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7   anonymous   2018 Oct 10, 6:15am  

P N Dr Lo R says
It was also evident when he said "you didn't build that" the contempt he had for private enterprise.

The "that" he was referring to was "roads and bridges". A totally vanilla, uncontroversial statement that has been taken out of context.
8   lostand confused   2018 Oct 10, 6:30am  

ThreeBays says
mean other than the obvious thing like saying you support Trump. Appointing someone as your leader, does brand one as a supporter of that leader's traits.

I rest my case. Why bother to go further-youprove my case-you think something and hence decree all who have an opposing view are some "ist" -hate coupled with righteousness is the most dangerous thing of all.

Here is the red line of thought-you cross the line -you are racist, sexist any number of ist-I eman the elft now believe in 32 genders, so god knows how many ists you have for those who don't believe in your acceptable thought. But hey the funny thing-the elft still believes it is the party of epace, tolerance and love while filled with hate, rage and increasingly violent tendencies.

Scary times for America. Germany, Cambodia, Soviet union all went down the same path the elft wants-will we escape?
9   marcus   2018 Oct 10, 6:51am  

P N Dr Lo R says
It was also evident when he said "you didn't build that" the contempt he had for private enterprise.

Still hanging on to that right wing rewritten version of what he was saying ?

I agree about respect, and being able to converse. I have friends that are republican and we can find common ground and are still friends. Although some defend Trump way more than others. I really do believe though that conservatives are the more dishonest of the two, generally The "you didn't build that is a perfect example." Total unwillingness to comprehend what he was saying, which would have easily been conservative in another era.

Obama, July 13: There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the GI Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for President — because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together.

That one phrase, "you didn't build that should probably have been, "you didn't build that in a vacuum" or something like that.

But how can someone be unable to read the entire paragraph and not get his overall meaning, which was not communist or anti free enterprise.
14   NDrLoR   2018 Oct 10, 8:40am  

marcus says
Total unwillingness to comprehend what he was saying
No, I understand the context in which he was saying it but I appreciate your elaboration as well.
15   socal2   2018 Oct 10, 9:45am  

marcus says
I really do believe though that conservatives are the more dishonest of the two,

Right - who goes around accusing the other of "WANTING to kill" people if they believe we need to reform our un-affordable entitlements?

Who goes around accusing the other of "WANTING to kill" people if they don't believe all the doom and gloom predictions of Climate Change?

Who goes around accusing the other of being a racist or Nazi if they don't believe all the SJW nonsense of 380 different genders?

The Democrats are far more dishonest and are the aggressors in the political and cultural wars.
16   Shaman   2018 Oct 10, 9:53am  

If one is automatically a racist/misogynistic/Nazi/bigot/deplorable asshole for supporting the US President then the people assigning such labels are the very definition of haters! Particularly because the President has voiced no racist/misogynistic/Nazi/bigot/deplorable opinions on how the country should be run. You can take your off the cuff hidden camera crap and stuff it! Everyone talks differently in private than in public. I know Hilary got caught with some open mic situations that were embarrassing. Who cares?

If you’re a Trump supporter, you just approve of the job he’s doing. This doesn’t mean that you think of him as a role model or want to be just like him.

But you don’t have to do anything as heinous as supporting the President to get labeled an enemy of the Democrat party. You could just misgender a tranny or suggest that illegal immigration is bad. You could decide that you’d rather we didn’t teach Sharia in our classrooms, or decide that Islam is actually NOT a religion of peace.
And last week, you could make the statement that men accused of sexual misbehavior deserve a fair inquiry rather than immediate vilification. A professor did that at USC and created such an outcry from activists calling for his head that the President of the university had to promise more inclusivity and sensitivity training for all faculty immediately!

Clearly Democrats and especially the Leftists which have infested that party are a Party of Haters. It’s obvious to everyone except them.
17   krc   2018 Oct 10, 9:53am  

I don't care really what side is "most dishonest". This is politics, which is war by other means. :)
I have a lot of friends on both sides and we get along fine. I don't take anything personally, but that is probably because I was involved in politics long ago, etc...

