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I’m turning 46 later this year. If you believe me, go to the gym, pump some weights, work hard on your core/abs. Once your body is in shape, I guarantee you will get a strong erection like when you’re in your 20’s.
The guys in my tennis group believe things are going downhill after 40. Some think you need viagra after 45 or 50. You don’t need any of that stuff. The fact is that playing tennis alone as part of exercising won’t do it. Go to the gym, hire a personal trainer, get on a low fat diet, get in shape and you can bang like when you’re in your 20’s.
It takes years/decades to put all of those fat into our body/system. If it only takes 6 to 12 months to shed them off, that’s a great deal wouldn’t you agree?
Good luck.
For wisdom will enter your heart,
PeopleUnited saysFor wisdom will enter your heart,
I have come to believe that wisdom is knowing/understanding the correct algorithm to employ against a difficult situation. Past experience may inform your decision and help you eliminate choices, but choosing the right approach may not be intuitive. We make choices every day, always with incomplete knowledge, and these choices have profound effects on our lives and success. Knowing the best way to arrive at these choices is the foundation of wisdom, and it is better than mere intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to comprehend complex logic trees and operations. But these things are able to be easily done with a computer and computers are lousy at making their way through an unknown situation. Only wisdom can inform your choices as you navigate an unknown path. It is truly priceless, and improves with age in most people.
Great rabid sex is for Strangers. Never forget that. You don't have toe curling sex with someone you're familiar with. It's just one of God's many cruel jokes.
psshaw try being still being married and longing for all of that.
Great rabid sex is for Strangers. Never forget that. You don't have toe curling sex with someone you're familiar with. It's just one of God's many cruel jokes.
Some 8 years ago, I'd broken up with this Canadian whack job, who looked almost like Alanis Morissette.
YUP. After you've been married for a year or so, the only super hot sex you're ever going to have is if you swing or bring in Guest Workers.
If that ain't the gayest comment since maddow touted her aftershave...
So the truth is the Rin simply likes to fuck!
Isn't that much more meaningful than Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"?
Everything that E-Man said, except: Get on a HIGH PROTEIN diet. Meat makes you jiggle like a stoat, Pilot. 2/3rd Vegetables for all the trace shit we barely understand other than we know it's good for you. When chosing between Carbs (not Fiber, but Sugar) and Fat, prefer the Fat. Carbs are largely empty calories. The only high Carb items with useful nutrients beyond the Sugar Calories is Fruit.
Bread and Pasta makes you limp as a noodle. Most middle aged fatsos eat Spaghetti, Pizza, Fries, Onion Rings, Chips, Cookies, Cake, and Bagels.
Tenpoundbass saysGreat rabid sex is for Strangers. Never forget that. You don't have toe curling sex with someone you're familiar with. It's just one of God's many cruel jokes.
YUP. After you've been married for a year or so, the only super hot sex you're ever going to have is if you swing or bring in Guest Workers.
You’re not the only one who likes to fuck. What’s the point Rin?
The main goal is to get Rin to incorporate exercise as part of his daily routine. Then the diet comes next when he starts to see some results.
BlueSardine saysIf that ain't the gayest comment since maddow touted her aftershave...
Ah, the gaydar continues ...
Without getting hooked on opioids, is there a solution for that?
and so without it you feel disconnected from the world?
And if you've been keeping up on my threads
Rin saysAnd if you've been keeping up on my threads
A toxic relationship is a both more likely and larger life risk for a man.
If banging hoes keeps you happy, bang away buddy
A toxic relationship is a both more likely and larger life risk for a man.
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Some 8 years ago, I'd broken up with this Canadian whack job, who looked almost like Alanis Morissette.
And yes, she was also from Ontario and yes, living with her, at least towards the end, was like a living version of 'Jagged Little Pill'. Art imitates life.
Now, here's the problem. While I clearly don't want her companionship or anything else, I can't get over my most important experience and that was fucking her brains out in a motel in New Hampshire on the way to the White Mountains.
I still remember that warm water from the shower all over our bodies as I was pumping her, while feeling her boobs and ass. And then, it didn't stop. We were on the floor and going at it it, non-stop. There was water everywhere!
Anyways, I think I'd come perhaps seven or more times that day and it's never been like that since. And yeah, while she was screaming, she was beautiful.
It sucks to turn 40 because I can't have something like that ever again. My body isn't an early 30-something and clearly, I'm not going bareback with a woman again in such a manner.