The end of Elizabeth Warren

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2016 Jun 17, 10:53pm   15,688 views  80 comments

by Blurtman   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Elizabeth Warren, a senator being eyed as a possible Democratic vice presidential pick, dropped by Hillary Clinton's campaign headquarters on Friday, according to people in the room.

Warren, who endorsed Clinton last week in an interview, mingled with aides, took photos with staffers and gave brief remarks.

"Don't screw this up," Warren said, according to attendees.

The senator also referred to Clinton as a "fighter," the same terminology she used when she endorsed Clinton last week.

"We've got one tough cookie who is going to be out there fighting on behalf of working families across this country," Warren said in her remarks, according to a video posted on Instagram.


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1   Dan8267   2016 Jun 18, 11:13am  

I'd rather have Warren in the Senate where she can do some good. Conservatives have pictures of Warren in their bathrooms because nothing makes a conservative shit faster than the sight of Elizabeth Warren.

2   justme   2016 Jun 18, 11:41am  

I agree, Elizabeth Warren should stay in the senate. As VP she will have no formal power whatsoever, and it is questionable whether she can influence Hillary. An absolute best-case scenario would that she got to be the bad-cop with Wall St, but I think Hillary would not allow her any such power.

Does her experience as Consumer Czar tell her that she got that "promotion" just so that Geithner could bring her into the tent (so to speak) and control her?

Reference: wikipedia: "President Obama named Warren Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to set up the new agency."

3   Blurtman   2016 Jun 18, 11:47am  

Maybe she has her eyes on the presidency. Once elected, will she take up the mantle of Saint Bernie? Is The Warren Foundation that far in the future?

4   HydroCabron   2016 Jun 18, 11:49am  

The Democratic Party is on life support.

On the wrong side on guns, terror and immigrants, and completely out of touch with the concerns of real Americans: email, paid speeches and NATO.

After the first Trump inauguration in January, what's left of of the Dumbocrats will fade away - no need for an opposition when perfection is in power. We won't need a silly Constitution - everyone will know we have the best president!

6   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Jun 30, 12:48pm  

Blurtman says

Once elected, will she take up the mantle of Saint Bernie?

For all her insistence on sane financial regulations, she is definitively part of the same establishment as Hillary.

7   Goran_K   2016 Jun 30, 4:04pm  

I've never believed Warren was the "principled" progressive that a lot of the left portrays her as. That being said, I don't think her hooking up with Goldman Sachs best buddy will even register in the minds of most of the left. They probably think Clinton/Warren is a great, viable, ticket.

9   Tenpoundbass   2018 Jul 24, 3:12pm  

She's smart enough to know those floated before the midterm elections, are never actually around to run in the Primaries.
11   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Jul 24, 4:23pm  

Oh, the mindless ad hominem routine of the republicans crowd.
We saw the Hillary hatred thread. Now the Warren hatred thread.
Is there anything in it that debates policy? Hummm....
16   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Jul 25, 4:34pm  

Booger says

Maybe her grand father told her she has indian blood?
That's really a big deal. Worth a life time of political attacks.
She could also have slept with prostitutes and paid them to keep silent. I guess THAT wouldn't be a big deal for the right wing nuts here.
17   MisterLefty   2018 Jul 25, 4:44pm  

There is absolutely no possible way she was discriminated against for being seen as an Indian, and yet she was more than happy to reap the career benefits of being so identified. She is the Rachel Dolezal of the political set.
20   MrMagic   2019 Feb 6, 7:20pm  

Poor Lizzy.... she's fucked.... Lies on an registration form to join the Texas Bar... the irony, a lawyer lying.... no wonder she's a Democrat.

21   clambo   2019 Feb 7, 5:50am  

Yes, she's busted for being a liar for decades.

To those who may not know, being a Native American is better than being a minority in a wheelchair for getting ahead.

There are numerous special scholarships, affirmative action, etc. if you have enough Native American in you.

She reminds me of that other nutty chick who said she "identified as black."

