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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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103838   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 9, 4:15pm  

So, to conclude, in order to support his thesis we saw:

* A stock photo from the Carolinas circa 1960s
* A sign from the 1970s or possibly eariler
* Two signs from a tiny town in Harrison, Arkansas
* A sign for a candidate who got less than 2% of the vote in the most Hillbilly part of America that could be conceived.
* A sign for a Civil War Museum.
* A Geocities-like website with a Podcast
* A $1.6M in Housing Violation owing, Mentally Ill person's libel against a Tampa Mayor and Home Depot.

Conclusion: Fakiest of Fake News.
103839   WillPowers   2019 Jul 9, 6:02pm  

Here is the actual title of the AP article: "At 150, KKK sees opportunities in US political trends"

AP, a much more respectable source of information than JAZZ; AP wouldn't title their article "KKK on the rise," just to get cheap click-bait attention.

This is why people think liberals act like spoiled children who live in a dream world of make believe. Let's pretend the KKK is on the rise and they we can all pretend to be very afraid, and when it comes time to point the finger, the little child says, 'Orange Man BAD!"

How pathetic. If you think shit like this is going to win you an election in 2020, then I feel sorry for you.
103840   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 9, 6:34pm  

WillPowers says
This is why people think liberals act like spoiled children who live in a dream world of make believe. Let's pretend the KKK is on the rise and they we can all pretend to be very afraid, and when it comes time to point the finger, the little child says, 'Orange Man BAD!"

So they can justify their own violence.
103841   Ceffer   2019 Jul 9, 7:44pm  

What an idiot Nader is. Clintons or Obama would have done it for 5000 bucks.
103842   steverbeaver   2019 Jul 9, 8:48pm  

Holy shit, a flock of KKKs just flew over my house!
103843   WookieMan   2019 Jul 10, 3:44am  

jazz_music says
I'm not the subject here.

You are though. You can’t keep posting pure rubbish and not become the subject. You stated the economy is awful and people can’t retire. Why?

If you want to start your own forum, post inaccurate crap and never counter when you’re called out, Patrick can help you with that. You have the ability to create your own echo chamber. But don’t get all testy when people with a more balanced and frankly knowledgeable view on the world call you out.
103844   WookieMan   2019 Jul 10, 4:45am  

jazz_music says
HeadSet says
Snide way of saying "I could not find any examples of these price increases."

We know that. You’re literally posting shit every day. So I suppose we owe you a thank you for it all.... I guess....
103845   Booger   2019 Jul 10, 5:38am  

Fake news!
103846   Shaman   2019 Jul 10, 10:07am  

One man can’t do it all, especially with the Femocrats taking him to court with everything he tries to do. I’m sure that Hilldabeast would have saved those jobs somehow.
103847   Shaman   2019 Jul 10, 11:01am  

Quite a take-down! Or should I say a Honk-down?
LOL couldn’t have happened to a nicer idiot.
103848   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 10, 11:05am  

Quigley says
Quite a take-down! Or should I say a Honk-down?
LOL couldn’t have happened to a nicer idiot.

could be old or photoshopped, plus you never know who paid for the signs. 5 signs in a nation is hardly an epidemic either way. hell, we have way way more liberal racists who outright hate white people here in CA.
103849   Shaman   2019 Jul 10, 11:36am  

Why do you hate freedom?
103850   Bd6r   2019 Jul 10, 11:37am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Why is everyone Trump knows a pederast?

We know now that Trump whores himself out for $189K. Pretty good price...
103851   Bd6r   2019 Jul 10, 11:40am  

jazz_music says
In order to maintain this system, of international dictatorship or empire, the most essential tool is deceit, of the electorate, by the aristocracy.

