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1   RC2006   2018 Nov 13, 10:20am  

Eventually CA will be like Brazil, mostly favelas with gated enclaves with armed guards for the wealthy.
2   Ceffer   2018 Nov 13, 10:23am  

California can expect new heights of official corruptions, taxes, fees, regulations, fines, meaningless interminable delays, frivolous litigations, vexatious interferences by pin headed, sleazy officials, and novel obnoxious political absurdities that defy logic and any meaningful process of rational thought.

Expect fat, third world apparatchiks with bad breath and mossy teeth at your doorsteps leering with their hands out.
3   zzyzzx   2018 Nov 13, 11:11am  

You mean they didn't have this years ago???
4   lostand confused   2018 Nov 13, 11:46am  

Oh well, come in raise taxes again-you can do it!
5   RC2006   2018 Nov 13, 11:49am  

Do they have enough to kill Prop13? Normally I would think that would be political suicide but this is California we are talking about.
6   lostand confused   2018 Nov 13, 11:52am  

RC2006 says
Do they have enough to kill Prop13? Normally I would think that would be political suicide but this is California we are talking about.

Yup the fools voted to keep gas tax increase. Did any of the fools question about cutting pensions for gubmnt workers/masters instead and funding infrastructure with that??
7   RC2006   2018 Nov 13, 12:01pm  

lostand confused says
RC2006 says
Do they have enough to kill Prop13? Normally I would think that would be political suicide but this is California we are talking about.

Yup the fools voted to keep gas tax increase. Did any of the fools question about cutting pensions for gubmnt workers/masters instead and funding infrastructure with that??

If it wasn't on California News Network it never happened. What gets me is it was so obvious when the gas tax increase came right after they failed to raise the money for pensions then all of a sudden they are short on infrastructure money instead, just shuffling money around but voters that pay no taxes couldn't care less.
8   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Nov 13, 12:08pm  

lostand confused says
RC2006 says
Do they have enough to kill Prop13? Normally I would think that would be political suicide but this is California we are talking about.

Yup the fools voted to keep gas tax increase. Did any of the fools question about cutting pensions for gubmnt workers/masters instead and funding infrastructure with that??

This. California taxpayers voluntarily bent over, placed hands firmly on butt cheeks, and spread em.
9   Bd6r   2018 Nov 13, 12:17pm  

lostand confused says
Yup the fools voted to keep gas tax increase. Did any of the fools question about cutting pensions for gubmnt workers/masters instead and funding infrastructure with that??

The same fools very soon will figure out that life is too expensive in CA, then they will move to TX, and then in the fit of fucking idiocy they will vote for politicians in TX who will promise to introduce the same policies here. In last elections, D's flipped 2 seats in rich suburbs. It was not Hispanics who voted for tax-and waste politicians - it was transplants from CA and IL who have devastated their own states and now move here.
10   HeadSet   2018 Nov 13, 12:45pm  

The same fools very soon will figure out that life is too expensive in CA, then they will move to TX, and then in the fit of fucking idiocy they will vote for politicians in TX who will promise to introduce the same policies here. In last elections, D's flipped 2 seats in rich suburbs. It was not Hispanics who voted for tax-and waste politicians - it was transplants from CA and IL who have devastated their own states and now move here.

Same thing happened here in VA. The combination of Washington DC vicinity government workers, Richmond and Norfolk area city workers, high influx of illegals, and non-tax paying inner city populous have combined to make Virginia overall blue. So now no Democrat Senate candidate or Governor need worry. As far as the House districts go, the pundits like to say it was the "suburbs" that flipped. Yet a close look at the voting map shows the Representatives "suburban district" was a Democrat win only because the inner city section of that voting district outnumbered the suburb part.
11   HeadSet   2018 Nov 13, 12:49pm  

Why would one need a "veto proof" majority in CA anyway? It is not like CA has any danger of electing a Republican governor. Or is the rift now going to be between Democrats and Democratic Socialists?
12   Bd6r   2018 Nov 13, 1:40pm  

HeadSet says
As far as the House districts go, the pundits like to say it was the "suburbs" that flipped. Yet a close look at the voting map shows the Representatives "suburban district" was a Democrat win only because the inner city section of that voting district outnumbered the suburb part.

Here in TX districts are pretty gerrymandered and not to benefit of D's, so inner city vote is contained within separate districts.
13   krc   2018 Nov 13, 2:17pm  

Every political party gerrymanders.
14   RWSGFY   2018 Nov 13, 2:59pm  

HeadSet says
Why would one need a "veto proof" majority in CA anyway? It is not like CA has any danger of electing a Republican governor. Or is the rift now going to be between Democrats and Democratic Socialists?

