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Supplicating beta soyboys and misandrist fugly land whales = less sex.
mell saysSupplicating beta soyboys and misandrist fugly land whales = less sex.
Even so, 18 year old boys throughout time have been so hormonal that if during a dry spell the only target is a fat chick, its "Thar she blows" harpoon at the ready. Hard to believe that has changed.
Change in attitudes too,
" According to a November 2017 Economist/YouGov poll, 17 percent of Americans ages 18 to 29 now believe that a man inviting a woman out for a drink “always” or “usually” constitutes sexual harassment. ("
I mean wow!!
Why are young people having so little sex?
My take, I think it's low-t.
I wonder why t levels are low. Either having more stressful/violent formative years (instead of current sheltered, protected from reality youth) leads to increase of t levels, or some "household chemicals" such as phthalates decrease t levels, or perhaps both. But then again this is Current Year, so low t is good by feminist standards, does not matter that it makes average women less happy.
when they do try to have a kid, it's all artificial insemination, test tube shit.
mell saysSupplicating beta soyboys and misandrist fugly land whales = less sex.
Even so, 18 year old boys throughout time have been so hormonal that if during a dry spell the only target is a fat chick, its "Thar she blows" harpoon at the ready. Hard to believe that has changed.
Rin really needs to give his input on this issue.
Folks, I do have an existence outside of PatNet, I can't always comment on every dysfunctional issue out there.
Liberals and feminists ruin everything.
Another idea is that they have put down boys for so long and promoted females for so long that now females have the status and good jobs that boys previously had; our society has emasculated the boys so they're now intimidated by the females and just give up.
Goran_K saysThese 20 year old male buzzfeed types
You've got an entire generation of boys who are afraid to make a physical move. You can't get laid unless you make a move. It's that simple. The idea now is that you would need to ask a girl permission to kiss her rather than having it spontaneously happen.
theoakman saysYou've got an entire generation of boys who are afraid to make a physical move. You can't get laid unless you make a move. It's that simple. The idea now is that you would need to ask a girl permission to kiss her rather than having it spontaneously happen.
Even if you did, Blasey ford and those types will come after you 25 years later saying otherwise.
Perhaps young men are just being rational. Why ask out a womyn if the result can be being fired for sexual harassment, or even worse, sexual abuse/rape claims?The way to avoid sexual harassment is (1) be handsome, (2) be attractive, (3) don't be unattractive.
The most rational strategy is either paying for sex (prostitution), illegal in US, or fapping.
c.) Porn has reached holy grail levels... this has served to desensitized normal sexual intercourse
he's willing to settle for not dating young hot chicks, he's willing to settle to drive a Toyota Yaris,
clambo sayshe's willing to settle for not dating young hot chicks, he's willing to settle to drive a Toyota Yaris,
That says everything right there.
Rin-Wah Law, were men are allowed to fuck w/o palimony/alimony, and be able to focus on their work and hobbies, will unleash the greatest creative minds out there
Rin saysRin-Wah Law, were men are allowed to fuck w/o palimony/alimony, and be able to focus on their work and hobbies, will unleash the greatest creative minds out there
Seems like that’s already common in every single third world country. Where is their age of Pericles?
Probably missing along with their dads.
So you admit that there’s more to it than your pick of ho’s to fuck without consequences?
Interesting, considering you’ve been literally a one-issue poster, and that’s your one issue.
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