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1   clambo   2019 Aug 19, 6:36pm  

California is easy to commit voter fraud. I saw more evidence of it today. The contrast with Florida is huge.

I got jury duty and they told us that we were off the hook for 2 years; but we may be called again in error because there are databases 1. California driver's license 2. California registered voters.

"There is some duplication in our system of summons; this is because some people are registered to vote using nicknames and they can differ from their true names which are the only ones used by the California DMV."

So, any asshole almost who feels like it can register to vote in California.

When you vote in California you 1. do not show ID 2. say you are the person listed in a large print out of names of registered voters.
2   OneTwo   2019 Aug 19, 8:06pm  

Utterly baseless nonsense. Laughable in every respect. Your idol just can’t accept he lost the popular vote, which demonstrates how fundamentally insecure he is.
3   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 19, 8:15pm  

Yeah, there's also the "Honor System" in Washington.

"We know there's no Voter Fraud, because there's no evidence of Voter Fraud (because we deliberately don't have any vetting of voters)".
4   OneTwo   2019 Aug 19, 8:19pm  

HonkpilledMaster says
Yeah, there's also the "Honor System" in Washington.

"We know there's no Voter Fraud, because there's no evidence of Voter Fraud (because we deliberately don't have any vetting of voters)".

The panel TRUMP set up found no evidence of any substantive voter fraud.
5   Shaman   2019 Aug 19, 8:26pm  

OneTwo says
The panel TRUMP set up found no evidence of any substantive voter fraud.

The panel was denied access to most of the states voter rolls including those with the largest illegal immigrant populations. They didn’t have much to go on without access to the data, so they did nothing until they were finally disbanded.
Tell the truth, asshat!
6   OneTwo   2019 Aug 19, 8:31pm  

Quigley says
OneTwo says
The panel TRUMP set up found no evidence of any substantive voter fraud.

The panel was denied access to most of the states voter rolls including those with the largest illegal immigrant populations. They didn’t have much to go on without access to the data, so they did nothing until they were finally disbanded.
Tell the truth, asshat!

Hilarious. There is nothing to show that voter fraud is a serious issue. NOTHING. So how about you tell the truth. As for Trump’s latest tweet, why don’t you fill us in on the actual facts of that piece of ‘research’ - the one based on 21 undecided voters. Quite the extrapolation. Not to mention the discredited methodology.
7   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 19, 8:33pm  

CNN didn't report it as Judicial Watch and others uncovered it. They were too busy covering the Russia Collusion hoax.
8   OneTwo   2019 Aug 19, 8:34pm  

Tenpoundbass says
CNN didn't report it as Judicial Watch and others uncovered it. They were too busy covering the Russia Collusion hoax.

Nobody uncovered it as it was already shown to be a piece of nonsense ‘research’. And Russia did interfere in the election as has been demonstrated. Whether or not there was collusion isn’t really the part that is most important going forward.
9   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 19, 8:35pm  

Then we agree voter ID wont be an issue because it's all on the up and up anyway.
10   OneTwo   2019 Aug 19, 8:38pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Then we agree voter ID wont be an issue because it's all on the up and up anyway.

Everyone should be legally required to vote. Let’s see how that pans out...
11   Rin   2019 Aug 19, 8:49pm  

This was a tactic, used by Tammany Hall back in the mid-1800s. And thus, we have an electoral system which prevents big urban political machines from controlling the general national elections.

Realize (though many don't remember it), but had Kerry won Ohio in 2004, he would have lost the popular vote but won the electoral college. So the axe swings both directions. It's not like the Dems can't potentially win the electoral count if they campaign successfully in the swing states and not just in Boston, NYC, DC, Chicago, LA, and SF.
12   rdm   2019 Aug 19, 10:38pm  

Its clear that Trump has been looking at the polls and doesnt like what he sees: as in Fox polls that show him getting his ass kicked by most of the likely Dem nominees. I know, Fox now is fake news.

As he does with everything else, he is setting up a rationale for his impending 2020 loss. He must blame something or someone; the news media, ephemeral voter fraud, the fed, a 400 hundred pound fat guy on his bed, whatever dumbass thing he can put in a tweet that his cult will pee their pants over.
13   Rin   2019 Aug 19, 10:46pm  

Repeat after me, the city and ex-burbs of Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, DC, Chicago, LA, and SF do not decide the national election.
14   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 19, 11:16pm  

OneTwo says

Hilarious. There is nothing to show that voter fraud is a serious issue. NOTHING.

