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103627   Shaman   2019 Jul 4, 6:58am  

rdm says
I hear they are giving away tickets and begging people to show up, that's what some people say.

Are you talking about the Clinton tour? Or was that Biden rallies?
Trump’s got em lined up out the door!
103628   GNL   2019 Jul 4, 7:34am  

Hircus says
WineHorror1 says
Sorry to disappoint you but Tesla will not be allowed to fail. Book it.

Who do you think would save it?

Has Ford, GM or Chrysler been allowed to fail? Tesla is right in line with the new electric car requirement al a big daddy government. CAFE standards are going up to 50 soon.
103629   socal2   2019 Jul 4, 8:37am  

komputodo says
socal2 says
*Tesla stock surges after setting new delivery and production records*

tesla stock surges when the algos saw that headline...it doesn't matter if it's true or not.

Sure - but based on Tesla massively increasing sales YOY and there still aren't any major auto-makers who have anything close to what Tesla has built in terms of product or infrastructure (charging networks, battery factories, institutional knowledge). I think Tesla is going to continue to be miles and miles ahead of the competitors for quite a while yet.

The vaunted Tesla killer Audi E-Tron already has a recall. The Porsche and Jaguar EV's are barely selling.

Here is Tesla 3 sales compared to other mid-sized luxury cars through May. I'd wager that over 90% of current Tesla drivers will never go back to conventional ICE cars after owning an EV with all of its benefits.

103630   Booger   2019 Jul 4, 9:34am  

I'd rather have a Chevy Volt.
103631   socal2   2019 Jul 4, 9:39am  

Booger says
I'd rather have a Chevy Volt.

The 2011 Volt's are still kicking with their original battery packs with very few failures thanks to the robust battery heating/cooling systems. Can't say the same thing for the Nissan Leafs.

I have a Chevy Bolt and prefer it to the Volt because it is quicker and more fun to drive around. That said, I would take a Tesla in a heartbeat if price wasn't an issue.
103632   clambo   2019 Jul 4, 12:19pm  

Tesla is toast.

If GM sells the Bolt and loses money on each one, how the fuck is Tesla going to make a dime selling Model 3 when the taxpayer subsidy ends eventually?

Incidentally, I see Bolts all over the place lately; I bet GM wishes people would stop buying them and buy a Surburban instead.

I would actually consider a Bolt if my car ever died; I probably don't drive more than 200 miles per week so the range would not inconvenience me.

Tesla is not going to disappear probably, someone will probably buy the company someday if they have anything clever patented.

Musk is a kook and a liar. He should not be CEO of any company.
103633   HeadSet   2019 Jul 4, 1:16pm  

He Should Repeal the 13th Amendment and Drive Around DC Capturing Escaped Negroes at (Gatling) Gun Point and Returning Them To Their Owners!

Um, Trump is not a Democrat. You need Biden, Byrd, and friends to do that.
103634   Ceffer   2019 Jul 4, 1:21pm  

Another Trumpian gaffe to the solar plexus! Better than when he called KimFuck a 'sweet little dictator'.
103635   anonymous   2019 Jul 4, 1:35pm  

Technically, Aircraft One is right after I googled that for you, assuming the President isn’t on the plane.
103636   B.A.C.A.H.   2019 Jul 4, 1:45pm  

socal2 says
I'd wager that over 90% of current Tesla drivers will never go back to conventional ICE cars after owning an EV with all of its benefits.


Unless they purchase their next EV soon, though, it'll probably be some other Status Symbol brand when the Tesla car company is gone. Unless another car company "buys" Tesla (ahem, assumes the liabilities I mean), and keeps the brand name.
103637   kt1652   2019 Jul 4, 2:37pm  

socal2 says
Booger says
I'd rather have a Chevy Volt.

The 2011 Volt's are still kicking with their original battery packs with very few failures thanks to the robust battery heating/cooling systems. Can't say the same thing for the Nissan Leafs.

