by krc ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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This is why Obamacare didn’t work. It made healthcare basically free for the sickest and poorest people, which left them plenty of room to demand as much care as they could get
Look, anything free must of necessity be rationed. Otherwise people will abuse it and the amount needed to provide for all keeps rising faster than need can be met. Rationing of healthcare in countries with socialized medicine appears to be accomplished with wait times. If you could get right in to tell the doctor a story about your trick knee and why your grandkids are pantywaisted little pansies like all kids these days, then you’d be breaking the system.
Actually I never got to see my doctor free in any of the socialist health care countries I lived in, it was always $20-30 for an office visit with a gp. Did they rip me off?
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