I just explained why.

Washington runs entirely on the Honor System, there is no vetting of who can vote. So there's also no way of checking if people who shouldn't be voting are voting.

"Absence of Evidence does not necessarily equal Evidence of Absence" - especially when the law is deliberately written in such a way.

Let me try to explain with an analogy.

Imagine if Medicare simply paid every submitted bill on the honor system, it had no system to track or investigate whether a bill was fraudulently submitted.

Some could then say "There's no evidence of Medicare Fraud" - because there is no system to vet incoming bills in this first place, therefore no way to check.
15   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 20, 5:44am  

OneTwo says
Everyone should be legally required to vote. Let’s see how that pans out...

Like I said voter ID tied to a Social Security Number. Your definition of "Everybody" is not very clear. And is the premise of this whole fucking thread!
16   Shaman   2019 Aug 20, 5:55am  

OneTwo says
Hilarious. There is nothing to show that voter fraud is a serious issue. NOTHING. So how about you tell the truth.

I did. You are just deflecting, running away from the truth bomb I just destroyed your argument with. So you try to task me? Hah! This ain’t my first rodeo, and you ain’t John Wayne. You got owned.
17   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 20, 5:58am  

This is how Hillary won the popular vote

18   WookieMan   2019 Aug 20, 6:01am  

OneTwo says
Utterly baseless nonsense. Laughable in every respect. Your idol just can’t accept he lost the popular vote, which demonstrates how fundamentally insecure he is.

Even if there's verifiable proof there was manipulation you'd likely find another problem with the data or something else being accused. It really is nauseating how much shit is being thrown at the wall by the left and nothing is sticking. I didn't vote for Trump in '16, but it's actions like this on forums, social media, reg. media that are pushing people to want to vote for Trump for no other reason than to shut people the fuck up.

People, including Trump himself need to stop focusing on the popular vote. It means DICK. Nothing. Trump should be happy that he outsmarted and out campaigned a career politician with a massive war chest of $$$$ and beat her. The electoral college system works beautifully. I don't live in CA but have been there enough and heard enough, that I know that's what I don't want the country to look like. They've managed to fuck up one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

Rin lays out EXACTLY why the electoral college exists in his above comment. Look at those cities. Travel to them. Get back to me on the popular vote after you do that.
20   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 20, 7:35am  

Oh yeah Hillary debunking anything is Shit your pants funny.
21   OneTwo   2019 Aug 20, 9:04am  

Quigley says
OneTwo says
Hilarious. There is nothing to show that voter fraud is a serious issue. NOTHING. So how about you tell the truth.

I did. You are just deflecting, running away from the truth bomb I just destroyed your argument with. So you try to task me? Hah! This ain’t my first rodeo, and you ain’t John Wayne. You got owned.

There has been no research done anywhere that has shown widespread voter fraud. None. Quite the opposite in fact. You are making claims devoid of evidence, just as that non-tenured professor did with his vacuous piece of research. I may as well make the claim that Fox’s constant partisan coverage is worth far more votes to Trump than he loses with any supposed bias in Google algorithms (for which there is also no evidence). I’m pretty sure any number of researchers could drum up a paper to ‘prove’ this.
22   OneTwo   2019 Aug 20, 9:10am  

WookieMan says
OneTwo says
Utterly baseless nonsense. Laughable in every respect. Your idol just can’t accept he lost the popular vote, which demonstrates how fundamentally insecure he is.

Even if there's verifiable proof there was manipulation you'd likely find another problem with the data or something else being accused.

No, if there was verifiable proof (of voter fraud? - there’s already proof of attempted manipulation by the Russians), then you would have demonstrated the existence of a serious problem. Notice the use of the conditional in your sentence. You just admitted the evidence for widespread voter fraud doesn’t exist.
23   Shaman   2019 Aug 20, 9:12am
According to a poll of registered Hispanic voters in 2013, 13% said they were not citizens.

