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103897   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 11, 5:20pm  

georgeliberte says

Cough up these reparations, motherfucker!
103898   WillPowers   2019 Jul 11, 5:40pm  

Saikat Chakrabarti is a socialist Democrat who worships "Che" Guevara, an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, and would like nothing better to turn America into a communist hell hole: https://www.redstate.com/alexparker/2019/07/09/cant-stop-wont-stop-aocs-chief-staff-wears-shirt-supporting-nazi-sympathizer/
103899   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jul 11, 5:55pm  

One unfortunate problem with the harassment from mainstream media, various SJWs, virtue signalers, and the corrupt deep state is that many people are scared to work for Trump. Thus the pool of potential hires is greatly reduced. Just look at the horrible deal Flynn got: after enough threats from the deep state he was pressured into pleading guilty to lying to the FBI even though the FBI report stated that they didn't think he was lying. Manafort, while definitely scummy, only got taken down because he worked for Trump; Podesta, who did the same kind of things and much worse, roams free because he worked for the Clintons instead.
103900   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 11, 6:17pm  

Tim Aurora says
Not sure what is the accusation here. Is it that she is not black or she is not qualified. She may or may not be a descendant of a slave or a slave owner but how does the disqualify her from being a president or

It's for Dem base to decide how exactly does it disqualify her. :evil_cackle:
103901   Ceffer   2019 Jul 11, 6:19pm  

Well, pandertarding hooker-fu may not be such a terrible thing in a President, since our nation has decided that flagrant and unembarrassed corruption are the orders of the day.
103902   Shaman   2019 Jul 11, 6:32pm  

He also hired AOC for her role.
103903   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 11, 7:11pm  

Tim Aurora says
Not sure what is the accusation here. Is it that she is not black or she is not qualified. She may or may not be a descendant of a slave or a slave owner but how does the disqualify her from being a president or

Well, According to the Left, America is fundamentally flawed for having some Ancestors that practiced Slavery.

Therefore, Kamala Harris is fundamentally flawed for having some Ancestors that practiced Slavery. And cannot be President.
103904   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 11, 7:14pm  

Just when it seems jazz cant go anymore clownworld on us
103905   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 11, 7:26pm  

Vee (a Bosnian Swede) went to Germany and had a great on the ground video about how, just like in the USA, the Rapefugees are dumped on the working people and almost totally absent from the "City Center"/"Financial District" where the Banks and Wealthy live.

Can't find it right now but here's his channel.

103906   Ceffer   2019 Jul 11, 7:38pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
Well, According to the Left, America is fundamentally flawed for having some Ancestors that practiced Slavery.

Therefore, Kamala Harris is fundamentally flawed for having some Ancestors that practiced Slavery. And cannot be President.

Are you trying to apply logic? They don't need no stinkin' LOGIC! They need appeals to the craven, the grasping, and the convenient. Forebrain activities are verboten.
103907   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 11, 10:03pm  

Tim Aurora says
All she is asking is the reparation for slaved descendants as a group. Her father and mother were both immigrants so she is neither paying nor receiving.

You know that ain't gonna fly.

What about a Cajun, who had children with a former slaveowner in 1875? Her offspring gonna get reparations even though Colonel Sanders gave her an apartment and got their kids cushy jobs?
103908   Bd6r   2019 Jul 12, 7:48am  

HonkpilledMaster says
Rapefugees are dumped on the working people and almost totally absent from the "City Center"/"Financial District" where the Banks and Wealthy live.

Not too different from situation in US, I gather. I do not think illegals live in Malibu, which is populated by Virtue Signallers from Hollywood...
103909   clambo   2019 Jul 12, 8:22am  

"What's orange and sleeps 4? A Caltrans truck."

California has declared war on people with money to pay for the illegals and their spawn, the homeless, the parents of H1B visas, and goldbrick government workers.

Three guys and a female I worked with in the 80's left our company to work for various counties/cities in California; they're all rich now and retired.

I was offered a position in San Francisco; the girl who worked for me took the job and I did my own thing self employed. She later said she was bored playing Tetris because her work load was so small. She was not an idle or lazy person so this drove her slightly nuts. She was hit driving while during work duties by some San Francisco idiot and she got slightly hurt and left with a check for her small injury. Today she is living in the Caribbean someplace happy as a clam.

I have a ton of stories of people I know in Santa Cruz illegally how much they abuse the system and how much they cost us all. It boggles my mind how they get away with it.

Gasoline is probaby $1+ more expensive in CA than in FL .
103910   zzyzzx   2019 Jul 12, 8:37am  

103911   Bd6r   2019 Jul 12, 8:46am  

zzyzzx says
Hundreds of California government workers earn more than $500,000 a year — and that’s just the tip of the public-employee compensation iceberg.

Limit ALL public worker pay to US President salary (ca. 420K). Why would the Leader of Free World be paid less than Supervisor of Crap Removal in Orange County...for that matter limit nonprofit pay also to max 420K.
103912   WookieMan   2019 Jul 12, 11:00am  

Tim Aurora says
Anything Trumpsters do not like can be blamed on MSM, deep state etc. Let us keep bogey man alive. Let us stick to the argument.

Who have you hired? I don't even care about the media. IF you've hired anyone in your life, I'm sure you knocked it out of the park 100% of the time. They stay with your company forever. Never leave. Never fuck up. Perfection is easy.

