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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   163,227 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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101913   CBOEtrader   2019 Apr 4, 1:01am  

Elgatouno says
Patrick says
Not true. Elgatouno is not a moderator.

Then how did I remove the comments?

You started 2 identical threads and refused to answer the most basic question in both. Congrats on the double spam
101914   Onvacation   2019 Apr 4, 6:13am  

marcus says
That's right. I'm deranged for thinking Trump is not qualified to be POTUS

And for thinking Hillary was!
101915   HeadSet   2019 Apr 4, 6:25am  

So shouldn't we be able to see the full report without the redaction of
nuggets that could cause “reputational” harm for “peripheral third parties.”

It ain't just that. There are issues by law with revealing classified details, aspects of Grand Jury Investigations, and anything that could reveal on-going investigations. Wanting a totally redacted Report, knowing that such is not possible by law, is a disingenuous way to claim that all redactions are to protect Trump. Next in the disingenuous train to keep the "collusion" alive will be to want all Mueller's working papers, to data mine any detail that can be used to infer collusion. Clapper himself has already been reduced to claiming the campaign quip made by Trump "Russia if you are listening, our media would like you to find the 30,000 missing emails" as evidence of collusion, as that is all he has got.
101916   HeadSet   2019 Apr 4, 6:32am  

I thought Trumpcucks wanted less legal immigration not more

Many supporters of legal immigration are dead set against illegal immigration. Conflating legal with illegal immigration is disingenuous. A regulated immigration system is fine, unfettered illegal incursions and abuse of the HxB programs are not.
101917   Tenpoundbass   2019 Apr 4, 6:47am  

First of all Barr if he followed the letter of the Law the Democrats made after the Ken Star report that prevented the Bill Clinton White House Scandal from ever being read.
Nobody will ever see the Mueller report. It's their own law. Trump wants it to come out so he can finally begin locking everyone from Obama to Mueller up in Prison and charging many with Treason.

I will love watching the Antifa get mowed down by live fire by the National Guard before this is over.

Bring on the Report!
101918   anonymous   2019 Apr 4, 6:51am  

Elgatouno says
So, did you read the OPs? They most certainly are not identical.

React to the headlines, react to the headlines, - fuck reading, react to the headlines - and do it hysterically.

101919   HeadSet   2019 Apr 4, 7:00am  

Elgatouno says
HeadSet says
Many supporters of legal immigration are dead set against illegal immigration.

This should be brought up with everyone's representatives why is it the Republicans won't come to the table?

Because Democrats and too many Republicans like massive, illegal immigration. Trump and a few Republicans are the only ones fighting this battle for the working class.
101920   anonymous   2019 Apr 4, 7:19am  

Elgatouno says
I sure got a good laugh.

You are not the only one...fucking hilarious - why bother with reading when you can just react...all we need now is someone carrying a club to a terrorist incident...
101921   Bd6r   2019 Apr 4, 8:25am  

HeadSet says
Trump and a few Republicans are the only ones fighting this battle for the working class.

That I have to disagree about. Trump hires low-qualified H visa holders for his hotels.
"Practice what you preach" is a nice expression.
101922   georgeliberte   2019 Apr 4, 9:33am  

101923   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Apr 4, 9:38am  

wrong link or sarcastic?
101924   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 4, 11:48am  

The Dem 2020 Race is a Clown Car.

Did you know that failed Georgia Gov candidate Stacey Abrams wrote Romance Novels?

“Softly, inexorable, he tested the contours of her lips, the damp heat urging him inside. Reaching for patience, Luke sank down into the chair she’d abandoned and settled her across his lap,” Colbert read.

“Her eyes fluttered open, her fingers clutched at his shoulders, when she tugged her closer, patience fled.”

“It was a really good kiss,” she responded.


The sad thing is the Media is gonna pretend it's a former era where Dems can say shit in 2019 to Spring 2020 to appeal to the batshit socialist base in the Primaries, and not be called on it later during the General.
101925   anonymous   2019 Apr 4, 11:50am  

The Media Endlessly Talks About Interest Rates—Are They Even an Effective Economic Tool at This Point?

The one silver lining in the nomination of political hack Steve Moore to the Federal Reserve is that it might spur a productive discussion on the benefits (or lack of them) of monetary policy as an instrument of economic growth. This is principally because it’s just one ingredient for what is necessary to instill economic growth, and not a particularly good one at that. A more direct approach is via appropriately targeted and sufficiently large fiscal actions.