I think the worse thing that has transpired in politics is this belief in transparency. This is actually what is preventing politicians/issue organizations from really talking to one another. If they are worried about being "called out" by the extremes of either base, no one is willing to compromise. It is ridiculous. Having to expose all meetings, discussions, getting in the face of people in public, etc... All it does is make people more firm in their viewpoint. Do you really think that Ted Cruz is going to change his mind because someone is yelling at him in a restaurant? Doing things in a "smoke filled room" can actually get things done because there is certain anonymity involved that prevents pressure groups from exciting the base "against" someone.

When I was in DC long ago, folks from both political parties could get together for drinks, play hoop, etc... Now, if you do that, someone from a pressure organization will see that and threaten to "expose" that to the base, trying implicate that the candidate/aid/group is "compromising". Now, if you get together, some republican will get shot. :)
18   socal2   2018 Oct 10, 10:03am  

krc says
This is actually what is preventing politicians/issue organizations from really talking to one another. If they are worried about being "called out" by the extremes of either base, no one is willing to compromise. It is ridiculous.

It's a one way street.

No extremist Republicans are going to DOX, shout down or boycott Republicans for talking or negotiating with Democrats.

The Media absolutely loved Republicans like McCain when they were seen working with Democrats and sticking it to Republicans.
20   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Oct 10, 10:12am  

marcus says
P N Dr Lo R says
It was also evident when he said "you didn't build that" the contempt he had for private enterprise.

Still hanging on to that right wing rewritten version of what he was saying ?

I agree about respect, and being able to converse. I have friends that are republican and we can find common ground and are still friends. Although some defend Trump way more than others. I really do believe though that conservatives are the more dishonest of the two, generally The "you didn't build that is a perfect example." Total unwillingness to comprehend what he was saying, which would have easily been conservative in another era.

Obama, July 13: There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there...

So then, you agree that Trump never said Mexicans are rapists, and in fact you have corrected others who make the claim as well, correct?


Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.

21   RC2006   2018 Oct 10, 10:14am  

Republicans can can disagree and even call out other republicans, Democrats do that and they might as will be republicans that need a beat down in the eyes of the far left.
22   krc   2018 Oct 10, 10:28am  

I agree that the left is far more physically confrontational than the right at this point. But, I expect that to change as the right starts to think "well, if they can do that, then we should to if only to equalize the field". And the right has more guns I am sure...

Completely agree that the left seems to have monopolized this confrontational aspect. But, even on the right, pressure politics apply - look at the tea party and pro-life groups where any "moderate" thinking candidate is punished even if they are just "listening". My point is this idea of legally enforcing transparency is actually corrosive to the body politic.
23   HeadSet   2018 Oct 10, 11:17am  

And the right has more guns I am sure...

Not so sure about that. The left does not want YOU to have a gun, they have no trouble having illegal guns themselves, ala Carl Rowan types and all the Chicago hoods. Plus, rich liberals have well armed bodyguards.
24   krc   2018 Oct 10, 2:54pm  

Oops... should be "then we should too". :)
25   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 10, 5:24pm  

Remember, you deplorable Trumptards -- you have to accept the Vote and the results of the Election! Don't put the country through a fake contest of legitimacy.
26   LastMan   2018 Oct 10, 5:32pm  

Quigley says
If one is automatically a racist/misogynistic/Nazi/bigot/deplorable asshole for supporting the US President then the people assigning such labels are the very definition of haters!

There are a lot of assumptions of people who don't support the president, seen every day on Pat.net. It's almost as if the left-right divide is causing serious communication problems.
27   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 10, 5:39pm  

socal2 says
It's a one way street.

No extremist Republicans are going to DOX, shout down or boycott Republicans for talking or negotiating with Democrats.


28   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 10, 7:53pm  

TrumpingTits says

Yes, really. I mean, what else is Murkowski going to say, Leon? "I fucked up! Don't vote for me!"


You're obviously missing the point there Trumpy. Extremist Republicans are doing exactly what socal said they don't do.
29   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 10, 8:01pm  

TrumpingTits says
Is this your typical trolling pattern? Constantly changing the subject while flat out injecting as many lies as you can in the process in the hope of getting people to take your bait?

Too bad you got outted, oy?

lol--nope, subject was always the same. Perhaps you should reread the posts and maybe you'll understand better this time.
30   HeadSet   2018 Oct 10, 8:02pm  

LeonDurham says
socal2 says
It's a one way street.

No extremist Republicans are going to DOX, shout down or boycott Republicans for talking or negotiating with Democrats.



