by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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ffmpeg -y -i greta-whine-full.mp3 -ss 00:04:39.150 -to 00:04:42.100 -c copy -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 2 clips/how-dare-joo.mp3
$mp3File = 'how-dare-joo.mp3';
printf('<video controls> <!-- %s --> <source src="data:audio/mp3;base64,%s" type="audio/mp3"></video>', $mp3File, base64_encode(file_get_contents($mp3File)));
Your insistence on this after we've looked at it before is the ultimate example of the pathological dishonesty required to be a TRump Cuck. No better than Trump himself.
You prove Obama to probably be correct. He didn't say it would never increase again. He said it wasn't coming back. Bama is a wonk, so he understands all to well that automation destroyed more American manufacturing jobs than exporting manufacturing jobs did.
Now you want me to be your bitch and just accept it ?
I agree. But Trump has in my view been more anti working class than any democrat would have been.
You can say Obama lies too("you can keep your doctor"), but it's nothing like the same.
I mostly associate with working class people. And I consider myself working class.
Patrick saysHow about getting back to the business of representing the working class rather than representing only tech billionaires and gays?
I agree. But Trump has in my view been more anti working class than any democrat would have been.
But I know you buy Trumps con, and resell it here on a regular basis.
I find the idea that science will never be able to make inferences form data, or that conclusions will always be based on someones agenda, not only ridiculously cynical, it's also just outright stupid.
"One time in 1971 a scientist was wrong. Therefore they are always wrong. "
. . . . dimbulb Trump Cuck
When the economy is good, that's when you bring annual deficits down !
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