For example, a very good piece of deceit is the following:
Police shoots black people because of tRUMP and white privilege. At the same time, police in cities where black people are shot answer to City hall/Mayor which are not only Democratic, but also black in many cases (Baltimore, Houston, etc). Oh wait...tRUMP orders black Democratic mayors to train police to shoot black people...interesting logic
103852   Bd6r   2019 Jul 10, 11:52am  

jazz_music says
But you see how partisan considerations keep us from pursuing meaningful action

Agreed on that - but the collective left should stop marginalization of poor whites. It is in interests of Masters of Universe that we talk about race, gender, sexual orientation, guns, God, and not about the fact that it is difficult for a poor person of any race to get ahead because he does not belong to the Chosen ones who are bailed out even if they fail miserably, or because attending Harvards of the world (admission mostly by connections) automatically puts you in a circle of cronies that will help you screw over everyone else.
103853   Bd6r   2019 Jul 10, 11:58am  

jazz_music says
And police department policies make it very very easy for officers to shoot first and ask questions later. ... all while on illegal steroids even.

The issues are 1. police departments are directly answering to supposedly "progressive" city halls who do nothing to stop police crimes while bloviating about monster racist tRUMP, 2. police unions supported by the collective Left get police off in nearly every case - a few honest trials and police would become reasonable and law-abiding - now they are above law, and 3. collective Right see police as "law and order" whose reputation has to be protected at all costs.
103854   Hircus   2019 Jul 10, 12:01pm  

jazz_music says
But none of that compares to the BS Fox conjures up

You really seem blind to the divisive propaganda of the left. I saw this on Vox today, which is very typical for left wing media.

These identity-centric lies which attempt to further the agenda that "white people are evil racists" are THE REASON racial tensions are so high. Black people see this crap and think "The white ppl are killing us. Look! The media is even telling us! The politicians are even telling us! White people are RACISTS!!!!"

Supporting this vile disease called identity politics, the left's cherished creation, is despicable. You complain when white people organize to defend themselves from this crap, yet you turn a blind eye to the cause.
103855   Heraclitusstudent   2019 Jul 10, 12:04pm  

100 yrs from now, the human population on this planet will be around 12 billions, out of which 500 millions or about 4% will be white, and even these will be largely mixed.

As a comparison, neanderthal DNA in the human gene pool is about 2%.

In other words, whites are going extinct, sailing to the undying land, and nothing will change this at this point.

So worrying about white supremacy is like worrying about a measles outbreak. People are vaccinated. There are a few cases here and there, but the virus is on its way out.
103856   epitaph   2019 Jul 10, 12:06pm  

Is the return of McCarthyism except you replace imaginary commies with imaginary racists? I feel like real racism it pretty much dead but accusations of racism are at an all time high.
103857   Ceffer   2019 Jul 10, 12:06pm  

The Great LibbyFuck Editorialization and Re-Casting of the Epstein scandal to make it ALL TRUMP'S FAULT! Ivy League and Seven Sister Rich Kid Lesbians imported from New Yorker to handle spotlighting of Trump and character assassinations! Exonerate Dem Stinking Turds, while framing Trump, AGAIN!

103858   zzyzzx   2019 Jul 10, 12:15pm  

103859   zzyzzx   2019 Jul 10, 12:23pm  

103860   socal2   2019 Jul 10, 12:54pm  

jazz_music says
Ok now you are comparing Vox to Fox ... come on now, there is really no comparison there.

Ha ha! The juicebox mafia children running Vox are considered some sort of gold standard?

Once their venture capital money runs out, they will be unemployed like the rest of the Buzzfeed and Vice SJW activist children who spend their days writing about cats, race and gay issues and wondering why they have no paying audience.
103861   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 10, 1:01pm  

This is the only thing you need to realize, that there most definitely a fix in. It will be a controlled matter if Trump allows the Deep State to handle it.
My guess will be Epstein commits Suicide in the coming months. And Comey's daughter was put on the case, so everybody will look past the strange circumstances he shoots himself three times in the back of the head. We will all be so fixated that the fix is in with Comey.