That whole article is talking about the "backlash" of Murkowski not getting votes, And you are comparing not getting votes as equal to DOXing, boycotts, harassing at restaurants and physical threats?
31   LeonDurham   2018 Oct 10, 8:05pm  

HeadSet says
That whole article is talking about the "backlash" of Murkowski not getting votes, And you are comparing not getting votes as equal to DOXing, boycotts, harassing at restaurants and physical threats?

Read the original quoted post again. No Dems are harassing other Dems at restaurants or making physical threats.

Alaska GOP is threatening to censor her and withdraw support for her. Seems pretty close to a boycott to me.
32   lostand confused   2018 Oct 10, 8:11pm  

Tim Aurora says
or colluded with Russia to elect a racist president

aah what?
33   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 10, 8:21pm  

Tim Aurora says
Hate begets hate .

Sure does! The whole "Stale Pale White Male" type shit began long ago. I've been hearing it for 20+ years, although it picked up steam, back then it was only in the dustiest alcoves of Blank Studies departments. Hollywood, the Media, etc. is now broadcasting it.

For the first time, we have elected Senators picking up the theme, like Yoko Ono or whatever her name is from Hawaii, and others as well. Not just crazed hard left protesters and academics, but actual elected officials.

When a party smears a huge set of the population, yet expects them to take racist, agist, sexist abuse without retaliation? Not gonna happen.
34   lostand confused   2018 Oct 10, 8:24pm  

ThreeBays says
Failing to see how that hate can get turned to you for supporting him is bizarre

Aah sure the Nazis and commies said the same thing-self righteousnouss and hate-dangerous stuff.

ThreeBays says
When you don't understand the "reaction" look back at the "action" that caused it.

What action-calling to enforce our laws?ThreeBays says
Trump is a lot of things, has said a lot of things, and done a lot of things
What exactly is worth of hate and violence by the left?? The elft has bene violent long, long time ebfore Trump. Trump just stand sup to their hate and love stheir hate-they don't know what to do and are going batshit-in the process revealing their true selves. You wanna see hate-look in the mirror.
35   Shaman   2018 Oct 10, 8:37pm  

Tim Aurora says
We will not forget

I doubt that you will! This November shellacking will be something to definitely remember when you think of trying to divide the country again on racial lines, take away free speech and replace it with political correctness, or weaponize a victims movement for naked political expediency.
Good luck with your inevitable depression. Hope is out there! It’s probably just hiding beneath the couch cushions with the spare change Obama missed.
36   marcus   2018 Oct 10, 9:08pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
So then, you agree that Trump never said Mexicans are rapists

I never thought he said all or most Mexicans are rapists. I know exactly what he said, and who he was trying to appeal to. And I clearly heard him say, " and I'm sure some are fine people.

I don't play that dishonest take it out of context game. OR the stupid meme game. In context, it's obvious and every honest person understands exactly what Trump was saying. The most important part is the shear dishonesty of it, becasue he isn't even deporting as many Mexicans as Obama did. It was purely and simply an appeal to racists or otherwise gullible ignorant people that thought he would follow through on what he was saying about immigration and the wall.

Quigley says
But you don’t have to do anything as heinous as supporting the President to get labeled an enemy of the Democrat party. You could just misgender a tranny or suggest that illegal immigration is bad

You wish the democratic party was this far gone. You confuse the small SJW minority of the democratic party with the centrist relatively conservative majority.

Quigley says
Leftists which have infested that party are a Party of Haters

So would it be safe for me to infer that you hate haters ?

That would be ironic.

Are you saying you hate the people that hate hate ?
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 10, 9:12pm  

This is the face of the Left.

Eye RAPE Warning at approx 1:14

I advise not watching more than one minute of protest at a time to preserve your T levels.
38   Shaman   2018 Oct 11, 7:06am  

marcus says
So would it be safe for me to infer that you hate haters ?

Righteous anger has fueled reformations throughout history. There’s nothing wrong with anger. It’s what you do about it that matters.
39   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Oct 11, 12:05pm  

The Left is the party of racism, sexism, and agism. They repeat it baldly and endlessly on TV.

The response is just, and very, very, non-violent. So far.

It will take an unhinged leftist getting shot 10x on TV for trying to attack somebody with a bat to stop it.

Hell, that's already happened, with Leftists ramming trucks into political offices. But not the shot to death.

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