In regard to monetary policy, low interest rates kept in place for a long time can actually constrain economic growth unless they are coupled with sensible compensating fiscal policy, due to the adverse income impact to savers emanating from a resultant lower income stream. There is also a problem of political legitimacy when so little of the funding is explicitly approved by Congress, and is left instead to the discretion/creation of the Federal Reserve (which has historically tended to prioritize the narrow interests of finance over the rest of the economy). And Steve Moore, a leading advocate of cutting rates to promote additional economic growth (even as he has historically championed spending cuts), will simply perpetuate the (unfortunately) widely held notion of monetary policy as an effective cure-all, if his ideas gain policy traction within the Powell-led Federal Reserve.

In fact, what is truly required is well-formulated fiscal policy and less monetary policy activism, precisely the opposite of today’s prevailing trends. Solvency per se is not the issue. The key here is how the money is spent, lest fiscal policy become as diffuse in its effects as monetary policy has become, as well as discredited politically because of perceived ineffectiveness when long-standing structural issues (such as inequality) remain unaddressed.

Much More: https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2019/04/the-media-endlessly-talks-about-interest-rates-are-they-even-an-effective-economic-tool-at-this-point.html
101926   anonymous   2019 Apr 4, 11:53am  

This is the first comment from comments section in the article about interest rates referenced in comment #2.

Jim A.
April 4, 2019 at 10:31 am

IMHO, the main issue is that corporate investment is not credit constrained, it is demand constrained.

There is no reason to expand if they can’t sell more of their product. In aggregate, consumers are constrained more by lack of income to service current debt than they are by the access to credit.

The result is that lower interest rates are neither as effective at juicing the economy, or triggering an inflationary spiral as they have been in the past. Indeed to the extant that all the juicing has boosted prices, it has only boosted the prices of assets that are expensive enough that they are bought with borrowed money: real estate, college degrees, and stocks.*

This “new normal,” has yet to percolate through to the movers and shakers, so even as some urge ever lower interest rates to boost the economy, others worry about inflation, and neither seems to realize that MOST of the extra credit just boosts income inequality. It would be funny, if it wasn’t so serious.

*especially PE and Leveraged buy outs.


There is also absolutely no reason to hire more people no matter how much and loudly the Golden Golem screams, if there is no increased demand.

Companies are in business to make a profit, not be a charity organization to hire people just for the hell of it.
101927   Shaman   2019 Apr 4, 11:58am  

Gonna call it: the Dems only hope in the 2020 election is to pick a brown candidate. They desperately need brown votes to have a chance after all the shit they’ve pulled, and crazy shit they e stood for. So they need to bring to the table something black voters can agree on: a black candidate. That means Kamala or Booker. Both are shit, but the rank and file Dems will get themselves worked up enough to vote for them in the general, and the blacks will come out to vote for “one of ours.”
It still probably won’t be enough, but it’s their only shot.
Nominate Biden or Sanders and they’re sunk. To the black vote it’ll be one old white dude vs another old white dude and they’ll just stay home.
101928   anonymous   2019 Apr 4, 12:03pm  

Patrick says
The prediction of doom because of Trump is looking kind of worn and shabby at this point

Kind of like the list of accomplishments and playing out ever so slowly just like the elusive Big Beautiful, the Bestest ever Trade Deal with China that is getting quite long in the tooth and starting to smell fishy

Patrick says
Didn't happen.

Going to happen/is happening...if you were at the movies, you are at the point where the advertisements from the local businesses are ending, the gambit about the concession offerings is playing and the trailers for the upcoming movies is about to play.

Probably a good idea to get some popcorn and a drink now - you really do not want to miss the main feature.
101929   anonymous   2019 Apr 4, 12:33pm  

So much winning.
101930   anonymous   2019 Apr 4, 12:34pm  

Even more MAGA and winning - plus the stock market is up so that proves everything is just fine - not.
101931   anonymous   2019 Apr 4, 12:35pm  

101932   anonymous   2019 Apr 4, 12:35pm  

101933   anonymous   2019 Apr 4, 12:51pm  

but I can screw something up & fix it faster than many can do it correctly the first time.

Been watching ILWU union mechanics at the Ports ?
101934   Bd6r   2019 Apr 4, 2:11pm  

Quigley says

Booker is a whore for Big Pharma, if I recall correctly. A weak point in debates.

Quigley says
nominate Biden or Sanders and they’re sunk.

Actually D's may win with Biden in PA, OH, and WI, which may be enough to win election. However, Biden is already sunk with conveniently timed groping allegations.
Neither Kamala nor Booker will win in those states, meaning loss of election for D's.
101935   Bd6r   2019 Apr 4, 2:32pm  

Elgatouno says
What? Nobody wants to talk about the flipfloper in Chief?

post something that has not been universally true since beginning of times, then it will be worth discussing
101936   Bd6r   2019 Apr 4, 2:44pm  

Elgatouno says
How you like them avocados?

