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105743   Onvacation   2019 Oct 14, 2:38pm  

Tim Aurora says
You are after Biden because Hunter had a job which gave the impression that he was using his father's influence.

fixed it for ya.
105744   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 14, 2:45pm  

Obama/Biden gave Ukraine millions in exchange for "heavy consulting fees for Hunter Biden", and somehow liberals think that kind of shit is ok. Yeah, I guess other peoples tax dollars aren't valued. It's not like it's my blood sweat and tears that go into making money so some rich liberal fucks can just give it away. Mother fuckers!!!!
105745   Bd6r   2019 Oct 14, 2:53pm  

I get it. Everyone BUT fucking white males is a victim. They are quite efficient oppressors!
105746   richwicks   2019 Oct 14, 2:55pm  

The working class are the victims. For some stupid reason, our propaganda keeps insisting these people are exclusively white. :)

And it's not "white rage", this is justifiable working class rage. They've been screwed by NAFTA and their government. They want to make this a "white issue", because, damn, can't get the working class co-operating, they'll overthrow the entire rotten system.
105747   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Oct 14, 2:56pm  

Lol@washington Post
105748   richwicks   2019 Oct 14, 2:58pm  

I like how receiving $50,000 a month "working" at a job which he's entirely unqualified for, in a nation he doesn't speak the language, when he's a known cocaine addict - is now "work". That's work apparently.

Hey, I could probably learn to enjoy cocaine, and I don't speak Ukrainian either, also I do have SOME experience in the energy industry (but electrical), but I wasn't thrown out of the Navy and my dad isn't vice president, nor has he ever been.

Can I get the "job"? I'll do it for only $25K a month :)
105749   Bd6r   2019 Oct 14, 3:03pm  

I wonder why R's are suddenly so successful? Population tired of GLOBOHOMO OPPRESSION circus? Jobs in fracking/oil industry lead to understanding that green deal D's will kill the (considerable) prosperity that goes with oil? People tired of ORANGEMAN IS WORSE THAN HITLER nonsense?
105750   Bd6r   2019 Oct 14, 3:07pm  

There is the issue of affirmative action, which is the only legislative discriminatory system left. It is not an issue of past like Indian genocide, or even an issue which relates to individual behavior (like murder rate differences between races where a law-abiding black person does not have anything to do with it). Affirmative action demonstrably discriminates agains whites and Asians as evidenced by school admission scores.
105751   richwicks   2019 Oct 14, 3:10pm  

6rdB says
I wonder why R's are suddenly so successful? Population tired of GLOBOHOMO OPPRESSION circus? Jobs in fracking/oil industry lead to understanding that green deal D's will kill the (considerable) prosperity that goes with oil? People tired of ORANGEMAN IS WORSE THAN HITLER nonsense?

1 data point doesn't indicate a trend. Also, the governor is very likely to remain a Democrat. Also, how many turn overs in seats where there?

Seems like they just kept the status quo to me, honestly. The headline doesn't match the article.
105752   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 14, 3:12pm  

Tim Aurora says
One can crib how the British corrupted the whole world by destroying very wealthy countries such as China and India. Or how America destroyed Vietnam or how whites killed the American Indians or how the blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks. Or how the Asians cannot get into Harvard since they are discriminated against. Or how the capitalist pigs suck blood from poor communists.

Or who White People ended the tearing of children's still beating hearts out by the hundreds (sometimes thousands) to feed the Sun or Rain demon by Aztec Barbarians.
Or the White People who are responsible for at least doubling the lifespan of every African, and more than doubling that of Native Americans, Indians, Chinese, etc.
Or the White People responsible for the greatest expansion of living standards in human history.
Or the White People who created the first Civilization to ban the Slave Trade, and then Slavery itself.
105753   richwicks   2019 Oct 14, 3:13pm  

That's funny, on Washington Post, they are asking for $1 a month for an electronic copy. I wonder if anybody pays for it?


I think that's kind of funny, that they dare to ask for money for propaganda. Does anybody not realize what they are by now?
105754   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 14, 3:13pm  

Tim Aurora says
That is just hearsay and right wing acquisitions. On the other hand Trump kids are doling out favors for money

Evidence, on the level of Biden bragging to a think tank seminar that he got a prosecutor looking into them from another country fired or he'd not disburse aid money?
105755   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 14, 3:24pm  

This is the video. Liberal media is literally talking about these videos, talk about liberal priorities.


liberals don't denounce violence against Republicans, Americans, Conservatives, Religion, Families, etc...
105756   richwicks   2019 Oct 14, 3:40pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Looks like you didn't even read the article.

