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100921   anonymous   2019 Feb 24, 9:18am  

Maybe a non-meme comment ? Reading required below.....no pictures

“I Think Bernie Has a Hard Time Understanding That”:

Sanders May Have Raised $6 Million, He’s Already Repeating Some Crucial 2016 Mistakes

Sanders marched with King, and has decried Trump as a racist. But many political operatives suggest he’s out of touch when it comes to America’s conversations about race.

he democratic socialist candidate for president is very good at raising money. In 2016, Bernie Sanders hauled in more than $228 million. This week, he proved that prowess was no fluke, collecting nearly $6 million in the 24 hours after announcing his 2020 bid, obliterating the previous high mark of $1.5 million for Kamala Harris. And the fact that the vast majority of those dollars came in small batches is a healthy thing for participatory democracy: four years ago, 58 percent of Sanders’s contributions were less than $200. This year’s cash came from 225,000 donors sending an on-brand average of $27.

None of Sanders’s opponents are scared by those numbers, however. Because what Sanders was less good at in 2016 was spending his large pile of money to win votes. Particularly the crucial Democratic primary votes of women and African-Americans. Especially in the key state of South Carolina. And three years after being crushed by 47 points there by Hillary Clinton, with an even more challenging field of primary rivals shaping up, Sanders is showing little sign that he’s going to get it right this time around. True, in January he spoke in South Carolina on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Sanders has also taken every opportunity to blast President Donald Trump as a racist. Yet Sanders remains remarkably awkward on the subject: when asked about the candidacies of Stacey Abrams in Georgia and Andrew Gillum in Florida, he declared that “there are a lot of white folks out there who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to vote for an African-American.” Symone Sanders, a strategist who worked for Bernie’s 2016 run, was puzzled by another recent comment that attempted to be high-minded yet came out sounding strangely demeaning. “He has this odd riff, about how candidates can’t just be a woman or a person of color,” she says. “Some people have said it’s tone-deaf—I think it’s a jab, and it’s not something that appeals to women or black voters.”

Joe Trippi is deeply familiar with the problem. “This is a very similar thing to what happened with us in the early stages of Howard Dean’s campaign in 2004. Vermont is not the most diverse state in the country,” says Trippi, who was the chief strategist for the surprisingly successful insurgent run by Vermont’s former governor. “In fact, I think it’s [one of] the least diverse. So part of it is just going into those communities of color and talking with people and learning. Dean did that, and over time he connected. The Vermont experience hampers Bernie, and I’m not sure that he’s figured out how to get beyond it. And it’s going to be even tougher with more diverse candidates out there competing for the votes he desperately needs to add to his coalition to have a real shot at the nomination.”

Sanders certainly recognizes the challenge. Yet he’s done little mechanically to address it, so far. There are no African-Americans in the ranks of his senior 2020 campaign advisers, and he has struggled to hire a top black organizer to run his South Carolina operation, where in 2016 he lost 84 to 16 percent among black voters. “I see signs that the senator understands the work that needs to be put into winning black votes,” says Symone Sanders, who ran Bernie’s 2016 South Carolina organization, and who was frustrated by the lack of support from the campaign’s leadership. “His biggest misstep was that he didn’t spend enough time in the state. It was like pulling teeth to get him to leave the Senate to go campaign. Now he’s done events all over the country that pay attention to the black electorate. But there are only four people who know how to run a winning statewide operation in South Carolina, and three of them are already working for someone else. Bernie’s people courted Jalisa Washington-Price real hard to run South Carolina, and she went with Kamala Harris.”

Mark Longabaugh was part of the Sanders brain trust in 2016. He’s certainly not writing off any part of the electorate, in South Carolina or any other state, but says the fractured 2020 field will amplify the power of Sanders’s message and money. “Last time, he had to get to 50 percent to win a contest. It was a binary choice, Sanders versus Clinton. This time, many of the primaries are going to have plurality victories. Barack Obama won a decisive victory in Iowa with 37 percent of the vote,” Longabaugh says. You need to galvanize a strong base. I feel very good about his chances.”