The shit our Legislature was putting on Govenor's table was making even Moonbeam Brown gag sometimes. He did veto several bills over the years. Now with Gayin Newscum in the mansion and veto-proof majority we are truly and properly F.U.C.K.E.D.
15   Shaman   2018 Nov 13, 3:03pm  

The only option left to normal Californians is to #resist

Time to start defying laws we don’t like!
16   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2018 Nov 13, 3:03pm  

HeadSet says
Why would one need a "veto proof" majority in CA anyway? It is not like CA has any danger of electing a Republican governor. Or is the rift now going to be between Democrats and Democratic Socialists?

Because the California Legislature is further left than anyone can imagine, to the point of seeking to restrict free speech thanks to bills like this:

Introduced by this dangerous boob
17   Goran_K   2018 Nov 13, 3:09pm  

California has been Democrat super majority for a long time. The recall of Josh Newman changed that for a small period of time but that wasn’t bound to last.

Feel bad for anyone in the private sector in Cuckafornia. It’s about to get worse for you guys unfortunately.
19   HeadSet   2018 Nov 13, 7:30pm  

Because the California Legislature is further left than anyone can imagine, to the point of seeking to restrict free speech thanks to bills like this:

That is scary. Incredible that a bill like that even got through both Houses to land on the Governor's desk.
20   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2018 Nov 13, 9:00pm  

Stupid people in charge of CA, that's why everything is degrading.
21   marcus   2018 Nov 14, 6:09am  

MY observation has been that California only fixed a lot of it's problems, after democrats had control of its state legislature and it's governor.

Only when those two things happened in unison did it start running surpluses and address it's unfunded liabilities problems in a meaningful way.

For decades now at both state and federal levels, only democrats are fiscally responsible. Consider the Trumpian deficit exploding tax give aways done at the federal level This is just one example.

Borrow and spend republicans are a blight on this country.
22   Goran_K   2018 Nov 14, 6:13am  

Herdingcats says
Goran_K says
Feel bad for anyone in the private sector in Cuckafornia. It’s about to get worse for you guys unfortunately.

Why? Because we will drop to the 6th largest economy IN THE WORLD or because we will surpass Germany and take over the 4th spot.

Funny how people talk shit about Cali when it's the 5th largest economy in the WORLD. Apparently Cali is doing something right otherwise it wouldn't be the WORLDs FIFTH LARGEST ECONOMY beating out the UK.

Why is it Republicans want to spend money but don't want to pay for their spending? Dead beats?

#1 for poverty using new census adjusted measure.
23   Bd6r   2018 Nov 14, 7:18am  

Herdingcats says
Yes that says it all California is so great that both the rich and the poor want to live here. Thank you for confirming the greatness of California.

That is apparently why they are moving to red TX in droves.
24   lostand confused   2018 Nov 14, 7:26am  

Herdingcats says
Yes that says it all California is so great that both the rich and the poor want to live here. Thank you for confirming the greatness of California

LOL-only in liberal utopia would being the #1 in poverty be considered a good thing. CA is becoming the third world nation with haves and have nots, people shitting on the streets and yet liberals think this is a good thing.

More offshoring of jobs, massive number of illegals all make us great.
25   Bd6r   2018 Nov 14, 8:02am  

dr6B says
That is apparently why they are moving to red TX in droves.

The link which I gave is even more interesting than I thought before. Low-earning people are moving out of Democratic progressive paradise of CA in droves, while rich ones are moving in. This goes completely against D mantra of helping poor...appears that red TX and purple NV and AZ are doing much better with respect to working poor/lower middle class life quality, while D's in CA have created a haven for super-rich. I wonder why?
26   Goran_K   2018 Nov 14, 8:18am  

Herdingcats says
Yes that says it all California is so great that both the rich and the poor want to live here. Thank you for confirming the greatness of California.

Yes the Democrats greatest achievement in California.
27   Goran_K   2018 Nov 14, 8:19am  

dr6B says
The link which I gave is even more interesting than I thought before. Low-earning people are moving out of Democratic progressive paradise of CA in droves, while rich ones are moving in. This goes completely against D mantra of helping poor.

Of course. Policies like rent control, free school, illegal alien subsidies, basically government subsidized everything, just reduces supply and increases prices. Poor people ALWAYS lose under Democrat policies. The American Black community has been voting majority Democrat since FDR's new deal, and they've been generationally poor, and underachieving (even compared to other minorities) for nearly a century.
28   Bd6r   2018 Nov 14, 8:35am  

Herdingcats says
I believe that the housing crash, great depression 2.0, had a yuge impact on the amount of homeless in California and other states as well. Prove me wrong.