No, I didn't. I read this though

"Democratic incumbent John Bel Edwards, a pro-life moderate, was unable to avoid a runoff, attracting just 46.6 percent of the 'jungle primary' vote. The two leading Republicans in the contest racked up 51 percent of the vote, with the top GOP vote-getter, businessman Eddie Rispone, advancing to directly challenge the governor in November."

OccasionalCortex says
Gaining a super-majority isn't 'keeping the status quo'. Winning seats with 60% - 80% majorities isn't to sneeze at either.

What was the PREVIOUS percentage? Keeping the status quo just means keeping roughly the same demographic. If it changes by 20%, that is a major change - 10% not so much although it's significant. If it's swung from Democrat to Republican, that would be a pretty big change if it was done by a moderate margin.

OccasionalCortex says
Perhaps you are confusing the Soft Dictatorship in Cali with the far more competitive political environment in Gumboland for some reason?

This isn't a soft dictatorship, it's run by a mafia. Heck, I went to the California Republican straw poll in 2007, and when it became obvious Ron Paul was sure to win it, they just cancelled the straw poll. The vote didn't technically matter, but they wouldn't even allow it.
105757   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 14, 3:49pm  

Tim Aurora says
Not correct info. Asian life expectancy dropped precipitously after British invasion.

Let's see your source. Here's mine

Capitalism and Science (99% from the West, from geology to chemistry to biology and modern medicine) For the Win.
105758   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 14, 3:51pm  

Tim Aurora says
And the point is - that rest of all the people should consider themselves inferior to whites. I could go on and tell you about the Asian contribution or that many of the world religion were from Asia and that China and India were the richest countries for the longest time. What does that achieve?

Should thank Whites and learn from Western Civilization, which is a whole package. Chemistry, the Combustion Engine, etc. did not arise out of a vacuum or arise by chance. Nor was it dependent on Babylonian/Indian/Chinese shit.

In fact, Chemistry came about BECAUSE Europeans tossed out everything that came before and started afresh without the Lead to Gold or Four Humours Bullshit.
105759   Shaman   2019 Oct 14, 3:51pm  

Tim Aurora says
Or how the capitalist pigs suck blood from poor communists.

When did that ever happen? Where do you learn these bizarre talking points? I think you’ve been miseducated.
105760   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 14, 3:52pm  

Tim Aurora says
Look up the world GDP share of China and India over the centuries.

That's not informative. India and China didn't shrink, but rather Europe leaped ahead.

That's like saying because Apple and Microsoft boomed, they stole everything from Commodore, TI, and Colecovision.

An example: Chinese ceramics were nice, but the French and the Dutch figured out "Delftware" which was just as pretty and study and was made in larger quantities by a much smaller workforce. They beat the Chinese fair and square by using empiricism and other advantages like widespread wind- and water- (later steam) power.

The myth is that there is something magic about tea or saffron that the Europeans stole to become great, which is just silly (for starters, it was the Europeans who got there and were able to engineer a takeover; how could they have done so without creating their own advantages over Asians to begin with?)
105761   Shaman   2019 Oct 14, 4:01pm  

NoCoupForYou says
That's not informative. India and China didn't shrink, but rather Europe leaped ahead.

Exactly! Our poorest citizens (and even illegal residents) live in unimaginable luxury with access to technology that can do things which would be regarded as pure sorcery by people only two hundred years back. Wealthy Chinese of yore would be considered paupers by any normal AMERICAN today, considering they had few entertainments, extremely substandard health care, and had to shit in a pot. Western civilization enabled such a Great Leap Forward in wealth that old empires appeared to be beggars by comparison. This isn’t the same thing as ripping their wealth away.
It’s more like a neighbor who suddenly wins the mega bucks lottery and is so much richer than you are that you’ll never catch up.
105762   richwicks   2019 Oct 14, 4:02pm  

Tim Aurora says

And what hard proof do you have against Hunter ( and do not tell me the old story ) . None

Give me a break. OK, name anybody else that has a similar lack of qualifications that has no connection to any politician at all, that ended up on the board of directors of any corporation on the PLANET in a nation that they don't even speak the language of to the tune of more than $20,000 a month.

ONE Anywhere on the planet, and any point in time.

Good lord, how much more obvious can it possibly get? Yeah, maybe in a PARALLEL UNIVERSE, somebody so completely unqualified could land this job for $50K a month, maybe even if they weren't the son of the Vice President of a nation that just fucking engineered a coup in the other nation.

God, I swear you remind me of the dimwits that called themselves "conservatives" back inn 2007 still insisting that maybe Bush and his administration didn't lie us into the Iraq War, the weapons were smuggled out into Syria, see? Yeah.. ok. I'm that gullible.