I have a Chevy Bolt and prefer it to the Volt because it is quicker and more fun to drive around. That said, I would take a Tesla in a heartbeat if price wasn't an issue.

Tesla shorts are going down!
I'm long (5+) years holding horizon.
103638   kt1652   2019 Jul 4, 2:38pm  

Just want to come here and show that I put my money on Tesla. I bought $68,289 of TSLA stock (long, cash no margin) between 6/26/19 – 7/1/19. Adding my original position of 40 shares.
The shorts are going to get ass-raped. There will be panic covering which will pump the share price up. The Shanghai Gigafactory is ahead of schedule. When the G3 start ramping for the huge Chinese EV market demand for Model 3, it is going to be close to million units/year. Unbelievable? Believe it. The Chinese government wants to move rapidly away from ICE and they are partnering with Tesla to make it happen. Xi decided it wasn’t happening fast enough with domestic EV companies. Tesla is a premium brand, very high demand in China. They can lower the cost by building there by at least $7-10K usd per M3.
There is NO EV competition for Tesla, everyone is at least 3 years behind and falling. The ICE brand EV’s today can’t even touch the X or S, much less the M3. Model Y is coming. Then the pickup, semi.
Tesla is going to be the greatest American auto company in 5 to 10 years when ICE automaker finally wakes up. Happy 4th of July!
103639   kt1652   2019 Jul 4, 8:48pm  

If you want an endless stream of investment schemes in your inbox, then American Consequences is the place for you
103640   kt1652   2019 Jul 5, 10:03am  

10s 1/4. Man, be fair and give the old tech a head-start.
103641   HeadSet   2019 Jul 5, 10:21am  

kt1652 says
10s 1/4. Man, be fair and give the old tech a head-start.

Yes, but it was all off the start. Hard to beat electric off the line. Notice that the Demon was catching up, and was actually faster speed when it crossed the finish line. Had this race been 1/2 mile, the Demon would have won.
103642   socal2   2019 Jul 5, 10:59am  

HeadSet says
Yes, but it was all off the start. Hard to beat electric off the line. Notice that the Demon was catching up, and was actually faster speed when it crossed the finish line. Had this race been 1/2 mile, the Demon would have won.

Yep - but for practical day to day driving, I much rather have the instant torque and acceleration than an overall top speed. How often and where can you drive over 90 mph sustained?

I am still having a blast 6 months in driving my Bolt around and accelerating hard to quickly get to the speed limit.
103643   Shaman   2019 Jul 5, 1:59pm  

jazz_music says
There was another float balloon of Trump on the golden toilet with his MAGA hat

Indeed. It’s sad how perverted and sick the #resist crowd has become. Poor things, perhaps someone will build them a nice asylum.
103644   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 5, 3:37pm  

You mean like Black Nationalist Genderqueer Anti-Semites who worked directly for Democrats as well as NYC "Anti-Hate Crime" initiatives and was majoring on the taxpayer dollar at Brandeis in African-American Studies?

he suspect charged with scrawling anti-Semitic graffiti inside a Brooklyn synagogue has Jewish foster parents, and was an intern for former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn — for whom he worked on initiatives to combat hate crime.

James Polite was busted Friday, a day after he allegedly wrote “Kill All Jews,” in the stairwell of historic Union Temple in Prospect Heights.

Police said Saturday that Polite, 26, had also recently set a string of fires — including in the closet of Yeshiva Beth Hillel of Williamsburg, and smaller blazes in the trash outside three other nearby Jewish institutions.

Quinn, who is now president and CEO of Women in Need, a homeless services group, confirmed Saturday that Polite — the subject of a profile in the New York Times last year — was her intern.


The media hated this story. It didn't help their narrative. I'd guess that 90% of all anti-semitic events in the US are Black and/or Muslim perps.
103645   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 5, 3:40pm  

Imagine if a White Young Man who interned for an Alabama Republican State Official and was featured on Fox News Segement as a success story while majoring in Classics on a Free Taxpayer Scholarship had been caught vandalizing and attempting to commit arson in Temples.

