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Majority of the 1st world has social safety nets and healthcare. Only in America is this called socialism.
MrMagic saysThreeBays saysMajority of the 1st world has social safety nets and healthcare. Only in America is this called socialism.
Social Safety nets, or tons of FREEBIES??
There's a difference.
How many illegals are you moving into your house to provide them a "social safety net"??
So are you going to pay for the wall since you support it but a majority of Americans don't? Stupid argument.
More like how many immigrants are we going to allow in to pay into medicare and social security to help fund the outflows that go to the boomers.
So are you going to pay for the wall since you support it but a majority of Americans don't? Stupid argument.
More like how many immigrants are we going to allow in to pay into medicare and social security to help fund the outflows tat go to the boomers.
Tell me, why did Obama build a wall around his new house in D.C.?
Breitbart features the shortest and most emotionally manipulative litle blurbs that are almost memes or headlines LOL
Just long enough so that if you follow along they know how they got you to FEELZ about AMURIKA
MrMagic saysTell me, why did Obama build a wall around his new house in D.C.?
You can call those who speak out hysterically bad names but that aint gonna cut you no slack jack
people are not lying down for it any more.
Fact you have to deal with.
No, it's not as simple as that. If you listen you will already know that Dems are for border security, but simply don't think that more wall is a good investment. Even as is, Trump's $5B ask would just build some more wall but not a complete wall, and it's going to be a long battle to get land rights to build continuous wall.
Indeed, where is the data? You want to spend $5B, then show me the data for what you want to spend it on.
I would like to see some study about the efficacy of more wall. How fricking hard is that? That's how I run my teams - data driven. You want 5 people to do a project? Cool! Show me what is the expected impact of the project.
DHS is stating that $5 Billion will be for building 215 miles of "wall system". That's $23 Million per mile. MrMagic kindly pointed to the 99% effective border Hungary built to block migrants. The cost of Hungary's fence plus patrols? Under $1 million per mile.
This so far is the only exception in history to what happens when inequality goes this far. Its not sustainable, its being prolonged by ubiquitous propaganda, access to fast food and cheap big box crap from China and Bangladesh, etc.
You can call those who speak out hysterically bad names but that aint gonna cut you no slack jack
It's time to give the Social Security trust to a guy from Kazakhstan who Trump really trusts! Only a Libby nut job would pretend not to understand why this is AMERICA!'s last hope!
The wall is still worth it if you want to stop illegals.
Indeed, where is the data? You want to spend $5B, then show me the data for what you want to spend it on.
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