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Any person who advocates liberty of thought, speech, or action.
The danger is real.
We could certainly use some of that revolutionary outrage today.
Hircus says
Yet, they don't want free speech. Espescially in schools. They think it's terrific that schools and colleges have this extreme liberal indoctrination bias, and are happy to take action to silence and shame anyone who dares to exercise "freedom of speech". Dissenting opinions are "hate speech". Enlightenment has been replaced with indoctrination. For fucking reals.
You've been listening to Wayne too much.
He makes up new lies every day and posts them on "liberals are ... " I call bullshit on all that.
It is high time that the left vocally rejects the right-wing myth that immigration, even on a large scale, is incompatible with safety and prosperity. Wealthy countries can, and indeed must, accept and manage migration en masse, now and in the coming years. The alternative is intolerable.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s all-too-brief willingness to open her country’s doors to refugees in 2015 offered a glimpse of what a reasonable response to mass migration could look like. “We’ll manage it,” the famously pragmatic leader said. And she was right: Germany, a wealthy nation of 82 million, could manage the 800,000 refugees registered in 2015. Yet, like the rest of Europe, German policy swiftly turned away from “welcome culture” toward swift deportations and harsh deterrence efforts; the paranoiac xenophobia of Europe’s far-right won the day.
Not sure what is the accusation here. Is it that she is not black or she is not qualified. She may or may not be a descendant of a slave or a slave owner but how does the disqualify her from being a president or
Not sure what is the accusation here. Is it that she is not black or she is not qualified. She may or may not be a descendant of a slave or a slave owner but how does the disqualify her from being a president or
Well, According to the Left, America is fundamentally flawed for having some Ancestors that practiced Slavery.
Therefore, Kamala Harris is fundamentally flawed for having some Ancestors that practiced Slavery. And cannot be President.
All she is asking is the reparation for slaved descendants as a group. Her father and mother were both immigrants so she is neither paying nor receiving.
Rapefugees are dumped on the working people and almost totally absent from the "City Center"/"Financial District" where the Banks and Wealthy live.
Hundreds of California government workers earn more than $500,000 a year — and that’s just the tip of the public-employee compensation iceberg.
Anything Trumpsters do not like can be blamed on MSM, deep state etc. Let us keep bogey man alive. Let us stick to the argument.
Acosta is exactly the kind of twisted twit that gets stuffed into a penitentiary
“This project will have a significant effect on the environment due to these unusual circumstances, including by attracting additional homeless persons, open drug and alcohol use, crime, daily emergency calls, public urination and defecation, and other nuisances,”
Hugolas_Madurez saysCan't say they are wrong there.
But that has nothing to do with the environment.
BTW, he has declared bankruptcy many times , meaning his businesses have failed miserably earlier.
he sold his soul to the devil and hired Russia. Even Hillary would not stoop so low.
Tim Aurora sayshe sold his soul to the devil and hired Russia. Even Hillary would not stoop so low.
Do you really believe this in spite of all the evidence to the contrary?
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