Why would I prove you wrong if I agree with that. Crash though has little to do with blue-collar workers moving to TX, AZ, or NV
NV had a terrible crash as well, TX did not have too bad of a crash - again I wonder why
29   Goran_K   2018 Nov 14, 8:41am  

Herdingcats says

Being the fifth largest economy IN THE WORLD. Yes, apparently they are doing something right, otherwise they wouldn't be the FIFTH LARGEST ECONOMY IN THE WORLD.

... and #1 for poverty? Or should we just ignore that since it kinda hurts your platform about California's greatness? We can ignore it if you want, but I just need you to confirm. Should we also confirm the states long term pension liabilities as well? Should we also ignore the 2nd highest gas taxes in the country to "maintain the roads"?

30   Bd6r   2018 Nov 14, 8:46am  

Goran_K says
and #1 for poverty?

Seems that CA is going down S. American pathway, which results in very rich and very poor people, and little middle class. When poor get sufficiently desperate because of super-greedy rich taking everything, they revolt and one gets Venezuela, where the rich, who are ultimately responsible for the situation, run away and poor are left to starve.
31   HeadSet   2018 Nov 14, 11:45am  

Being the fifth largest economy IN THE WORLD.

Yes, lets give credit where credit is due. But please remember, that California has long held such a high GDP. In fact, in the 90's, under Republican leadership, California had a higher GDP than #4 United Kingdom, making California #3 in World GDP at the time. And that was before the tech boom.
32   Goran_K   2018 Nov 14, 11:55am  

Herdingcats says
Goran_K says
... and #1 for poverty? Or should we just ignore that since it kinda hurts your platform about California's greatness?

Who's ignoring poverty?

Uh you are directly ignoring it. You haven’t addressed it. Because it shatters your narrative into pieces.

Who is benefitting from from the “#5 supposed economy” exactly? Let’s put it in context. Mostly rich and not many middle class and poor who are leaving in droves because they can’t afford rent.

Who cares if you’re the #1 economy in the world but half the population has to live on some form of govt assistance just to scrape by?

You think that’s good?
33   RWSGFY   2018 Nov 14, 2:48pm  

Herdingcats says
Goran_K says
Mostly rich and not many middle class and poor who are leaving in droves because they can’t afford rent.

Leaving in droves yet the population keeps growing? ?

Wait for the results of the census with a citizenship question in it....
34   RC2006   2018 Nov 14, 3:14pm  

Herdingcats says
Goran_K says
Mostly rich and not many middle class and poor who are leaving in droves because they can’t afford rent.

Leaving in droves yet the population keeps growing? ?

Wait for the results of the census with a citizenship question in it....

All that would become of that is all of a sudden there are 5mil more citizens in CA that came out of nowhere, they will just lie.
35   HeadSet   2018 Nov 14, 5:41pm  

All that would become of that is all of a sudden there are 5mil more citizens in CA that came out of nowhere, they will just lie.

If that were the case, the Dems would be all for it, as it would up the number or Representatives in blue areas. The Dems fear that the illegals would hide from the Census, and thus make the population count lower, and result in fewer Representatives.
36   EBGuy   2018 Nov 14, 6:46pm  

Don't forget, in CA we have a Top Two Primary system thanks to the Governator. In my very liberal California Assembly district the Obamacrat beat the Berniecrat. Heck, even the Moderate candidate beat the Progressive contenders in the Ess Eff Mayors race.
37   anonymous   2018 Nov 14, 10:33pm  

#5 economy in the world because it has always been a huge economy. It has the most beautiful weather and landscape that promotes good agriculture, and draws lots of talent. Naturally, it's as good as it gets, so it should probably be #3 or #2 on the list. The government is what is ruining it, not helping it. Bad politics are an anchor dragging down the state and turning it into a shithole. The top line has been good, but the bottom line (i.e., government) is a disaster.
38   HeadSet   2018 Nov 15, 7:40am  

Herdingcats says
RC2006 says
they will just lie.

Will Texas lie about their 3 million too?

The "they" in the "they will lie" refers to the illegals themselves lying abut citizenship, not the State. I am pretty sure that the illegals themselves in Texas would lie as well.
39   Goran_K   2018 Nov 15, 8:25am  

Herdingcats says
Leaving in droves yet the population keeps growing? ?

Yeah uh... so there's this basic concept called net migration. Here's a super basic graph for you to look at and try to understand. Hope it helps.

Then there is this other concept called birth rate.

Lots of illegals having lots of anchor babies in California, hence the population grows.

But right now California is NEGATIVE in the tax contributors/tax takers ratio and that ratio will get worse as time goes on.

But hey, what does basic economics know? 5th largest economy in the world, am I right?
40   Goran_K   2018 Nov 15, 8:29am  

Herdingcats says
How does it do that?

You know exactly how it "does that".

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