You'd never hear the end of it.

When it's Blacks / Muslims, the media rushes to bury.

Blacks and Muslims are THE most antisemitic people in the USA (also the most anti-gay, anti-Asian, and flat out racist against everybody not Black).
103646   socal2   2019 Jul 5, 4:09pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
Blacks and Muslims are THE most antisemitic people in the USA (also the most anti-gay, anti-Asian, and flat out racist against everybody not Black).

That is why the Democrat coalition of various victim groups is so untenable.
103647   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 5, 5:36pm  

White skin plus crazy person = "far right wing" to CNN.
103648   WookieMan   2019 Jul 6, 4:48am  

jazz_music says
There was another float balloon of Trump on the golden toilet with his MAGA hat

Cool, people protested a parade. What was the outcome of that? Seems like wasted time and most normal people were just busy enjoying their 4th of July living their lives and trying to have fun. All of which the president doesn't interfere with. But hey, lampshades and soap. Over dramatic much?
103649   WookieMan   2019 Jul 6, 4:55am  

WookieMan says
jazz_music says
I get suckered too, just not as much as you.

Please just answer this. I don't need a rant.

WookieMan says
pick 3 policies that TRUMP has enacted that have influenced YOUR personal life in any way. NOT emotionally either.

The roar of the crickets is becoming deafening.
103650   porkchopXpress   2019 Jul 6, 8:17am  

WookieMan says
jazz_music says
There was another float balloon of Trump on the golden toilet with his MAGA hat

Cool, people protested a parade. What was the outcome of that? Seems like wasted time and most normal people were just busy enjoying their 4th of July living their lives and trying to have fun. All of which the president doesn't interfere with. But hey, lampshades and soap. Over dramatic much?
lol...stomping their lil feet
103651   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 6, 8:30am  

Did they fly the blasted thing?
103652   RC2006   2019 Jul 6, 8:33am  

Could you imagine if reps floated a giant dumb monkey at every Obama event to piss off liberals. Oh that's right they don't do that shit, they may of disliked him but for for most part were way above such stupid shit and would not have had the media cheering them on.
103653   Shaman   2019 Jul 6, 9:09am  

jazz_music says
There was another float balloon of Trump on the golden toilet with his MAGA hat

Staying classy. Remind me again which party is mature and adult and which one is full of gibbering baboons throwing poo?
103654   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 6, 9:38am  

d6rB says
May be this but with Trump and Kimfuck sucking on each other would be even better (sorry for the eye-bleaching image, Patnetters):

The only feelings that picture invokes out of me, is the sheer misery the artist must be going through to make such a bullshit work of Art(if you call that Art).

Why does everyone have to go for a ride along with so many Mentally Damaged Queers? These people have Daddy issues and they are deranged. If I were their Dad, I would put restraining order on them, and wouldn't want them within 500 yards of me.

Then what I feel about the Idiots that would post such a picture. What the Fuck, really man? That's the best image you could conjure up from the Internet to portray how you feel?
What you want to Fuck Richard Nixon in the Ass you Sick Bastards?

Hahaha yeah, the Jokes really on US! Geesh, you sick Libtards needs some professional help. We need to bring some conservative Psychologists out of retirement. They knew how to deal with and treat Fags. Shock therapy or strap them to a bed and show them Debbie does Dallas for 4 days straight. They would have you idiots licking Pussy in no time you sorry Dinks. For God Sakes control yourselves you deviant Freaks.
103655   Bd6r   2019 Jul 6, 9:48am  

Tenpoundbass says
The only feelings that picture invokes out of me, is the sheer misery the artist must be going through to make such a bullshit work of Art(if you call that Art).

TPB, it is not art - it is drawing off a real picture where Brezhnev kissed Honecker


103656   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 6, 10:14am  

The KKK does not exist, they are nothing more than an FBI honey Trap to ensnare Trailer Trash that has their ball cap strapped on to tight.