Look, I'm certain you're not this stupid, but stop being this gullible. It makes you appear stupid. Both parties are TOTALLY corrupt, don't whine and moan just because "your side" got caught - great, your party will have one less pile of shit in it, it will improve. You should celebrate every time some pile of garbage is removed from your party. Kamala Harris is corrupt as hell, Elizabeth Warren used her "minority" status to climb the power ladder, the Clintons are as corrupt as the Bush family. Push for their removal. These people are AWFUL people. If they were removed from government, and everybody like them was, think of how great it would be - but instead, you are tenacious in protecting anybody that is a "democrat". Pavlog couldn't train a better dog than you.

The Republicans at least admit corruption in their party, that's what a RHINO is. It's some asshole that claims to have "republican values" (whatever they are), but doesn't, and is just in government to enrich himself, and has ZERO values or principles. Like John McCain, or Mitt Romney. At least they know they have total garbage politicians. How come Democrats always deny this. Hey, Pssst - I got a hot tip for you, the Clinton Foundation wasn't REALLY a charity.. Of course you know this, but you won't even acknowledge it. McCain was doing the same thing until the mother fucker hopefully had the worst most painful death ever.
105763   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Oct 14, 4:03pm  

Is Elizabeth Warren white?
105764   Shaman   2019 Oct 14, 4:04pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Looks like GLOBOHOMO isn't selling in the Bayou, either.

You know what the loneliest Bayou is?
All bayou self.
105765   richwicks   2019 Oct 14, 4:07pm  

The US doesn't have 5G, and it became known that Merkel's phone was tapped by our intelligence agencies under Obama.

Gee whiz, I wonder why the Germans would go with the Chinese when all of Silicon Valley's devices are backdoored and compromised? Gee whiz.. Who could have seen this perfectly obvious outcome?
105766   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 14, 4:11pm  

OccasionalCortex says
If a NATO 'ally' is a such a hardcore trade whore of Communist China & Putin's Russia, then why are we still in NATO?

By allowing the reunification of Germany, the replacement of the EEC with the EU dominated by Germany, and neglecting the mandatory contribution from Germany to NATO, we broke the most important rule to making sure Europe doesn't go to the birds:

The Americans In, the Russians Out, and the Germans Down. - Lord Ismay, first NATO Secretary General
105767   richwicks   2019 Oct 14, 4:11pm  

Tim Aurora says
And the point is - that rest of all the people should consider themselves inferior to whites.

No - Europeans stumbled upon the right set of ideas at the right time. So you ended up with modern medicine, sanitation, electronic communication, gasoline cars, artificial fertilizer, a bunch of stuff - because they happened to have the right ideas at a time it was needed.

And a lot of it was luck, it would have stopped at about 1950 if the US just got it's ass handed to it in WWII and the USSR beat Germany, then took over Europe. We go real lucky, the whole world di.
105768   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Oct 14, 4:13pm  

My state assembly member openly hates white people. What can possibly be wrong with that...
105769   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 14, 4:18pm  

Envy is a bitch.

Look at the Arabs and Africa. The least "Colonized" for the least length of time, but the ones with the biggest whinge.

Mostly, the French and UK simply made sure rulers friendly to them were put in charge so their trade and later, coaling stations, weren't interrupted. They also forced the Arabs and Africans to give up slavery at gunpoint (something White bashers hate to acknowledge).

In fact, the UK and France did ditto in India too. At first they were welcomed because they broke the Arab monopoly; the Arabs were also interfering, especially in Southern india, to protect their trade. It was only after a century or so, when a mix of circumstances occurred, like dying dictators leaving their estate to the British, that Britain began to administer parts of India directly. Let's also remember that Northern India was an imperialist conquest of a Mongolian Empire successor state run mostly by Persian Muslims. Hence the word "Moghul" for a trust creating stinker.

At no point did any Europeans rule over China directly. Their worst "Conquest" was gaining a series of Treaty Ports for free trade, part of which they administered directly. And in the process, educated thousands of Chinese in Administration, English, Science, etc. Chinese wealth actually expanded faster in the European Treaty Ports than it did in the rest of China, due to fair rules, and much more interest in creating a just environment for contract enforcement and commerce, rather than the whim of a commerce/industry hating Confusian Mandarin.
105770   Booger   2019 Oct 14, 4:24pm  

richwicks says
Gee whiz, I wonder why the Germans would go with the Chinese when all of Silicon Valley's devices are backdoored and compromised?

Because Chinese phones aren't compromised???
105771   richwicks   2019 Oct 14, 4:25pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Even The Hill calls this a disaster for Democrats:

Well, the proof is in the pudding. If things improve great, if they stay the same... Maybe guillotines need to be built. I don't want to see that happen.
105772   Booger   2019 Oct 14, 4:27pm  

105773   Booger   2019 Oct 14, 4:29pm  

105774   EBGuy   2019 Oct 14, 4:37pm  

Tim Aurora says
Not correct info. Asian life expectancy dropped precipitously after British invasion.

