by tovarichpeter ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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False alarm. It's just a pause before massive jumps in California home prices.
Fake News
Housing prices never fall.
Everyone knows that.
Strategist saysFalse alarm. It's just a pause before massive jumps in California home prices.
Exactly. I have made plans for the $3M I want for my shack and I'm not amending them, goddamit!
The market in California does indeed seem to be cooling, going by the big increase in number of houses listed.
Anecdotal. I was snookered by a realwhore at a bbq last weekend and she actually came forth with the information that the market in SoCal was definitely stagnant or even dropping YoY, depending on the locality, and that the association of used home salespeople just put out news to that effect within the trade.
This was surprising to hear, straight from the whore's mouth, but maybe it was some kind of sophisticated angle.
There are lots of real estate agents who never finished high school, but will be glad to give you their expert opinion on where the future home prices will be.
Strategist saysThere are lots of real estate agents who never finished high school, but will be glad to give you their expert opinion on where the future home prices will be.
I don't think you can get a realtor license without a HS diploma.
Homeowners are sitting on a negative equity timebomb after losing $108.4 billion on their property values this year, experts say.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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