Bakari Sellers does not. And Sellers knows what it takes to run and win as a Democrat in South Carolina: he served in the state’s House of Representatives for eight years, until 2014. “Bernie’s supporters like to point to the fact he marched with King and got arrested in, like, 1963. What has Bernie Sanders done about civil rights since the 60s? Other than vote for the crime bill in 1994. In South Carolina, it’s going to come down to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, if he runs.” Sellers, who is now a lawyer and a CNN commentator, praises Sanders for elevating knotty policy issues in the presidential discussion. He just doesn’t think Sanders’s record and agenda has much relevance in South Carolina. “I’m hard-pressed to see how he makes inroads with black voters, given the fundamental misconceptions he has about the intersection of race and economics. I appreciate the conversation we’re having about Medicare for all, but in South Carolina, we’re having a conversation about health-care equity. If I have Medicare for all but I don’t have a hospital in my county, what am I supposed to do? A lot of those issues are directly correlated with race, and I think Bernie has a hard time understanding that. He is on a trajectory to have the same showing that he had the last go round.”

100922   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Feb 24, 10:00am  

It won’t happen.

He’s a white male, left hates white people.

Tenpoundbass says
FortWayneIndiana says
I want to see Bernie vs Trump.

No you don't. America hasn't seen Brownshirts and voter oppression combination yet.
The Democrat party has well established themselves as Violent provocateurs with impunity, and all they have to do is hint Racism, Facsim or Nazis when we fight back and Judges step in issuing arrest warrants for those that would dare question the Antifa authority.

We would not want to see an election backed by Soros. That would be his wet dream and he would throw every dime he had at it.
Patriots would have to shoot our way out that scenario. Or end up in the limepits your choice!
100923   Tenpoundbass   2019 Feb 24, 12:28pm  

Here's Democrat voters curious about Socialism.

100924   theoakman   2019 Feb 24, 1:36pm  

show me one tax return where anyone paid above 70%. I'm not buying it. And if the return shows it, it was because they laundered the other 50%.
100925   Booger   2019 Feb 24, 2:33pm  

100927   Booger   2019 Feb 24, 2:58pm  

100928   Booger   2019 Feb 24, 2:59pm  

100929   porkchopXpress   2019 Feb 24, 3:20pm  

theoakman says
show me one tax return where anyone paid above 70%. I'm not buying it. And if the return shows it, it was because they laundered the other 50%.
Please go research how our progressive tax structure works, and that'll help you understand why someone's effective tax rate will never be their marginal tax rate. A little research and learning goes a long way.
100930   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Feb 24, 5:26pm  

This is so exciting.

Somebody pointed out - I think in this forum - that Bernie's language this time is mostly SJW messaging, rather than Economic like last time.
100931   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Feb 24, 5:38pm  

Bernie vs Trump. Looking forward to that
100932   Shaman   2019 Feb 24, 6:46pm  

I supported Bernie in 2015-16, then Hillary stole the election and he bowed and scraped to her in the most despicable fashion after she gave him some wampum. I lost all respect for the man after that. Plus his wife is a hideous old hag who ran a university into the ground. No Bernie no way.
100933   MrMagic   2019 Feb 24, 7:48pm  

100934   MrMagic   2019 Feb 24, 7:51pm  

100935   CaltRightCrazy   2019 Feb 24, 8:00pm  

Tenpoundbass says

"America is a Nation of Believers"

"Today we praise God for how truly blessed we are to be American."

100936   marcus   2019 Feb 24, 8:39pm  

100937   AD   2019 Feb 24, 9:15pm  

Some commodity prices have dropped 10 to 14% over the last 12 months like soybean and rice.

100939   Booger   2019 Feb 25, 4:50am  

100940   Booger   2019 Feb 25, 4:50am  

100941   Booger   2019 Feb 25, 4:52am  

100942   Booger   2019 Feb 25, 4:53am  

100943   MrMagic   2019 Feb 25, 9:02am  

Elgatouno says

And STILL hasn't accomplished anything after all those years.

Isn't Capitalism wonderful!
100944   theoakman   2019 Feb 25, 9:41am  

porkchopexpress says
theoakman says
show me one tax return where anyone paid above 70%. I'm not buying it. And if the return shows it, it was because they laundered the other 50%.
Please go research how our progressive tax structure works, and that'll help you understand why someone's effective tax rate will never be their marginal tax rate. A little research and learning goes a long way.

I know exactly how it works. I also know that no one paid those rates at the time. They all had ways of getting around it. That's why the tax code is sixty thousand pages.
100945   anonymous   2019 Feb 25, 6:03pm  

Bernie’s Past Common Sense On Immigration Will Haunt Him In 2020

In recent years, Sanders has echoed the talking points of his Democratic colleagues on immigration. He’s called Trump a racist for trying to reform our broken immigration system. He’s supported Amnesty for the DREAMers and wants to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement. [Bernie Sanders Calls To Abolish Immigration System, Restructure ICE, by Lydia O’Connor, HuffPost, July 3, 2018] .