Annnnnd citizenship is never verified at any point in the voter registration process. And it’s not allowed to be verified. We don’t know how many non citizens are registered to vote and we never will as long as these corrupt practices continue.
24   OneTwo   2019 Aug 20, 9:24am  

Again, none of that is proof of widespread voter fraud, let alone the 3m or so votes Trump has been claiming for the past few years. You and Trump are indulging in evidence free extrapolation, and have now apparently become certain of the accuracy of one-off small sample polling data. Funny that.

As I’ve said, make it a legal requirement for all citizens to vote, but we all know that is the last thing Republicans want.
25   Bd6r   2019 Aug 20, 9:30am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
When I go to vote IHLary herself hands me anywhere from 10,224 to 35,242 ballots and a cup of coffee. Then she wanders around the school gym with a boom box playing Bee Gees tunes and bum blasts all the voters with her immense hob-nailed dildo.

Your numbers are wrong, she gives out 666 ballots! And she plays this video to encourage her voters:
26   socal2   2019 Aug 20, 9:50am  

OneTwo says
No, if there was verifiable proof (of voter fraud? - there’s already proof of attempted manipulation by the Russians), then you would have demonstrated the existence of a serious problem.

Funny, the Media and the Bonkers Donkey party have been going absolutely ape-shit for nearly 3 years claiming Trump and Russia "stole" the election.

Where were all your posts criticizing the Media and Democrats for making such baseless and reckless claims?
27   WookieMan   2019 Aug 20, 9:57am  

OneTwo says
No, if there was verifiable proof (of voter fraud? - there’s already proof of attempted manipulation by the Russians), then you would have demonstrated the existence of a serious problem. Notice the use of the conditional in your sentence. You just admitted the evidence for widespread voter fraud doesn’t exist.

I didn't admit anything. I frankly think anyone on the side that we should have LESS requirements to verify you're a citizen and can vote is 100% wrong. There really is no discussion to be had. We have a law that you need to be a citizen to vote. This is a very clear cut discussion. If one non-citizen votes, there's voter fraud. Plain and simple. It's 100% wrong if there's even 1,000 or 10,000,000. But we have no fucking clue because we're not allowed to investigate people that are here illegally in a bunch of big cities!

And fuck Trump and his claim and whatever research you claim is BS. That's a moot point. Is there voter fraud, yes or no? I'm more concerned about officials getting elected to the House based on a 500 vote difference where there's the possibility non-citizens residing here could have put someone into office. Or my state rep getting elected based on non-citizens voting in our elections. People put too much god damn weight towards the President. Most everyone's issues they have with government are on the local level, but muh, Trump.

We need voter ID, plain and simple. If you're against that, move. When my family makes a big decision, like a vacation or purchasing a house, I don't fucking allow Timmy from down the street to have any input on my decision. He's not a part of my family. If you want lawlessness and bull shit, just move to the already existing shitholes in Africa and the middle east. I don't want Juan, fresh from Mexico City with no skin in the game (taxes) choosing my elected officials. If you think that's okay, walk the plank.
28   Shaman   2019 Aug 20, 10:15am  

OneTwo says
You and Trump are indulging in evidence free extrapolation, and have now apparently become certain of the accuracy of one-off small sample polling data. Funny that.

I live in LA, ok? I know the kind of shit that happens because i see it at the polls, the registration drives, the DMV which recently was forced to admit that it wrongly registered over 700,000 illegals to vote.
29   OneTwo   2019 Aug 20, 10:17am  

I’ve already said what I think should be done. In this day and age, it should be possible to start trialing electronic voting. Everyone should vote, then you’d have the necessary participation that better facilitates stable, functioning democracies. If you undermine that, which is precisely what this President tries to do, the it is a very slippery slope, as is/would be dwindling voter participation.
30   OneTwo   2019 Aug 20, 10:20am  

socal2 says
OneTwo says
No, if there was verifiable proof (of voter fraud? - there’s already proof of attempted manipulation by the Russians), then you would have demonstrated the existence of a serious problem.

Funny, the Media and the Bonkers Donkey party have been going absolutely ape-shit for nearly 3 years claiming Trump and Russia "stole" the election.

Where were all your posts criticizing the Media and Democrats for making such baseless and reckless claims?

Er, I wasn’t posting. I wasn’t even looking at the site.
31   socal2   2019 Aug 20, 10:34am  

OneTwo says
Er, I wasn’t posting. I wasn’t even looking at the site.

