Interesting. Crumbling roads, abandoned storefront, low paying job. The result of 8 years of Obama allowing outsourcing of jobs, unfair to USA trade practices with low wage nations, and unfettered illegal immigration. Trump is working to reverse all of that.
There is something to be said for this. It is called leadership - the ability to relate with and persuade the masses. EQ. Question is - is that learned behavior or is this something innate to our nature. Alpha dogs in a pack are alpha dogs from nearly the beginning of birth.
Wait!? Liberals get to continue to belch, but Cows can't fart?
The whole Farting Cows thing shows you just how out of touch Liberals are. They have never seen a Cow up close, let alone been on a Farm with a considerable amount of Cows. The methane is NOT from the Cows flatulating. They've got 5 stomachs, I don't think they fart, they need all that methane to rot and digest their cud in their gut.
Where methane with cows comes from, is from their Dung as it dries it releases pungent methane gas. I used to work Summer's at my Uncle's dairy farm. I had to shovel the cow shit, and add it to a huge mound in the back of the Barn where it got collected every few months. The mound would crust over and the Smell and methane would tolerable. But as soon as I started adding more to the heap, and broke the crust on the mound, it would about knock you out.
If you didn't know better you would think it was a big hill of dirt. I walked up onetime got a few feet up and the crust broke and it was a green and goey as a fresh cowpie. I sunk in it about up to my chest. I never ran to water hose so fast in all my life.
Cows don't Fart Democrats are just fucking Stupid. But it's to be expected they do kill babies.
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