This is the expectation the left is portraying. Like they've never fucking had to fire or let someone go... Jesus the retardation is hitting epic levels now that the Russia investigation went to shit.
103913   Bd6r   2019 Jul 12, 12:17pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Acosta is exactly the kind of twisted twit that gets stuffed into a penitentiary

Way too rich and connected for that. Either gets off with nothing, or if he knows too much, will shoot himself in head 10 times
103914   HeadSet   2019 Jul 12, 12:37pm  

I don't get it. What is the deal with Biden carrying pizza boxes?
103915   Bd6r   2019 Jul 12, 12:41pm  

No hypocrisy whatsoever...
103916   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 12, 1:16pm  

OccasionalCortex says
“This project will have a significant effect on the environment due to these unusual circumstances, including by attracting additional homeless persons, open drug and alcohol use, crime, daily emergency calls, public urination and defecation, and other nuisances,”

Can't say they are wrong there.
103917   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 12, 1:21pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Hugolas_Madurez says
Can't say they are wrong there.

But that has nothing to do with the environment.

Of course it does: environment is everyting around us. ;)
103918   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jul 12, 1:47pm  

Tim Aurora says
BTW, he has declared bankruptcy many times , meaning his businesses have failed miserably earlier.

When all else fails... pull out the red herring!

4 failures out of 40 is fantastic. Of course you set up each project as a separate business; that way investors can pick and choose which projects they like and not be saddled with other projects that they don't like. Maybe you'll claim that somehow Trump tricked investors into financing these projects, but there's been no talk of that and until there is, these examples are nothing more than examples of Trump playing by the rules.

Oh but wait, we know "orange man bad" because he gets sued a lot. Well, guess what... construction business is full of threats and lawsuits. And guess what else... people and corporations with the most money get sued the most no matter what. Next you'll be telling us that Apple is pure evil because: https://www.appleworld.today/blog/2015/8/6/apple-hangs-onto-its-title-as-the-most-sued-company
103919   georgeliberte   2019 Jul 12, 1:48pm  

Still a better love stor(ies) than Twilight.
103920   Shaman   2019 Jul 12, 2:04pm  

Trump is a guy who actually tried to trademark the phrase, “YOURE FIRED!”
And we expect him not to use it as President?
Good Lord.
103921   Onvacation   2019 Jul 12, 2:14pm  

Tim Aurora says
he sold his soul to the devil and hired Russia. Even Hillary would not stoop so low.

Do you really believe this in spite of all the evidence to the contrary?
103922   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 12, 2:33pm  

"If vampires do not have a blood flow, how does Edward get an erection to impregnate Bella in Twilight?"
103923   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jul 12, 3:27pm  

Onvacation says
Tim Aurora says
he sold his soul to the devil and hired Russia. Even Hillary would not stoop so low.

Do you really believe this in spite of all the evidence to the contrary?

Since we all know Hillary actually did hire Russia, I'd say this is just a little bit of trolling.
103924   georgeliberte   2019 Jul 12, 3:27pm  

“This project will have a significant effect on the environment due to these unusual circumstances, including by attracting additional homeless persons, open drug and alcohol use, crime, daily emergency calls, public urination and defecation, and other nuisances,”
Isn't that true of all homeless situations, including street defecation?
But, I wonder how affluent SF environmentalists would handle this solution to land shortage:
103925   georgeliberte   2019 Jul 12, 3:28pm  

103927   WookieMan   2019 Jul 13, 9:54am  

Tim Aurora says
Compare him with other presidents. Trump does not hire best people but hires sycophants. That is a recipe for disaster

So compare him with other presidents that hire based on donations and politics? I actually think it's great that he's firing people. Why hire someone basically based on patronage and think that's a good thing for the country? Not saying Trump has hired people that have done shit for him, but he's at least willing to fire them. Is this a bad thing? This logic doesn't compute.
103928   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2019 Jul 13, 10:22am  

Tim Aurora says
BTW, he has declared bankruptcy many times , meaning his businesses have failed miserably earlier.

Yeah, that casino in Guam was a spectacularly bad idea!
103929   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 13, 2:02pm  

The real question is why did Stonetear, Lisa Page, etc. get immunity. What did they trade immunity for?

It's very strange for investigators/prosecutors to give immunity in return for nothing - unless they want to protect friendly allies in an investigation meant to be a bogus whitewash.
103930   Booger   2019 Jul 13, 3:08pm  

103931   Booger   2019 Jul 13, 3:11pm  

HeadSet says
I don't get it. What is the deal with Biden carrying pizza boxes?

103932   Hircus   2019 Jul 13, 3:18pm  

lol @ politifact

"My liberal propaganda outlet says your news is biased!"

Bing search for: politifact bias

Results look like:
103933   Y   2019 Jul 13, 3:44pm  

Fox has 2 genders
MSNBC has 51
What else do you need to know?
103934   WillPowers   2019 Jul 13, 3:46pm  

Daily Kos is fake News for libtards who want to believe...

What they offer is opinion journalism masquerading as journalism:

QUOTE: The mission of Fox News from its inception was to advance the agenda of America's conservatives

The fact is Murdochs' sons have taken over and they are more left leaning, because they want to be invited to all the best parties and because they are Fox, the elites in their ivory tower don't accept them. That is why scared little men run from Fox, because they don't want to be tagged as a racist Trump supporter. This is a feeling, not a reality.

FACT: Fox hires more Demorats than Republicans and tries at least to be fair and balanced unlike CNN which will only hire anti-Trumpers,

Another dishonest post by Jazz and Daily Kos. Sad to see your reading material is so low class. Not that Fox is so great, but at least they have Tucker and he tells the truth. That's why they hate him so much at CNN and libtards in general.
103935   Hircus   2019 Jul 13, 4:05pm  

jazz_music says
I knew you would never contradict the story, just impugn the source.

lol?! Oh the irony...
103936   Bd6r   2019 Jul 13, 4:31pm  

Fox not really being news does not change fact that CNNPC and MSNPC are not news as well

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