Sorry - I am referring to most Democrats and the Media who have been claiming Russia stole the election in 2016.

For all my adult life they have been calling Republicans crazy and racists for having concerns about the integrity of our election system. I believe all of Europe and most of the 1st World requires basic photo ID to vote. But it is apparently a crazy thing to require in America where we have literally 10's of thousands of legal and illegal immigrants coming into our country every month.
32   rdm   2019 Aug 20, 10:39am  

Quigley says
I live in LA, ok? I know the kind of shit that happens because i see it at the polls, the registration drives, the DMV which recently was forced to admit that it wrongly registered over 700,000 illegals to vote.

You have a link on that 700K illegal story?

The voting system is far from perfect. Part of the problem is it is run by umpteen different organizations and is a state and local function. There is a lot of incompetence. This is also the beauty of it as attempts to tamper are foiled by the shear number and confusion of decentralized election boards.

A some years ago I had to cast a provisional ballot because my name didn't show up on the voter reg. roll and (by the way they have always asked for ID in CA and checked that against the roll). after that I just started voting by mail. So much easier and less hassle. CA has millions that vote that way and it will only increase.
33   WookieMan   2019 Aug 20, 10:45am  

rdm says
(by the way they have always asked for ID in CA and checked that against the roll)

Maybe in CA. This 100% does NOT happen in IL. I just say my name and get a ballot. The registration process should involve proof from the get go, and then when you arrive at the voting booth. This isn't hard or discriminatory. Anyone that says otherwise is flat out lying.

Many illegals managed to cross an ocean or the cartel ridden country of Mexico, but can't get to a fucking DMV (which they most likely did to get their license) to verify there are legal citizens. Twilight zone shit.
34   socal2   2019 Aug 20, 11:00am  

I have not had to show ID in California the last 3 voting cycles.
35   RC2006   2019 Aug 20, 11:03am  

rdm says
(by the way they have always asked for ID in CA and checked that against the roll)

I have never been asked to show ID in Los Angeles.
36   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 20, 11:39am  

One Two is doing the Ole I(?)og trick. Where no matter what you say, or what you cite, he demands your proof matches the Narrative.
37   OneTwo   2019 Aug 20, 12:02pm  

Tenpoundbass says
One Two is doing the Ole I(?)og trick. Where no matter what you say, or what you cite, he demands your proof matches the Narrative.

Damn, how terrible of me to ask for evidence for the narrative you are peddling. If you make outlandish claims, as seems to be your approach, you’d better have some pretty solid evidence to back it up (which is clearly not your forte). There’s one hell of a difference between claiming that there are some voter irregularities vs claiming it could be up to 16m. If you peddle the latter sort of claims, which you do, you’d better have more than one piece of laughable ‘research’ from a non-tenured professor to back it up otherwise it’s perfectly reasonable to dismiss out of hand what you are saying. But hey, just like Trump, it’s obviously enough for you to disseminate these sorts of things without worrying about their validity.
38   Shaman   2019 Aug 20, 12:23pm  

So you demand proof that the mainstream media is not reporting the story or lying about it, and ask for mainstream media sources to confirm the hypothesis? Plenty of reputable sources are not major networks. It’s not a serious stretch to surmise that a media network owned by a small number of very wealthy people might have an agenda to protect those owners interests.
39   socal2   2019 Aug 20, 12:24pm  

marcus says

The author of the study (and big Hillary supporter) was on Twitter today defending his study and promised to provide more information in the coming days.

FFS - Trump supporters are afraid to put campaign signs in their yards or wear MAGA hats without the Media and their terrorist Antifa army putting their lives at risk. Hell, they can't even donate money to Republicans without Democrats publishing their names.

Is it really hard to believe that the relentless branding and messaging by Google, Facebook and the monolithic group-think Media calling Trump and his supporters racist rapist Commies might have had a statistically significant on voting?
40   RC2006   2019 Aug 20, 1:59pm  

socal2 says
Trump supporters are afraid to put campaign signs in their yards or wear MAGA hats without the Media and their terrorist Antifa army putting their lives at risk. Hell, they can't even donate money to Republicans without Democrats publishing their names.

Cant be said enough, I never thought the day would come when I have to tell my father in law an old retired veteran to take a presidents campaign sticker off his car out of fear because of crazy opposition.

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