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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,234,572 views  44,064 comments

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1728   Onvacation   2019 Jul 25, 6:50am  

HonkpilledMaster says
Okay, I'll bite.

1: to drag a lure behind a moving boat in hopes of catching a fish.
2: a person who intentionally antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments
3: a dwarf that lives in caves or under bridges waiting for children to victimize.
1729   georgeliberte   2019 Jul 25, 7:12am  

Forgotten questions:
Is this part of your Euro-white male need to colonize everything?
BY '"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.' were you expressing White Male contempt and rage against women and people of color, threatening to step on them and leap over them?
1730   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 25, 9:04am  

Marcus are you that stupid? NO Exhoneration?

You do realize this America and innocence is a immutable right for every American?

Prosecution has to establish Guilt, not Innocence you silly knucklehead!

Again SJW is Politics for Stupid.
1731   clambo   2019 Jul 25, 9:08am  

There was no reason for any investigation in the first place; there was no crime even being assumed. Nothing Trump was accused of doing is a crime.

Even assuming that Trump Campaign cooperated/colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary this is not a crime.

The entire witch hunt investigation was improper, unethical and a gross abuse of power.

It's frightening to me that someone who is politically unpopular with the bureaucrats and losers can be investigated and harassed when there is no basis for law enforcement to even talk to him.

Luckily for us this shit is going nowhere.
1732   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Jul 25, 9:10am  

And remember he is a teacher. That’s what’s teaching next generation of Americans how to be good obedient socialist slaves.

Tenpoundbass says
Marcus are you that stupid? NO Exhoneration?

You do realize this America and innocence is a immutable right for every American?

Prosecution has to establish Guilt, not Innocence you silly knucklehead!

Again SJW is Politics for Stupid.
1734   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 25, 9:14am  

clambo says

Even assuming that Trump Campaign cooperated/colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary this is not a crime.

That was admitted yesterday in an interview. They talked about making election reform laws that would make it a crime.

Liberals convict first make laws after.
1735   Onvacation   2019 Jul 25, 9:26am  

marcus says

Like the democrats are now?
1737   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 25, 10:00am  

Hardcore Far Left: Mueller Did Great, Impeach Trump
Literally Everybody Else:

1738   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 25, 10:02am  

Everybody Else, Cont.:

Wow, even Maggie Haberman couldn't kiss the frog on this one.
1740   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 25, 10:10am  

marcus says
Donald Trump: (over and over and over and over) "the Mueller report totally exonerates me !"

Democrat congressmen to Mueller: "Does your report exonerate Trump (obviously referring to but not explicitly Trump's and republican's repeated claim that it does) ?

Mueller: "No"

Republicans lecture Mueller and America: "You idiots, it's not the prosecutors job to exonerate the President !"

Fox News: "Let's see if we can make this the big take away from the hearings ! The last thing we want it to be is the fact that if Trump wasn't the President, he would be indicted for obstruction of justice. "

Fact Check:

When a special counsel with unlimited powers and tens of millions in funding spends 2 years investigating you and comes up with no recommendations for your indictment you've effectively been exonerated.

We rate Donald's Claim above MOSTLY TRUE.

For the Democrats to continue is a Witchhunt. Not a fishing expedition, since Mueller covered so much of the pond there's nowhere left to set the lines.
1742   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 25, 11:01am  

Putin is enjoying Liberals implode. They are failing around the world. The world is rejoicing.

You keep doing your part OK Marcus. You keep encouraging them to make foolish mistakes we can all laugh at.

Like trying on your best outfit for your Nanna.

1743   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 25, 11:07am  

marcus says

Impressive logic, considering that we now know that indicting the President was off the table, regardless of how much evidence they had.

As for the big show, sure Mueller's testimony is not as damning as many on the right feared. But do you think anyone was really expecting there to ever be enough votes in the senate (let alone the house) to impeach Trump ?

Impeach Trump on what grounds? High Crimes and Misdemeanors after a 2-year, multi-million, unlimited special counsel investigation failed to find so much as Trump removing the fire warning tag from his Mattress?
1744   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 25, 11:28am  

marcus says

He stated publicly after the report was first released. That the Can't impeach sitting president rule had nothing to do with his decision to not indict.

Nice try though.