But Sanders wasn’t always like this. For years, he made the economic case against mass immigration.

He voted against Amnesty in 2007 because he said it would hurt American workers.

“If poverty is increasing and if wages are going down, I don’t know why we need millions of people to be coming into this country as guest workers who will work for lower wages than American workers and drive waged down even lower than they are now,” Sanders said in an interview with Lou Dobbs in 2007. [Transcript][Why Conservatives Praise Bernie Sanders on Immigration, by Sam Frizell, Time, January 7, 2016]

Sanders didn’t stick to this stance in 2013 when he voted for the Gang of Eight Amnesty. But he still expressed his economic argument against mass immigration.

“It does not make a lot of sense to me to bring hundreds of thousands of those workers into this country to work for minimum wage and compete with Americans kids,” Sanders said in 2013. [Bernie Sanders: Immigration Reform Should Rein In Guest Worker Programs, by Dave Jamieson, Huffington Post, June 20, 2013]

Early on in the 2016 campaign, Bernie said he believes open borders is a “Koch brothers proposal.”

“There is a reason that Wall Street likes immigration reform,” Sanders told a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce audience. “What I think they’re interested in is seeing a process by which we can bring low-wage labor into this county.” [Bernie Sanders criticizes ‘open borders’ at Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, by David Weigel, The Washington Post, July 30, 2015]

Sanders’s conclusion about Open Borders: “It would make everybody in America poorer you’re doing away with the concept of a nation-state…”

Bernie’s insistence on opposing Open Borders and framing it as an evil libertarian plot was reflected in an op-ed written by then-campaign staffer Richard Eskow for the senator’s website.

“[O]pen borders]” is a superficially attractive idea – until it’s subjected to critical thinking, at which point its true nature is revealed. Its proponents attempt to make a “moral case” in its defense. But there is no moral case to be made for sacrificing democratic decision-making and national sovereignty to oligarchic and corporate whims.

That op-ed has since been deleted from Bernie’s campaign page, but fortunately (albeit not for the Sanders campaign) an archived version still exists.[“Open Borders”: A Gimmick, Not a Solution, by Richard Eskow, August 5, 2015]

It’s no surprise Bernie’s past statements drew the ire of professional immigration boosters. Alida Garcia, director of coalitions and policy for Mark Zuckerberg’s FWD.us told Sam Frizell (above) in 2016 that the senator’s rhetoric was very bad because it “pitted immigrants as an obstacle to tackling unemployment on a number of occasions.”

Of course, while Sanders’ rhetoric is nice, it doesn’t make up for his more recent comments and immigration agenda. Bernie’s 2016 platform read like a wish list for the Open Borders billionaires he claims to despise. It called for the legalization of all illegal aliens, the dismantling of “inhumane deportation programs and detention centers,” reversing “the criminalization of immigrants,” giving free healthcare to migrants, and the expansion of the Diversity Visa system.

But the platform did insist on securing the border and support for e-Verify—two ideas you will not hear from the other 2020 Democratic hopefuls.

Sanders’ 2020 agenda will likely ditch the two bits of immigration patriotism in favor of the Democrats’ current Open Borders preference. However, that quick conversion may not be enough to protect Sanders’ from xenophobia accusations. Identity politics will dominate the campaign cycle, as Bernie knows well as an old white (Jewish) guy struggling to win over an anti-white party. His strong criticism of Open Borders–now the de-facto Democrat position—will embarrass him and likely lead to a clarification that essentially endorses Open Borders.

Pro-worker Democrats now have to pretend immigrants don’t hurt working-class Americans and that the Koch brothers are xenophobic. No criticism of Open Borders will be tolerated and any mention of immigration’s harmful effects on American workers will be prohibited.

Sanders has struggled to master the Democrats’ new standards. Last June, he stood up for ICE and said he opposed its abolishment. He received a ton of flak for that position and was forced to reverse himself a month later. [Bernie Abolishes His Opposition to “Abolish Ice”, by Ethan Epstein, Weekly Standard, July 17, 2018] There’s a good chance he will continue to flub on immigration and trip over the dictates of Open Borders dogma.