Opium does wonders for your long term prospects; I think Tim may be referring to the First Opium War? At any rate, it's clear that the Third Opium War is taking casualties.
In the past 10 or so years, the mortality trajectory of non-Hispanic whites in the U.S. has worsened, diverging from progress seen for Hispanic and non-Hispanic black populations. This Rising mortality has been especially stark among 25-to-44-year-olds, largely due to the opioid crisis.
105776   Hircus   2019 Oct 14, 4:55pm  

That article is pure race baiting, anti-white, racist, drivel.

The fact that white people make more money than blacks everywhere isn't because of some evil oppression enacted by whites. Tell me, where is this black utopia where they suddenly succeed when not oppressed by whitey? The black folks in places without the whites are much worse off.

Hell, Africa recently seized all the farm land from the evil, oppressive white males and kicked them out of the country. They quickly descended into famine because they couldn't do the job anywhere near the level of performance of their "oppressors", and had to resort to begging the evil white farmers to come back. But, we all know the real reason for the famine is because the evil whites were oppressing them from a distance, after getting kicked out, right?

This journalist stinks. Look at their poor reasoning - how they justify their first sentence:

A 2018 PRRI-MTV poll found that 55 percent of white respondents think that discrimination against whites has become as big a problem in the United States as discrimination against blacks and other minority groups.

Needless to say, this perception is at odds with reality. Whites are still much better off than blacks. The poverty rate among African Americans is 21.8 percent; among whites, 8.8 percent. The median wealth of black households is $17,409; among whites, $171,000. The homeownership rate for blacks is 41.2 percent; among whites, 71.1 percent. There is also manifold evidence of continuing discrimination against African Americans. It’s hard to imagine a white man being choked to death by police, as Eric Garner was in New York, for illegally selling cigarettes. Or two white men being evicted by police from a Starbucks for asking to use the bathroom without ordering anything, as two black men were in Philadelphia.

What does any of that have to do with discrimination? Ya know, you can be incredibly successful, but still be discriminated against. Likewise, just because one isn't successful, does not mean they've been discriminated against. But, were dealing with readers with the intellect and blinding bias of children here, so I can't expect them to think critically and logically like this.

How do people buy into this junk?
105777   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 14, 5:09pm  

Here's another problem: The incomes of Black immigrants is much higher than native born Black Americans. They're also more likely to get and stay married.


If rampant anti-Black racism is so bad, how come just as black if not blacker African, Afro-Carribean migrants are making much more than native born Blacks, and more than Central American immigrants?
105778   Patrick   2019 Oct 14, 5:31pm  

richwicks says
The working class are the victims. For some stupid reason, our propaganda keeps insisting these people are exclusively white. :)

And it's not "white rage", this is justifiable working class rage. They've been screwed by NAFTA and their government. They want to make this a "white issue", because, damn, can't get the working class co-operating, they'll overthrow the entire rotten system.

The reason is that the constant bogus accusations of "racism" serve to keep the working class divided, and thus unable to unify and effectively oppose global capital.

So it's quite a clever reason to constantly accuse white people of various crimes. Just keep the workers divided!

Global capital doesn't even hate us. They don't care about us at all. Hate would be a step up. They just want whatever is most profitable right now, and that is the export of manufacturing and import of illegals until the US is bled dry and turned into a 3rd world country. Then they will move on and exploit some other place.

The answer, amazingly, is Trump. But that's only because the political left has utterly and completely failed to protect the working class of the various nations, and instead become obsessed with imaginary "racism" by whites (not by anyone else!), tranny bathrooms, and the right of men to fuck each other in the ass.
105779   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 14, 7:02pm  

Tim Aurora says
And you did not get the pre British era did you.

1800 would be the dawn of the British Era, and the dawn of reliable, regular records on individuals and general demographics as well. So my graphs do the job.
105780   Rin   2019 Oct 14, 7:11pm  

NoCoupForYou says

The Saffron herb/spice is from the ancient (pre-Islamic) Persian Empire, the first white empire of the world, before the others.
105781   ignoreme   2019 Oct 14, 7:17pm  

Jesus, this looks serious! What is the university of Florida up to? Clearly something evil.

I mean, when I heard about that Ukraine gas company giving a 50k a month salary and China giving a 1 billion dollar loan to a coke head navy drop out I wasn’t worried because clearly China and Ukraine are so well known for their transparency and general goodness.

But a University of Florida student group paying a speaking fee! The nerve!

Thank God for you finding this AF!
105782   BayArea   2019 Oct 14, 7:49pm  

Fake news

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