The KKK does not even have any recruitment initiatives, how can they operate without any funding or a growing member list?
They can't! The FBI LARPING as KKK go to Gun Ranges, and answers the calls for Millitia recruitment. They engage them, and talk them into giving them a sound byte about Racial hatred, Violence or blowing something up. All of which the FBI instigated and started the ball rolling. The FBI probably says "Nigger" 1000 times during those meetings.
They normalize the behavior, and entice prospective Stooges into feeling comfortable and wanting to fit into their clique they perceive those agents to be.

Once they get enough sound-bytes or get them on tape willing to do a violent act. They arrest them and haul them away and these Race baiting NGO's get's their data point. That wouldn't have existed otherwise.
103657   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 6, 10:38am  

Far Right people at least believe in washing their hair.
103658   Ceffer   2019 Jul 6, 10:44am  

"So many minority groups and political agitators are false flagging and faking White Nationalist Violence to frame whatever paltry, vestigial White Nationalist Movement there actually is, in order to engage orgies of falsified victimization, that these falsifiers represent an imminent hazard to the public!"
103659   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 6, 10:58am  

jazz_music says
You can't find out how many attended Trump's 4th of July Love-In

No pictures anywhere of the audience


Did the blimp fly?
103660   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 6, 11:23am  

jazz_music says
This story is about a white male.

Yeah, although far less frequent than other races, white males also commit crimes. Nice investigatory work jazz
103661   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 6, 11:30am  

jazz_music says
Will they all join the Republic Party?

Not only are they a global security threat but they are a depressing bore too in these online forums.

Did any idiot read this article? Haha omg : "Shortly after the party came to power, the Interior Ministry asked the anti-extremism unit of the domestic intelligence service to hand over the names of informants who had infiltrated the far-right community; the leader of that unit refused, and a few weeks later, “armed police burst into her office and carted away years’ worth of domestic files as well as intelligence from allied nations.”
This bears repeating: A government ministry demanded that a domestic intelligence agency expose the identities of its informants in violent extremist groups to officials sympathetic to those groups and, when rebuffed, proceeded to seize files from the agency by force in an illegal police raid."

Ok so deep state unelected administrators are refusing to share intelligence with the elected officials, so the elected officials refuse to let the unelected beurocrats run the show ... And this equals a security threat?

Yeah, down w this international cabal of deep state intelligence/crony capital/technocrat/MSM/Hollywood cabal.

Expect the entire world to vote Nationalistic until the problem is fixed.
103662   mell   2019 Jul 6, 11:52am  

The premise of this thread is diametrically wrong. It's the lack of empathy of the modern left to accept that some people don't like to be bombarded with globohomo shit 24/7. Even on the righter right most people don't care what or who you do in your privacy. Empathy means respecting feelings on both sides and when they differ crassly then you go out of each other's way. It's called freedom of association and applies to both sides. The leftoids have made that close to impossible with their constant daily hatred for everything cis white straight Christian male in media schools universities and politics. Just leave the people alone already. Provide a stable MAGA economy on a solid constitution and let people care about their family and friends.
103663   mell   2019 Jul 6, 11:59am  

Nobody claimed they don't exist. They do. But the violence of the left eclipses them.
103664   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Jul 6, 12:08pm  

mell says
Nobody claimed they don't exist. They do. But the violence of the left eclipses them.

Nearly all of the examples cited in the article are 40 years or more ago, and all are prior to President Trump being President Trump. In fact, all the post 2000 incidents are one man acts and the 2011 one is actually made up.

In context, it’s clear that the KKK is nearly non existent and certainly holds almost no sway.

Jazz, instead of quoting make believe propaganda, how about you post factual ways in which you or those you know have been affected by white racists?
103665   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Jul 6, 12:10pm  

Or I can continue to pollute your lie filled threads with this:

103666   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 6, 12:11pm  

jazz_music says
No credibility there.

Show us the real life smullet

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