103862   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jul 10, 1:13pm  

Problem with WikiPedia is that all the SJW's are simply rewriting information once they don't like reality.
103863   zzyzzx   2019 Jul 10, 1:25pm  

103864   Hircus   2019 Jul 10, 1:54pm  

jazz_music says
Hey, where is the evidence that they are lying?


Ok now you are comparing Vox to Fox ... come on now, there is really no comparison there.

One way to lie is to give lopsided coverage. You see many headlines that reduce to "white man bad", "white man hurt a _(insert minority)". This delivers a powerful false message.

I am not, and have not, tried to compare news stations. I stated before that I think they all lie, a lot.

I am making fun of the sequence:
> left attacks white people, causing mass division and racial violence in exchange for political gain
> white people react, voting and acting to protect themselves from this attack
> left cries about their reaction, twisting their reaction to again use as "more evidence that white ppl are racist"

A decent # of my friends and family didnt like trump, but they felt it necessary to vote for him, or now finally see it, and with great reservation, plan to vote for him next election. They do not "hate brown ppl" or any of that junk. They hate the insanity dems are selling right now. They want the old dem party back, which was much more moderate and sensible.

I think it kills you that ppl vote for trump because the left sucks. You want to believe they vote for trump out of racism. It is this cognitive dissonance that makes you angry.
103865   socal2   2019 Jul 10, 2:01pm  

Hircus says
I think it kills you that ppl vote for trump because the left sucks.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I am in California and my vote doesn't really count anyway.

But I will crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump in 2020 - because the Democrat party has gone bat-shit crazy insane. Absolutely retarded insane. The Democrats need another 5 years in the political wilderness to learn a lesson and purge their party from insane.

Trump has governed much more conservatively than I expected and has moved the ball quite a bit in the Conservative direction.
103866   Hircus   2019 Jul 10, 2:07pm  

socal2 says
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I am in California and my vote doesn't really count anyway.

But I will crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump in 2020 - because the Democrat party has gone bat-shit crazy insane.


In 2016 I was interested in him, but was skeptical. I bought into the narrative that he was unhinged, and it worried me. I felt he could get the right things done, like a steamroller, but worried he may cause destruction.

But, CA is so blue that I felt my vote wouldn't matter either way, so didn't vote.

I now strongly support him, and will vote against a tidal wave of "free shit" peddling dems. Even if CA still votes blue, I'd be happy to just see some of the blue / red gap shrink.
103867   mell   2019 Jul 10, 2:39pm  

jazz_music says
Except that Obama fucked them by giving us health insurance.

You couldn't be more wrong - Obummer fucked everybody by giving the health insurance companies more money and robbing the common taxpayer. Obummercare is worse than the system before and has been leading to a net-net decline in the health of Americans.
103868   Hircus   2019 Jul 10, 2:44pm  

jazz_music says
585 billionaires already have plans for every penny of our taxes.

Free shit is for billionaires only.

I will say it again - the fact that the dems suck so bad right now is pushing people to trump. Dems are not giving them what they want. They telling them junk like "those jobs aint comin back" and people know its crap.

I keep seeing over and over this denial that people are unhappy with the dems. "The dems are wonderful. So, the ONLY POSSIBLE reason they would vote for trump is because they must be racist." Your last post was dismissive of all the realistic gripes ppl had w/ obama. Denial.
103869   Hircus   2019 Jul 10, 3:27pm  

jazz_music says
Hircus says
Your last post was dismissive of all the realistic gripes ppl had w/ obama
No it wasn't

My bad, I misread it.