Bernie is not the only Democrat who has to atone for their previous bouts of immigration patriotism. Kirsten Gillibrand’s early congressional campaigns touted her firm opposition to illegal immigration and support for a border wall. Gillibrand ran from the Right on immigration against her Republican opponent in 2006 and called for English to be made the official language. [How Kirsten Gillibrand went from pushing for more deportations to wanting to abolish ICE, by Andrew Kaczynski, CNN, January 17, 2019]

In 2019, Gillibrand wants to abolish ICE and insists white women must do more to fight racism. She claims her past immigration hawkishness was due to ignorance and she now knows it was wrong to advocate such positions. [At Sharpton event, Gillibrand pledges to ‘amplify your voices’, by Emilie Ruscoe, Politico, January 21, 2019]

But Gillibrand got her start representing a red-district in upstate New York and she likely adopted her earlier positions to appeal to her conservative voters. It was pure politics; once she realized it was more advantageous to become an Open Borders advocate, she chose that path.

Sanders is different. His past immigration views were supported by his socialist worldview and appeared to reflect his personal views on the matter. He maintained these views even when they began to hurt him politically.

But the Democrats have become so radical and intolerant of deviation from open borders dogma that Bernie has to conform to the party line to survive. His candidacy would quickly die and the young socialists would flee from him if he kept his old immigration views. Democrats care more about foreigners than workers, and Sanders upholds that preference with his current alignment.

I think Sanders is a strong contender in the 2020 primaries. His economic positions are popular, he has high likability and high name recognition, and he has a strong infrastructure in place for his new presidential run.

But he has a vulnerability when it comes to his identity and his old views. Sanders’ main rivals will exploit his past immigration views to paint him as a white racist. And that may well be enough to wipe away the Vermont senator’s advantages in the race.

Open Borders is no longer a libertarian fantasy–it’s the Democratic platform. Bernie will pay the price for failing to embrace it sooner.

100946   Ceffer   2019 Feb 25, 11:03pm  

If you are going to insult Trump, stop using all those pointy headed, fancy words!
100947   marcus   2019 Feb 26, 6:20am  

Yeah, any President talking higher than the 6th grade level, is just a big phony. You know, acting all intelligent and shit.

I wonder how big of a factor this is for his success with his base.
100948   Shaman   2019 Feb 26, 7:47am  

Who cares? I didn’t elect him to talk sweetly to me. The last guy was good at that and nearly wrecked the country. Trump speaks like a douchebag but has done a ton for rebuilding America.
100949   Hircus   2019 Feb 26, 11:36am  

I love when the left attacks itself. The great part about this vid isn't because some girl just "ain't feelin the bern", rather it's that the illogical parts of left ideology inherently trips over itself and attacks itself. The Bern may have fought for women's rights many times in the past, but he's still a white male, and the left says it's questionable that a white male could be a good president for a "diverse" nation. Plus, everyone knows that white males are always responsible for all occurrences of sexual assault.


100950   Booger   2019 Feb 26, 4:13pm  

100951   Booger   2019 Feb 26, 4:15pm  

100952   Patrick   2019 Feb 26, 8:13pm  

@APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch Consider that Trump was elected primarily as a revolt against elitists and their corporations who exported millions of manufacturing jobs and imported millions of illegals to further impoverish workers.

Once you see that, you also see that you'll get nowhere talking about Trump's vocabulary. In fact, you'll drive more people to vote for Trump in 2020.

I'm not sure of the right approach, but I can assure you that you're on exactly the wrong track here if you want to fix anything.
100953   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Feb 26, 8:42pm  

That's 3 grades above liberal understanding anyway. Which is why they still don't get him.
100954   Bd6r   2019 Feb 27, 12:17pm  

Why was the WALL! issue not voted on when R's had Senate, House, and Presidency, that is before November elections last year?
100955   KgK one   2019 Feb 27, 12:41pm  

Pakistan which hosted bin ladin n 9/11 terrorist is not only india's problem. Wait till they export nuke into western city.

Islamic terrorism is everywhere. Any nuclear activity will cause world wide radiation.

They want to move ppl in, then claim it as new state. E.g Pakistan n bangladesh, Nigeria, Indonesia, almost all countries besides saudi Arabia.
100956   zzyzzx   2019 Feb 27, 12:57pm  

Fuck Pakistan!
100957   RC2006   2019 Feb 27, 1:01pm  

Paki scum trying to tone it down hope India hand wipers role them.
100958   RC2006   2019 Feb 27, 1:02pm  

How many nukes does each side have?
100959   RC2006   2019 Feb 27, 1:03pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Will this go nuclear, like the 1999 conflict almost did?

Why are the Democrats doing the silly Cohen BS show while this is going on? Talk about fucked up priorities!

Orange man Satan...Orange man Satannnnnnn
100960   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Feb 27, 2:40pm  

That shows nukes can prevent violence between the US and the Soviet Union but maybe not between 2 hateful brothers.

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