by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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Why is everyone Trump knows a pederast?
In order to maintain this system, of international dictatorship or empire, the most essential tool is deceit, of the electorate, by the aristocracy.
But you see how partisan considerations keep us from pursuing meaningful action
And police department policies make it very very easy for officers to shoot first and ask questions later. ... all while on illegal steroids even.
But none of that compares to the BS Fox conjures up
Ok now you are comparing Vox to Fox ... come on now, there is really no comparison there.
Hey, where is the evidence that they are lying?
Ok now you are comparing Vox to Fox ... come on now, there is really no comparison there.
I think it kills you that ppl vote for trump because the left sucks.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I am in California and my vote doesn't really count anyway.
But I will crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump in 2020 - because the Democrat party has gone bat-shit crazy insane.
Except that Obama fucked them by giving us health insurance.
585 billionaires already have plans for every penny of our taxes.
Free shit is for billionaires only.
Hircus saysYour last post was dismissive of all the realistic gripes ppl had w/ obamaNo it wasn't
SANDERS looking good still
ELIZABETH WARREN strong comeback after that native scandal
TULSI GABBARD also stand against billionaires
Yet you are cool with Trump????
TULSI GABBARD also stand against billionaires
jazz_music says
You don't need ELA to realize the font and the cars in the background make this likely long before the 90s and probably the 70s or 60s.
So they can justify their own violence.
I must have missed that part.
Trump / Gabbard 2020
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