by Patrick ➕follow (60) 💰tip ignore
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Of course I've been part of organization far worse than kkk I worked for KKR for 6 years.
I have been all over the US and have never seen a kkk person not even in the south. Meanwhile I have ran into all sorts of radical black and brown power types. Do they exist sure there are wannabe nazis (more like cosplayers). Skinheads (haven't seen any in decades) and I am sure there are a few kkk out there somewhere, but their numbers are dwarfed and extremely tiny compared to black and brown power types that the left whole heartedly support.
Remember how crappy White People are?
Pelosi is warning us that Trumpler the Terrible wants to make America White Again, and prevent us from reaping the rewards of diversity, like at Disneyland or downtown Philly.
Go ahead and deny that Trump fanned and exploited not only white nationalism, but xenophobia and misogyny. Go ahead and be that ignorant all you want.
RC2006 saysMaybe Jazz is kkk.I'm not the subject of this post.
You will not be informed about my life at all, ever.
Why don't you speak from your knowledge?
On topic.
The Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish protection group that monitors Klan activity, describes Barker’s Loyal White Knights as the most active Klan group today, but estimates it has no more than 200 members total. The ADL puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000.
The Alabama-based SPLC says there’s no evidence the Klan is returning to the strength of its heyday
The KKK is a real thing. They believe that now is their time, partly because Trump took office and Trump's father was connected to KKK too.
This is why people think liberals act like spoiled children who live in a dream world of make believe. Let's pretend the KKK is on the rise and they we can all pretend to be very afraid, and when it comes time to point the finger, the little child says, 'Orange Man BAD!"
I'm not the subject here.
HeadSet saysSnide way of saying "I could not find any examples of these price increases."I DON'T OWE YOU SHIT!!!!!!!!!
Quite a take-down! Or should I say a Honk-down?
LOL couldn’t have happened to a nicer idiot.
Why is everyone Trump knows a pederast?
In order to maintain this system, of international dictatorship or empire, the most essential tool is deceit, of the electorate, by the aristocracy.
But you see how partisan considerations keep us from pursuing meaningful action
And police department policies make it very very easy for officers to shoot first and ask questions later. ... all while on illegal steroids even.
But none of that compares to the BS Fox conjures up
Ok now you are comparing Vox to Fox ... come on now, there is really no comparison there.
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