That was why he had to recant his previous testimony. Look Mueller is not as Sharp as the people's he's locked up in this witch hunt.

He lied under oath but will probably not get in trouble for it.
1746   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 25, 11:37am  

marcus says

This isn't hard.

There was nothing preventing Mueller from listing charges he felt Trump should be charged with. Indeed, his job was to investigate Collusion.

Congress would then take the next step, which is to impeach for High Crimes and Misdemeanors referred in his Report.

He failed to find anything criminal to list.
1749   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 25, 11:49am  

marcus says

Actually all the forms of possible obstruction are detailed . Read the report.

A relevant video from yesterday:


Stop saying "Read the Report", I'm not going to waste my life reading hundreds of pages of nonsense. I know it's simply wishful thinking and an attempt by Leftists to make it appear there is some wrong doing in there that is actionable (via Impeachment or otherwise), when we all know there isn't, or we'd be hearing specifics as to what it was, and we would have heard the same things endlessly starting many months ago.

The fact is Trump was accused of no crime, nor obstruction, by Mueller. Everything else is just desperate attempts to keep the door open to impeachment on nothing.

The real story is all the fake news Bombshells that turned out to be completely fabricated or erroneous.
1750   HeadSet   2019 Jul 25, 11:50am  

Marcus, that video disproves your point.
1751   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 25, 11:54am  

Mueller is in deep legal trouble for not actually knowing a damn thing about his own investigation. But the bottom feeders are to obtuse to even realize it.
1752   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 25, 12:00pm  

marcus says


Biased website. Sid Blumenthal is a notorious biased impeachment Dem, his name is all over the site.

POTUS can fire the FBI Director for any or no reason. It's an unbounded Presidential power and cannot be Obstruction.
Nor is it Obstruction to ask a private citizen to ask somebody to reconsider Recusing themselves.
The President can even fire and appoint new acting AGs in succession endlessly if he wants. An unbounded power that cannot be Obstruction.
1753   HeadSet   2019 Jul 25, 12:00pm  

Of course, both McGahn and Lewandowski avoided carrying out the president’s orders.

Were these men fired for not carrying out the orders? Since nobody was fired, and the "orders" were not carried out, it is just a likely those men convinced the President or the President deferred to their judgement on these issues. One cannot be prosecuted for actions one thought about, but never carried out. If this is all you have for "obstruction," you are really digging. No collusion, so lets dig deep to compose a process crime.
1754   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 25, 12:01pm  

HeadSet says
Were these men fired for not carrying out the orders? Since nobody was fired, and the "orders" were not carried out, it is just a likely those men convinced the President or the President deferred to their judgement on these issues. One cannot be prosecuted for actions one thought about, but never carried out. If this is all you have for "obstruction," you are really digging. No collusion, so lets dig deep to compose a process crime.

Yep, it's Straining at Gnats. If we're at this point, talking about things that Trump reportedly said to others that never were implemented, there really is nothing.

If Trump said "Do something, lie to federal officials investigating the matter about the fact I told you to do it and/or that it was ever done." and it actually went down, THEN that might be obstruction of justice.
If Trump said "I want you to do X. Why can't you do X?" to advisors and it was not done, that's not obstruction. If it was, almost everybody with advisors/legal counsel would be guilty of obstruction.
1756   HeadSet   2019 Jul 25, 12:21pm  

Tenpoundbass says

I do not think it was the Russian government that gave the $145 million. I recall that money came from the Canadian who profited from the deal.
1757   Onvacation   2019 Jul 25, 12:56pm  

jazz_music says
This is overdue for Trump.

Something for the churches to do for the nation.

That's sick.
1760   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 25, 2:07pm  


1763   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 25, 2:10pm  

1764   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 25, 2:23pm  

marcus says
Obviously five photos of hate against Bush were the required response. Do you think this Mueller thing has HPM triggered just a little.

jazz_music says
that is an effigy of Obama hanging there.

Yep. Just to show that it's not necessarily RACIST! EVIL! WHITE SUPREMACISTS! That do things with Presidential Effigies. Nor is it UNPRECEDENTED! RISE! OF! HATE!

1765   Onvacation   2019 Jul 25, 3:27pm  

jazz_music says
Onvacation says
That's sick.
that is an effigy of Obama hanging there.

How do you like it now?

I know what it is. Sick.

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