I have a tree in my yard, no need to buy
101937   Ceffer   2019 Apr 4, 2:50pm  

It's fun watching all the LibbyFuck PsychoLibBitches exonerating Biden's stink finger forays due to political chameleon-ship. Biden needs to stop sniffing his fingers in public after serial grabbings, it isn't couth.
101940   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 4, 6:50pm  

Quigley says
Gonna call it: the Dems only hope in the 2020 election is to pick a brown candidate. They desperately need brown votes to have a chance after all the shit they’ve pulled, and crazy shit they e stood for. So they need to bring to the table something black voters can agree on: a black candidate. That means Kamala or Booker. Both are shit, but the rank and file Dems will get themselves worked up enough to vote for them in the general, and the blacks will come out to vote for “one of ours.”

Totally in agreement. And watch the Dems studiously ignore Kamala's Bank-friendly efforts as DA of SF and Booker's Big Pharma bendovers.

It's all about Anti-Whiteness now. Things can really change, but I see it as you do if trends continue.
101941   HeadSet   2019 Apr 5, 7:38am  

georgeliberte says
Now Jusssie is refusing to pay and Chicago is suing him for it.

In the end, maybe Chicago will end up paying Smollett.
101942   Shaman   2019 Apr 5, 9:25am  

CBOEtrader says
Smullet was charged, why does this innaccuarcy keep popping up

If the Left isn’t lying, it can’t possibly win anyone to its side.
101943   Booger   2019 Apr 5, 2:57pm  

101944   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 5, 3:51pm  

The Left isn't an existential threat to society, because their women are godless harridans or scumbag bastard factories from the 'hood.

All we have to do is limit migration to prevent the dying Left's scheme to destroy Western Civilization in a gesture of rage.
101945   cmdrda2leak   2019 Apr 5, 3:56pm  

marcus says
He said some are the dregs of society. Possibly referring to cognitively challenged white supremacists, or swamp creatures.

I'll be voting for the first Democrat or Republican candidate that doesn't come out spewing divisive, identitarian invective.

The thing people fear about the "supremacists" and the "woketards" alike is one and the same thing: Americans don't want Identitarian leaders. When Identitarians are all that's on offer, they'll vote "tribally". This is divisive, cynical, and myopic. Identitarianism is anti-American.
101946   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 5, 4:26pm  

It's always been in shambles. hahahaha

They've never dominated an institution, not even a single Diary Queen in bumfuck.

The AltLeft, however, is a clear and present danger.
101947   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 5, 4:28pm  

cmdrdataleak says
I'll be voting for the first Democrat or Republican candidate that doesn't come out spewing divisive, identitarian invective.


The first minute is cat and dog stuff, then it segues into interviews with Women's Marchers, comedy gold.

Asian Chick with speech disorder explains Anti-White racism isn't racism at 3:00

@Patrick, maximum Hypergamy at 5:20
101948   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Apr 5, 4:35pm  

jazz_music says
When America was great the broadcasters were regulated so that talk radio as it is a propaganda vehicle now and Fox News was not allowed to exist.

It also meant that 90% of the rest of the media couldn't be Resist Ants 24-7-365, too.

That means that MSNBC would have to have Laura Ingram to balance Rachel Madcow.
101949   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Apr 5, 4:42pm  

Checked it this morning, wasn’t very beneficial though.

In life losers will always blame white men, stupid victim mentality.

marcus says
Quigley says
As a white male

Merry Christmas.

Jeez, you would think that at least on this one day you could check your privilege.
101950   Onvacation   2019 Apr 5, 6:00pm  

jazz_music says
That’s where the divisiveness first became monetized and politically ripe for somebody like Trump to exploit.

Some did not vote for a clown but against a witch. This corrupt system seldom gives us someone to vote for but always someone to vote against. Propaganda divides us so the puppetmasters can control us.
101951   Onvacation   2019 Apr 5, 6:01pm  

jazz_music says
Anyone listening to those platforms with a straight face believes Trump is the greatest man who ever lived REGARDLESS of all he says or does

The hysterics on both sides are often entertaining.
101952   marcus   2019 Apr 6, 10:25am  

DOn't worry, be happy.

OR if you want something to be worried or upset about, there are some moronic idiots on the far left that are impossible to defend that you can criticize and vent pointless indignant rage while using totally dishonest exaggerated strawman lies to simultaneously paint yourself as just as much of an idiot.

Join the party, it's fun. It's not like there are any real problems to solve.

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