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d6rB saysWrong attitude. This would be extremely profitable on pay-per-view, might wipe out national debt.
You're absolutely right.
DONNIE! EAT! MOO! would be Pay Per View boffo platinum
That characterization is disingenuous as hell for some publishers of academic research on a focused area of knowledge.
They are not going to go away either, not even if you fire-bomb them. They will continue to be a resource on the subject matter of the radical right wing and the violence associated.
NPR bizarrely seems to have deleted their own lie-filled interview with me and replaced it with something else, even as it still promotes the page as including its interview of me. Where is it, @MorningEdition?
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 11, 2019
stroking her immense PREHENSILE! erection singing exactly like Paul Robeson
Michelle Obama would walk around the White House stroking her immense PREHENSILE! erection singing exactly like Paul Robeson
she reminds Barry what an asshole he is.
"If I decide to run for office, I'll produce my tax returns, absolutely."
I just want her talk dirty to me.
Michelle is always a hit at state dinners when she uses her IMMENSE! PREHENSILE! PENIS! to light cigarettes for the guests.
The Quds Force, a unit within the IRGC that specializes in operations outside Iran, has long been viewed as a terrorist organization by the United States. The IRGC as an entity, however, operates as an integral part of the Iranian government. As such, the U.S. has deliberately avoided classifying it as a terrorist organization out of concerns that doing so would hobble diplomatic efforts with Iran and even destabilize the greater Middle East.
People have lost their connection to one anotherBeginning with the Baby Boomers, many people in their 60's and early 70's today abandoned when they were in their late teens or early 20's the Protestant, Catholic or Jewish faiths in which they had been reared. Also, the nuclear family began falling apart. It was through children that these faiths were propagated from generation from generation, but with so many people remaining single or not having children at all, church attendance dried up. If I heard it one time from a Boomer, I heard it a million times as almost a rite of passage: I was raised in fill-in-the-blank church, but as soon as I reached my late teens or entered college I abandoned all that stuff. Such was the template of a lady in her early 60's several years ago who died of an overdose. Her fame was that when she was young she was the first to do whatever it was she did in the pornographic movie industry that had never been done before, I forget what it was. She was lovely, then, and it was mentioned that she had been raised in a religious atmosphere but abandoned it soon after arriving at young adulthood. It also went on to explain how through her life she had struggled with depression and addiction. I think the chickens are coming home to roost for all these older boomers who abandoned the communities of faith that kept older generations sane and secure during life's inevitable losses and heartbreaks. These same people abandoned spouses or significant others and children right and left upon the advent of No Fault Divorce and probably wonder today why they aren't surrounded by a loving extended family who dotes on them. The 70's were filled with false prophets of est, Rolfing, Scientology, primal scream, sweat lodges to attract these lost souls.
Meh, ending wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria leaves the Military Industrial Complex with a powerful hunger for another target.
I doubt it can even be reasoned with.
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