I agree trump is a corrupt dbag. He's very extreme - in both bad and good aspects. I don't see a better candidate right now.
103870   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 10, 3:47pm  

Look at the lefties towing Russian propaganda line again. Poor innocent (Soviet bitch) Saddam, poor innocent (Russia's bitch) Maduro, poor innocent (Soviet/Russia's bitch) Assad, etc. ravaged by eeeeeevil Uncle Sam for no reason. Afghanistan was much less of a shithole before fucking USSR decided to make a socialist paradize out of it first by installing their puppet government and then by invading it ouright. Now it's a fucking mess. Africa was much less of a shithole before fucking USSR decided to use it as proxy battleground under a pretense of "anti-colonial movement". Now it's a fucking mess. Same goes for Latin America.

If Truman dropped the fucking bomb on Moscow in 1948 the world woul've been a much better place.
103871   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 10, 3:52pm  

Syria was Sunni Fanatics, not the USA. They appeared when Obama withdrew the US troops before the Iraqi Army was ready, and then ISIS took over half of Iraq and 2/3 of Syria.
Venezuela - jack shit to do with the USA.
South Sudan - jack shit to do with the USA.
Afghanistan - should be NO refugees from Afghanistan, that country has been in a Civil War since the 1970s and like the Dark Ages since the days of Alexander and the Persians. I don't think a centralized government there has lasted more than a century, tops, in the past 2000 years. We pumped a SHITLOAD of money into Afghanistan from WW2 to the 1970s, built irrigation, dams, roads, all kinds of shit. The SOVIETS overthrew the King and the Jurga Parliament thing, then the Communist Afghans ended up fighting the Religious Nuts. The SOVIETS are ultimately responsible for Afghanistan. Not Alexander nor the Mongols nor the British Empire nor the USSR was ever able to order that Country for more than a century, max - if at all.
Congo - Jack shit to do with the USA
Central America - We have been pumping factories and jobs into Central America like fucking crazy since the 90s. No Civil War there since the late 80s/90s. They are purely economic migrants. Now that they have flat screens and satellite/cable and smartphones with 3G, they see the handouts and lifestyle in the US and prefer it. That's a no reason for asylum and certainly not to be refugees.

Imagine if Central Americans, who enjoy a standard of living several times better than the 50s-70s, invested their time and effort at home instead of spending it to get to the US and sign up to welfare while working off the books.
103872   Bd6r   2019 Jul 10, 4:25pm  

jazz_music says
SANDERS looking good still

ELIZABETH WARREN strong comeback after that native scandal

TULSI GABBARD also stand against billionaires

NO - lie for your own benefit and you lose credibility and open yourself to blackmail
YES - I gave to Gabbard campaign, first time I gave to any politician since Ron Paul. I doubt she will be chosen tho
103873   Bd6r   2019 Jul 10, 4:30pm  

jazz_music says
Yet you are cool with Trump????

I do not like him, did not vote for him, did not give money to his campaign (and never will), but he was a giant FUCK YOU for the system which I appreciate. If I keep being told that i am a "Fucking White Male, Oppressor of Womyn and Minorities who should never be hired" I might vote for him, unless Ms. Gabbard is nominated, in which case i will vote for her as electing her also would be a FUCK YOU for the system where banks own everyone and everything.
103874   Onvacation   2019 Jul 10, 4:35pm  

jazz_music says
TULSI GABBARD also stand against billionaires

And war.

Why do you suppose the media is mostly ignorinf her? She's definitely a liberal but she seems well spoken, smart, and capable.
103875   Rin   2019 Jul 10, 4:57pm  

Yup, it's pathetic when a person, who looks no different from an "ethnic white" American of Sicilian, Georgian, or Armenian descent, plays the race card.

Geez, perhaps we need to move Vince Lombardi's family to the Sudan so that the HoF coach can get into Yale Law School as a discriminated against African-American.

103876   Ceffer   2019 Jul 10, 5:06pm  

No wonder Willie loved the handcuffs. Mandingo!
103877   HeadSet   2019 Jul 10, 5:16pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
jazz_music says

You don't need ELA to realize the font and the cars in the background make this likely long before the 90s and probably the 70s or 60s.


Yes, notice the '59 Chevy in the background.

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