It's going to be almost funny seeing which pathetic loser they nominate for 2020.
22   Ceffer   2019 Feb 7, 11:25am  

"But, but, I have true integrity now, after I was unwillingly outed. Really, I do, true repentant integrity! You say I have to give WHAT back to have true integrity? NO, I earned it through hypocrisy, chicanery, and bullshit, it is MINE!"
26   theoakman   2019 Feb 10, 8:35pm  

She clearly had an agenda on her box checking. When I was in school, I always checked the White and Asian boxes because I was both. This is a blank line. If you are 99% white and 1% native American, you would write white in. It's 100% absent. Her run is over. She'll have to settle for getting reelected into the senate the rest of her life by the stupid voters.
27   krc   2019 Feb 10, 11:41pm  

Really hard to believe she can get support from the left - as the left decries cultural appropriation when some white dude cooks high end Mexican food in his restaurants. She benefited herself by lying about her ancestry. If the left doesn't force her out, it is just the usual hypocrisy and nothing has really changed. Same thing when NOW endorsed Bill Clinton even though his problems with assault/rape allegations were well known.

Or, you can only do wrong if you are a DWEM.
28   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Feb 11, 8:17am  

I support Elizabeth Warren identifying as a Native American.

If you can demand people recognize you're a woman, even when you have the body parts of a male, then you certainly change your race. Far less difference between Indian and White (or whatever) than there is between Male and Female in terms of chemistry and plumbing and appearance.

There is a massive inconsistency here. The Left wants Gender Bending, but cannot tolerate Racial Choice since it would put Intersectionality and their entire Oppression Narrative at risk if people could change their "Race".
29   Goran_K   2019 Feb 11, 8:36am  

TrumpingTits says

She will definitely cause her competitors to waste money/effort on attacks, etc. And in the end, she still might get the nomination out of compromise between the Corporate Globalist Whores (Establishment Democrats) and the AOC Batshit crazy commies.

The Dem primary is going to be fun. Race appropriating, sleeping with Willie Brown, Black face supporting, eliminating airplanes... whew.
31   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Feb 11, 11:31am  

MisterLearnToCode says
The Left wants Gender Bending, but cannot tolerate Racial Choice since it would put Intersectionality and their entire Oppression Narrative at risk if people could change their "Race".

Notice it also put their Intersectionality and their entire Oppression Narrative at risk when people can identify at a different gender. The group-based oppressor/oppressed never made any sense to start with.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Feb 11, 11:38am  

Heraclitusstudent says
Notice it also put their Intersectionality and their entire Oppression Narrative at risk when people can identify at a different gender. The group-based oppressor/oppressed never made any sense to start with.

It doesn't, because "Trans People are Oppressed". It creates an oppression group to advocate on behalf of.

If a White can transfer to a Black whenever convenient, it messes up the whole intersectional redistribution scheme.

The only people who get upset over M2F are a tiny, tiny grouping of Essentialist TERF Lesbians who can easily be ignored/dismissed.

If Liberals allowed Transracialism, they'd lose most minorities very quickly.
33   theoakman   2019 Feb 11, 3:09pm  

TrumpingTits says
theoakman says
Her run is over.

No. It is just beginning...for the Democrat primaries. Doesn't mean she'll GET the primary. But it doesn't mean she won't, either.

She will definitely cause her competitors to waste money/effort on attacks, etc. And in the end, she still might get the nomination out of compromise between the Corporate Globalist Whores (Establishment Democrats) and the AOC Batshit crazy commies.

Then the GOP/Trump will unleash on her and her sure-to-be-equally damaged running mate with attacks ads from all that free material (aka 'fecal mud') the Dems were throwing at each other for almost a year prior. :)

This strategy was quite evident in Trump's SOTU speech. Expect portrayals of Americans chasing down and eating zoo animals in the attack ads against the Dems.

I can't see her winning. She tried kicking off her campaign by declaring she's native american and had to apologize. Once you apologize, your run is over.
38   WillPowers   2019 Jun 21, 2:41pm  


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