation.
CBOEtrader sayswhen in fact differences of success are largely explained by IQ differences. He has been very clear about this many, many times. Please explain what you feel is missing in this perspective
Actually he uses the word competence, which is not the same as IQ.
But I do enjoy the same people who bitch about "Net Neutrality" claiming that ISPs can censor or at least speed or delay speech that they like or dislike, defend content platforms censoring speech (and not in a transparent, objective way).
Freedom of speech doesn't include being too lazy to to type in infowars.com if you don't see it on youtube.
Either a little fuzzy on the concept or deliberately disingenuous here, ISP's are frequently government sanctioned monopolies like cable carriers or phone carriers and under net neutrality are not allowed to use their monopoly position to restrict competing products from other companies from their customers.
A couple of people have really shown their true colors, and I suspect the true colors of leftists in general.
Despite a perfectly good "Ignore" button, some insisted that some users be banned from Pat.net for their content they thought was conspiratorial, false, or whatever.
Mere months after peak "Ban this guy", many of these same users got bounced or flounced when Patrick imposed an ad hom ban and they ran afoul of it, screeching "Muh Free Speech".
Lets be clear. Answer this question: would you rather have a 1st amendment, or a ministry of truth? There is no 3rd option.
I choose a 1st amendment. You?
foreign enemy propaganda should typically be proscribed
Collectivist are okay with trouncing on people as long as they are "outside of the group", while Constitutionalism favors the individual right over the group think. Collectivism lead to the formation of the Japanese Empire, Nazi Germany, and the USSR, it's an extremely dangerous ideology, and it's sad to see people here cling to it.
You are arguing for a minister of truth. Yup, in your mind this level-headed administer of soft censorship only on important propaganda matters will be totes reasonable? What happens when Trump chooses Bannon as the minister of truth? What happens if the dems choose Ariana Huffington?
The way you use the world collectivist here is to mean tribalism. This is not what "collectivism" means. Tribalism is not an ideology, it is human pattern of thinking that underlies many ideology.
By the way your opinions here display a strong tribalism with the American political right, as you combat ideas the "outside of the group" - the left - and almost all your thinking is strongly aligned with that of your group/tribe. Your reverence for your leader is also a tribal attribute.
Goran_K saysCollectivist are okay with trouncing on people as long as they are "outside of the group", while Constitutionalism favors the individual right over the group think. Collectivism lead to the formation of the Japanese Empire, Nazi Germany, and the USSR, it's an extremely dangerous ideology, and it's sad to see people here cling to it.
The way you use the world collectivist here is to mean tribalism. This is not what "collectivism" means. Tribalism is not an ideology, it is human pattern of thinking that underlies many ideology.
By the way your opinions here display a strong tribalism with the American political right, as you combat ideas the "outside of the group" - the left - and almost all your thinking is strongly aligned with that of your group/tribe. Your reverence for your leader is also a tribal attribute.
As a simple example other countries have strong libel laws or laws against hate speech. Some European countries have laws forbidding denying the Holocaust.
Collectivism is the base ideology for socialism/communism/democrats
Collectivism is the base ideology for socialism/communism/democrats
You are missing his point. Everyone is tribal by nature, just like everyone is violent by nature.
Libertarian values of individualism over collectivism is the only viable solution.
This isn't censorship, this is simply the rules of the board as requested by the owner @Patrick.
Goran_K saysThis isn't censorship, this is simply the rules of the board as requested by the owner @Patrick.
The censorship rules of a private forum.
Free Speech is being censored at Patnet
Is this the goal @Patrick?
Nazi GermanyHeraclitusstudent says
were not collectivists
Nobody is engaging in ad homs
Facts shouldn’t trigger people
the idea that people should be pure individuals
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Now Youtube has eliminated Infowars.
Love seeing Liberals who are like "Always let dissident voices be heard" making the "It's a business, so..." argument. That doesn't mean they're wrong.
But I do enjoy the same people who bitch about "Net Neutrality" claiming that ISPs can censor or at least speed or delay speech that they like or dislike, defend content platforms censoring speech (and not in a transparent, objective way).
Note that Louis Farrakhan still up. I personally checked for Infowars Newstream and it's been banned for "Violating Community Standards". However, Young Turks is still up.